This is a review of the Start Collecting Daemons of Nurgle: the perfect rotten way to start a disgusting and infected army and gather the multiple daemonic blessings of Grandfather Nurgle. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The Start Collecting boxes are …
Start Collecting Reviews
This is the Start Collecting box “Daemons of Khorne”: if you want to please the Blood God you can never go wrong with some of his daemons in the closet. But better don’t keep them restless! If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting […]
This is a review of the Start Collecting Beasts of Chaos: exactly what you need to start an army focused on mobility but also wild power. Beasts of Chaos is, in reality, a collection of 3 different factions with a pinch of monsters and there’s no box that would represent them in their entirety. This one, …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Beastclaw Raiders: the perfect and essential starting point for this elite ogor army. Spoiler alert: you will need to buy at least 2 of these boxes as all major leaders can be assembled from this kit and it contains a battleline option if the general is a …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Vanguard for the Stormcast Eternals”: one of the multiple options to collect Stormcast Eternals figurines at a discounted price, specialized in the Vanguard chamber. The Vanguards are the more agile and dynamic of the Stormcast forces based on shooting and mobility. If you do not know anything …
This is the Kharadron Overlords Start Collecting box: the first box coming out for the steam-punk flying duardin in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. If you do not know anything about what a Start Collecting box is, here is a short introduction. The Start Collecting boxes are a very convenient way to get started playing Warhammer …
This is a review of Start Collecting Greywater Fastness box: one of the latest Start Collecting to be added and an interesting entry starting point for the Cities of Sigmar, it would be a grudge to let it go! Note that, even if “advertised” as Greywater Fastness, these units can be used in any of …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Seraphon box: the first step towards your dinosaurs riding dinosaur dream. Seraphon are a varied army with mostly 3 types of lizards: the magical Slanns, the more agile Skinks and the bulkier Saurus. This box focuses heavily on the raw strength of the Saurus. If you do …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Fyreslayers box: your “army in a box” solution to start collecting angry naked dwarves. Which models are included in the Start Collecting Fyreslayers Box? This advertises the following miniatures on the box: 1 Auric Runefather on Magmadroth 1 Auric Runesmiter 1 Auric Runeson 10 Vulkite Berzerkers …
This is a review of the Start Collecting Idoneth Deepkin box: the first start collecting box for this army of Sea Aelves (came out in 2018). It is an excellent starting point with several good options. Which models are included in the Start Collecting Idoneth Deepkin Box? This box contains: 1 Isharann Soulrender 10 …