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Warband Beasts of Chaos Wild Stalkers - Guide, tactiques et vue d'ensemble

The Brayherds are coming to take back the Eightpoints

The Beasts of Chaos Wild Stalkers are a warband for the skirmish game Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry.

You can find all the cards to play this warband in the “Agents of Chaos” battletome that was released in December 2020.

They are a fast, hard-hitting and versatile warband with a ton of options for a number of different playing styles.

If you like overwhelming the enemy with shock attacks and great numbers of melee fighters with ranged support, or if you like fielding hard-hitting monsters in close combat, the Beasts of Chaos might be just the warband for you.

This article is part of a larger series of warband guides.

 Vous pouvez trouver tout notre contenu sur Warcry ici

What changed in the new edition for the Beasts of Chaos Wild Stalkers warband?

In the new edition Beasts of Chaos saw mostly some small points and wound changes and the ability Bring Down the Storm going to a Triple from a Quad.

Briar and Bone a ajouté un trait de combat optionnel.

Background and Lore of the Beasts of Chaos Warband

While the Eightpoints are full of warbands dedicated to Khorne, Nurgle, or one of the other major Chaos Gods, the Beasts of Chaos worship Chaos itself. To them, Chaos is a force of nature, and the Beasts of Chaos are the original indigenous inhabitants of many areas of the Mortal Realms.

Because of this, the brayherds of the Beasts of Chaos hate civilization more than anything else, and strike at the bastions of Order from the wilderness in great hordes, slaughtering and consuming their foes with no other goal than to tear down what stands in the way of the natural, chaotic way of things.

The Beasts of Chaos are mutants – their half-human forms are twisted and blended with the forms of domestic animals such as goats and cattle, and the bigger and the more inhuman they look, the more powerful they are. For example, the weaker (but smarter) Ungors only have small horns, while a powerful Bestigor Leader has four long horns.

The more beast-like, the more powerful!

In battle, the Beasts of Chaos are natural ambushers- guerilla warriors that can attack swiftly and build momentum from shock attack to shock attack. Ungors, Gors and Bestigors strike in great numbers, while lumbering monsters such as Bullgors and Dragon Ogors take down larger, tougher targets.

Let’s have a look at their fighters and abilities of the Beasts of Chaos Warband.

Overview and Points for the Fighters in the Beasts of Chaos Warband

Note : si vous n'avez pas lu les règles de base de Warcry avant de lire cet article, il peut être utile de savoir que les capacités du jeu sont activées en utilisant 6 dés que vous lancez au début de votre tour.

Si deux des dés indiquent la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Double. Si trois dés ont la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Triple, et ainsi de suite.

Ainsi, lorsque cet article mentionne qu'une capacité est un Double, un Triple ou un Quad, il fait référence à ce système. Ce système peut sembler un peu confus, mais il est très rapide de s'y habituer lorsque vous commencez à jouer

The Beasts of Chaos warband is made of 26 fighters of which 12 are Leaders.

Beastlord: 180 points

The Beastlord is similar to a Gor Foe-Render Leader in power and utility: while he has the same melee attack as the Foe-Render, he has one additional Attacks, a few more Wounds and its own Leader ability, Trophée macabre.

The Triple ability Trophée macabre can be activated in the same activation he takes an enemy fighter out of action. Then, it adds 1 to Attacks of the melee attack actions of all friendly fighters within a bubble of 9″ around the Beastlord for the rest of the battle round.

This is a really good ability for a warband with access to so many cheap fighters. You can fit a lot of Gors or Bestigors in a 9″ bubble around a Leader, or you could put the Beastlord in a battle group with a couple of Bullgors with Great Axes for a much better chance of utilizing their high critical damage.

Great Bray-Shaman: 145 points

The Great Bray-Shaman is probably the Hero choice for many players of the warband, not just because it is thematically fitting to bring a spellcaster along to support your Beastlord or Doombull Leader, but because his unique ability synergizes well with strong melee Leaders.

