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Johannes Poulsen

Hi I am Johannes.

I used to play a ton of Age of Sigmar, but now my main focus is Kill Team. I follow all new releases very closely and I find much joy in the community and the hobby aspects around Warhammer.

The Cities of Sigmar are seven warbands for the Age of Sigmar skirmish game Warcry. They represent the pockets of civilization established by the God-King Sigmar across the Chaos-infested Mortal Realms, each with their own culture and military traditions. The Cities of Sigmar warbands are a bit different from all other Warcry warbands: Instead of …

Lesen Sie mehr über Cities of Sigmar Shieldbands Warcry Warband – Guide, Tactics, Overview

The Kharadron Overlords Prospectors are a warband for the skirmish game Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry. You can find all the cards to play this warband in the “Sentinels of Order” battletome that was released in December 2020. They are a versatile warband with good flying and excellent shooting attacks, so if you like wearing …

Lesen Sie mehr über Kharadron Overlords Prospectors Warcry Warband – Guide, Tactics and Overview

 “Night is our weapon” The Khainite Shadowstalkers are a warband for advanced players for the skirmish game Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry. They are fragile but fast and manoeuvrable, striking from the shadows and dancing between foes with their sharp blades and Ulguan magic. If you like a challenging but rewarding warband, the Khainite Shadowstalkers …

Lesen Sie mehr über Khainite Shadowstalkers Warcry Warband: Guide, Tactics & Overview