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Warhammer 40K New Models & Products Released in 2023

In this article, we track, and show images of, all new products released in 2023 for Warhammer 40,000, Kill Team, Necromunda, Horus Heresy, Adeptus Titanicus, Legions Imperialis and all other 40k-related miniature games.

New Miscellaneous 40K Models

Grotmas Gitz

This new holiday model was revealed on November 24, 2023.

Status: Released December 2023

Warhammer 40,000: Paints and Tools Set

This beginner’s set for painting Warhammer 40,000 miniatures was revealed on July 9, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Warhammer 40,000: The Rules

This pocket-sized version of the Core Rules for 40k 10th edition was revealed on July 9, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Warhammer 40,000 Introductory Set

Jeu d'introduction à Warhammer 40k
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This beginner set for 40k 10th edition contains 10 Termagants, a Ripper Swarm, a 5-man Infernus Squad, 5 paint pots, a clipper, a rush, dice, a small game mat, dice, a ruler and a beginner’s handbook for playing the game. It was revealed on July 3, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Warhammer 40,000 Starter Set

Warhammer 40K 10ème édition Starter Set
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This starter set for 40k 10th edition contains a game mat, dice, 2 rulers, datasheets, an introductory handbook, a Captain in Terminator Armour, a 5-man Infernus Squad, a 5-man Terminator Squad, a Winged Tyranid Prime, a Psychophage, 20 Termagants, 2 Ripper Swarms and 3 Von Ryan’s Leapers. It was revealed on July 3, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Warhammer 40,000 Ultimate Starter Set

Warhammer 40K 10ème édition Ultimate Starter Set
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This Ultimate starter set for 40k 10th edition contains everything in the regular starter set plus the Core Rules, some scenery, a Librarian in Terminator Armour and 5 Barbgaunts, which makes the set contain a Space Marines Combat Patrol and a Tyranids Combat Patrol, making it the only starter set for this edition that can actually be used to play a legal gaming mode in 10th edition to its full extent. It was revealed on July 3, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Tyrannic War

This book for 40k 10th edition games of Crusade was revealed on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released July 1, 2023

Index Card Packs for all factions

These Index Card Packs for every faction, which will be available at the launch of 10th edition, contain all the rules you need to play the faction in the new game until your codex is released. The contents of the pack will also be downloadable as pdfs for free.

Status: Released July 1, 2023

Leviathan Mission Deck

This deck of mission cards for 40k 10th edition was revealed on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released July 1, 2023

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan Launch Box

Warhammer 40,000 : Leviathan
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This launch box for 40k 10th edition was revealed on April 29, 2023. It’s a limited release that contains a special launch rulebook and 2 full armies: one for Space Marines and one for Tyranids.

Status: Released June 24, 2023.

Boarding Patrol: Leagues of Votann and Boarding Patrol: Agents of the Imperium

Patrouille de combat : Les ligues de Votann
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Agents de l'Imperium - Patrouille d'embarquement
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These last two Boarding Patrol boxes for the first Boarding Actions season Arks of Omen was revealed on May 3, 2023.

Status: Released

Boarding Patrol: Adepta Sororitas

Adepta Sororitas Boarding Patrol (Patrouille d'internat)
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This new Boarding Patrol box was revealed on March 14, 2023.

Status: Released

Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Custodes

Patrouille d'embarquement de l'Adeptus Custodes
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This new Boarding Patrol box was revealed on March 14, 2023

Status: Released

Boarding Patrol: The Thousand Sons

Patrouille d'embarquement Thousand Sons
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This new Boarding Patrol Box was revealed on March 14, 2023.

Status: Released

Boarding Patrol: Aeldari, Drukhari

Patrouille d'embarquement Aeldari
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These two new boxes for the Boarding Actions game mode were revealed on February 21, 2023.

Status: Released April 1, 2023

Boarding Patrol: Necrons, Tyranids, Grey Knights

Les Nécrons embarquent dans la patrouille
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Patrouille d'arraisonnement des Tyranides
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Patrouille d'embarquement des Chevaliers gris
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These three new Boarding Patrol boxes were revealed on February 7, 2023.

