When printing miniatures on entry-level machines, I am constantly feeling like I cannot really fit all of the models on the build plate that I want. What is worse, I have to split up big miniatures into smaller chunks and glue them together afterwards. And while glueing resin models together is okay, it is not …
Impression 3D
The Elegoo Mars 3 Pro is a fantastic entry-level resin 3D printer, that is often highly recommended when people ask for suggestions on where to start with 3D printing miniatures. This is my Elegoo Mars 3 Pro Review. Be aware that the Mars 3 Pro and non-pro are very much the same machines, so this …
Voici mon évaluation de l'Elegoo Mars 2 Pro après l'avoir utilisée comme mon chauffeur quotidien pendant un an. J'utilise principalement mes imprimantes 3D pour les jeux de table, j'ai donc imprimé beaucoup de figurines avec l'Elegoo Mars 2 Pro. Si vous avez l'intention de faire cela ou d'imprimer des choses qui ont besoin d'un haut niveau de détail, mon ...
So you got yourself a sweet resin printer and now you are ready to print some miniatures for Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer or your favourite skirmish game. The problem is: you do not have any files to print! In this article, I go through how to get some good miniature 3D printing files. I explain …
If you ever wondered what is so special about 3D printing your own miniature and are still on the fence if it is something for you, then this Beginner’s guide to 3D printing is for you. I am going to go through the exact step by step full process of printing miniatures using a resin …