Tome des champions 2021 introduced a new type of warband to Warcry: the Bladeborn fighters.
These were first introduced in a limited regional availability board game called Bladeborn and provide a Warcry profile to the warbands already used in the card-based game Warhammer Underworlds.
In this guide, we will go in details about all new profiles available and where to use them. This is our big Warcry Bladeborn Warbands overview.
At the end you can also find our review of these Bladeborn Warbands.

Note : si vous n'avez pas lu les règles de base de Warcry avant de lire cet article, il peut être utile de savoir que les capacités du jeu sont activées en utilisant 6 dés que vous lancez au début de votre tour.
Si deux des dés indiquent la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Double. Si trois dés ont la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Triple, et ainsi de suite.
Ainsi, lorsque cet article mentionne qu'une capacité est un Double, un Triple ou un Quad, il fait référence à ce système. Ce système peut sembler un peu confus, mais il est très rapide de s'y habituer lorsque vous commencez à jouer
What are the Warcry Bladeborn Warbands?
Bladeborn fighters all belong to a warband, that derives from the same group in Warhammer Underworlds. As such, if you have already invested in that game, this is a great opportunity to try out Warcry using the same miniatures.
You can find all the rules and the stats for the Bladeborne Warbands in the Tome of Champion 2021, but please note that no update has been delivered to these profiles since the changes in the latest edition of Warcry. White Dwarf 477 added 4 more profiles from season 5, White Dwarf 482 the 4 from season 7, and then later issues completed the collection: 485, 486, 492, 494, 499. From White Dwarf 482 onwards, the profiles are those updated for Warcry 2.0 with the new style cards and sometimes reactions.
Currently only the warbands of 6 seasons (out of 7) of Warhammer Underworlds have profiles available in Warcry, but we are sure more will come in time. With the exception of those contained in Dreadfane and in the Starter Set released in the Direchasm season, which do not have profiles but you can still use those miniatures with the normal Warcry profiles for those fighters. If you want more information about Warhammer Underworlds we have a guide for every single warband released.
There are few things to consider about Bladeborn fighters:
- While they all have their own Bladeborn runemark that allows them to have specific abilities, they also belong to a faction and they can be integrated with fighters from the same faction. They can also use all abilities from their faction in addition to their specific ones. Note that most Bladeborn warbands don’t reach 1000 points by themselves, but can easily be integrated in their main faction or with other Bladeborn from the same faction.
- You can take a Bladeborn Leader as your warband Leader or you can take it as an Ally within the same grand alliance. In that case you can also take all fighters with the same Bladeborn runemark as allies.
- You can only take one fighter per profile (with some exceptions).
- In a narrative campaign these fighters do not roll for injuries or renown. They cannot take artefacts of power but can take heroic traits (rules have been adapted for Warcry 2.0 in White Dwarf 482).
Here is the list of all current Warhammer Underworlds warbands supported in Warcry (in bold those in White Dwarf articles, in green those with Warcry 2.0 profiles):
- Commande
- Hexbane’s Hunters
- Frères du boulon
- Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven
- Gryselle’s Arenai
- The Shadeborn
- The Chosen Axes
- Elathain’s Soulraid
- Thundrik’s Profiteers
- Myari’s Purifiers
- The Starblood Stalkers
- Steelheart’s Champions
- The Farstriders
- Stormsire’s Cursebreakers
- Xandire’s Truthseekers
- Domitan’s Stormcoven
- Ylthari’s Guardians
- Skaeth’s Wild Hunt
- Le chaos
- Grashrak’s Despoilers
- Magore’s Fiends
- Garrek’s Reavers
- Gorechosen of Dromm
- Eyes of the Nine
- Ephilim’s Pandaemonium
- The Wurmspat
- The Dread Pageant
- The Thricefold Discord
- Spiteclaw’s Swarm
- Skittershank’s Clawpack
- Skabbik’s Plaguepack
- Khagra’s Ravagers
- Godsworn Hunt
- Gnarlspirit Pack
- La mort
- The Grymwatch
- The Skinnerkin
- Thorns of the Briar Queen
- The Headmen’s Curse
- Kainan’s Reapers
- The Crimson Court
- The Sepulchral Guard
- The Exiled Dead
- Sons of Velmorn
- Zondara’s Gravebreakers
- Destruction
- Zarbag’s Gitz
- Mollog’s Mob
- Les Snarlfangs de Rippa
- Grinkrak’s Looncourt
- Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers
- Blackpowder’s Buccaneers
- Hedkrakka’s Madmob
- Morgok’s Krushas
- Ironskull’s Boyz
- Da’ Kunnin Krew
Overview and points of the Order Warcry Bladeborn Warbands

Les frères du boulon (580 points)
- Pater Filius : 150 points
- Frère Galvic : 140 points
- Soror Tazat : 105 points
- Acolyte Arcus : 95 points
- Yakob brûlé : 90 points
Le Frères du boulon is a Cities of Sigmar Castelite Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 10 (Wintermaw), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.
- Coup de tonnerre (Double, Tout le monde): Lancez 3 dés et pour chaque 3+ allouez jusqu'à 3 dégâts à un ennemi dans un rayon de 3″. Ensuite, s'il y a un autre Brethren à moins de 6″ de celui qui utilise la capacité, vous pouvez choisir un autre adversaire à moins de 3″ de lui.
- Abandon furieux (Triple, Tout le monde): peut effectuer un déplacement bonus jusqu'à 6″ de distance, puis une action d'attaque bonus.
- Le déchaînement de sa fureur (Quad, Tout le monde): vous pouvez faire une chaîne de combattants Frères à moins de 6″ les uns des autres pour effectuer une attaque à distance bonus. Vous pouvez mesurer la distance depuis le premier ou le dernier combattant et ajouter +1 Attaque, Force et Dégâts pour chaque combattant de la chaîne.
- Ultimate Resistor (Réaction, Tout le monde)
- Quand: Pendant une action d'attaque de l'ennemi, mais avant les jets de touche.
- Quoi ? Soustrayez 1 point de dégâts reçus (jusqu'à un minimum de 1) pour chaque coup reçu.
Les Brethren of the Bolt warband ont un profil unique au sein des Castelite Hosts avec une seule attaque à distance d'une portée de 7″, une force de 1 et des dégâts de 1/2, ce qui est plutôt inutile en soi. Cependant, la quadrature de ce groupe de combat permet de former une chaîne avec tous les combattants portant cette marque d'élan, à condition qu'ils se trouvent dans un rayon de 6″ et qu'ils soient visibles de chaque maillon de la chaîne, puis d'effectuer une attaque à distance (le minimum de 3″ signifie qu'il n'y a pas de contact au corps à corps) pour un maximum de 6 attaques de Force 6 pour 6/7 points de dégâts depuis chaque extrémité de la chaîne.
Bien que ce profil semble assez impressionnant, il nécessite que les 5 membres de ce groupe de guerre soient en vie et qu'il y ait un Quad. Sinon, chaque membre peut utiliser un Double pour infliger plus facilement des dégâts à un adversaire proche et peut toujours réagir en chaîne si un autre Brethren of the Bolt se trouve à moins de 6″ de celui qui active la capacité et si un autre adversaire se trouve à moins de 3″ de lui.
Toutes ces capacités exigent que les Frères soient très proches les uns des autres, en maintenant au minimum des couples compacts à 6″ les uns des autres, ce qui n'est vraiment pas simple ou réalisable sur de nombreux champs de bataille. Le triple, Abandon furieuxCette capacité, la plus simple et la plus sûre, offre un bonus de déplacement allant jusqu'à la valeur de la capacité en pouces, puis une action d'attaque bonus.
Pater Filius est le chef de la bande de guerre, avec 3 attaques de Force 3 pour 2/3 de dégâts, a au moins 4 de résistance et 25 de blessures.
Frère Galvic est le véritable hit du groupe de guerre, augmentant l'Attaque, la Force et les dégâts sur coup critique à 4 au prix d'un peu moins de Blessures (18).
Les combattants suivants descendent tous à 3 de résistance, ce qui les rend moins aptes à survivre face à des adversaires plus coriaces. Soror Tazat peut toujours offrir 5 attaques de Force 3 pour 2/3 de dégâts, tandis que Acolyte Arcus est le seul à posséder une arme de mêlée de 2″ (Force 4, 1/3 des dégâts). Yakob écorché est le moins cher de la guilde, avec les mêmes attaques que Tazat, mais seulement 1/2 dégâts.

Hexbane’s Hunters (585 points)
- Haskel Hexbane: 125 points
- Quiet Pock: 150 points
- Aemos Duncarrow: 105 points
- Brydget Axwold: 95 points
- Grotbiter: 55 points
- Ratspike: 55 points
Hexbane’s Hunters are an Ordre d'Azyr Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 6 (Nethermaze), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 494.
- Explosive Bolts (Double, Quiet Pock): After the next missile attack hits a target, allocate up to 3 damage points to all fighters within 3″ of the target.
- Brand of Righteousness (Triple, Hexbane): Add up to 6 to the damage allocated by critical hits from melee attacks.
- Hallowed Vengeance (Quad, Hexbane, Quiet Pock, Aemos, Brydget): After a friendly fighter is taken down, all Order of Azyr with the Warrior runemark [those in the list] can make a bonus attack action against the killer.
Haskel Hexbane is their leader and the only other hero of the Order of Azyr. His profile is pretty similar to Hanniver Toll, but he loses some critical damage in melee (2/4) in exchange for Toughness 4 which is a much better trade-off. Abilities-wise, as a Warrior, he has access to the Order of Azyr reaction, a Triple which adds damage on critical hits (melee only, useless) and the Quad to ensure revenge is served when another fighter with the Warrior runemark is slain.
But if you need a real shooter, Quiet Pock is the man: 2 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/6 damage at 15″ range are quite the sight. In addition, for a simple Double, his shoots can become explosive, spreading half the ability’s value to all other fighters within 3″ of his ranged target (friends and foes, so be careful!).
Aemos Duncarrow is the melee guy: with 15 wounds (lower only than Hexbane), Toughness 4 and 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/4 damage he will hold his place for a bit.
Brydget Axwold has the shortest shooting attack with only 6″ range but an interesting Strength 5 for 2/3 damage, and a melee profile in line with her price (cheapest Hexbane Hunter) unfortunately coupled with a Toughness 3.
Grotbiter et Ratspike have the same profile: two dogs with the Beast runemark and little else, although the 2/3 damage attacks can be annoying against low Toughness guys.

Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven (575 points)
- Morgwaeth the Bloodied: 150 points
- Kyrae: 175 points
- Khamyss: 80 points
- Lethyr: 85 points
- Kyrssa: 85 points
Morgwaeth’s Blade Coven is a Les filles de Khaine Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Daughters of the First Temple (Double, Morgwaeth): a nearby fighter from this Bladeborn warband can perform a bonus attack.
Morgwaeth is an upgraded Hag Queen with access to Witchbrew, that can buff Strength of a nearby fighter, and Daughters of the First Temple that allows a nearby Bladeborn to perform a bonus attack. Interestingly enough, this ability does not specify what type of attack, so Kyrae can use it for a bonus ranged attack.
Apart from the leader, the rest of the crew does not add new abilities, have 2 more wounds than their base version but costs at least 10 points more. Kyrae is a Blood Stalker, Khamyss is a Sister of Slaughter with Barbed Whip and Bladed Buckler, Lethyr et Kyrssa are Witch Aelves with Sacrificial Knives. Their higher cost is justified (?) by their Toughness increased to 4.

Gryselle’s Arenai (525 points)
- Gryselle the Slaughterer: 185 points
- Retaria, the Entangler: 85 points
- Thrialla, the Lash: 80 points
- Traxia, the Aegis: 85 points
- Kalexis, the Silvered Blur: 90 points
Gryselle’s Arenai is a Les filles de Khaine Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 7, whose rules are available in White Dwarf 486.
- Peerless Combatant (Double, Tout le monde): enemy fighter’s reaction cannot damage this fighter until the end of the round.
- Combination Attack (Triple, Tout le monde): perform a bonus attack against an enemy fighter that has been just wounded by a melee attack from this fighter.
- Marshal the Bladestorm (Triple, Tout le monde): increase by 1 the Toughness of all Arenai within range of this fighter.
- Acrobatic Display (Reaction, Tout le monde)
- Quand: Pendant une action d'attaque de l'ennemi, mais avant les jets de touche.
- Quoi ? Soustrayez 1 point de dégâts reçus (jusqu'à un minimum de 1) pour chaque coup reçu.
Gryselle is an upgraded Slaughter Queen with more wounds and more damage on critical hit. In addition she has access to 3 abilities specific to this Bladeborn warband and 1 extra reactions. And she can still use Daughter’s generic abilities and reaction, plus the Leader ability.
The first ability prevents damage coming from enemy’s reactions, it’s a “counter” from Counter, the universal reaction that punishes the attacker’s misses, and Strike Them Down, another universal reaction that has a chance to damage a disengaging fighter. Not many warbands have offensive reactions.
The first Triple, Combination Attack, allows to finish off an enemy that you were unable to kill on the first attack. It is a good ability, but a bit expensive for a Triple, the good thing is that you can decide after the last attack if to use it or now. The last Triple is essential to give some survivability to the warband as it adds 1 to the Toughness of all Arenai within 6″ of the one activating this ability (doesn’t need to be Gryselle). With 3 fighters with Toughness 3, this seems a good use of a Triple, although for the same Triple, if Gryselle kills an enemy, can add 1 to the melee attacks of all Daughters within 6″.
Retaria et Kalexis give up the the Buckler for a double weapon, as in the Sister of Slaughter equivalent profile, that means Toughness 3 but also 2″ range and 3 attacks at Strength 4 for Retaria, and 1″ with 5 attacks at Strength 3 for Kalexis.
Thrialla et Traxia‘s characteristics start from the other Sister of Slaughter profile, the one with Toughness 4, Thrialla being identical, and Traxia losing 1″ range for 1 more attack (4 at Strength 3).

The Shadeborn (530 points)
- Slythael Shadestalker: 210 points
- Drusylla Vyserax: 115 points
- Sylarc Greyblood: 100 points
- Valyssa Umbrael: 105 points
The Shadeborn are a Les filles de Khaine Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 6 (Nethermaze), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 494.
- Shadestalker Darts (Double, Tout le monde): roll 2 dice and for each 4-5 allocate 2 damage to a visible enemy within 6″. On a 6 allocate up to 6 damage instead.
- Gloomweb Hex (Triple, Sylarc [maybe?]): subtract up to 3 to the Attack characteristic of an enemy within 6″.
- Shadow Ambush (Quad, Slythael): teleport the fighter anywhere on the battlefield.
- Slip Between Shadows (Reaction, Tout le monde)
- Quand: An enemy ends a move within 3″ of them.
- Quoi ? Move this fighter anywhere no further than they were from the opponent who made the move action.
There is no similar profile to Slythael Shadestalker between the Daughters, but she gets close to the Shroud Queen of the Shadowstalkers. She has a 2″ range 4 attacks Strength-4 2/5 damage profile with a 6″ movement, Toughness 4 and 20 wounds.
As all Shadeborn she has access to a reaction that allows her to dance around an opponent, of extremely dubious use in most situations, and a Double that allows to shoot some darts to an opponent within 6″ for some cheap ranged damage. However, for a Quad, she can teleport anywhere on the battlefield. This ability could be extremely important on a fourth round to send Slythael far away from enemy’s range and guarantee her survival in that battle.
Everyone else has Toughness 3, starting with Sylarc Greyblood, the only one with a real ranged attack (8″) although he is much more efficient in melee with 2/4 damage at Strength 4. For some printing mistake no one in the warband has the runemark to use the Triple Gloomweb Hex so we assume Sylarc, the only one with a runemark otherwise useless, should be able to use it. The ability reduces the attack characteristic of an enemy by half the ability’s value, but it’s the 6″ range that makes it interesting.
Drusylla Vyserax loses a bit on Strength (3) but has more attacks (4) and more importantly the 2″ range which increases survivability. Valyssa Umbrael goes down to 1″ range and 1/5 damage but otherwise same profile as Drusylla.

The Chosen Axes (490 points)
- Fjul-Grimnir: 200 points
- Tefk Flamebearer: 90 points
- Mad Maegrim: 90 points
- Vol Orrukbane: 110 points
The Chosen Axes are a Fyreslayers Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- The Chosen Kin (Double, all Chosen Axes): a fighter nearby Fjul-Grimnir can increase their melee Attack by 2.
Fjul-Grimnir is an upgraded Auric Runefather whose simple presence allows the other Chosen Axes to increase their attacks (The Chosen Kin), while he can buff their Strength with Lodge Leader for an explosive combination. He also has a better damage output (3/6) compared to a simple Runefather.
Tefk et Mad Maegrim are Vulkite Berzerkers with pair of Fyresteel Handaxes with 2 more wounds but access to the ability above. Vol, instead, is a Vulkite with a single axe and a weapon profile (and a cost) similar to a Hearthguard Berzerker with Broadaxe, but only 1″ range and without their ability to perform a bonus move and attack while heavily damaged.

Elathain’s Soulraid (565 points)
- Elathain Ill-Fated: 165 points
- Fuirann: 120 points
- Tammael: 90 points
- Duinclaw: 110 points
- Spinefin: 80 points
Elathain’s Soulraid is an Idoneth Deepkin Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- Soulnet (Double, Elathain): a chance to prevent move or disengage actions of a nearby enemy.
- Riptide Harpoon (Triple, Tammael): perform a bonus attack and then move the target enemy closer to the attacking unit.
Elathain has the weapon profile similar to an Isharann Soulrender and even his same ability only renamed Soulnet (instead of Hangman’s Knot). Their fish/eel attack is identical while Elathain’s main weapon has only 1″ range and less damage (2/4 instead of 2/5). He costs the same and has 2 wounds more.
The only reason for considering Elathain over a Soulrender is Duinclaw, the crab. He even won the second place as the best GW miniature of 2021! Toughness 6 will ensure only the strongest enemy can dent his shell but with 12 Wounds he will suffer critical hits. When attacking, he replies with equal vigour: 2 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage.
Exactly as Spinefin, they are both beasts but Spinefin can also fly (12″ Movement). Its attacks are not remarkable and with Toughness 2 better keep it far from the melee intent on grabbing isolated objectives.
Fuirann is an Akhelian Guard (unmounted) with the same weapon profile of an Ishlaen, no special ability, 5″ Movement, Toughness 4 and 16 wounds making her a good combatant stronger than a Namarti Thrall.
Tammael instead is a Namarti but armed with an harpoon that can use up to 8″ away for 1/4 damage. He can also use Riptide Harpoon ability, that for a Triple allows him to perform a bonus attack and pull the enemy towards him up to 6″ (based on the ability’s value).

