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Daemons of Slaanesh Warband Warcry Guide

Slaanesh is the Chaos god of obsession and excess, and the Hedonites of Slaanesh are his/her faithful devotees. They thrive in any form of excessive sensation brought to the extreme, will you embark the same daemonic journey towards eternal and pleasant torment?

What changed in the new edition for the Slaanesh Daemons Warband?

Slaanesh Daemons saw an overall change in points, mostly going down, as the leader wounds did. The Enrapturess range increased to 15″ and the Hellreaver with Claw-spear weakened his attack profile.

Few abilities changed, like Deadly Venom that is now a Triple and Mirror of Absorption that is now a Quad.

Background and Lore of the Daemons of Slaanesh Warband

Slaanesh has been imprisoned since the Age of Myth by the new Aelves gods (Tyrion, Teclis, Malerion and Morathi) in the Hidden Gloaming, a sub-realm between Hysh, the realm of Light, and Ulgu, the Realm of Shadow.

Since then, the arrogant aelves extract souls that once Slaanesh devoured during the destruction of the Ancien monde, to repopulate the Mortal Realms with new civilizations (the Daughters of Khaine, the Idoneth Deepkin and the Lumineth Realm-lords).

Slaanesh disciples are divided between those searching for him, those pretending to have replaced him by ascending to godhood and those that do not care and thrive only in war and unending conquests.

Independently from their inner motives, all depraved legions have a similar core with Keepers of Secrets guiding their horde of worshippers.

The most numerous of Slaanesh daemonic servants are the Daemonettes, sadistic maids at the court of Slaanesh readily deployed as valiant warriors in the chaos armies. While most of them would enter the battle on foot, the swiftest and most cunning ride Steeds of Slaanesh and are known as Seekers.

To tame a Steed of Slaanesh is not a simple task as those beasts are incredibly fast and possess infinite endurance. Sometimes, Slaanesh bargains these beasts with mortals in exchange of a pact: a steed for some souls.

But once the mortals ride a Steed, they will be unable to dismount and they will be forced to do Slaanesh’s bidding for eternity. These cavaliers are known as Hellstriders and are armed either with blades mutated from their own skin or whips.

Fiends of Slaanesh are beasts born from mortal nightmares and shaped by Slaanesh himself. While their shape would repulse anyone, they emit a powerful musk that immobilizes their victim until they close down to quarter or poison them with their sting.

But how do the Slaanesh warband play on the tabletop? There is nothing excessive in looking at their deepest detail.

The Slaanesh warband ability card and fighters in warcry

Overview and Points for the Fighters in the Daemons of Slaanesh Warband

The Hedonites of Slaanesh warband is made from 4 kits with 9 options of which 4 are leaders.

Note : si vous n'avez pas lu les règles de base de Warcry avant de lire cet article, il peut être utile de savoir que les capacités du jeu sont activées en utilisant 6 dés que vous lancez au début de votre tour.

Si deux des dés indiquent la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Double. Si trois dés ont la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Triple, et ainsi de suite.

Ainsi, lorsque cet article mentionne qu'une capacité est un Double, un Triple ou un Quad, il fait référence à ce système. Ce système peut sembler un peu confus, mais il est très rapide de s'y habituer lorsque vous commencez à jouer

The Contorted Epitome: 220 points

The Contorted Epitome is a gorgeous model and an essential piece in your warband. For a Quad you can use Mirror of Absorption: pick an enemy fighter within 9″ that has not activated yet and make him skip this round, including any reaction. As simple as that…

Apart this ability the Epitome, as all leaders, can increase the Strength of nearby fighters by 1 (Lieu d'excroissance) greatly improving the efficacy of this warband in melee as they have lots of Attacks but low Strength.

But the Epitome is not only a support fighter, she also has a good ranged attack: 7″ range, 2 Attacks, Strength 3 and 3/6 damage.

And in melee her 6 attacks at Strength 3 (that can be buffed to 4 by the Locus) do 2/4 damage.