Status: Released

Boarding Patrol: Orks

Boarding Patrol: Orks

This new Boarding Patrol box, which includes the new Snikrot model, was revealed on March 4, 2023.

Status: Released April 1, 2023

Boarding Patrol: T’au Empire

Patrouille d'embarquement T'au Empire
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This new Boarding Patrol box, which includes the brand new Commander Farsight model, was revealed on March 4, 2023.

Status: Released April 1, 2023

Boarding Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus, Chaos Daemons, Genestealer Cults, Death Guard

Garde à mort Patrouille d'embarquement
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Patrouille d'arraisonnement des sectes de Genestealer
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Les Daemons du Chaos montent à bord de la patrouille
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Patrouille d'embarquement de l'Adeptus Mechanicus
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These 4 Boarding Patrol boxes were revealed on February 14, 2023.

Status: Released

Boarding Patrol: Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines

Patrouille d'abordage des Space Marines du Chaos
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Patrouille d'abordage des Space Marines
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These two new Boarding Patrol boxes for the Boarding Actions game mode were revealed on January 9, 2023.

Status: Released

Captain Vitrian Messinius

Captain Vitrian Messinius

This hero of the Dawn of Fire novels, and one of only a few survivors of the White Consuls space marine chapter, was revealed as a model at the Black Library Celebration on December 4, 2022.

Status: Released February 25, 2023

Void War Bases

Void War Bases

These new indoor bases for 40k was revealed on October 8, 2022.

Status: Released February 18, 2023

Communiqués de saison et carnets de campagne

Arks of Omen: The Lion

Arks of Omen: The Lion

This fifth and final Arks of Omen book was revealed on March 22, 2023.

Status: Released

Arks of Omen: Farsight

Arks of Omen: Farsight

This fourth book in the Arks of Omen series was revealed on March 4, 2023.

Status: Released April 1, 2023

Arks of Omen: Vashtorr

Arks of Omen: Vashtorr

This new campaign book for the Arks of Omen event was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released

Wrath of the Soul Forge King

Wrath of the Soul Forge King

This new dual army box with a Chaos Space Marines force on one side, consisting of the new Vashtorr, 2 Obliterators, a Venomcrawler and 10 Chaos Cultists, and a Dark Angels force consisting of the newly Primaris-ified Azrael, 10 Intercessors with Dark Angels upgrade sprues and 5 Deathwing Terminators, was revealed on January 27, 2023.

Status: Released

Arches de présage : Angron

Arches de présage : Angron

This new campaign book for the Arks of Omen event was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released Februry 11, 2023

Arks of Omen: Grand Tournament

Arks of Omen: Grand Tournament

This new update for Matched Play was revealed on December 22, 2022.

Status: Released

Arches de présage : Abaddon

Arches de présage : Abaddon

This new campaign book for the Arks of Omen event was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released January 14, 2023

Actions d'embarquement Terrain Set

Actions d'embarquement Terrain Set
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This new terrain set for the new Boarding Actions game mode was revealedon October 8, 2022.

Status: Released

Adeptus Mechanicus Releases and Images of New Models

Combat Patrol: Purge Corps Delta-9

This second Combat Patrol box for the Adeptus Mechanicus was revealed on November 6, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus

This new 10th edition codex for Adeptus Mechanicus was revealed on October 14, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Sydonian Skatros

This new sniper specialist for the Adeptus Mechanicus was revealed on October 14, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Necrons Releases and Images of New Models

Orikan the Diviner

This new Cryptek character sculpt for the Necrons was revealed at the World Championships preview on November 18, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Combat Patrol: Necrons

This new Combat Patrol box for the Necrons was revealed on November 6, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Overlord with Translocation Shroud

This new version of the Necron Overlord was revealed on October 30, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Imotekh the Stormlord

This reimagining of a classic Necron character was revealed on October 14, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Codex Necrons

This new 10th edition codex for the Necrons was revealed on October 14, 2023.

