The Void-Dancer Troupe is a kill team for the Games Workshop tabletop skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. The Harlequins are some of the strangest Aeldari in the galaxy. They might belong to the Craftworlds, the Drukhari of Commorragh, the raiding Corsairs or the mysterious Exodites, but all Harlequins share a common devotion to Cegorach, …
Johannes Poulsen
The Veteran Guardsman Kill Team is a Kill Team for the Games Workshop skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. It is part of the Kill Team: Octarius Starter Set. The Astra Militarum is the military of the Imperium of Man – a billions-strong force of ordinary men and women defending their homelands against the horrors …
The Kommandos are an Ork Kill Team for the Games Workshop skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. They are part of the Octarius Starter Set for the game. In Ork Kommandos Kill Team guide, we go through all their operative types and abilities so you can find out if they’re the right Kill Team for …
The Blades of Khaine are a kill team for the tabletop skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team by Games Workshop. They’re available as part of the Kill Team: Salvation expansion for the game. The Aspect Warriors that make up the Blades of Khaine kill team are all Craftworld Aeldari, an ancient Xenos species who, after …
The Scout Squad is a kill team for the tabletop skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team by Games Workshop. They’re available as part of the Kill Team: Salvation expansion for the game. Scouts are Space Marines in training. They’ve not yet become the completely transformed post-human killing machines in Power Armour that make up most …
Star Wars: Shatterpoint is a tabletop skirmish miniature game based on the Star Wars universe and published by Atomic Mass Games. In Shatterpoint, each team is made up of two squads of miniatures, and Atomic Mass Games generally release new miniatures for the game in Squad Packs so that you can just buy two of …
Update A lot of the content here is slowly getting outdated. This was our article before Warhammer: The Old World was released. The relevant information from this article in updated form can be found in our other Warhammer the Old World Content: Warhammer the Old World is an upcoming tabletop game from Games Workshop. It …
The Exaction Squad is a kill team for the miniatures skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team by Games Workshop. They’re available as part of the Kill Team: Soulshackle expansion for the game. This is our Exaction Squad Kill Team Guide. The Exaction Squad is made up of operatives from the Adeptus Arbites, the elite enforcers …
The Kasrkin are a kill team for Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team tabletop skirmish game, and they can be bought as part of the Shadowvaults expansion set for the game. One of the most famous Imperial worlds is Cadia – or, more precisely, was, since Cadia was destroyed by Abaddon the Despoiler after having …
The Wyrmblade is a kill team for the Games Workshop tabletop miniature skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. Its rules are available in White Dwarf Magazine issue 472. The Wyrmblade are the special forces of the Genestealer Cults, a mutant uprising on Imperial Worlds infected by Tyranid Genestealers for the purpose of making their world …