Cyreni’s Razors (455 points)
- Cyreni of the Abyss: 165 points
- Cephanyr: 100 points
- Alathyrr: 95 points
- Renglaith: 95 points
Cyreni’s Razors is an Idoneth Deepkin Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 9 (Deathgorge), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.
- Ink Jet (Reaction, Cephanyr): When is targeted by a melee attack, for each attack that misses Cephanyr can move up to 2″ and if all attacks miss, the enemy fighter cannot use attack actions for this round.
- Hurl Lanmari Blade (Double, Alathyrr and Renglaith): Add up to 6″ to the Range characteristic but can’t perform more attacks this round.
- Hammertide (Triple, Cyreni): Draw a line from Cyreni to a battlefield corner and each enemy touched by a 1mm line cannot jump, fly or climb this round. In addition, for each one roll up to 6 dice: for each 3+ they take 1 damage.
- Crushing Wrap (Quad, Cephanyr): Before a melee attack action roll 8 dice: for each 3+ allocate 2 damage to the target and add 1 to the Strength of that attack.
Cyreni has a better profile of a Tidecaster, with 20 Wounds and 3 3″-7″ ranged attacks for 3-7 damage which can be quite devastating. In melee she still has a 2″ range that allows her to maintain a certain distance and still attack. Her ability can be quite significative if the stars (or the enemies in this case) align. May be tricky to find a straight line to a corner which impacts as many enemies as possible, but positioned correctly and with a high enough Triple, can do a bit of damage. Can also hinder enemies with slow movement unable to cross over terrain thanks to this ability.
But most of the time the real star of the warband will be Cephanyr. Of course his damage is not that scary (Strength 3 for 1/2 damage), but he has 8 of them!, a reaction which allows to move away from an opponent and a Quad that could even before the attack is performed.
Alathyrr et Renglaith have a profile which builds up from the Namarti Tralls but a much better Toughness 4. On top of that Alathyrr has a 1″ profile with an extra attack, and Renglaith a 3″ profile with 2 less attacks but 2/4 damage instead of 1/4. The most interesting part is that both for a Double can throw their weapon adding up to 6″ to their range (the ability’s value). It is useful in a first round after moving with a high-value Double for a potential 13″ range threat (movement 5″ and Double 6).

Thundrik’s Profiteers (715 points)
- Bjorgen Thundrik: 180 points
- Khazgan Drakkskewer: 220 points
- Dead-eye Lund: 125 points
- Enrik Ironhail: 120 points
- Garodd Alensen: 70 points
Thundrik’s Profiteers are a Les seigneurs de Kharadron Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Win Recognition (Triple, all Thundrik’s Profiteers): a bonus attack from the third battle round and thereafter when in range of Thundrik.
Bjorgen is an Aether-Khemist and as such he shares the same ability to reduce enemy attacks (Atmospheric Isolation) and the same melee weapon profile. In addition he can count on a ranged attack (3-9″ range) at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage and the ability to “incentivise” his comrades to perform a bonus attack when around him, but only from the third battle round onwards. He does cost almost the double of an Aether-Khemist although.
Khazgan has the same profile of a Skywarden with Vulcaniser Pistol and Skypike with 2 more Wounds but no Timed Charges ability for a higher cost making him a sub-optimal choice.
Dead-eye Lunden has the same profile as a Grundstok Thunderer with Aethershot Rifle, including the ability to disengage from an enemy without using an action. Enrik is an Arkanaut Company Privateer with Aethermatic Volley Gun with the same profile (6 attacks at 15″ range) and similar cost. Same for Garodd that shares the same profile of the Privateer armed with Pistol and Cutter.

Myari’s Purifiers (410 points)
- Myari Lightcaller: 120 points
- Bahannar: 90 points
- Ailenn, the Mind’s Edge: 105 points
- Senaela: 95 points
Myari’s Purifiers are a Lumineth Realmlords Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- Dazzling Light (Triple, Myari): subtract 1 attack from nearby enemy fighters.
Myari is a wizard with a ranged and melee profile identical to the Hurakan Windmage but Movement 5″, 20 Wounds and the same ability as the High Sentinel, the Sharp-eyed Scryhawk, that allows to choose a target and then every friendly fighter attacking that target increases their Attack by 1. Myari can also subtract 1 from the Attack characteristic of enemies in range for a Triple. For her price she is a good supporting hero.
Bahannar is an Alarith Stoneguard with Stone Mallet with the same profile and ability (Mountain Stance, reduces by 1 the damage taken for every attack). The same applies to Ailenn, a Vanari Bladelord, and Senaela, a Vanari Auralan Sentinel. Both have access to the Shining Company ability and Ailenn has access also to Perfect Strike, for a bonus attack with extra damage on critical hit. All 3 are slightly more expensive than their counterpart and have only 2 wounds more.

The Starblood Stalkers (635 points)
- Kixi-Taka, the Diviner: 130 points
- Klaq-Trok: 175 points
- Otapatl: 80 points
- Tok: 80 points
- Huachi: 95 points
- Xepic: 75 points
Le Starblood Stalkers are a Séraphin Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- Chameleon Ambush (Double, Otapatl): a bonus move action if there are no enemy fighters in range.
- Imbue with Azyrite Energy (Triple, Kixi-Taka): add 1 to Move and Toughness of friendly fighters in range.
Kixi-Taka has the same identical profile of a Skink Starpriest but without access to his ability. In exchange he can buff all friendly fighters within 9″ increasing by 1 both Move and Toughness. And he costs much less.
Klaq-Trok is a Saurus Oldblood with 4 Attacks instead of 3 and access to the same abilities for a slightly higher cost. He also does not count as a Leader, so he is a perfect heavy damage fighter, considering also that, as all Saurus, he can increase his damage at the cost of a Triple (Tearing Bite).
Otapatl is a Chameleon Skink, a profile so far missing from the roster. He has a similar ranged profile of a Boltspitter (12″ range, 2 Attacks Strength 3 for 1/5 damage) and a much weaker melee profile (1/2 damage). With 10 wounds and Toughness 2 you don’t want him in melee anyway, and his ability, Chamaleon Ambush, would allow him a bonus move but only if there’s no enemy within 12″.
Toq, Huachi et Xepic are all Skinks with different weapons, sharing the same stats as their counterparts plus 2 wounds: Boltsplitter and Moonstone Club, Javelin and Star Buckler and Moonstone Club and Star-Buckler respectively. All Skinks (including Kixi-Taqa) have a bonus disengage available for a Double.

Steelheart’s Champions (450 points)
- Severin Steelheart: 190 points
- Obryn the Bold: 135 points
- Angharad Brightshield: 125 points
Steelheart’s Champions are a Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Heroic Guard (Double, all Steelheart’s Champions): subtract 1 from damage received by every hit and critical hit.
While Severin is technically a Liberator-Prime, his lack of shield put him at Toughness 5, that is still good in Warcry. On the other side his weapon profile is a bit better than a Liberator with 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage.
All Steelheart’s Champions are Liberators and as such have access to Le tyran à l'arrêt for some extra buff when fighting tough opponents. Angharad has also a shield that allows him to damage after moving next to an enemy (Sigmarite Shield-Bash). For the rest she has an identical profile to a Liberator with Warhammer and Sigmarite Shield.
Obryn on the other side has the same profile of a Liberator with Grandhammer, a fighter specialised in high damage output (Strength 5 for 3/5 damage).
Both Liberators are slightly more expensive than their basic version but all fighters in the warband have access to Heroic Guard that allows them to reduce the damage taken for a round by 1. Considering the high wounds it helps a bit to mitigate the critical damage that is one of the weak spots of high Toughness fighters.

The Farstriders (440 points)
- Sanson Farstrider: 170 points
- Almeric Eagle-eye: 135 points
- Elias Swiftblade: 135 points
The Farstriders are a Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Chamber Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Guided by the Astral Compass (Triple, Sanson): each Farstrider within range from the leader can perform a bonus move action.
Sanson is identical to a Hunter-Prime, the leader of Vanguard-Hunters. It does have a Warrior runemark, but currently no ability in the Vanguard Chamber or The Farstriders is associated to that keyword. Maybe the FAQ will clarify it, would be good if the Aetherwing on his arm could use the Warning Cry to allow re-rolling hits.
All members of this Bladeborn warband are able to perform a bonus move after the Leader activates Guided by the Astral Compass (for a Triple) while within 6″ of him.
Both Almeric et Elias are Vanguard-Hunters with identical weapon profiles (both ranged and melee) and 2 wounds more. With the Tome of Champions 2021 point changes, they are now slightly cheaper than the base version so if you need hunters, those are probably your best option.

Stormsire’s Cursebreakers (535 points)
- Averon Stormsire: 215 points
- Ammis Dawnguard: 160 points
- Rastus the Charmed: 160 points
Stormsire’s Cursebreakers are a Stormcast Eternals Sacrosanct Chamber Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Storm of Eldritch Lightning (Triple, Averon): a change to perform quite some damage (up to 18) to an enemy within range.
Despite Averon being a Knight-Incantor (lore-wise), he has the same profile and abilities of the Lord-Exorcist (with 2 wounds less and a similar cost). Open Redemption Cache, from the Lord-Exorcist, allows to damage all enemies at a close range, while Storm of Eldritch Lightning, allows to damage an enemy at 9″ range for up to 18 damage (3 damage for every 3+, roll as many dice as the value of the ability). These are expensive abilities but provide many tools in Averon’s arsenal for every situation.
Ammis et Rastus are Evocators with a similar profile as the Tempest Blade and Stormstave but few differences that justify their slightly higher price. Ammis has more damage (2/5) while Rastus has more Strength (6). They both have 2 Wounds more and access to Summon Celestial Lightning, that is similar to the storm from Averon, but with a much reduced scope (1 damage on a 4+, up to 6 dice, 1″ range).

Xandire’s Truthseekers (660 points)
- Calthia Xandire: 210 points
- Dhoraz Giant-fell: 165 points
- Luxa Stormrider: 170 points
- Taros: 115 points
Xandire’s Truthseekers are a Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 5, whose rules are available in White Dwargf 477. Please note we have seen that this warband will be in a new Warcry product to be released later in 2023, so rules may change.
- Lantern Astrala (Double, Calthia): subtract 2 to the value of enemy abilities used within 9″.
- Staggering Blow (Double, Dhoraz): force an enemy to perform a bonus disengage action or suffer D6 damage.
- Quick Volley (Triple, Luxa): +2 attacks to the next ranged attack.
Xandire has a unique profile as she has the base profile of a Vigilor-Prime (5″ movement, Toughness 5 and 25 wounds), the weapon profile of a Vanquisher-Prime (5 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) but access to the Triple, Grève coordonnée of the Lord-Imperatant (up to 3 fighters can perform a bonus move or attack action). Her special ability, Lantern Astrala, is becoming more and more redundant with fewer abilities depending on their value, but can be super annoying against some warbands.
Dhoraz is another odd one: he is an Annihilator with access to the same abilities plus Staggering Blow, but a leaner profile that sacrifices Toughness (“only” 5) for speed (4″ Movement) and the weapon profile of a simple meteoric hammer while wielding a grandhammer (still 3/5 damage at Strength 5 is not bad).
Luxa is a Vigilor, same identical stats but in addition she has access to Quick Volley, that for a Triple allows her to buff a single ranged attack rolling 2 dice more. Taros instead is a bird, a fast (12″ movement flying) and expensive bird. If you were missing Aetherwings in the Thunderstrike, now you have one.