Despite carrying a mirror they are quite quick with 10″ Movement. But if you can’t kill your opponent be prepared as 25 Wounds with Toughness 3 are going down pretty fast…

Infernal Enrapturess: 165 points

Another extremely Slaaneshi model and another excellent ability: Discordant Disruption. For a Double you can reduce by 1 (to a minimum of 1) the number of attacks of all enemies within 6″ helping to compensate the overall fragility of the Soulfeasters.

She has also a ranged attack, something this warband doesn’t have plenty. Hers reaches 15″ range with 4 Attacks for 1/4 damage.

In melee she has only 3 Attacks but for 2/4 damage, like most other leaders. Strength of both attacks is 3, in line with almost all attacks of the Soulfeasters.

As for the Epitome, be careful of protracted engagements as 22 Wounds on Toughness 3 are not going to last long, and 4″ Movement don’t allow fast retreat either.

Although the generic Double Lithe and Swift allows her a single move action to 7″.

Viceleader: 145 points

The Viceleader has the same ranged attacks of the Epitome and only 1 attack less in melee (5) becoming herself a prime choice for the Lieu d'excroissance that brings her Strength to 4.

As the Enrapturess she has Toughness 3 and 20 Wounds, but she is quicker with 5″ Movement.

Her special ability is the same one used by the Daemonettes, Sadistic Killers, that increases the damage by 1. She can’t use the Locus on herself AND Sadistic Killers, but if she is a support hero with another leader, that combo would allow her at the cost of a Triple and a Double to perform 5 Attacks at Strength 4 for 3/5 damage per activation…


  • Hellreaver with Claw-Spear: 180 points
  • Hellstrider with Claw-Spear: 135 points
  • Hellstrider with Hellscourge: 135 points

The Hellstriders are the “heavy” cavalry of the Soulfeasters. With Toughness 4 they are between the most resistant in the warband, combined with the 20 wounds (25 for the Hellreaver) and the 2” weapon range they should resist longer than the rest.

10” movement makes them pretty quick, but as mounted units, they cannot go through doors or archways, or climb.

They have 3 type of units: the Hellreaverle chef de l'unité, a 4 attaques à la Force 3 pour 1/4 de dégâts.

Le cavalier de l'enfer avec la griffe-lame a 1 attaque de moins que le leader, tandis que celui équipé de Hellscourge increases his range to 3” for 4 attacks at Strength 3 and damage 1/3.

The leader and the Claw-Spear have access to Impaling Strike, an ability that for a Triple allows to do damage on charge (if you finish a movement within 1” of an enemy do as much as 6 damage).

The Hellscourge does not have access to this ability, but the 3″ range can be useful to outsmart those fighters with 2″ range, meaning he can be even further protected from retaliation.

The leader of the unit, as all Soulfeaster leaders, has access to Lieu d'excroissance, for a bonus bubble of +1 Strength.

Les monstres de Slaanesh

  • Blissbringer: 205 points
  • Fiend: 160 points

The Fiends represent the elite of this warband. They have only 8” movement but they can go past archways and doors. The low Toughness (3) is compensated by the high wounds (25 or 30 for the Blissbringer). Their weapon profile is in line with the rest of the warband: 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage, that is better than the Daemonettes.

Le Blissbringer (the leader of this unit) has 1 more attack (5).

Le Fiends specialize in blocking their adversaries: Crushing Grip, on a 2+ prevents any move or disengage action of an enemy within 1” (for a Double). It can be highly strategical, especially if you prevent an enemy from grabbing an objective and you disengage yourself abandoning him in the middle of the battlefield.

Deadly Venom, for a Triple, adds up to 3 to the damage to both hits and critical hits for the next melee attack action. This is an improvement compared to the previous version of this ability, as it really shines a new light on Fiends. It still requires a high Triple, but if you have 2 Triples available and activate the Lieu d'excroissance before, the Fiend can then perform 4 attacks at Strength 4 for a potential 5/7 damage, that is way above their point cost.

The problem arises when you have only one Triple, as the Locus always take priority and the Fiend unbuffed is slightly scarier than a Daemonette, but costs the Double.