Status: Released December 9, 2023

Leagues of Votann : communiqués et images des nouveaux modèles

Defenders of the Ancestors Christmas Battleforce

This new Christmas gift set for the Leagues of Votann was revealed on October 23, 2023.

Status: Released

The Ancestor’s Wrath

This unique Einhyr Champion sculpt was revealed as the Warhammer Day miniature of 2023 on September 18, 2023.

Status: Released (with up to 180 days delivery time)

Kâhl Yôht Grendok

Kâhl Yôht Grendok

This new named Kâhl for the Leagues of Votann was revealed on January 2, 2023 and will be this year’s 40k Store Anniversary Model.

Status: Released whenever your local Warhammer store has its anniversary

New Tyranids Releases and Images of New Models

Onslaught Swarm Christmas Battleforce

This Christmas gift set for the Tyranids was revealed on October 23, 2023.

Status: Released


This new Psyker-hunting monster was revealed on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released in Combat Patrol: Tyranids

Von Ryan’s Leapers

This brand new unit for the Tyranids was revealed on April 10, 2023.

Status: Released in Combat Patrol: Tyranids

Termagants and Ripper Swarms (10th Edition)

These new sculpts for the classic Termagants and Ripperswarms was revealed for the upcoming 10th edition of 40k first on March 22 and then fully on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released in Combat Patrol: Tyranids

Winged Tyranid Prime

This new HQ for the Tyranids was revealed on April 24, 2023.

Status: Released in Combat Patrol: Tyranids

Norn Emissary

This centrepiece for the Tyranids was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023

Norn Assimilator

This alternate build from the same kit as the Norn Emissary was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023


This update of a classic kit was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023


This alternate version of the Lictor was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023.


This reimagining of one of the most iconic Tyranid kits was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023.

Multipart Termagants

This multipart version of the Termagants with new weapon options was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023.


This melee unit for the Tyranids was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023.


This update of a classic Tyranid kit was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023


This alternate build option for the Biovore kit was revealed on July 15, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023.

Combat Patrol: Tyranids

Patrouille de combat des Tyranides
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This Combat Patrol box for the Tyranids was officially unveiled on August 27, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023.

Datasheet Cards: Tyranids

This pack of datasheet cards for the Tyranids was revealed on August 27, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023

Tyranids Dice Set

This dice set for the Tyranids was revealed on August 27, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023.


This updated sculpts for the Tyranid Deathleaper was revealed on June 12, 2023.

Status: Released September 9, 2023

Termagants and Ripper Swarm + Paints set

This beginner’s set for painting Tyranids was revealed on July 9, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023


This new unit for the Tyranids was revealed on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Space Marines Releases and Images of New Models

Space Marines Spearhead Force Christmas Battleforce

This Christmas gift set for the Space Marines was revealed on October 23, 2023.

Status: Released

Space Marine Captain With Jump Pack

This new jump pack captain was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released October 14, 2023

Space Marine Company Heroes

This new box of Space Marine heroes was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released October 14, 2023

Codex: Space Marines (10th Edition) release date

This new codex for the Space Marines in 10th Edition was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released October 14, 2023

Space Marine Multipart Sternguard Veterans

This multipart version of the Sternguard Veteran Squad from the Leviathan box was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released October 14, 2023

Space Marines Terminators (10th edition)

Space Marine Terminator

This new version of the iconic Space Marine Terminators was revealed for the upcoming 10th edition of 40k on March 22, 2023.

Status: Released in Combat Patrol: Space Marines

fernus Squad

This new flamer-wielding unit was revealed on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released in Combat Patrol: Space Marines

Captain in Terminator Armour

This new Terminator Captain was revealed on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released in Combat Patrol: Space Marines

Space Marine Multipart Terminator Squad

This multipart version of the Terminator Squad from the Leviathan box was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released October 14, 2023

Space Marine Jump Pack Intercessors

This new unit of Jump Pack marines was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released October 14, 2023

Space Marine Chaplain in Terminator Armour

This new Terminator Chaplain was revealed on August 31, 2023

Status: Released October 14, 2023

Space Marine Vanguard Task Force

This rerelease of the Primaris Phobos Marines in a new collected set was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Captain with Relic Shield and Lieutenant with Storm Shield

This rerelease of the Indomitus Captain and Lieutenant was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Infernus Marines + Paints set

This beginner’s set for painting the new Space Marines was revealed on July 9, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armour (10th edition)

Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armour

This new Librarian model was revealed on April 17, 2023.