Domitan’s Stormcoven (595 points)
- Domitan, Eye of the Storm: 200 points
- Leona Stratosi: 200 points
- Sarpon, the Cyclone: 195 points
Domitan’s Stormcoven is a Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 8 (Wyrdhollow), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 492.
- Aetherforce (Double, Everyone): +1 to Toughness and +2″ to Move for the rest of the battle round.
- Scouring Blows (Double, Sarpon): for the next melee attack, critical hits are scored on a 5+.
- Rushing Gales (Triple, Leona): for the battle round all Stormcoven can fly during their movement.
- Electrokinetic Blast (Quad, Domitan): pick a point within 12″ and roll up to 6 dice, for each 4+ allocate D3 to all enemies within 3″ of that point.
This warband represents 3 Knights-Arcanum, and as such they share the same profile, with the same Movement 4″ and Toughness 5. However, the Stormcoven can increase both at the cost of a Double, Aetherforce, to bring it to 6″ and 6 respectively.
The melee profile is a 2″ range, Strength 4 attack, with Sarpon having one more attack than the others (4). The ranged profile (3″-7″) has same Strength but 3/6 damage (3/7 for Leona).
Domitan is the main Leader (but they all have the Hero runemark) and his ability, Electrokinetic Blast, is a Quad which can be quite devastating. You select a visible point on the battlefield within 12″ and then you roll as many dice as the ability’s value and on each 4+ you allocate D3 damage to all enemies within 3″ of that point. Against horde warbands keeping an objective, a high Quad has the potential to wipe out all resistance.
Leona‘s ability instead allows all Stormcoven to fly while moving for the rest of the battle round. It may be useful in some situations, but there’s only 3 fighters in this warband and it costs a Triple…
Finally Sarpon counts as the heavy-hitter and even his Double, Scouring Blows, represents it generating critical hits on a 5+.

Ylthari’s Guardians (355 points)
- Ylthari: 125 points
- Skhathael: 85 points
- Gallanghann of the Glade: 80 points
- Ahnslaine, Revenant Archer: 65 points
Ylthari’s Guardians are a Sylvaneth Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Vigour and Wrath (Double, all Guardians): add 1 to the damage from every critical hit performed.
- The Reaping (Quad, Ylthari): a good chance to allocate up to 6 damage to all enemies in range.
Ylthari is a Thornwych, a profile not existing in Warcry before. The closest would be a Branchwych, with which she shares both weapon profiles but her movement is 4″ instead of 6″. She has her own ability, The Reaping, that allows to damage any enemy within 6″ on a 2+. If you have a Quad high enough you can do some serious damage.
All other Guardian fighters are Tree-Revenants but with a very different weapon profile than their counterpart. They share the 4″ Movement and Toughness 3 but have higher wounds (10, except Skhathael with 12) but they do not have the ability to tele-transport around the battlefield (that makes the Tree-Revenants an excellent objective-thief, considering also the low cost). Instead they have an ability to increase their damage on critical hits by 1.
While this ability can be useful on a profile like Skhathael‘s, with 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage, it becomes less interesting on Gallanghan that has an already high damage output (2 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/6 damage) or on Ahnslaine that has only 2 attacks both melee and ranged.
Ahnslaine is also the archer of the group, with a range of 15″ and 4 damage on critical hit making her a useful alternative and in a Sylvaneth army one of the cheapest ranged fighter available. She is also the first Tree-Revenant Archer ever to appear in Age of Sigmar.

Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (460 points)
- Skaeth the Huntsman: 160 points
- Karthaen: 85 points
- Sheoch: 75 points
- Althaen: 75 points
- Lighaen: 65 points
Skaeth’s Wild Hunt is a Sylvaneth Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Might of Kurnoth (Triple, Karthaen): increase the melee attacks of friendly fighters in range.
While technically Sylvaneth, the Wild Hunt represent a different group of sylvan aelves: the Kurnothi. As such none of them has an existing counterpart in Warcry.
Skaeth is the quickest with 8″ Movement but the Mounted keyword, the rest of the warband has 5″ Move. With Toughness 4 and 22 Wounds he can take some punch, but his weapon has 8″ range and no minimum distance, meaning he can attack from afar without getting too close. As a Leader he can use Envoy of the Everqueen to increase Toughness and Strength of friendly fighters in range but doesn’t have any other specific ability.
The Leader ability matches well with Karthaen‘s unique ability, Might of Kurnoth, that increases the Attack characteristic. Activating them both in the same battle round may be hard (requires a Quad and a Triple) but can be devastating if you can pull it off at the right moment. Apart from that, Karthaen hits harder than a Revenant with 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage and is a bit more resistant with 12 wounds (the others have 10 except Lighaen 8).
Sheoch has more attacks (4) but less damage (1/4), while Althaen introduces the second ranged option in the Bladeborn warband and one of the cheapest in the Sylvaneth: 15″ for 1/4 damage. Her melee profile is forgettable.
Lighaen counts as Beast, and his profile is similar to a Tree-Revenant with higher critical damage (1/4), 8″ Movement but also higher cost.
Overview and points of the Chaos Warcry Bladeborn Warbands

Grashrak’s Despoilers (610 points)
- Grashrak Fellhoof: 185 points
- Draknar: 125 points
- Korsh “the Sneak”: 65 points
- Murghoth Half-horn: 65 points
- Ushkor: 85 points
- Gnarl: 85 points
Grashrak’s Despoilers are a Les bêtes du chaos Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Savage Bolt (Quad, Grashrak): up to 6 damage to an enemy within 12″ and a good chance to prevent his activation the same round.
Grashrak is a buffed up version of the Great-bray Shaman with same ranged weapon and higher damage in melee (2/4). He has access to the same abilities but also one of his own: Savage Bolt that can do some damage and on a 2+ prevent the enemy fighter to activate. It costs a Quad but when that is available can make a huge difference in certain situations.
Draknar is also a beefed up Bestigor, with more damage (2/5) and Wounds (18). He shares also the same “damage after movement” ability but is quite more expensive.
Korsh et Murghoth are Ungors armed with Shortspear but without the shield, meaning they have 1 more attack, but reduced Toughness (from 4 to 3). Their 2″ range weapon and 5″ movement should allow them to resist a bit, and they are cheaper than a normal Ungor.
Ushkor et Gnarl are Ungor Raiders with 2 more wounds. They even have access to the same Volley of Arrows that allows to increase their ranged attacks for an action.

Magore’s Fiends (530 points)
- Magore Redhand: 155 points
- Riptooth: 185 points
- Zharkus the Bloodsighed: 95 points
- Ghartok Flayskull: 95 points
Magore’s Fiends are a Khorne lié par le sang Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Daemonic Maw (Double, Magore): a chance to do random damage to an engaged enemy.
- Bloodscent (Triple, Riptooth): perform a bonus move with all friendly characters within range of him.
Magore is a Chaos Champion (the leader of the Blood Warriors) without access to the Gorefist, but with a pretty similar ability: Daemonic Maw.
Zharkus et Ghartok are Blood Warriors with Goreaxe and Gorefist, with access to same profile and abilities at an increased cost.
Riptooth is a Flesh Hound but with the Beast runemark that the other hounds don’t have, meaning that he can’t open doors and similar, but can be whipped to frenzy by a Bloodstoker. On the other side he has access to Bloodscent, that gives every other fighter from the same Bladeborn warband a bonus move.

Garrek’s Reavers (545 points)
- Garrek Gorebeard: 170 points
- Blooded Saek: 115 points
- Karsus the Chained: 120 points
- Targor: 70 points
- Arnulf: 70 points
Garrek’s Reavers are a Khorne lié par le sang Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Ever Advancing (Double, all Reavers): up to 3″ extra the next move action.
- Decapitating Strike (Double, Garrek): up to 3 extra damage on critical hit for one melee attack action.
- Frenzied Attack (Triple, Karsus): up to 3 damage to all nearby enemy fighters.
- Khorne Cares Not (Quad, all Reavers): perform a bonus attack action with one extra attack for each fighter taken down that battle round.
This warband must win the title of Bladeborn warband with the highest number of abilities available (3 for everyone, 4 for Karsus and 5 for Garrek).
Garrek is a Bloodreaver Chieftain with same weapon profile but tougher (Toughness 4 and 22 wounds). As mentioned above he has access to 5 abilities, including the generic Bloodbound (Du sang pour le Dieu du sang for a bonus move or attack after killing an enemy) and the generic leader Bloodbound (Seigneur des crânes, buffing attacks of nearby fighters after taking down an enemy). His special ability, Frappe de décapitation, is the least remarkable however.
The other abilities shared by the entire warband allow extra movement or an extra attack action, making this warband extremely thematic. Karsus has the last ability of the group for some area damage. On top of that he is the most “ranged” fighter available to the Bloodbound with 3″ range (same as the Bloodstoker but with 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage).
Blooded Saek is a Bloodreaver with Meatripper Axe buffed up with Toughness 4 and damage 3/5. Targor et Arnulf are Bloodreavers with Reaver Blades with 2 wounds more and a higher cost justified by all abilities available above.