Seekers of Slaanesh

  • Heartseeker: 195 points
  • Seeker of Slaanesh: 145 points

Le Chercheurs représentent la cavalerie légère des Soulfeasters. Ils ont un profil similaire à celui des Hellstriders, leur résistance étant seulement réduite à 3, mais leurs attaques étant portées à 5 au prix d'une portée plus limitée (1″). Les Chercheur de cœur, the leader, performs more normal damage (2/4).

Instead of impaling their victims after a movement, the Seekers can add 1 to their damage (both on hits and critical hits) until the end of the turn (Sadistic Killers for a Double).

Combined with the Lieu d'excroissance with 5 dice a single Seeker can become 5 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage per activation that is not bad for their point cost and more efficient than a Fiend with a low Triple.

Les Daemonettes de Slaanesh

  • Allurer: 125 points
  • Daemonette: 75 points

Le Daemonettes are the cheapest unit of this warband, allowing to field several and play on numbers or simply fill the gaps. They are relatively fast to be infantry troops (5”), with low Toughness (3) and average wounds (10 or 15 for the leader).

They share the same weapon profile as the Seekers with 1 attack less (4), and the same ability Sadistic Killers that allow them to do more damage for one battle round.

Le Allurer can also use the Lieu d'excroissance bringing the Strength from a mere 3 to a 4, that often can make the difference between a 33% and a 50% chance to hit.

Thricefold Discord (400 points)

  • Vexmor: 150 points
  • Lascivyr, the Bladed Blessing: 135 points
  • Vashtiss the Coiled: 115 points

Thricefold Discord is a Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 9 (Deathgorge), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.

    • The Coiled Lash (Double, Vashtiss): enemies engages with Vashtiss cannot disengage and if still in contact at the end of the battle round, they receive up to 3 damage.
    • The Bladed Blessing (Triple, Lascivyr): perform a bonus attack action considering the enemy’s Toughness lower by 5 to a minimum of 1.
    • Undignified Effort (Quad, Vexmor): add 2 attacks to the next melee attack action.
    • Triumphant Tittering (Reaction, Everyone)
      • Quand: Another Thricefold Discord fighter is slain. Can be performed without forfeiting an action and even if already activated.
      • Quoi ? Perform a bonus move or attack action.

    This warband represents 3 daemon leaders, each more different than the other but they all share low Toughness (3) and the reaction that allows a surviving fighter to perform a bonus move or attack when another Thricefold Discord is slain. Even if they have already used all their actions and without forfeiting any if they have yet to activate. Note that you can’t perform it with two fighters at once, each action can only activate one reaction.

    Vexmor has an incredible single attack with Strength 10, meaning it will always hit on a 3+, for 5/10 damage. Even scarier, for a Quad you can add 2 more attacks to the next attack action. On the downside, it is the slowest with 3″ movement.

    Lascivyr, the Bladed Blessing, goes for lots of attacks instead (6) at Strength 3 for 2/3 damage. It is the fastest with 6″ movement and its ability for a Triple allows basically to ignore the enemy’s Toughness (reducing by 5 to a minimum of 1).

    Vashtiss the Coiled is in the middle, with fewer attacks (2 ranged at 3″-7″ distance or 3 in melee) at Strength 3, but also an interesting ability that with a Double prevents enemy fighters from disengaging, and if they don’t teleport away or slain Vashtiss, they receive half the ability’s value in damage. It could have been full ability’s value, making it tastier and more thematic, because with Toughness 3 and 16 wounds Vashtiss is not guaranteed to survive especially if engaged to multiple fighters.

    Capacités des Daemons de Slaanesh

    • Légèreté et rapidité (double, tout le monde) : Ajoutez 3″ à la prochaine action de déplacement.
    • Tueurs sadiques (Double, tous les Sourciers et Daemonettes plus le Vice-leader) : Ajoute 1 aux dégâts des coups et des coups critiques pour les actions d'attaque en mêlée.
    • Poignée d'écrasement (double, tous les démons) : Lancez un dé pour un combattant ennemi dans un rayon de 1", sur un 2+ cet ennemi ne peut pas se déplacer ou se désengager jusqu'à la fin du round de combat.
    • Disruption discordante (Double, Enrapture infernale) : Soustrayez 1 (avec un minimum de 1) aux attaques effectuées à moins de 6″ de cette figurine.
    • Frappe d'empalement (triple, Hellreader et Hellstrider avec la griffe-lance) : À la fin de la prochaine action de mouvement, allouez jusqu'à 6 points de dégâts à un ennemi engagé.
    • Lieu d'excroissance (triple, tous les chefs) : Ajoutez 1 à la caractéristique de Force des armes de mêlée de tous les combattants amis dans un rayon de 6".
    • Venin mortel (triple, tous les monstres) : Ajoutez jusqu'à 3 aux dégâts pour la prochaine action d'attaque en mêlée.
    • Miroir d'absorption (Quad, The Contorted Epitome) : Empêche l'activation et les réactions d'une figurine ennemie pendant le round de bataille.