Le Grand Bray-Shaman‘s unique Double ability, DévolutionSi le chaman se trouve à côté de votre chef de mêlée ou d'un groupe de combattants amis qui frappent fort, c'est un moyen peu coûteux de désigner une cible que vous voulez abattre sans que trop de combattants ennemis ne soient attirés dans la mêlée. Il dispose également d'une bonne attaque à moyenne portée avec des dégâts critiques de 6, ce qui lui permet de faire quelque chose tout en restant à l'abri derrière votre ligne de bataille.


  • Foe-Render: 140 points
  • Gor with Gor Blade and Beastshield: 65 points
  • Gor with Pair of Gor Blades: 60 points

La base Gor with Pair of Gor Blades is the cheapest fighter on your roster. It has 3 weak melee attacks and only 3 Toughness, but it does have a nice 5″ move and 10 wounds, which isn’t bad for its points cost.

Basic Gors are your best option if you just want to swarm the enemy with models, but it doesn’t have any other interesting tactical uses.

Like all Beasts of Chaos fighters, it has access to the Brayherd Ambush Double ability, which gives it an extra move (of as many inches as the dice value used for the ability) in the first battle round, but while this is a good, cheap ability, it is put to much better use on a stronger fighter than the Gor.

The other Gor option, The Gor with Gor Blade and Beastshield, has an added point in Toughness and one less melee attack. It is definitely better at surviving than the other Gor, but since the game is generally skewed towards critical damage (which ignores Toughness), it’s not a great upgrade. You’re better off with an Ungor, but more on that below.

The Gor Leader, the Foe-Render, is a buffed-up version of the Gor with paired Gor-Blades. He has 15 wounds, a Toughness of 4 and a stronger melee attack than the basic version. He also has access to the Leader Ability (Double) Déchirer, déchirer, déchirer ! which gives him a bonus move or attack action after killing an enemy fighter once in an activation.

He is not a bad Leader at all, but for few points more, you could get the Bestigor Leader, who does everything the Gor Leader does, but better and with an extra ability.

The Gors are really cool models, and they embody the idea of the Beasts of Chaos hordes better than any other models, but their fighter profiles are almost always outmatched by other fighter types in the Beasts of Chaos Warband – unless you want numbers superiority on the tabletop, in which case you can’t go wrong with the very cheap basic Gors with paired Gor-Blades.


  • Ungor Halfhorn: 95 points
  • Ungor with Ungor Blade and Half-Shield: 60 points
  • Ungor with Gnarled Shortspear and Half-Shield: 60 points
  • Ungor Raider Halfhorn: 120 points
  • Ungor Raider: 90 points

La base Ungor avec lame Ungor et demi-bouclier est une version plus faible du Gor porteur de bouclier, avec moins de blessures, pour un prix moins élevé si vous êtes à court de points.

The same goes for its Leader version, the Ungor Halfhorn, which has the Leader ability, more wounds and a better attack, but which doesn’t really bring anything interesting to the table. Avoid this unless you have a Rule of Cool compelling you to field an all-Ungor warband, in which case I won’t stop you (and no one should).

Le Ungor with Gnarled Shortspear and Half-Shield is a much better use of the Ungor kit. It has only 8 wounds, but it has a nice 2″ range spear attack with a critical damage of 4, and a Toughness of 4 as well, which is quite a lot of survivability for that cost. They’ll go down fast, but anything with a move of 5″ and a spear provides you with tactical options in Warcry.

Le Raider Ungor and its Leader version, the Ungor Raider Halfhorn, are some of the few fighters in the Beasts of Chaos warband with a Ranged attack profile. The basic version’s melee attack is as good as the one on a basic Ungor, but it also has 2 3″-15″ range attacks.

They aren’t great ranged attacks at all, but it gives you an extra tool to work with, and it has access to the Triple ability Volley of Arrows, which adds half of the value of the dice rolled for the ability, rounding up, to its ranged attacks characteristic for 1 activation. This means you could end up with 5 ranged attacks instead of 2 and aim for those pesky critical hits.

Le Leader version has same wounds and melee profile as the Ungor Halfhorn, in addition to the same ranged attack of the Raiders and the Leader ability which can give you an extra move or attack action.