Gorechosen of Dromm (585 points)
- Dromm, Wounder of Worlds: 205 points
- The Gorehulk: 225 points
- Skullgrinder Herax: 155 points
Gorechosen of Dromm is a Khorne lié par le sang Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 6 (Nethermaze), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 494.
- Overhead Smash (Double, The Gorehulk): after jumping at least 2″ vertically downwards, roll up to 6 dice and for each 4+ allocate 3 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
- Chains of Blood (Triple, Herax): add up to 3″ to the range of melee attacks.
- Wound the Realm (Quad, Dromm): draw a thin line between two battlefield corners or two objectives and roll a dice for each model touched by that line. On a 3+ that model receives up to 6 damage.
Dromm, Wounder of Worlds is the leader of this warband with a profile reminiscent of a Slaughterpriest with Axe, although his axe reaches Strength 5 for 2/4 damage. High wounds and average Toughness (4) makes him hard to take down, while his special ability, Wound of the Realm, even if it costs a Quad has the potential to do lots of damage (to anyone, including your fighters).
The Gorehulk has no comparative profile and is one of the most expensive Khorne Bloodbound fighters. With Toughness 5 and 36 wounds he’ll be hard to take down. But even worse if you find yourself at the end of his punches: 4 attacks at Strength 6 for 3/4 damage are enough to kill a low-wound fighter in one action. He can also thematically smash someone to pieces after jumping off a wall or building for a Double.
Skullgrinder Herax, as the name implies, has a profile similar to a Skullgrinder but with only 1″ range instead of 2″, although it can be further increased by half the value of the Triple used. Despite this, still a good profile with Toughness 5, cheaper than a Skullgrinder and low-count but high-damage attacks.

Eyes of the Nine (515 points)
- Vortemis the All-seeing: 150 points
- K’Charik: 125 points
- Narvia: 75 points
- Turosh: 75 points
- Eyes of the Nine Blue Horror: 90 points
- Eyes of the Nine Brimstone Horror: 0 points
Le Eyes of the Nine are a Arcanites de Tzeentch Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Split into Brimstone Horrors (Double, Blue Horror): replace the Blue Horror with a Brimstone Horror, but only if Blue Horror is wounded.
- Cleaving Strike (Triple, K’Charik): add up to 3 damage to every hit in the next melee attack.
- Empowered Bolts (Quad, all Eyes of the Nine): perform a bonus attack, and if it is a ranged Blast attack, add up to 3 to Attack and Strength.
Vortemis has the same profile as a Magister, up to the same wounds, but, for a slightly higher cost, he has access to Empowered Bolts. This ability, available to everyone in the warband, gives an extra bonus attack and, as long as the attack performed is the ranged Blast attack, you can add up to half the value of the ability to Attack and Strength. Assuming you have a Quad 5 or 6, 5 attacks at Strength 6 for 3/6 damage are quite good.
K’Charik is a Tzaangor with Savage Greatblade with increased Toughness (4), Wounds (16) and access to Cleaving Strike for extra damage on his attacks (he can reach 5/8 on his 3 attacks).
Narvia et Turosh are Kairic Acolytes with Cursed Blade and Arcanite Shield.
Le Eyes of the Nine Blue Horror is actually a Tzeentch Daemon and has access to a revised Split Again ability that allows it to be replaced by a L'horreur du soufre. Note that, contrary to the Tzeentch Demons, the Brimstone Horror cannot be added to the warband directly, hence its cost of 0 points. They have both the same profile as their daemonic counterpart.

Ephilim’s Pandaemonium (470 points)
- Ephilim the Unknownable: 145 points
- Spawnmaw: 105 points
- Flamespooler: 95 points
- Apo’Trax the Starefysh: 70 points
- Kindlefinger: 55 points
Ephilim’s Pandaemonium is a Daemons de Tzeentch Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 8 (Wyrdhollow), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 492.
- Hypnotise (Double, Apo’Trax): Force an enemy within 6″ to make a move directly towards this fighter.
- Sudden Warp-Portal (Double, Everyone): Swap two fighters of this warband within 12″ placing them within 3″ of their original location.
- Engulfing Bite (Triple, Spawnmaw): +2 to Attack, Strength and damage on critical hit for the next melee attack action.
- Summoned Abomination (Quad, Ephilim): Bring back within 3″ and at full health a slain fighter from this warband.
This warband is particular because most of these models are extremely unique in all Age of Sigmar context. Even Ephilim has a caster profile with extreme low survivability if engaged (Toughness 3 and 18 Wounds) but a good ranged attack (3″-7″ range 3/6 damage at Strength 4), but nothing close to existing profiles. His melee attack is just average, but has a 2″ range which helps to attack avoiding being engaged.
Ephilim’s ability allows to resurrect any other warband fighter at the cost of a Quad by making them re-appear within 3″ and at full health. The entire warband can also swap position within 12″ for a Double, and this becomes extremely interesting to keep Ephilim alive when they get too close to him.
Spawnmaw is the brawn of the warband, with 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. For a Triple, with its ability Engulfing Bite, it becomes much deadlier increasing by 2 Attack, Strength and damage on critical hit for the next melee action (so 5 attacks at Strength 4 and 2/6 damage). He is also the fastest (5″) but as everyone else, his low Toughness will not grant him a long life. As long as you have a Quad and Ephilim alive, that should not be a problem.
Apo’Trax has a single attack but for 3/6 damage, and an ability that for a Double forces an enemy to move of their entire movement directly towards Apo’Trax. Good to get an otherwise protected fighter right in the middle of your own side.
Flamespooler has average attacks, with his ranged profile going as far as 12″ but the Strength 2 in both melee and ranged profiles makes him mostly cannon fodder.
Lastly, Kindlefinger will not be remembered for his high damage output (1/1 ranged and 1/2 in melee) or Strength (1) but it is the weirdest-looking fighter in an already crazy warband. He is cheap, because with 6 Wounds and Toughness 1 if it is ever engaged, it is dead before the opponent finishes sneezing.

The Wurmspat (380 points)
- Fecula Flyblown: 170 points
- Ghulgoch the Butcher: 100 points
- Sepsimus Plaguesworn: 110 points
The Wurmspat are a Nurgle Rotbringer Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Draw Upon the Retchling’s Power (Double, Fecula): can be used only once per battle to perform a bonus ranged attack.
Fecula is a Rotbringer Sorcerer with the same profile and access to the same abilities, including Stream of Corruption that can damage and reduce enemy’s Toughness and La bénédiction du grand-père that increases the Strength of friendly melee attacks. On top of that he has higher resistance (Toughness 4 and 28 wounds) and access to her special ability for a single bonus ranged attack in the entire battle.
Ghulgoch is a Putrid Blightking with Blighted Weapons with a better profile, including 1 more attack (4 at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) but the Beast runemark stopping him from opening doors and other activities.
Sepsimus instead has a 2″ range for a slightly weaker melee (3 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/5 damage) and no special ability. Both have Toughness 4 and 26 wounds that would allow them longevity.

The Dread Pageant (620 points)
- Vasillac the Gifted: 200 points
- Slakeslash: 200 points
- Hadzu: 115 points
- Glissete: 105 points
The Dread Pageant is a Slaanesh Sybarite Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- Cavalcade of Madness (Quad, all Dread Pageant): perform a bonus attack action. If either the target or this fighter are wounded, add 1 to the attack, 3 if both are wounded.
Vasillac has some communalities with a Myrmidesh Painmaster, with similar weapon profile (except the 2″ range and higher damage, 2/5) and access to the same ability that adds damage to his melee attacks. He has also 5″ movement and a resistant profile with Toughness 5 and 26 wounds.
All Dread Pageant have access to a Quad ability that allows them to perform a bonus attack and to add extra attacks depending on who is wounded (+1 if either is wounded or +3 if both are wounded).
Slakeslash is a Slaangor Fiendblood with higher damage (3/6) and wounds (22) and same ability to perform a bonus run towards a close enemy (remember that now costs a Double not a Triple).
Hadzu is a better Blissbarb Archer with 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/4 damage at 15″ range, plus access to the same ability to increase her ranged attacks and more wounds (12).
Glissete does not have a comparable profile. The 2″ range makes her closer to the Slickblade but she is not mounted and has 5″ movement. Her 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/5 damage are really interesting, the 2″ range should allow her to survive a bit considering her Toughness 3 and 12 wounds. She does not have special abilities.

Thricefold Discord (400 points)
- Vexmor: 150 points
- Lascivyr, the Bladed Blessing: 135 points
- Vashtiss the Coiled: 115 points
Thricefold Discord is a Daemons de Slaanesh Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 9 (Deathgorge), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.
- The Coiled Lash (Double, Vashtiss): enemies engages with Vashtiss cannot disengage and if still in contact at the end of the battle round, they receive up to 3 damage.
- The Bladed Blessing (Triple, Lascivyr): perform a bonus attack action considering the enemy’s Toughness lower by 5 to a minimum of 1.
- Undignified Effort (Quad, Vexmor): add 2 attacks to the next melee attack action.
- Triumphant Tittering (Reaction, Everyone)
- Quand: Another Thricefold Discord fighter is slain. Can be performed without forfeiting an action and even if already activated.
- Quoi ? Perform a bonus move or attack action.
This warband represents 3 daemon leaders, each more different than the other but they all share low Toughness (3) and the reaction that allows a surviving fighter to perform a bonus move or attack when another Thricefold Discord is slain. Even if they have already used all their actions and without forfeiting any if they have yet to activate. Note that you can’t perform it with two fighters at once, each action can only activate one reaction.
Vexmor has an incredible single attack with Strength 10, meaning it will always hit on a 3+, for 5/10 damage. Even scarier, for a Quad you can add 2 more attacks to the next attack action. On the downside, it is the slowest with 3″ movement.
Lascivyr, the Bladed Blessing, goes for lots of attacks instead (6) at Strength 3 for 2/3 damage. It is the fastest with 6″ movement and its ability for a Triple allows basically to ignore the enemy’s Toughness (reducing by 5 to a minimum of 1).
Vashtiss the Coiled is in the middle, with fewer attacks (2 ranged at 3″-7″ distance or 3 in melee) at Strength 3, but also an interesting ability that with a Double prevents enemy fighters from disengaging, and if they don’t teleport away or slain Vashtiss, they receive half the ability’s value in damage. It could have been full ability’s value, making it tastier and more thematic, because with Toughness 3 and 16 wounds Vashtiss is not guaranteed to survive especially if engaged to multiple fighters.

