Es ist äußerst schwierig, genau zu wissen, welche Farbe man aus einer Farbflasche einer bestimmten Farbserie erhält. Die Farben, die Sie auf der Verpackung, dem Etikett und sogar der Farbe in der Flasche sehen, sind nicht dasselbe, wie sie auf dem Mini aussehen werden. Eine Vielzahl von ...
So Zenithal highlighting? What is it? How does one use Zenithal Highlight Techniques for Miniatures? What can it be used for and how can it best be used? Hi my name is Niall and I am a miniature painter. In this article I am going to cover all aspects of Zenithal Highlighting in our little …
If you paint miniatures you have most likely run into this problem: you are doing a pretty decent job of laying down those final details, only to find that you have rubbed off paint on part of the miniature. This is because the oil from your skin is rubbing on parts of the model and …
So stippling, just what is it? How does one stipple? What can it be used for and how can it best be used? Hi my name is Niall and I am a miniature painter. In this article, I am going to cover all aspects of the stippling technique in our little miniature painting hobby from …
Are you a budding hobbyist just starting out on your miniature painting journey? Are you someone looking for some advice on how to paint your very first miniature? Well look no further friends. Hi, my name is Niall and I’m a miniature painter. I’ve been painting little metal and plastic monsters for more years than …
Having one or more hobbies is a great way for any child to develop creative, cognitive and social skills – and have fun at the same time! For many kids (and their parents!), painting, building and playing Warhammer or other miniature tabletop games is a great choice of hobby that involves creativity, self-expression, storytelling, logic …
Are shadows constantly blocking the exact part of the miniature you are trying to paint? Do you suffer from back pain after prolonged painting sessions? Are your miniatures looking shockingly different when you see them in daylight? Then, my friend, your miniature desk lamp is likely part of the problem. I know how that feels …
Painting miniatures can be a frustrating experience if you lack a good light or lamp. Your colour scheme and highlights might look beautiful at the painting table, only to look completely different in daylight or at the gaming table. What is worse, with many lamps you have to bend forward to be able to see …
There are a ton of different miniature painting techniques and all of them have some cases where they are great to use and other instances where they are not the best choice. Knowing about several miniature painting techniques and styles, what they are and how can you best use them will help you a lot …
How important is story in your hobby? My name is Niall and I competed in the UK Golden Demon this year (2022) held at Warhammer World in Nottingham, England. This was my first time competing and to say I had a great time is an understatement. I got to see some inspiring work up close, …