Es algo que nos ha pasado a la mayoría: acabamos de pintar una preciosa miniatura y estamos listos para transportarla a una partida. Tenemos prisa, así que la metemos en algo blando y salimos por la puerta. Al llegar, el modelo está roto o la pintura se ha ...
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Elegir una impresora 3D para imprimir miniaturas puede ser increíblemente desalentador. Hay tantos aspectos técnicos y características diferentes que aparecen en las páginas de ventas. En este artículo, voy directamente a los modelos de impresoras 3D de resina que deberías tener en cuenta a la hora de adquirir una impresora 3D para miniaturas. Estoy mirando impresoras 3D de resina de ...
A game mat, also called a battle mat or wargaming mat, is a play mat that is positioned on top of your gaming table to represent the battlefield where your game will take place. It adds realism and immersion to your session, compared to playing directly on top of a plastic table. Another advantage of …
Picking a 3D printer for printing terrain is no easy thing. There are so many options and the technical specs are bewildering before you have had one in your hands and tried it. In this article, I try to cut through all the bull and tell you what you need to consider when getting a …
Do you find it hard to see your miniature when you paint? Are shadows falling on the space you are trying to paint? Do you have to lean really close to your miniature to see what is going on? Well, then you might have a crappy miniature painting lamp. If you want to upgrade your …
Warhammer 40,000 isn’t just a spectacular tabletop miniatures game. If you’ve ever bought a rule book for the game or read a White Dwarf Magazine, you’ve probably also noticed that there’s a very, very big and complicated fictional universe for all of your tabletop adventures to fit into. In fact, you could say the Warhammer …
So, you bought Gloomhaven, you are enjoying it but then rapidly discovered in horror that putting everything back and then finding it again requires more time than actually playing the game. We have all been there: the amount of tokens, cards and accessories in the game is insanely high and if you don’t keep track …
When starting to paint your miniatures, you might wonder: What colors are best to use? And how do I get the most for my money? There are lots of equally good colors from different companies like Army Painter, Citadel, Vallejo, and some others. Those brands often offer starter sets for paints. This article gives you …
Airbrushing miniatures is super fun, can produce top quality and is in some cases the most efficient way of achieving great results. Once you have learned your ropes with an airbrush, you are probably ready to upgrade your gear and get something better. In this article, I will show you what I think is the …
My pick for best airbrush compressor is a generic version of an AS186 Getting a compressor for airbrushing miniatures is sort of a second thought thing. You find that amazing airbrush you want, and then you remember that you need a compressor for it. While not super important, a crappy compressor can negatively affect your …