In summary, the Ungors are the specialist versions of the Gors, and you can put the spear and bow versions to good use in a number of ways.


  • Gouge-Horn: 155 points
  • Bestigor: 100 points

Bestigors come in two versions:

La base Bestigor has 3 strength 4 damage 2/critical damage 4 attacks and 12 wounds. It also has access to the Triple ability Charge bestiale, which lets it do damage equal to the value of the ability dice roll to one enemy fighter when the Bestigor moves within 1 inch of that fighter. This makes the Bestigor a good all-round elite fighter on par with many of the elite fighters of the dedicated Chaos Warcry warbands.

The Bestigor Leader, the Gouge-Corne, a plus de blessures que la version de base, 1 attaque supplémentaire et des dégâts critiques de 5. Ceci, combiné avec le Capacité Charge bestiale and the Leader ability makes the Bestigor Leader another strong contender for your choice of warband leader – if you’re already planning on buying and fielding Bestigors, that is.

He’s not the strongest or most versatile Leader across all of Warcry, but his abilities are good and he has the attack profile to put them to good use.

Ogors de dragon

  • Dragon Ogor with Draconic Crusher: 200 points
  • Dragon Ogor with Paired Ancient Weapon: 210 points
  • Dragon Ogor with Draconic War-glaive: 205 points

There are three different Dragon Ogor fighter types in the Beasts of Chaos warband:

Le Dragon Ogor with Paired Ancient Weapons has a Move of 6″, 30 Wounds and 4 Toughness, as the two other Dragon Ogors. The Paired Weapons Ogor’s main feature is his whopping 5 Strength-4 attacks – if you are close enough to attack twice, that’s a lot of chances for hitting his critical damage of 4!

Like the rest of the Ogors, he has access to the Triple ability Bring Down the Storm, which lets do up to 6 damage to an enemy fighter within 20″ on a roll of 2+. As a Triple, if you have it with a value high enough, it is an interesting way to do some ranged damage at a huge distance. Not the best in the game, but Beasts of Chaos do not excel in ranged damage.

I think the Paired Weapons Ogor can be a strong defensive fighter: get him on an objective, and his high Wounds characteristic means he will probably survive an attempt by the enemy to take him out. Next time it’s his turn to activate, he can take his attackers out with a double attack action of his hefty attack profile.

Le Dragon Ogor With Draconic War-Glaive‘s specialty is its 2″ range attack, which just increases its survivability even more, whereas the Dragon Ogor With Draconic Crusher has 3 attacks with a very good critical damage of 6. All three Dragon Ogors combine good speed, damage and wounds, which makes them great elite fighters.

The thing keeping them from being amazing is that their abilities don’t really support what they are otherwise good at. For this reason, I would recommend taking Bullgors instead of Dragon Ogors in many situations, unless you really need the extra movement or have a Dragon Ogor Shaggoth.

Dragon Ogor Shaggoth: 260 points

This new addition to the warband from the Agents of Chaos battletome is basically a Leader version of the Dragon Ogor with Draconic Crusher – he has 2″ range, one more point in Strength and a few more Wounds.

What’s great about the Dragon Ogor Shaggoth is that not only do Dragon Ogors have a Leader, they also have one with a good ability that only works on them!

The Quad ability, Empowering Lightning, allows the Dragon Ogor Shaggoth to heal all Dragon Ogors in an area around him, making a Dragon Ogor-only warband more feasible.


  • Bloodkine with Bullgor Great Axe: 235 points
  • Bloodkine with Paired Bullgor Axes: 245 points
  • Bloodkine with Bullgor Axe and Bullshield: 215 points
  • Bullgor with Bullgor Great Axe: 195 points
  • Bullgor with Bullgor Axe and Bullshield: 190 points
  • Bullgor with Paired Bullgor Axes: 190 points

There are 3 different Bullgor fighter types in the Beasts of Chaos warband roster, each with their own Leader version called Bloodkine.

Le Bullgor with Paired Bullgor Axes a 30 blessures, 4 points de résistance et 4 points de force-5.