Spiteclaw’s Swarm (460 points)
- Skritch Spiteclaw: 120 points
- Krrk the Almost-Trusted: 85 points
- Lurking Skaven: 85 points
- Hungering Skaven: 85 points
- Festering Skaven: 85 points
Spiteclaw’s Swarm is a Skaven Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- There Are Always More (Triple, Skritch): bring back a dead Lurking, Hungering or Festering Skaven close to your leader with up to 6 wounds healed.
Spiteclaw is the perfect example of Skaven leader: with his 2″ range weapon (3 Attacks, Strength 3 and 2/5 damage) he can fight from the backline, increasing his chances to survive, otherwise small considering Toughness 3 and 18 wounds. If that’s not enough he can always Scurry Away (a chance to disengage for free) or increase the attacks of nearby fighters with Diriger depuis l'arrière. And on top of that he can then throw dead comrades back in action and straight in the face of any trying to get too close with his special ability.
This ability does not work with Krrk, but the 2″ range weapon similar to Skritch should give allow him to attack without retaliation. If he does get attacked, Toughness 3 and 12 wounds are not going to last long.
The other Skaven are unnamed but they represent a particular aspect: Lurking has high attacks (5), Hungering the least (3) but increases his Toughness to 4, while Festering is the most balanced (and cheapest) with 4 attacks and a higher damage (1/4 instead of 1/3). They all have Strength 3, 10 wounds and 6″ movement, but the best part is, assuming Skritch is still alive, you can bring them back to deny victory to your opponent in some scenarios.

Skittershank’s Clawpack (490 points)
- Slynk Skittershank: 170 points
- Snyp Padpaw: 95 points
- Kreep Kinwhisper: 75 points
- Skulck: 75 points
- Krowch’t: 75 points
Skittershank’s Clawpack is a Skaven Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 6 (Nethermaze), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 494.
- Way of the Slinking Rat (Double, Everyone): on a 2+ perform a bonus disengage action.
- Spitting Cobra Technique (Triple, Slynk and Kreep): select an enemy within 6″ and roll up to 6 dice and for each one equal or greater the target’s Toughness characteristic, allocate 3 damage.
- Way of the Hidden Paw (Quad, Slynk): perform a bonus move and then a bonus attack with as many more attacks as Clawpack fighters already engaged with the target.
- Musk of Fear (Reaction, Everyone)
- Quand: An enemy ends a move within 3″ of them.
- Quoi ? Select another Skaven fighter within 3″ and perform a bonus move or disengage action which needs to end 3″ away or more from the enemy fighter.
Slynk represents a Deathmaster, but for some reason he forgot to equip his ninja stars and does not have a shooting profile. Apart from that, he is characterised by two new abilities, one, a Quad, which allows him a bonus move and a bonus attack with an added extra attack for each other Clawpack already within 1″ of his target. And the other can be pretty devastating and compensates the absence of the shooting attack. He can choose an enemy target within 6″ and roll 6 dice. Each of those dice which matches or beats the Toughness characteristic of the target, he allocated 3 damage to them. Against a Toughness 4 enemy that’s 12 damage on average for a Triple!
This last ability is also available to Kreep, who is a Gutter Runner with a better shooting profile (an extra attack), making him a great addition when taking this Bladeborn warband.
Skulck instead has the same profile as a Night Runner, while Krowch’t has an attack more than a Clanrat with Rusty Blade and Snyp is a good melee fighter with 12 wounds, and 4 attacks for 2/4 damage. They don’t have access to many Skaven abilities, lacking the necessary keywords, but they all share a Double which is identical to the Skaven Scurry Away (on a 2+ allows a bonus disengage action), and a reaction which can be used also by other Skaven to flee an incoming enemy, as only the reacting fighter has to be a Clawpack.

Skabbik’s Plaguepack (635 points)
- Skabbik Plagueseeker: 160 points
- Rabidius Skench: 115 points
- Itchitt: 110 points
- Poxlix: 90 points
- Rikkit: 90 points
- Skritter: 70 points
Skabbik’s Plaguepack is a Skaven Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 8 (Wyrdhollow), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 492.
- Befoul the Land (Double, Everyone except Poxlix and Rikkit): choose a close-by objective or treasure, at the end of the battle round any enemy within 3″ on a 3+ suffers D3 damage.
- Disgusting Appearance (Double, Everyone): subtract 1 from the melee attacks received by this fighter.
- Unctuous Citations (Triple, Skabbik): Skabbik and another Plaguepack within 7″ perform the same bonus move or attack action.
- Manifestation of a Great Plague (Quad, Skabbik): all enemies within 3″ of this fighter or up to 3 visible objectives, receive up to 6 damage.
Skabbik is the leader of this warband, with a similar profile to a Plague Priest but 2 more wounds. As the rest of the warband, he loses access to Scurry Away (no bonus disengage) but obtains the ability to do damage based on enemy proximity to objectives or to him. The Quad in particular is really flexible as it allows to choose if to trigger the damage from Skabbik or from as many visible objective as half the value of this ability, potentially spreading damage on a huge area. The damage is also based on the ability’s value, so higher it is the more damage and from more objectives.
The Double, Befoul the Land instead works on a 3+ and at the end of the turn, but could still be relevant as it can be used by most of the warband, including Rabidius, how has otherwise the same profile as a Plague Censer Bearer.
Itchitt has an unusual Skaven profile, with melee attacks as a Clanrat with Rusty Blade, but a shooting attack at 3″-8″ range for 3/6 damage which can be pretty good if they hit (Strength 2).
Poxlix et Rikkit represent the Plague Monks with the same profile respectively of the one with Paired Foetid Blades and the one with Staves. Considering the low Toughness of this warband (3 on average) the use of the Double which reduces the enemy attacks by 1, can be a life-saver.
Skritter instead is a Giant Rat with same profile but less Strength (2) whose main use is its 8″ movement.

Khagra’s Ravagers (570 points)
- Khagra the Usurper: 195 points
- Dour Cragan: 125 points
- Razek Godblessed: 115 points
- Zarshia Bittersoul: 135 points
Khagra’s Ravagers are a Esclaves des ténèbres Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- Spite-tongue Curse (Double, Zarshia): a chance to damage an enemy in range but also to self-damage herself.
- Mask of Darkness (Triple, Zarshia): tele-transport another Ravager closer to Zarshia.
- Desecration (Quad, all Ravagers): a bonus attack action with extra Attack and Strength if close-by an objective.
Khagra has the same weapon profile of a Darkoath Chieftain, without his abilities but an impressive Toughness 6 coupled with 26 wounds. She is a good fighter on her own but she can be further buffed by the trademark ability of this Bladeborn warband: Desecration that allows them a bonus attack, and if they are within 3″ on an objective they can also add up to 3 to the Attack and Strength characteristic (depending on the ability’s value).
Her sister Zarshia, has a similar profile to a Chaos Sorcerer Lord, with slightly less ranged damage (3/5) but not his ability (as she is not a leader). In exchange she can damage an opponent 9″ away with the risk of damaging herself (1 damage to the enemy for every 4+ and 1 to herself for every 1 rolled) and she can tele-transport any Ravager within 6″ of her for a Triple. Considering her Toughness 3 better keep her out of harm’s way.
Dour and Razek are Chaos Warriors. Dour has the same profile as the one armed with pair of Chaos Hand Weapons with 1 more wound (16) and slightly more expensive. Razek instead shares the stats of the Chaos Warrior with Chaos Hand Weapon and Runeshield, including access to Bouclier Ram for a bonus chance of damage after engaging an enemy. Considering their high Toughness (5 and 6 respectively), they can be afraid only of critical damage.

Godsworn Hunt (565 points)
- Theddra Skull-Scryer: 150 points
- Ollo: 80 points
- Jagathra: 65 points
- Grawl: 75 points
- Grundann Blood-Eye: 90 points
- Shond Head-Claimer: 105 points
Godsworn Hunt is a Esclaves des ténèbres Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Hunting Hound (Double, Ollo): Grawl can perform a bonus move if he is in range of Ollo.
- Enfeeble (Triple, Theddra): reduce an enemy’s Toughness by up to 6 points.
- Oathsworn Attack (Quad, all Godsworn): perform a bonus attack with up to 3 attacks more.
Theddra has a profile similar to a Chaos Sorcerer Lord, without his abilities but with greater Toughness (4). Combined with both melee (2″) and ranged attack (3-7″) allowing her to attack from safe distance, it should give her some survivability. Her special ability can reduce (to a minimum of 1) the Toughness of an enemy within 12″. No conditions, just need to have a decent Triple and being able to see the enemy, making this an extremely powerful ability.
The other ability all Godsworn share, allow them to perform a bonus attack with up to 3 attacks more (depending on the ability’s value) but as most of these abilities, it costs a Quad.
Ollo is an archer and the one with the highest range of the entire Slaves to Darkness roster (15″). 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage are not much but you can start harassing the enemy from afar. In melee the attacks become 2. His ability allows Grawl to perform a bonus move. Grawl is a little dog with good attacks for his low cost (3 attacks for 2/4 damage). Toughness 3 and 8 wounds would not allow him to stand long however.
Grundann et Shond have both Toughness 4 and 10 wounds with similar weapon profiles with damage 2/4. Where Grundann hits harder (Strengh 4 but 3 attacks), Shond prefers more attacks (4 but Strength 3).
Jagathra instead has only Toughness 3 but her 2″ weapon allows her to keep some distance. She has also high critical damage (4) on her 3 attacks and can throw her javelin for a chance of damaging an enemy 6″ away like the Marauder Horsemen.

