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Affiliate Link Policy

Hi, Peter here. I have always believed in transparency on the web and therefore I want you to know all about our affiliate links on the site.

When I mention a product on this webpage and link to it, I will direct you to a webstore where that product is avaliable. If you buy something from that store, I will earn a bit of money without any extra cost to you this. This is called an “affiliate link” and it is one of the ways you can help support Age of Miniatures and keep us producing and updating all of those articles. If hate it that kind of stuff, I would suggest you use firefox and block cookies (and ads for that matter).

If you can make it a habit of clicking one of our links before you make a big purchase, that would be super helpful. It costs you nothing but helps us immensely in return.

Below are the sites that I link to.

A lot of our links will direct you to a local Amazon store. It is not because I think that is the best place to buy your products, but a lot of you like to by from there anyway (especially you US-based people).

Best and Cheapest Warhammer Webstores in the UK

Firestorm is currently the UK webshop I would be most likely to refer people to. Both sites come with my highest recommendation. Their prices are good (about 20% normal GW prices), their reviews are great and their speed and customer service is top of the game.

Wayland Games is super cheap, but it can also be a bit of a gamble in terms of when your stuff arrives (a phun nickname for them is “Waylaid Games”). I have mixed feelings about their “in stock system”, but because of the cheap price a lot of people use them. Just beware that things can take a while to get to you.

Earlier I would be happy to refer you to either Element Games and Goblin Gaming. Personally, I have had good purchasing experiences, but as an affiliate things have been less than stellar.

Goblin Gaming promised the world but did not deliver at all. In fact, after spending +20 hours shifting my links to them, they shut down their program. Element Games are still solid but do not provide the best affiliate experience.

Besides those stores above I also link to Amazon. Quite a lot of people buy hobby products and various games from there.

Best and Cheapest Warhammer Webstores in the EU

Since Brexit it is, in most cases, no longer viable to buy Warhammer or hobby stuff from a UK webstore. This is a shame, as it has been a common practice for people in quite a long time.

This has hit me personally, but I am testing out new webstores to buy from within the EU. Right now I am leaning towards recommending The prices are super good and I have had my first pleasant experience with them (good information and speedy delivery). They are in the process of translating their site to English, but google translate can help you with those pages that are not in English yet.

Best Warhammer Stores in the US

A while back I did a big poll in the AoS community, specifically asking US gamers what stores they preferred to buy from. The vast majority buy their games from a local brick or mortar store and only a few buy their stuff online (most from amazon).

This is awesome, because it means that the “real” stores will survive and people will have place to play. But it also means I have a tough time sending you to a good US webstore.

I have tried finding a good US store that sells Warhammer online, used by a lot of people and that has good customer service and prices. So far I have had no luck finding that, so I am simply sending you to Amazon instead.
