The Hunters of Huanchi are the second non-Chaos warband released for Warcry and the first of the new season set in Ghur. While nominally belonging to the Seraphon army (lizardmen riding dinosaurs), they are their own warband with their own rules and brand new fighters. Background and Lore of the Hunters of Huanchi Warband When …
You want to play a skirmish game from Games Workshop, but you are in doubt which one you would like best. In this article we take a look at Kill Team VS Warcry. Tabletop skirmish games – miniature wargames where each player only controls a handful of models – are in their prime right now. …
The Chaos Legionnaires are the first individual box released for Warcry since it moved to the Realm of Beasts of Ghur. While on the surface they look innocent chaos warriors, in reality they follow Be’lakor and his hidden agenda to sow confusion and discord in the Chaos forces. Background and Lore of the Chaos Legionnaires …
This is an article in a series where we do an overview of all Warcry Warbands for a Grand Alliance and exactly what fighter can be taken in each warband. This article is the warcry warbands for Order. You can find the Warcry Warband overview for Chaos here and the Warband overview for Death & …
This is an article in a series where we do an overview of all Warcry Warbands for a Grand Alliance and exactly what fighter can be taken in each warband. This article is the warcry warbands for Death & Destruction. You can find the Warcry Warband overview for Chaos here and the Warband overview for …
This is an article in a series where we do an overview of all Warcry Warbands for a Grand Alliance and exactly what fighter can be taken in each warband. This article is the warcry warbands for Chaos. You can find the Warcry Warband overview for Order here and the Warband overview for Death & …
The new season of Warcry launched with a box set in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts. The Horns of Hashut are the vanguard of Hashut’s armies and they are ready to reduce the Gnarlwood to ashes. While initially they tried to have the best of Ghur the traditional way with burning and soiling, they soon …
The new season of Warcry launched with a box set in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts. The Rotmire Creed is the first warband that was revealed pitted against the Horns of Hashut. While they don’t call their god directly Nurgle, you will see they share many traits with the Plague God followers, by whom they …
Warcry: Red Harvest is the third big box set released for Warcry (November 2021) and it contains all you need to start playing Warcry. While it does not contain the full Core Rules book as the previous edition, there’s enough in the included book to start a Narrative campaign. If you want, you can complement …
You have started mustering your Warcry warband and heard about Allies, Monsters and Thralls but have no idea what they are or even if you are allowed to use them? Or you have an idea but not sure which are available for your warband? Then this is the guide for you. We will first explain …