Status: Released July 22, 2023

Strike Force Agastus

This new Strike Force Box includes 5 Heavy Intercessors (already released separately), a 10-man Desolation Squad, a Brutalis Dreadnought and a new Primaris Lieutenant. It was revealed on January 27, 2023.

Status: Released March 4, 2023

Blood Angels Releases and Images of New Models

Commander Dante

This new Primaris version of the classic Commander Dante was revealed on March 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Dark Angels Releases and Images of New Models

Lion El’Johnson

Lion El’Johnson

This Primarch of the 1st Space Marine Legion was revealed on March 22, 2023.

Status: Released



This Primaris update of a fan favorite character for the Dark Angels Space Marine chapter was revealed on December 25, 2022.

Status: Released in a dual army box, to be released separately

World Eaters Releases and Images of New Models

Exalted of the Red Angel Christmas Battleforce

This new Christmas gift set for the World Eaters was revealed on October 23, 2023.

Status: Released

Combat Patrol: World Eaters

Patrouille de combat des mangeurs de monde
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This Combat Patrol box for the new World Eaters was revealed on January 13, 2022.

Status: Released May 6, 2023



This new unit of mortal Khorne cultists was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023



This new elite unit for the World Eaters was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023

Exalted Eightbound

Exalted Eightbound

This extreme version of the Eightbound was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023

Chaos Lord on Juggernaut

Chaos Lord on Juggernaut

This mounted version of the Chaos Lord was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023

Codex: World Eaters

Codex: World Eaters

This dedicated codex for the World Eaters Chaos Space Marine legion was officially revealed, cover and all, on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023

Lord Invocatus

Lord Invocatus

This new character for the World Eaters was revealed on October 8, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023

Khorne Berzerkers

Khorne Berzerker

This updated kit for Khorne Berzerkers was revealed on August 8, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023



This Daemon Primarch for the World Eaters Chaos Space Marines was revealed after a leak on July 8, 2022.

Status: Released February 11, 2023

Ork Releases

Beast Snagga Stampede Christmas Battleforce

This new Christmas gift set for the Orks was revealed on October 23, 2023.

Status: Released



This new version of Snikrot was revealed on March 4, 2023.

Status: Released in the Boarding Patrol: Orks box, separate release upcoming

T’au Empire Releases

Commander Farsight

Commander Farsight

This new version of the legendary T’au hero was revealed on March 4, 2023.

Status: Released in the Boarding Patrol: T’au Empire box, to be released separately

Astra Militarum Releases and Images of New Models

Cadian Defence Force Christmas Battleforce

This new Christmas gift set for the Astra Militarum was revealed on October 23, 2023.

Status: Released

Commissar’s Duty

The Commissar’s Duty

This mini-diorama is the 40K event-exclusive miniature of 2023.

Status: Available at official GW events.

Minka Lesk

Minka Lesk

This Black Library character model was revealed on March 8, 2023.

Status: Released July 29, 2023

Cadian Castellan

Cadian Castellan

This new HQ for the Astra Militarum was revealed on October 10, 2022.

Status: Released February 25, 2023



This elite infantry unit was revealed on June 6, 2022.

Status: Released February 18, 2023

Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum

Combat Patrol: Astra Militarum

This new Combat Patrol box was officially revealed on February 12, 2023.

Status: Released February 25, 2023

Aegis Defence Line

Aegis Defence Line

This scenery for the Astra Militarum was officially revealed (we think – it was at least leaked before that as a kit to be released) on February 12, 2023.

Status: Released February 25, 2023

Cadian Upgrade Sprue

Cadian Upgrade Sprue

This upgrade sprue for the upcoming new sculpts for Cadian Shock Troops was revealed on January 4, 2023.