All of this is roughly on par or a tiny bit worse than the Dragon Ogor equivalent, but the Bullgor Double Ability Gorge de sang makes it all worthwhile: it lets you heal a number of wounds equal to the ability’s value after taking an enemy fighter down in the same activation.

Since this ability is only a Double, you can almost always use it, and it can often mean your Bullgor can survive another battle round in close combat. This implies that if you absolutely want to run big nasty monsters in your Beasts of Chaos warband rather than a whole horde of warriors, Bullgors are the way to go.

The Leader version, the Bloodkine avec haches Bullgor jumelées, has 5 more wounds, an extra attack and an extra point of critical damage, but costs a lot when other warbands have Leaders with similar profiles plus more interesting abilities for less points.

Le Bullgor avec la Grande Hache de Bullgor has the same stat-line and ability as its dual-wielding brother, but it has 3 melee attacks with a critical damage of 6, which is really good. If you can get it into a situation where it can attack twice, you have a shot at doing good damage. If you want to field one of these, I suggest you take it as its Leader version, the Bloodkine avec la grande hache de Bullgor (or the Doombull, see below), which has 3 of those attacks, but with a critical damage of 8.

A critical damage of 8 is among the highest in the game, and can be an intimidating factor to the enemy even before any attack dice are rolled. It is expensive, but at least you’re getting something extraordinary for the steep points cost, and if you can heal him up with Bloodgorge between fights, he can end up dealing a ton of damage to elite targets.

The last weapon loadout available is the Bullgor Axe and Bullshield that increases Toughness (to a good 5) at the cost of less attacks (3) compared with the Paired Bullgor Axes version. The 30 wounds are probably enough without having to sacrifice attacks, but if you need a leader a bit more resilient, a Bloodkine avec hache Bullgor et bouclier Bullshield will guarantee just that. He does lose more attacks compared to the Bloodkine with Paired Bullgor Axes (3 instead of 5).

The Bullgors are big chunks of wounds with a cool Double ability and some strong attacks, but the Great Axe Leader stands out as the most useful of the bunch.

Doombull: 280 points

The Doombull is similar to the Bloodkine with Bullgor Great Axe, with just one more Attacks and three more Wounds for a much higher cost. If you have points to spare in your warband and don’t mind a finecast resin model, this is a nice upgrade to the Bloodkine.


  • Gorehoof: 195 points
  • Centigor: 120 points

This new fighter type comes in a standard version, the Centigoret une version de Leader, le Gorehoof.

Simply put, the standard Centigor adds one thing to the Wild Stalkers arsenal that it has been missing: a fighter type with a Move of 10″. While the warband isn’t slow by any standards (a Move of 5″ for infantry is good), having mounted fighters makes it much easier to cover ground and get to objectives or other targets before the enemy wants you to. If you add the Brayherd Ambush ability to their Move, the Centigors are really fast.

Sadly, there’s not much interesting the Centigors can do once they get to where you send them. They don’t have a new ability, and while their 2″ range on melee attacks is good, they only have 2 Attacks.

On top of this, the Centigor models are a finecast resin kit, which is an unreliable material that many hobbyists will be unfamiliar with.

The Leader version, the Gorehoof, has a slightly better melee attack, more Wounds and access to the Déchirer, déchirer, déchirer ! Leader ability, but once again, that doesn’t improve the Centigors that would be its only followers because of its high Move statistic.

If you want even more mobility in an already mobile warband, and you are able to get your hands on a Centigors kit, the Centigors and the Bloodhoof is an interesting new option for the warband.

It is just too bad that they have no synergies and have not been integrated into the warband with a useful ability. A full warband of Centigors will simply have too few Attacks and not enough abilities to choose from, and if you include them with other fighter types, they will be in a battle group of their own because you must make use of their high Move stat.

Cockatrice: 250 points

Le Cockatrice is a a strong Flying creature with 30 wounds and a powerful melee attack.

It also has access to the Triple ability, Regard pétrifiantqui vous permet d'infliger des dégâts à un ennemi en fonction d'un jet de dés, puis de soustraire 1 à sa statistique de déplacement.

