Meso-American look and feel? Check. Space lizards? Check. Dinosaurs riding dinosaurs? Check. Laser weapons? Check. All of this at once? Ok, not exactly all of it in Warcry but Seraphon are pretty much all of this. Ready to abandon the lustrous jungles and invade Eightpoints? What changed in the new edition for the Seraphon Scale-cohorts …
The Stormcast Eternals are the most famous of Age of Sigmar armies and they could not miss the opportunity to move war to Chaos in Archaon’s stronghold itself. They have different warbands available for Warcry, if you are looking for an elite warband with solid options, then this is the warband for you. Other than …
Tzeentch is the Chaos God of magic and manipulation, the Changer of Ways. While his daemons are the manifest will of Tzeentch, the multiple mortals that follow him live in secrecy and plot to destroy civilization from within. Will you lead the Tzeentch Arcanites to war using your arsenal […]
You followed the Chaos Gods in the Eightpoints. You challenged them in the name of Gorkamorka, Nagash or any other Order God. You went into Archaon’s dominion just for profits or in search of unimaginable artefacts. And now you are there wondering which warband can give you the edge against the others in the game …
Tzeentch is the Chaos God of magic and manipulation, the Changer of Ways. His daemons represent this raw energy and maddening affinity with magic, each infused with a glimmer of the god essence. This is a guide for the Tzeentch Daemons Warcry Warband. Change is coming, will you embrace it leading Tzeentch Daemons to war? …
“We are His Chosen” The Spire Tyrants is a Chaos warband for Age of Sigmar: Warcry. They are durable and hard-hitting gladiators who excel at building momentum from one kill to the next. If you want a challenging warband that rewards careful planning with spectacular hero moments, the Spire Tyrants might be the right warband …
The Stormcast Eternals are the most famous of Age of Sigmar armies and they could not miss the opportunity to move war to Chaos in Archaon’s stronghold itself. The Stormcast Eternals are divided in different chambers and some of them have an equivalent Warcry warband. Continue on here to hear about how the Warrior Chamber …
The Stormcast Eternals are one of the most famous of Age of Sigmar armies and they could not miss the opportunity to move war to Chaos in Archaon’s stronghold itself. If you are looking for a warband to perform flanking manoeuvres and ranged damage, then this is the […]
A big draw of Warcry is the campaign system used mostly in the Narrative setting. However, you can create your own narrative flow by playing in any format and still progress on your personal path. The narrative side changed with the release of the new edition, and this article has the scope to resume how …
The Tome of Champions 2019, the first annual collection of rules and tweaks for Age of Sigmar: Warcry, has arrived, and here’s our in-depth review of it. Notice that a 2020 version of the Tome of Champions is now out. While the 2020 ads some new things, it does not necessarily make the 2019 version …