Introduction Years from now, when we look back at hobby life during the pandemic, Warhammer Quest: Cursed City will probably be the product we most associate with all the strangeness and disruption of that period. It was teased for months, then revealed as the next big Warhammer Quest game with a beautiful mini-website that more …
Johannes Poulsen
Games Workshop's neuer Streaming-Dienst Warhammer+ ist da. In diesem Artikel erklären wir, wie man auf den Dienst zugreifen und ihn nutzen kann. Außerdem halten wir euch über alles auf dem Laufenden, was auf der Plattform veröffentlicht wird, mit Beschreibungen und Mikro-Rezensionen von Veröffentlichungen, sobald sie eintreffen. Wie funktioniert Warhammer+? Warhammer+ ist ein Bundle-Abonnement, das dir Zugang zu einem ...
The Kruleboyz is a warband for the Age of Sigmar skirmish game Warcry. You can find all the cards and abilities needed to play the warband on the Warhammer Community site here or in the Tome of Champions 2021. As their name suggests, the Kruleboyz might not be as big as their Ironjawz cousins in …
The second “season” of Warcry, Games Workshop‘s skirmish game set in the Age of Sigmar, har arrived, and along with it a brand new starter set called Warcry Catacombs. This is our Warcry Catacombs review! Catacombs features a brand new way of playing Warcry: Battles can now take place underground in tight corridors with doors, …
While competitive tournaments and Matched Play is where many players will spend most of their time playing Age of Sigmar 3.0, the new edition of the fantasy tabletop wargame also comes with a new system for narrative campaign play called Path to Glory. Path to Glory has existed before in the history of Age of …
For the last few years, most of Games Workshop’s games have been structured around three pillars of play: Matched Play, which is the competitive format that especially Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar are known for, Narrative Play, which is often defined by a detailed campaign mode in especially skirmish games such as Warcry …
The command points system in Age of Sigmar can be a bit confusing, especially with the latest changes in Age of Sigmar 4.0. This guide is for beginners who want to learn what Commands are and how they work, but it’s also useful for veterans to refresh their memory and in the end we list …
The miniature games company Games Workshop have quite a few different game systems available at the moment, but most of them are tied to their two main fictional universes: the future dystopia of Warhammer 40.000 (often referred to as 40K) and the high fantasy universe of Warhammer Age of Sigmar (often referred to as AoS). …
Einleitung Die Zahl der PC-Spiele, die im Warhammer-Universum angesiedelt sind, ist in den letzten Jahren sprunghaft angestiegen, und es gibt keine Anzeichen dafür, dass sich die Entwicklung in nächster Zeit verlangsamt. Es gab einige große Erfolge wie die Total War: Warhammer-Reihe, aber es gab auch eine Menge Spiele, die nur okay waren, ...
Last year, we reviewed the first annual Tome of Champions 2019, and we generally liked much of the new additions to the game such as the Trial of Champions campaign rules. A thing we didn’t like so much back then was how some of the book was tailored for stuff that hadn’t been released yet, …