Since the Cockatrice is very fast and has the Fly runemark, it will often be alone on the battlefield, far from the buffs and support from your Leader or Hero, so the best way to think about the fighter is that it’s a tactical nuke: you send it quickly towards something that needs to die or be locked in close combat until your other fighters have achieved their goals.

The greatest downside to the Cockatrice (apart from it having the Beast runemark and thus being unable to go through doors in a Catacombs battle) is the model itself: it comes on a 60mm base which does limit mobility in a close quarters skirmish game like Warcry, and it is a finecast resin model as well, making it both fragile and a bother to assemble.

This doesn’t change that the model is pretty cool, so if you want a terrifying chicken dragon in your warband, now you can.

Grashrak’s Despoilers (610 points)

  • Grashrak Fellhoof: 185 points
  • Draknar: 125 points
  • Korsh “the Sneak”: 65 points
  • Murghoth Half-horn: 65 points
  • Ushkor: 85 points
  • Gnarl: 85 points

Grashrak’s Despoilers are a Les bêtes du chaos Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.

  • Savage Bolt (Quad, Grashrak): up to 6 damage to an enemy within 12″ and a good chance to prevent his activation the same round.

Grashrak is a buffed up version of the Great-bray Shaman with same ranged weapon and higher damage in melee (2/4). He has access to the same abilities but also one of his own: Savage Bolt that can do some damage and on a 2+ prevent the enemy fighter to activate. It costs a Quad but when that is available can make a huge difference in certain situations.

Draknar is also a beefed up Bestigor, with more damage (2/5) and Wounds (18). He shares also the same “damage after movement” ability but is quite more expensive.

Korsh et Murghoth are Ungors armed with Shortspear but without the shield, meaning they have 1 more attack, but reduced Toughness (from 4 to 3). Their 2″ range weapon and 5″ movement should allow them to resist a bit, and they are cheaper than a normal Ungor.

Ushkor et Gnarl are Ungor Raiders with 2 more wounds. They even have access to the same Volley of Arrows that allows to increase their ranged attacks for an action.

Capacités pour le groupe de guerre des Bêtes du Chaos

  • Embuscade Brayherd (Double, Tout le monde) : Effectuez une action de mouvement bonus jusqu'à 6″ mais seulement au premier round.
  • Bloodgorge (Double, Doombull et tous les Bullgors) : Soigne jusqu'à 6 blessures après avoir terrassé un ennemi.
  • Déchirer, déchirer, déchirer ! (Double, tous les leaders) : Effectuez une action de déplacement ou d'attaque bonus après avoir tué un combattant ennemi.
  • Dévolution (Double, Grand Bray-Shaman) : Déplacez un combattant ennemi vers le Grand Bray-Shaman.
  • Regard pétrifiant (Triple, Cockatrices) : Jusqu'à 6 dégâts et une pénalité de -1″ au déplacement pour un combattant dans un rayon de 8″.
  • Charge bestiale (Triple, tous les Bestigors) : À la fin de la prochaine action de mouvement, allouez jusqu'à 6 points de dégâts à un chasseur ennemi engagé.
  • Volée de flèches (triple, tous les cavaliers d'Ungor) : Ajoutez jusqu'à 3 attaques de missiles supplémentaires à l'action suivante.
  • Déclenchez la tempête (Triple, Dragon Ogors) : Jusqu'à 6 points de dégâts à un ennemi dans un rayon de 20″.
  • Trophée grisâtre (Triple, Seigneur des bêtes) : Après avoir abattu un ennemi, ajoutez +1 aux attaques de mêlée de tous les combattants amis à portée.
  • Foudre puissante (Quad, Dragon Ogor Shaggoth) : Soigne tous les Ogors dragons dans une zone autour de l'Ogor dragon Shaggoth.

Réaction pour le Warband des Bêtes du Chaos

Introduit dans la nouvelle saison de Warcry, Réactions sont des choses qui peuvent être faites dans certaines circonstances, mais toujours pendant le tour de l'ennemi. Elles coûtent une action et ne peuvent donc être utilisées que par les combattants qui n'ont pas encore été activés ou qui attendent. Il existe 3 réactions universelles et une réaction spécifique à chaque groupe de combat :

Résilience brute (Tout le monde)

  • Quand: Pendant une action d'attaque en mêlée de l'ennemi, mais avant les jets de touche.
  • Quoi ? Soustrayez 1 point de dégâts reçus (jusqu'à un minimum de 1) pour chaque coup reçu.

