This is a review of the Start Collecting Slaves to Darkness box: an entire new Start Collecting push-fit box for your chaos undivided army… or any other of the 4 Chaos Gods army in need of mortals. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The …
Start Collecting Reviews
This is a review of the Start Collecting Khorne Bloodbound: half of the original Age of Sigmar starter set together with the Stormcast and a replacement of the Khorne mortals start collecting. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The Start Collecting boxes are …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Skeleton Horde: a perfect starting point for a “bony” army of Legions of Nagash. The focus here is on the core Deathrattle units, a sub-faction of Legions, but it’s also the cheapest way to obtain a Mortarch and who does not need more skeletons in life? If …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Malignants box: while there is no current faction for Malignants, this box aims to add some starting elite units to a Legions of Nagash army focused on spectral forces. It can also be used for expanding a Nighthaunt army and chip in a useful ally. 2 out …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Flesh-Eater Courts: a perfect starting point for this army of lunatics believing to be noble knights. Including one leader option on foot or on behemoth, an elite unit and a battleline is all that you need to start collecting this crazy army. If you do not know …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Ironjawz box: a good starting point for an Ironjawz army but also an important step for a Big Waaagh! army, the newest allegiance in the Orruk Warclans battletome. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Maggotkin of Nurgle box: the lastest infested box to reach the happy Nurgle family, this time concentrating on mortals. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The Start Collecting boxes are a very convenient way to …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Skaven Pestilens Box: the foulest of all Skaven clans. If your goal is the final rotting of the world through a rat infestation then this is your starting point. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The Start …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Daemons of Tzeentch: anything can change, so if you are ready to challenge your fate here is the way. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The Start Collecting boxes are a very convenient way to …
This is a review of the Start Collecting box “Daemons of Slaanesh”: the first step to be damned in a constant obsession towards excess. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The Start Collecting boxes are a very convenient way to get started playing …