Status: Released February 25, 2023

Attillan Rough Riders

Attillan Rough Riders

This new update of a classic Astra Militarum cavalry unit was revealed on October 17, 2022.

Status: Released February 25, 2023



This new HQ for the Astra Militarum was revealed on October 8, 2022.

Status: Released February 25, 2023

Lord Solar Leontus

Lord Solar Leontus

This supreme commander of the Astra Militarum was revealed on October 31, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Rogal Dorn Tank

Rogal Dorn Tank

This new (big) tank for the Astra Militarum, named after the Primarch of the Imperial Fists, was revealed on October 24, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023



This updated sculpt for the classis Astra Militarum Walker was revealed on June 6, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Scout Sentinel

Scout Sentinel

This lighter version of the new Sentinel was revealed on October 8, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Ursula Creed

Ursula Creed

This new character for the Astra Militarum is the daugther of the legendary Cadian Commander Ursarkar Creed, and was revealed on June 6, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Cadian Shock Troops

Cadian Shock Troops

This reimagining of a classic unit was revealed on October 8, 2022

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Escouade de commandement cadienne

Escouade de commandement cadienne

This new version of the Astra Militarum command squad was revealed on October 8, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Field Ordnance Battery

Field Ordnance Battery

This new artillery unit for the Astra Miliatrum was revealed on October 8, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Heavy Weapons Squad

Heavy Weapons Squad

This new heavy weapons squad was revealed on October 8, 2022.

Status: Released January 28, 2023

Chaos Space Marines Releases and Images of New Models

Master of Possession

This long-awaited separate release of the Shadowspear Master of Possession was revealed on August 13.

Status: Released

Balefleet Battleforce

Balefleet Battleforce

This new Battleforce was revealed on January 9, 2023.

Status: Released February 11, 2023

Daemon Prince

Daemon Prince

This new Daemon Prince was revealed during Warhammer Fest Online 2022 on May 4, 2022

Status: Release January 21, 2023

Kill Team Releases and Images of New Models

Warhammer Heroes

This new season of Warhammer Heroes, which will make up a full Kill Team when you collect the whole range, was revealed on May 1, 2023.

Status: Released in independent stores in select countries.

Kill Team Annuel 2023

This collected edition of all the teams and content for the Gallowdark season of Kill Team was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Fellgor Ravagers

The separate release of this Gallowfall kill team was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Hearthkyn Salvagers

This separate release of the Leagues of Votann Gallowfall kill team was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Main de l'archonte

This separate release of the Drukhari Soulshackle kill team was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Mise à niveau de Killzone : Gallowfall

This separate release of the Gallowfall scenery was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Inquisitorial Agents

This separate release of (half an) Inquisitorial kill team from the Ashes of Faith expansion was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 26, 2023

Kill Team : Ashes of Faith

This new narrative expansion, pitting Chaos Cultists against Inquisitorial Agents, was revealed on May 1, 2023.

Status: Released

Kill Team : Gallowfall

Kill Team Gallowfall

This final expansion for the Into The Dark season of Kill Team contains a Leagues of Votann kill team made of a box of Hearthkyn Warriors with an upgrade sprue, and a brand new kill team of Chaos Beastmen. It was revealed on March 22, 2023.

Status: Released



This new Gallowdark expansion, with a new Adeptus Arbites Extraction Squad and a Hand of the Archon Kabalite Squad, was revealed on January 27, 2023.

Status: Released February 18, 2023

Legions Imperialis Releases and Images of New Models

Thunderhawk Gunship (repackaged for Legions Imperialis)

This rebased version of the epic scale Thunderhawk Gunship was revealed on November 12, 2023.

Status: Released

Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia Infantry Set

This infantry set for the Solar Auxilia was revealed on November 12, 2023.

Status: Released

Legions Imperialis Legiones Astartes Infantry Set

This infantry box for the Legiones Astartes was revealed on November 12, 2023.