Traits de bataille pour le Warband des Bêtes du Chaos

Embuscade de l'homme-bête: Après le déploiement, vous pouvez choisir un combattant de chaque groupe de déploiement pour le mettre en réserve et le déployer à nouveau, un à la fois, aux tours 2, 3 et 4 depuis le bord du champ de bataille.

Strategy and Tactics for the Beasts of Chaos Warband

When choosing your Beasts of Chaos warband, you have a lot of options. Sadly, two whole categories of fighter types are very rarely useful: I would argue that the Gors kit and the Dragon Ogors kit are outmatched in usefulness by the Ungors, Bestigors and Bullgors in almost every way, with the exception of the basic dual-wielding Gor because of its low cost. The Dragon Ogors can be viable with a Dragon Ogor Shaggoth Leader, but you still have other options that can do most of what they can do.

A good Beasts of Chaos warband can consist of a horde of Ungors with spears supported by Ungor Raiders with bows, and perhaps a few Bestigors as elite troops. This could give you a lot of models on the table, each with specific tactical roles in the game. This type of warband can be improved with a Beastlord as your Leader, since he can increase the Attacks of almost all your fighters if they stay close to him.

Another approach could be to take a Doombull as your Leader, add in some more Bullgors, and then try to compensate for the very low model count with as many cheap Gors as you can. It really depends on which playstyle you prefer, but no matter what you choose, use the abilities to guide your strategy: the Beasts of Chaos abilities generally help you get to the enemy quickly, and then build on the momentum of your first kills with Gorge de sang, Trophée macabre ou Déchirer, déchirer, déchirer !, so plan a strong first strike with as many big fighters in the same battle group as you can.

Bringing a Great Bray-Shaman as your Hero is also recommendable, as he can help draw specific enemy fighters into range of your strongest melee fighters without you having to expose your melee fighters to that target’s bodyguards.

You can add even more speed to your warband with Centigors or the fearsome Cockatrice, but I would still recommend building your warband around something else. No matter what playstyle you choose, I think buying a box of Ungors is a good idea, since it gives you cheap models with both ranged attacks, spear attacks and shields.

From there, you can branch out towards Bestigors or Bullgors as you see fit.

If you have an existing Beasts of Chaos army for Age of Sigmar, you could potentially obtain 3 different Warcry warbands, one around each of the main factions: Brayherd with Gors and Bestigors, Warherd with Bullgors and Thunderscorn with Dragon Ogors.

The warband reaction, Brute Resilience, works only if the attacking enemy fighter has a minimum damage of 2 or more and does not work on critical hits, meaning that reducing that 2 damage to a 1 damage for the cost of a reaction is mostly useless. The Bullgors can heal themselves, other big fighters have enough wounds to survive normal hits, and the cheap fighters would die any way. It can be used extremely situationally.

Avantages et inconvénients du groupe de guerre des Bêtes du Chaos

Pour :

+ Nombreuses options pour la mise en place de troupes d'élite et de horde

+ fast warband with access to both high damage and ranged damage

+ Bonnes capacités doubles

+ some of the new Leaders from Agents of Chaos improve synergies in the warband

Cons :

– some redundancy among fighter types

– many new additions from Agents of Chaos are finecast resin sculpts

Some fun thematic warbands for the Beasts of Chaos Wild Stalkers

Pour le plaisir, nous vous présentons ici quelques groupes de guerre thématiques, davantage destinés à l'amusement ou au contexte narratif qu'au jeu compétitif. Notez que dans le jeu narratif, vous devez accomplir une quête qui vous permet de recruter un Héros avant de pouvoir l'ajouter à votre liste.