Gnarlspirit Pack (515 points)
- Sarrakkar Blackwing: 185 points
- Crimson Kheira: 100 points
- Gorl Spinehammer: 120 points
- Lupan Longcut: 110 points
Le Gnarlspirit Pack is a Esclaves des ténèbres Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 7, whose rules are available in White Dwarf 482.
- Unleash (Double, all Pack): add 1″ to the Move, 1 to the Attack and the Beast runemark to this fighter until the end of the round.
- Self-Command (Triple, all Pack): add 1 to the Toughness and 1 to the melee damage (both hits and critical hits) until the end of the round.
- In Control (Quad, all Pack): all other Gnarlspirit Pack fighters can perform either a bonus move or a bonus attack.
Sarrakar is an upgraded Chaos Sorcerer Lord with a better melee profile. Apart from this, he does not have access to the Sorcerer skills but he makes up for it with 5″ of flying movement and 3 interesting abilities.
The first one allows any Gnarlspirit pack to add 1″ Move and 1 to the Attack characteristic until the end of the battle round at the cost of becoming a Beast. Most of the time being a Beast has no great disadvantages (can’t open doors or carry treasures), so most of the time this ability has no downsides.
The next one adds 1 to Toughness (bringing anyone from this warband to 5) and 1 to the melee damage both from hits and critical hits. It costs a Triple, but more damage is always good and a little extra defence never hurt anyone. The last ability allows each other fighter of the Pack to perform a bonus move or attack action. It does not let the initiator of the ability perform any bonus action, but there’s no range either, meaning that you can use it with Sarrukkar hiding away to use his 7″ ranged attack, and take advantage of the more melee focussed members of the Bladeborn warband.
The other 3 fighters don’t have corresponding profiles in the Slaves to Darkness army: Kheira represents the multi-attacks fighter with 5 attacks but Strength 3, Gorl is the heavy-hitter with Strength 5 and 2/5 damage, while Lupan has an 8″ range weapon profile that is the longest in a basic fighter for the entire army.
Overview and points of the Death Bladeborn Warbands

The Grymwatch (600 points)
- Duke Crakmarrow: 160 points
- Gristlewel, Greatsword: 85 points
- Valreek the Tracker: 60 points
- Night’s Herald: 65 points
- Royal Butcher: 75 points
- Master Talon: 80 points
- Duke’s Harriers: 75 points
The Grymwatch is a Flesh-eater Courts warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Royal Decree (Double, Duke Crakmarrow): a friendly close-by Ghoul from the Grymwatch can perform a bonus attack.
Crakmarrow and his band of ghouls are not the strongest fighters you can field. With Toughness 3 and 10 wounds on average (20 the Duke and 8 the Harriers), they have their hours counted. Their strength is in the numbers, the Duke being able to perform a bonus attack with one of his ghouls for a Double.
Even with that, you will need to add some heavy hitters to this warband to stand a chance. The Duke himself has the same profile of a Crypt Ghast Courtier but 2″ range that can allow him to attack without immediate retaliation.
All the others are a variation on the Crypt Ghoul profile, only more expensive:
- Gristlewel is the “heavy-hitter” with 2 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
- Night’s Herald has the base Ghoul profile: 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage.
- Valreek sacrifices 1 attack to add to the critical damage (1/4).
- Same for the Royal Butcher, but his Strength is upgraded to 4.
- Master Talon instead increases his attacks to 4.
Le Duke’s Harriers are bats with 10″ of flying movement perfect for reaching far objectives and the same weapon profile of Master Talon. With Toughness 2 keep them away from most fights.

The Skinnerkin (480 points)
- Gristla Tenderhooke: 160 points
- The Carnskyr: 120 points
- Young Master Kretch: 75 points
- Flensemaster Pewdrig: 65 points
- Seddrik the Chain: 60 points
The Skinnerkin is a Flesh-eater Courts Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 10 (Wintermaw), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.
- Get Out of My Larder! (Double, Tout le monde): This fighter and another Skinnerkin within 6″ perform a bonus move up to 6″ away, then the other fighter activates immediately after.
- Plated Banquet (Triple, Tout le monde): After taking down an enemy, replace it with a banquet token. At the end of the round, each friendly fighter within 6″ of the token can heal 3 damage points.
- Precise Filleting (Quad, Tout le monde): The next melee attack action scores critical hits on a 3+ regardless of the opponent’s Toughness.
- Back to the Kitchens! (Reaction, Tout le monde)
- Quand: After being allocated damage by a melee attack.
- Quoi ? Perform a bonus disengage.
Gristla Tenderhooke is the Leader of the warband and the heaviest hitter. She is also the most survivable with Toughness 4 and 20 wounds. For the rest she has the same attack profile of a Crypt Ghast Courtier.
All fighters in the warband share the same abilities. Their reaction is useful to avoid two consecutive melee attacks from an enemy, but it is also situational.
The Double, instead, is great for positioning as it adds 2 bonus move up to the ability’s value for 2 different fighters with the second one activating right after the first. As Doubles go, this is pretty interesting in a horde army bypassing an opponent activation.
The Triple helps with the low Toughness and wounds of the warband, as if they take down an enemy, they replace it with a banquet token from which they can heal 3 damage points each end of round (as it is stated the token is never removed).
The Quad instead allows to score critical hits on a 3+, bypassing the enemy Toughness, which is great for a warband with mostly Strength 3 but good amount of attacks (3/4).
The Carnskyr is the fastest in the warband with 7″ of flying movement, and a melee profile with 4 attacks at 2/3 damage.
The other ghouls have only 8 wounds and Toughness 3, but with a higher melee profile. Young Master Kretch has Strength 4 for 2/3 damage, Flensemaster Pewdrig 4 attacks and Seddrik the Chain a 3″ range which is great to maintain distance.

Thorns of the Briar Queen (665 points)
- Briar Queen: 195 points
- Varclav the Cruel: 100 points
- The Ever-Hanged: 90 points
- Thorns of the Briar Queen Chainrasp: 70 points
The Thorns of the Briar Queen is a Nighthaunt warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Howling Vortex (Triple, Briar Queen): Roll up to 6 dice and for each 4+ allocate 3 damage and reduce by 1″ the movement to an opponent within 9″.
Le Briar Queen, as all Nighthaunt, can fly but is also one of the few with a ranged profile (up to 9″). She is similar to the Tomb Banshee only with 1 more attack in melee (3 for 1/4 damage) and her ability can damage and reduce the Move characteristic of an enemy 9″ away. It works on a 4+ (as many dice as the ability’s value) but reducing move is one of the best things you can do in Warcry except outright killing your opponent.
Varclav is a special Chainrasp with better damage (2/4) and double the wounds (16). As all Minions (everyone else in this warband and every other Chainrasp) he can increase his attacks and Strength by 1 as long as there’s another minion nearby. With that damage and 4 attacks at Strength 4 he is bound to do some damage, although he costs almost like 2 normal Chainrasp.
Le Ever-Hanged is cheaper than Varclav, with better damage than a normal Chainrasp (1/4) and slightly higher wounds (10).
Le Thorns of the Briar Queen Chainrasp is a special fighter that can be taken 4 times instead of 1. Each is slightly more expensive than a normal Chainrasp for higher damage on a critical hit (1/3). It may be worth the cost considering the ability to increase the attacks (Chilling Horde) in the hope to roll some 6s.
And don’t forget the Briar Queen can bring back one at a time with the Nighthaunt leader’s ability.

The Headsmen’s Curse (505 points)
- Wielder of the Blade: 175 points
- Bearer of the Block: 135 points
- Scriptor of the Sentence: 115 points
- Sharpener of the Blade: 80 points
Le Headsmen’s Curse is a Nighthaunt Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 8 (Wyrdhollow), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 492.
- Swift Judgement (Double, Everyone): Perform a bonus move of up to 6″ closer to the closest enemy.
- Sharpen (Double, Sharpener): Add +2 to damage on critical hit of the Wielder’s next melee attack.
- Hold Them Still (Triple, Everyone): An engaged enemy for this battle round cannot make disengage actions and reduces by up to 6″ its Movement characteristic.
- The Court Sentences You… To Death! (Quad, Wielder): Perform a bonus move, then, for each other Headsmen near the target of the next melee attack action, add +1 to Attacks and damage on critical hit.
The Headsmen’s Curse warband shares the same Toughness 4 and 6″ flying movement as most Nighthaunt. In addition, they have 2 abilities. For a Double they can perform a bonus move towards the nearest enemy, while for a Triple they choose an engaged enemy fighter that will not be able to perform disengage actions for the rest of the battle round and loses as much Movement as the ability’s value. These all great abilities to pursue adversaries.
Le Wielder of the Blade is the Leader of the warband, and has the same exact profile as a Lord Executor, meaning he is also the heaviest hitter in the warband. His special ability, a Quad, allows him a bonus move and then, if he reaches a target, he still has to use an action to attack and get a +1 attack and damage on critical hits for each Headsmen within 3″ of its target. Only if you get to at least +2 bonus, then it’s better than the universal Quad, Rampage.
Le Bearer of the Block has a good profile with 16 wounds, and 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, being the second best hitter in the warband but sadly no special abilities.
Le Scriptor of the Sentence has a ranged attack that emulates a Craventhrone Guard with Strength 3 and 1/3 damage, but a better melee profile. Sadly, no individual abilities, but the ranged profile helps to raise his contributions.
Le Sharpener of the Blade has on his side to be the cheapest in the warband, but it ends well. With a single attack at Strength 3 for 1/6 damage and an ability that increases the damage on critical hits of a close-by Wielder, he is highly forgettable.