    Réaction pour le Warband Daemons of Slaanesh

    Introduit dans la nouvelle saison de Warcry, Réactions sont des choses qui peuvent être faites dans certaines circonstances, mais toujours pendant le tour de l'ennemi. Elles coûtent une action et ne peuvent donc être utilisées que par les combattants qui n'ont pas encore été activés ou qui attendent. Il existe 3 réactions universelles et une réaction spécifique à chaque groupe de combat :

    Douleur partagée (tout le monde)

    • Quand: Pendant une action d'attaque en mêlée de l'ennemi, mais avant les jets de touche.
    • Quoi ? 1 dégât au combattant attaquant pour chaque coup et 2 pour chaque coup critique.

    Trait de bataille pour le Warband Daemons of Slaanesh

    Le leurre du Dieu disparu: After the initiative phase, a single engaged enemy fighter on a 3+ cannot make disengage actions for the round.

    Strategy and Tactics for the Daemons of Slaanesh

    The Daemons of Slaanesh play like a Slaanesh army should: attack first, fast and hope to do as much damage as possible before the unavoidable retaliation.

    The fast part is clearly stated in their movement profiles: from the 10” of the mounted units to the 5” of the Daemonettes, they will be faster than your average opponent. If that was not enough, for a Double they can use their trademark ability and add straight 3” movement to their next action using Lithe and Swift. The downside of being mounted is the inability to pass archways and doors but depending on the terrain you may never notice this.

    The warband is characterized by a high amount of attacks (4 for the troops and up to 6 for the leaders) but with their low Strength (3) they may end up relying only on critical hits to do some damage.

    That’s where the Lieu d'excroissance becomes important, even more now that you can bring up to two leaders (one would be a hero) in a matched play game. Adding +1 Strength can make a huge difference especially against average Toughness (4) changing from 33% chance to hit to 50%.

    And then there is efficacy. The damage output is usually quite small (minimum damage 1 for most units and 2 for the leaders), increasing on the critical hits but exceeding 4 only for two leaders. The only ways to exceed these limits are the Deadly Venom Triple ability of the Friends (up to 3 more) and the Sadistic Killers ability of Viceleader, Daemonettes and Seekers (1 more). While Sadistic Killers empowers half of your warband in some desired damage output, the low Strength may see it wasted anyway.

    More reliable is the Impaling Strike of the Hellstriders, but that costs a Triple and works only on the first move that activation. Sadistic Killers in combination with the Locus can make your Daemonettes or even the Seekers, more reliable killing machines.

    Finally, it is your opponent turn. As long as they are still alive, they can retaliate and do some real damage as the average Toughness for this warband is only 3. The relative high number of wounds of Fiends (25) can last few rounds but a couple of well placed critical hits will bring them down anyway. And they are the toughest you have. There is nothing that allows you to last longer or increase your Toughness as you would expect from Slaanesh.

    There are also only few ranged options, restricted to some leaders, to delay the engagement in melee, the greatest range being the 15” of the Enrapturess but in general the 2-3″ of the Hellstriders are useful to hit without engaging sacrificing however the impaling ability.

    The Hedonites have few abilities that would normally help their playstyle. We already discussed Lithe and Swift, Sadistic Killers et Lieu d'excroissance. Depending on which leader you choose, the Infernal Enrapturess allows to reduce by 1 the attacks of all enemy fighters within 6″ increasing the overall warband durability as a consequence.