The Brayherd: 1 Beastlord as your Leader, 1 Great Bray-Shaman as your hero, 11 (or just 10 if you only have one kit) Gors with Pairs of Gor Blades. A true swarm of beastmen which main tactic is to run at the enemy, draw out a target with your Great Bray-Shaman, kill it with your Beastlord and then mooh and bray away as your now 4 Attacks Gor horde overruns the enemy.

First we take the Eightpoints, then we retake Azyr!: 1 Dragon Ogor Shaggoth as a Leader, 1 Dragon Ogor with Paired Ancient Weapons, 1 Dragon Ogor With Draconic War-Glaive, 1 Dragon Ogor with Draconic Crusher, 1 Ungor Raider Halfhorn as a hero. The Dragon Ogors were originally indigenous to Azyr, and these guys are planning to retake their homelands, throwing lightning and healing themselves as they gallop forward on their strange lizard legs. The Ungor Raider Halfhorn is there to use up the allowed points and for comic relief as he supports the Dragon Ogors with an arrow or two. He has always wanted to see Azyr with his own eyes.

Different build options and how to buy the Beasts of Chaos warband

The Beasts of Chaos warband can be built from 11 different Age of Sigmar kits.

The Gors kit lets you build 10 Gors, which can be built with either a pair of Gor Blades or with a Gor Blade and Beastshield. This is a very inexpensive kit that’s great if you want a warband with a lot of models on the table.

The Ungors kit lets you build 10 Ungors, which has 3 options for each model: An Ungor with Ungor Blade and Half-Shield, An Ungor with Gnarlspear and Half-Shield, or an Ungor Raider with Raider Bow and Jagged Shank. This is a really versatile kit. While it doesn’t give you many options for making tough fighters, it does let you build cheap melee troops, 2 inch range spear fighters et ranged bowmen from the same kit.

The Bestigors kit lets you build 10 Bestigors with Despoiler Axes. There’s really only that 1 option (as well as a Leader, of course), b ut if you want your warband to be more elite and hit hard, you can’t go wrong with these guys.

Both the Ungors, Bestigors and Great Bray-Shaman are also part of the Start Collecting!: Beasts of Chaos box, so if you’re planning on branching out into the tabletop wargame as well, that’s a great way to get your Warcry roster filled.

The Bullgors kit lets you build 3 Bullgors with either Bullgor Axes or a Bullgor Great Axe, as well as Leader versions of both weapon loadouts.

The Dragon Ogors kit lets you build 3 Dragon Ogors, with either Paired Ancient Weapons, Draconic War-Glaive or Draconic Crusher.

The Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave box set gives you some amazing alternative Beasts of Chaos models from the Grashrak’s Ravagers warband. The set lets you build a Great Bray-Shaman (that’s not that model’s official name, but it looks like one) 2 Ungor Raiders, 2 Ungors with Gnarlspears (you’ll have to get the half-shields somewhere else) and a Bestigor.

The Centigors kit lets you build 5 Centigors, with the option to build one of them as a Gorehoof.

The Great Bray-Shaman, Beastlord, Doombull and Dragon Ogor Shaggoth are all available as separate Hero kits.

Tips on painting the Beasts of Chaos warband

With the exception of the Dragon Ogors and their scaly lower bodies, Beasts of Chaos models are mostly skin, fur, horns, bones, wood, a bit of cloth and some metals. They’re wonderful models to paint in earthy, “realistic” color schemes, especially if you pick a good, bright spot color for the cloth.

They are also a prime candidate for using contrast paint for most of the model.

One of the best tips I know for making Beasts of Chaos look properly like “beastmen” is very simple: Use human skin tones like you would on a Stormcast Eternal or a Freeguild model – but instead of using Reikland Fleshshade or a skin wash from another brand, use Agrax Earthshade. It makes the skin look like there’s hair and fur in the recesses, and if you use the Agrax Earthshade wash for cloth, horns and metals as well, it can really tie the models together.

For my own warband, I went for a very earthy, Agrax-based color scheme, but with blue-gray furs and yellow cloth for a nice color contrast, as you can see below.

Another tip for making them look more beastly is to paint the eyes in the opposite way of what you would normally do: Paint the eyes black with white pupils. It’s easy to do and create the effect of what deer eyes look like if you meet them on the road at night.