Status: Released

Legions Imperialis Army Cards

These army cards for the Legiones Astartes and Solar Auxilia were revealed on November 12, 2023.

Status: Released

Legions Imperialis Bases

These sculpted bases for Legions Imperialis were revealed on November 12, 2023.

Status: Released

Civitas Imperialis City Road Tiles

This set of terrain tiles for Legions Imperialis was revealed on July 24, 2023.

Status: Released

Civitas Imperialis Ruins

This set of ruins was revealed on July 24, 2023.

Status: Released

Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron

This tank set was revealed on July 27, 2023.

Status: Released


This dual kit was revealed on July 27, 2023.

Status: Released

Repackaged Flyers

These Aeronautica Imperialis flyers, including Lightning Fighters, Marauders and Arvus Lighters, are also getting rebased and re-released for Legions Imperialis.

Status: Released

Deimos-Pattern Rhino

This set of 10 (10!) Rhinos was revealed on July 27 2023.

Status: Released

Plastic Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan

This plastic version of the formerly resin Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan was revealed on July 6, 2023.

Status: Released

Legions Imperialis Box Set

Warhammer played in Epic scale (like, a fourth of the size of regular Warhammer minis) is back, this time set during the Horus Heresy! This starter set contains 2 armies, 1 for Space Marines and one for Solar Auxilia (regular Imperial humans). It was revealed on July 1, 2023.

Status: Released

Legion Imperialis Rulebook

This separate release of the Legions Imperialis Rulebook was revealed on November 12, 2023.

Status: Released

Horus Heresy Releases and Images of New Models

Mk VI Assault Marines

This new plastic kit for Legion Assault Squads was revealed on April 30, 2023.

Status: Released

raitor Champion Consul

This new Consul model for Traitor Legion forces was revealed on September 14, 2023.

Status: Released

Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness

This new book of battle plans and rules for Horus Heresy was revealed on September 7, 2023.

Status: Released

Legiones Astartes Battle Group

This new army box for Horus Heresy Space Marine armies contains 30 new Mark III Marines, special weapons sprues, a Deredeo Dreadnought and a Land Raider.

Status: Released

Plastic Deredeo Dreadnought

This new plastic version of the Deredeo Dreadnought was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released

Fulgrim Transfigured

This transfigured version of the Primarch Fulgrim was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released

MKIII Tactical Squad

This updated version of the MKIII Tactical Squad was revealed on August 31, 2023.

Status: Released

Sons of Horus Weapon Upgrades

This set of weapon upgrades for the Sons of Horus was revealed on August 17, 2023.

Status: Released

Cerastus Knight Castigator

This new Cerastus Knight was revealed on July 1, 2023.

Status: Released September 30, 2023

Cerastus Knight Acheon

This new Cerastus Knight was revealed on July 1, 2023.

Status: Released September 30, 2023

Space Wolves Praetor

This new Praetor for the Space Wolves Legion was revealed on September 21, 2023.

Status: Released October 6, 2023

Space Wolves Mk VI Heads

This new (second) set of Mark VI heads for the Space Wolves Legion was revealed on September 21, 2023.

Status: Released October 6, 2023

Arvus Lighter

This transport for Imperial forces was revealed on August 10, 2023.

Status: Released September 8, 2023

Loyalist Champion

This new sculpt for Loyalist Space Marine Champions was revealed on July 13, 2023.

Status: Released September 1, 2023

Plastic Cerastus Knight Lancer

This new plastic version of the Cerastus Knight Lancer was revealed on April 30, 2023.

Status: Released

Imperial Fists Praetor in Terminator Armour

This character for the Imperial Fists was revealed on August 13, 2023.

Status: Released August 25, 2023.

Plastic Legion Vindicator

Legion Vindicator

This plastic version of the Vindicator was revealed on March 9, 2023.

Status: Released

Sons of Horus Legiones Decurion

Sons of Horus Legiones Decurion

This tank commander for the Sons of Horus was revealed on April 6, 2023.

Status: Released July 21, 2023

The Siege of Cthonia Campaign Book

The Siege of Cthonia

This new campaign book for Horus Heresy was revealed on March 23, 2023.

