The Elucidian Starstriders are a kill team for Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team tabletop skirmish game. The Elucidian Starstrider kill team is led by the Rogue Trader Elucia Vhane. Rogue Traders are explorers from the Imperium of Man, sent to the fringes of the galaxy with permission to engage and trade with everyone they …
L'équipe de tueurs
The Gellerpox Infected are a kill team for Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team tabletop skirmish game, and their rules can be found in the Kill Team Annual 2022 book. The Gellerpox Infected are a special brand of Chaos mutants who come into being when warp drives on Imperial voidships malfunction and let the influences …
Introduction One of the best thing about skirmish tabletop games is that the small scale of the games (you play with a handful of models rather than a whole army) allows players the freedom to imagine a really detailed story for each of their warriors when they play the game. The best way of doing …
While the armies of the Imperium of Man called the Astra Militarum requires absolute loyalty from its soldiers, the grotesquely inhuman conditions and unempathic leadership of its campaigns inevitably cause squads, regiments and individual soldiers to look for a more rewarding patron than the Emperor and his generals. Such defectors, like so many other desparate …
To most inhabitants of the dark galaxy of Warhammer 40,000, the term “Space Marines” is synonymous with hulking, posthuman monsters charging head-on into battle, bolt guns ablaze and chainswords whirring. However, another kind of Space Marine exists that few are aware of, precisely because staying out of sight is what they excel at: The Vanguard …
Sometimes it can be hard to get a clear overview of what has been released so far for Games Workshop games. Things have a tendency to go out of stock or be limited releases, and then they disappear from GW sites. In this article, we list all products released for Kill Team (the new 2.0 …
The Legionary Kill Team is a faction for the Games Workshop tabletop skirmish game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. They are available as part of the Kill Team: Nachmund expansion set. The Heretic Astartes, or the Chaos Space Marines, are sworn enemies of the Imperium of Mankind. Whether they are descended from the Legions that fled …
The Novitiate Kill Team is a Kill Team for the Games Workshop Skirmish Game Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. They are part of the Kill Team: Chalnath box set. The Adepta Sororitas are the all-female military branch of the Adeptus Ministorum, which means that they’re in charge of putting martial power behind the dogma of the …
The new editon of the Warhammer 40,000 skirmish game Kill Team has arrived, and almost everything has changed compared to the previous edition – most of it for the better. In this guide, we go through what you need to play the game, what you need to know about how it plays, and what we …