Los Twistweald son un grupo de Sylvaneth infectados con un parásito originado en la región de Gnarlwood, como consecuencia del crecimiento antinatural espoleado por los motores de transformación del reino rotos y fuera de control que se estrellaron con el buque-templo serafón Ojo de Chotec. Trasfondo y tradiciones de la banda de guerra de Twistweald Los Sylvaneth son los protectores de todos los ...
Grito de guerra
Los Señores del Reino de Lumineth mantienen una compleja relación con los espíritus elementales y el templo de Ydrilan es el encargado de proteger a los espíritus del Río. Para convertirse en un Ydrilan Riverblade, uno tiene que pasar por un entrenamiento cada vez más difícil dentro de las aguas de un río caudaloso y sobrevivir a caídas en cascadas, ser estrellado contra rocas dentadas por ...
Los Piregheistas son los restos de aquellos que en vida protegían las almas de los difuntos con ritos crematorios, negando al Supremo Señor de la No Muerte, Nagash, lo que le corresponde y por lo tanto siendo castigados por toda la eternidad a vivir en agonía excepto en el momento en que condenan a otra alma a la condenación eterna y al dolor. Antecedentes y ...
The Teratic Cohort are made by Ossiarch Bonereapers warriors and leaders who displeased Nagash, the Great Necromancer. Their punishment is to be remade in bestial form while maintaining the knowledge of who they were and keep a sparkling of hope of one day to be brought back in their original shape. Background and Lore of …
When Sigmar abandoned the Mortal Realms closing off all paths to Azyr, the Realm of Heavens, the mortals have been offered a simple choice: death or join the Chaos forces. In front of such an offer, many renegaded their previous patron to proclaim their oaths to the Dark Gods. This addition to the Slaves to …
The Stormcast Eternals are the paladin of justice sent by Sigmar to reclaim the Mortal Realms from the forces of Chaos, Death and Destruction. Of all the souls who went though the reforging process, those in the Ruination Chamber are the one closer to completely lose their humanity. Stormcast Eternals have several Warcry warbands and …
The Order of Azyr is an organisation at the service of Sigmar’s forces specialised in witch hunting and to root out any form of corruption related to Chaos or Death forces. At the head of this warband we find Callis and Toll, a dynamic duo with their own series of novels and also an appearance …
The Blacktalons are a group of assassins led by Neave Blacktalon, Sigmar’s foremost expert in the art of removing extremely dangerous targets from existence. They are the protagonists of their own animated series on Warhammer+ and even several novels. Their Warcry rules help to recreate their adventures in smaller skirmish sets (they also have rules …
Cities of Sigmar Shieldbands, and their division in 7 different cities with abilities and reactions, has been completely changed with the launch of the updated range for the Age of Sigmar army. The rules are available from Warhammer Community website under the Warcry FAQ section. The warband, that had a whopping 60+ fighter profiles has …
Cities of Sigmar Shieldbands, and their division in 7 different cities with abilities and reactions, has been completely changed with the launch of the updated range for the Age of Sigmar army. The rules are available from Warhammer Community website under the Warcry FAQ section. The warband, that had a whopping 60+ fighter profiles has …