Status: Released

Despoiler Squad Upgrade Set

Despoiler Squad Upgrade Set

This new resin upgrade set for Mark VI Marines was revealed on March 2, 2023.

Status: Released

Infernus Abomination

Infernus Abomination

This new model for the Traitor Forces in Horus Heresy was revealed on February 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Librarian Consul

This new Librarian Consul was revealed on April 13, 2023.

Status: Released

Tanks retooled for plastic sponson weapons

Glaive with the new plastic sponson-mounted lascannons

On March 30, 2023, it was revealed on the Warhammer Community site that eight resin Horus Heresy tanks were being retooled to fit with the new HH tank sponson-mounted weapon plastic sprues, and rereleased each with an accompanying plastic sprue of sponson weapons.

Status: Released

Damocles Command Rhino Upgrade Kit

Damocles Rhino with the Command Rhino Upgrade

This resin upgrade for the Damocles Rhino was revealed on March 30, 2023.

Status: Released

Imperial Fist Legiones Decurion

Imperial Fists Legiones Decurion

This new tank commander upgrade for Horus Heresy tanks was revealed on April 6, 2023.

Status: Released

Vheren Ashurhaddon

This new Cadre-Captain for the Sons of Horus was revealed on April 30, 2023.

Status: Released

Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius

This new character for the Imperial Fists was revealed on April 29, 2023.

Status: Released

Sicaran Venator

Sicaran Venator

This plastic version of the Sicaran Venator was revealed on February 23, 2023.

Status: Released

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer

This plastic version of the Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer was revealed on January 27, 2023.

Status: Released

Contemptor Dreadnought Upgrades

Contemptor Dreadnought Upgrades

These Legion-specific torsos for the Contemptor Dreadnought were revealed in two batches on February 9 and March 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Mark VI Character Heads Upgrade Set 1

Character Heads Upgrade Set 1

This upgrade set of bare heads for Mark VI Marines was revealed on February 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Mark VI Character Heads Upgrade Set II

Mark VI Character Heads Upgrade Set 2

This second bare head upgrade set for Mark VI Marines was revealed on February 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Esoterist Consul

Esoterist Consul

This new model for an Esoterist Consul was revealed on February 2, 2023.

Status: Released



This Independent Character for the Alpha Legion was revealed on January 12, 2023.

Status: Released

Alpha Legion Mark VI Heads and Pauldrons Upgrades

Alpha Legion Mark VI Heads Upgrades

These upgrade kits (one for heads, one for pauldrons) for the Alpha Legion was revealed on January 5, 2023.

Status: Released

Typhoon Heavy Siege Tank

Typhoon Heavy Siege Tank

This plastic version of a classic Horus Heresy tank was revealed on December 15, 2022.

Status: Released

Word Bearers Mark VI Heads and Pauldrons Upgrades

Word Bearers Mark VI Heads Upgrades

These new upgrade sets (one for heads, one for pauldrons) were revealed on December 22, 2022.

Status: Released February 17, 2023

Salamanders Mark VI Heads and Pauldrons Upgrades

Salamanders Heads Upgrades

These new upgrade sets for Salamanders Mark VI Space Marines (one for heads, one for pauldrons) was revealed on December 8, 2022.

Status: Released February 17, 2023

Skyhunter Squadron

Skyhunter Squadron

This new kit for the Legiones Astartes Cavalry unit was revealed on January 19, 2023.

Status: Released February 18, 2023

Ultramarines Mark VI Heads and Pauldrons Upgrades

Ultramarines MKVI Heads Upgrades

These new upgrade sets (one for Heads, one for Pauldrons) for the Ultramarines in Horus Heresy was revealed on November 17, 2022.

Status: Released

Thousand Sons Mark VI Heads and Pauldrons Upgrades

Thousand Sons Mk VI Heads

These two sets of upgrades (one for heads, one for pauldrons) were revealed on November 24, 2022.

Status: Release January 21, 2023

Necromunda Releases and Images of New Models

Asun´ghar , The Lady of Ash and Terror’s Shadow

This new Ash Waste Nomad character and her grapplehawk familiar was revealed on September 25, 2023.