    The Epitome instead can completely block for one round a unit. Imagine that Ogor Breacher finally ready to smash your leader in a couple of hits, allured by the mirror and skipping an entire turn…

    The Hellstriders have Impaling Strike for a bonus damage at the end of one of their movements and that leaves us with the Fiends. They have 2 special abilities, the first of which is situational and prevents quite accurately (2+ on a single dice roll) disengage or movement action to a miniature for the rest of the battle round.

    While it can be useful to prevent an enemy from running away, at the same time you don’t want the Fiend himself to go away as they are the toughest of your units and also the one hitting the heaviest so you want them always at the centre of attention. The Triple ability competes with the Locus. If you lost your leader or you have enough Triples, then it can really improve the Fiends damage output.

    The last mention has to go to the warband reaction: Douleur partagée. This allows to damage an attacking fighter based on their performance: 1 damage per hit, 2 per critical hit. Especially good with units that have not activated yet and are going down that round (like an injured Daemonette), it is something that your opponent would need to consider when attacking wounded fighters that can still react.

    Regarding the choice of models, every leader has his own appeal, with similar weapon profiles. The Epitome is the most expensive but also the one that hits the hardest and with the 10″ movement can be where more is needed to use the Locus. The Hellreaver costs a little bit less but has no ranged attack, a less useful ability and while having the same movement, he is mounted preventing certain actions.

    One or two Fiends can help to increase resistance and damage of the front line, while few Daemonettes should be kept for the numeric advantage on objectives or strategic positions. Seekers and Hellstriders can complete the roster depending on personal preference.

    The strategy is clear: always try to maximise your number of attacks by moving fast and engaging only when sure to provide the death blow. Use the Locus to increase your chances to hit and the numeric advantage against elite warband to bog down the most resilient enemies. In the scenarios where models killed count be even more careful and use your mobility to outrun your chasers.

    Avantages et inconvénients des Daemons de Slaanesh

    Pour :

    + Nombreuses attaques
    + Mobilité élevée
    + Quelques capacités puissantes

    Cons :

    - Faible résistance
    - Options limitées

    Some thematic warband for the Soulfeasters

    Pour le plaisir, nous vous présentons ici quelques groupes de guerre thématiques, davantage destinés à l'amusement ou au contexte narratif qu'au jeu compétitif. Notez que dans le jeu narratif, vous devez accomplir une quête qui vous permet de recruter un Héros avant de pouvoir l'ajouter à votre liste.

    To be or not to be a girl: Viceleader, Infernal Enrapturess, 2 Seekers and 5 Daemonettes. They should all be… girls… at least partially…

    Riding with the wind: The Contorted Epitome, 2 Hellstrider with Claw-Spear, 2 Seekers of Slaanesh and 1 Fiend. You can replace the Fiend with another Hellstrider or Seeker if you want all of them to have Movement 10″.

    How to buy the Warband

    The Hedonites of Slaanesh warband can be purchased from 4 boxes but if you are starting (or own) also an Age of Sigmar army, then the Commencez à collectionner ! Les démons de Slaanesh already brings you halfway through with 10 Daemonettes and 5 Seekers, each unit with the leader option.

    Alternatively, those 2 units can be bought separately (Daemonettes et Chercheurs).

    The next box would be 5 Hellstriders that gives you a leader and enough for 2 models with each weapon option. Be careful that those weapon profiles represent different units in Age of Sigmar in case you want to expand to that game.

    Then comes the brand-new Les monstres de Slaanesh, 3 models, including the leader option.

    Complete your collection the single model boxes of the Enrapture infernale (£25) and the Epitomé contourné (£30).

    Le Vice-président was available for £15 but at the moment of writing seems available only through third parties and not GW store.

    Tips on painting the Daemons of Slaanesh

    Slaanesh models, as most Chaos Daemons in general, have the advantage of being used in both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k, providing plenty of online painting guides.

    Warhammer Community presents a battle-ready video for the Deamonettes, alternative pale skin, or darker purple.

    Vince Venturella also has few videos dedicated to Slaanesh so check out his library.

    The contrast range presents also different purple colours that really suit Slaanesh like Magos Purple et Volupus Pink (and the contrast paints do really work well on skin).