Status: Released

Ash Wastes Outpost

This new box of Ash Wastes terrain was revealed on September 25, 2023.

Status: Released

Ironhead Squat Prospectors Skalvian Explorator

This new vehicle for the Ironhead Squat Prospectors was revealed on October 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Ironhead Squat Prospectors Orrin Grimjarl and Techmite Exovator

This new House Agent (and techmite Exotic Beast) was revealed on October 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Urson Grimjarl and Techmite Occuli

This new Bounty Hunter and his Techmites were revealed on October 16, 2023.

Status: Released

Mind-Locked Wyrd and Cephalopod Spektors

This upcoming set of a Hired Gun and 3 Exotic Beasts was revealed on October 2, 2023.

Status: Released

The Aranthian Succession: Fall of Jardlan

This third book for the Aranthian Succession campaign was revealed on September 25, 2023.

Status: Released

Van Saar Ash Wastes Arachni-Rigs

These new plastic Arachni-Rigs for House Van Saar was revealed on September 25, 2023.

Status: Released

Ironhead Prospectors Claim Jumper

This new character for the Squats of Necromunda was revealed on July 25, 2023.

Status: Released

New Core Rulebook 2023

This new core rulebook collects all the latest game modes such as Ash Wastes games, as well as a lot of new rules updates and quality of life improvements, and was revealed on July 12.

Status: Released July 29, 2023

Outland Beastmaster with Millisaurs

Outland Beastmaster with Millisaurs

This new Beastmaster and his pets were revealed on January 16, 2023.

Status: Released

The Aranthian Succession: The Vaults of Temenos

The Aranthian Succession: The Vaults of Temenos

This new campaign book, the second in the The Aranthian Succession series, was revealed on March 17, 2023.

Status: Released April 7, 2023

Ashwood Stranger

Ashwood Stranger

This new Bounty Hunter was revealed on March 6, 2023.
Status: Released April 7, 2023

Lady Haera

Lady Haera

This 13th daughter of Lord Helmawr, lord of Necromunda, was revealed on November 28, 2022.

Status: Released April 6, 2023

Cawdor Ridge Walkers

Cawdor Ridge Walker

This new squad of vehicles for House Cawdor was revealed on November 19, 2022.

Status: Released April 7, 2023

“Sanctioner” Pattern Automata

‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata

These two new plastic Brutes for Enforcer gangs were revealed on February 27, 2023.

Status: Released April 7, 2023

sh Wastes Nomads Herder and Arthromite Duneskuttler

Ash Wastes Nomad Herder & Arthromite Duneskuttler

This Ash Waste Nomad character and his pet were revealed on January 9, 2023.

Status: Released

Ajex Gorgoth

Ajex Gorgoth

This new character for House Goliath (one of many released since their book was published) was revealed on December 27, 2022.

Status: Released

Rex Spires

Rex Spires

This new Dramatis Personae for Necromunda was revealed on December 12, 2022.

Status: Released

Estus Jet

Estus Jet

This new Dramatis Personae was revealed on December 12, 2022.

Status: Released

Outland Beastmaster and Ripperjacks

Outland Beastmaster and Ripperjacks

This new character and his horrifying minions were revealed on December 19, 2022.

Status: Released

Chem Dealer and Brute Handler

Brute Handler and Chem Dealer

These two new models for Necromunda were revealed on October 31, 2022.

Status: Released

Corpse Harvesting Party

Corpse Harvesting Party

This new group of characters (of which the squat-looking fellow above is just one of 4 members) was revealed on November 21, 2022.

Status: Released

Adeptus Titanicus Releases and Images of New Models

Campaign Compendium

Campaign Compendium

This new book which collects all the supplements released for the game so far was revealed on April 16, 2023.

Status: Released April 29, 2023

Conversion Beam Weapons

Conversion Beam Weapons

This pack of three Conversion Beam Weapons was revealed on March 13, 2023

Status: Released April 29, 2023