Kainan’s Reapers (640 points)
- Mir Kainan: 205 points
- Binar Khenta: 140 points
- Senha: 65 points
- Hakor: 95 points
- Karu: 65 points
- Nohem: 70 points
Kainan’s Reapers are an Ossiarch Bonereapers warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- Executioner’s Strike (Quad, Kainan): perform a bonus attack with +1 attack and Strength.
Mir Kainan belongs to the Mortisan caste and has a profile similar to a Soulreaper but stronger in both attacks and Toughness (both at 5). His 26 wounds make him also more resilient, but you do pay the cost as he is almost a quarter of your point allowance. His special ability costs a Quad and allows him a bonus attack that he can perform both ranged and melee for some devastating results (3 attacks at 7″ range for 3/6 damage or 4 at Strength 6 in melee).
Binar is a tough Mortek (costing the double) combining the 2″ range of his halberd (Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) with the resistance of his shield (Toughness 5 with 22 wounds). His shield also allows him to Form Shieldwall increasing further his Toughness and that of his comrades.
Hakor is a Mortek Guard with Soulcleaver Greatblade and, pending the FAQ, is in all aspects better: same profile, same cost, 2 wounds more and access to the same Form Shieldwall ability usually reserved to Mortek Guard with Shields.
Where Senha has the same profile of a Mortek Guard with Nadirite Blade, Hakor loses 1 attack (2) to gain in damage potential (Strength 4 for 1/4 damage). Both have Toughness 5 and access to Form Shieldwall.
Nohem is the first real ranged option for all Ossiarch Bonereapers: up to 15″ range in his 2 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage. Don’t get him near a melee however: apart from his forgettable weapon profile, Toughness 4 and 12 wounds would not last long.

The Crimson Court (590 points)
- Prince Duvalle: 205 points
- Gorath the Enforcer: 150 points
- Vellas Von Faine: 120 points
- Ennias Curse-born: 115 points
The Crimson Court is a Gravelords de Soulblight warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- The Thrill of the Hunt (Double, all Crimson Court): add 1 to Attack and Strength if the opponent is wounded.
- The Fiendish Lure (Double, Prince Duvalle): add 1 to the damage on critical hits to enemies within range of Prince Duvalle.
All Crimson Court fighters are Vampire Lords with access to Thirst for Blood, that allows them to heal back some wounds after taking down an enemy. They also have a Bladeborn-specific ability that allows them to add 1 to Attack and Strength if the enemy is wounded (Thrill of the Hunt).
They share a similar profile to the generic Vampire Lord but with some notable differences, including their Toughness reduced to 4 and the fact that they can’t fly (except Ennias).
Prince Duvalle, as a Leader, can also increase the attacks of all nearby friendly fighters (Call for the Crimson Feast) and add to the damage on critical hits against enemies within 6″ of him (The Fiendish Lure). Compared to a Vampire Lord, he is a valid leader, a bit cheaper but misses the Toughness 5 and the ability to fly.
Gorath is the heavy hitter of the warband with 2 attacks for 3/6 damage but with 2″ range that are always a good trade-off for survivability. Wounds also go down to 18.
Vellas maintains the high number of attacks (4) but reduces both Strength (3), damage (1/5) and wounds (16).
Ennias is the only vampire of this Bladeborn able to fly and he has 6″ movement. His attacks are similar to Vellas but with less critical damage (1/4).

The Sepulchral Guard (540 points)
- The Sepulchral Warden: 130 points
- The Prince of Dust: 105 points
- The Champion: 75 points
- The Harvester: 55 points
- Petitioner with Sword and Shield: 60 points
- Petitioner with Sword: 55 points
The Sepulchral Guard is a Gravelords de Soulblight warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Frightening Charge (Triple, all Sepulchral Guard): perform a bonus move towards an enemy in range.
The Sepulchral Warden is the Leader of this faction, but funny enough can resurrect other skeletons and zombies but not his own Bladeborn fighters as they lack the Minion keyword. As the entire warband, he can perform a bonus move towards the closest enemy as long as the enemy is within 6″ but at the cost of a Triple… His attack profile is decent with 2″ range and 2/5 damage, allowing him some survivability considering the 18 wounds and Toughness 4.
The Prince of Dust is an improved version of a Skeletal Champion with the same ability to perform an improved bonus attack as long as it stays within 6″ of a leader (Chosen Champion). His 4 attacks at Strength 3 can hit for 2/4 damage, making him a valuable addition.
The other champion, literally The Champion, has less base damage but higher critical (1/5). He is much cheaper because of his reduced Toughness (3).
The Harvester has a similar profile of a Skeleton Warrior with Ancient Spear with the same precious 2″ range but 1 more attack (3) at the cost of Toughness (3).
You can use up to 2 Petitioner with Sword and Shield, although they are more expensive Skeleton Warriors with Ancient Blade without the Minion runemark.
Le Petitioner with Sword has the same attack profile with the one with Shield but lower Toughness (3) and the advantage to be the cheapest fighter available for Soulblight Gravelords.

The Exiled Dead (520 points)
- Deintalos the Exile: 210 points
- Prentice Marcov: 70 points
- Regulus: 55 points
- Ione: 60 points
- Bault: 60 points
- Coyl: 70 points
- Vlash: 60 points
The Exiled Dead is a Gravelords de Soulblight warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 5, focussed on zombies, whose rules are available in White Dwarf 477.
- Crackling Arcs (Double, Ione, Coyl, Bault and Vlash): a chance to perform 1 or more damage to close-by enemies.
- Dread Puppety (Double, Prentice Marcov): activate Regulus immediately after Marcov.
- Dynamic Enhancer (Triple, Deintalos): increase by 1 the melee attacks of the Bladeborn zombies (Ione, Bault, Coyl and Vlash).
Deintalos is an over-powered Necromancer, with access to the same abilities (including resurrecting Minions for a Triple or make up to 6 of them perform a bonus move/attack action for a Quad), better melee attacks (maintaining the 2″ range with 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage), and a strong ranged attack (maximum 7″ range and Strength 6).
In addition to all of this, he can add +1 to the attacks of his zombies at the cost of a Triple while they remain within 9″ of him. The Zombies that can benefit of this are Ione, Bault, Vlash et Coyl. They are all buffed up versions of classic Deadwalker Zombies, but they are faster (4″ Movement), 2 more wounds and have 1 more attack (3, Coyl has also Strength 4 and costs more than the others).
The other things that makes them more expensive than normal zombies, is the ability to do area damage for a Double. You roll as many as 6 dice (ability’s value) and for each 5+ you pick any enemy within 3″ of the initiating fighter and allocate 1 damage for each Bladeborn Zombie is within 3″ of that fighter. So to clarify with an example, if all your Bladeborn Zombies are within 3″ of an enemy, one of them for a Double can activate the ability and for each 5+ allocate 4 damage to that enemy. You can even distribute the damage across multiple enemies, but the fact that you allocate damage on a 5+ means you need a high valued Double to risk this ability over others.
The last 2 fighters in the warband are Prentice Marcov, a “sentient” zombie with 5 ore wounds and less critical damage (1/3) but able for a Double to activate Regulus immediately after, and the latter, that is a Skeleton Warrior with Ancient Spear with 2 more wounds.

Sons of Velmorn (505 points)
- King Morlak Velmorn: 160 points
- Helmar the Hewer: 65 points
- Sir Jedran Falseborn: 150 points
- Thain, Fourth-and-Last: 60 points
- Marshal Faulk Velmorn: 70 points
Sons of Velmorn is a Gravelords de Soulblight warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 7, focussed on grave guards, whose rules are available in White Dwarf 482.
- Sleepless Sentinel (Double, Sir Jedran): protects King Velmorn from being targeted for a round.
- Sibling Rivalry (Double, Helmar, Thain and Faulk): can be used only after another one of them made an attack this round, add +2 to the melee attacks.
- Deadly Command (Triple, King Velmorn): increase by 1 the Strength of melee attacks of nearby Velmorn minions (Helmar, Thain and Faulk).
This warband answers the question: can nepotism still work in death? King Velmorn happily brought back to undeath all his family. He has the same profile of a Wight King, including the dubiously useful Beheading Strike ability, adding the Triple Deadly Command that allows his sons to increase Strength by 1 as long as they stay within 8″ from him.
His sons have similar profiles to the Grave Guards with smaller adjustments, plus the Double Sibling Rivalry that allows the second or third of them activating to increase his attacks by 2 if the previous one attacked. As there’s no range the only thing preventing this ability from being reliable is the 3″ movement all Grave Guards have. The other characteristic is that, since they are not Elite but they are Minions, they can be resurrected at full health (following January 2023 FAQ that brings Grave Guards at less health).
Thain has an identical profile to a Grave Guard with Great Wight Blade, while Helmar et Faulk trade the extra damage (only 1/4 for them) for the Toughness of the Grave Guard with Blade and Shield (4) with Helmar adding +1 in Strength (5) and Faulk adding 1 more attack (4).
The last fighter, Sir Jedran, in the warband has the defence of a Wight King (Toughness 5 and 30 wounds), with powerful attacks (3 at Strength 5, for 2/5 damage) and the ability to protect the Leader for a Double, preventing anyone from targeting him as long as he stays within 1″ from King Velmorn. A powerful bodyguard ability on a really strong profile.

Zondara’s Gravebreakers (540 points)
- Zondara Rivenheart: 170 points
- Lost Ferlain: 195 points
- Toyle: 65 points
- Cracktomb: 55 points
- Pikk: 55 points
Zondara’s Gravebreakers are a Gravelords de Soulblight Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 9 (Deathgorge), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.
- Gravebreaking (Double, Zondara): Toyle, Cracktomb and Pikk can make a bonus attack action if they are within 3″ of an objective or a bonus move if they are not.
- Devoted Strike (Triple, Lost Ferlain): +2 to Attack and Strength towards enemy fighters within 3″ of Zondara.
- Blind Devotion (Quad, Zondara): Zondara and Ferlain can each make either a bonus move or a bonus attack action.
- Lost Love (Reaction, Zondara and Ferlain)
- Quand: After either Zondara or Ferlain are taken down.
- Quoi ? Add +1″ Move and +2 Attacks until the end of the battle.
Zondara’s Gravebreakers is an interesting warband which works with the pair of cursed lovers Zondara and Ferlain. Zondara Rivenheart is the leader of the warband, a profile identical to the Necromancer safe for the increased Toughness (4). She has a reaction, shared with Ferlain, which permanently increases their Move and Attack characteristic when the other one gets killed.
The next Zondara’s ability is the Double, Gravebreaking, which allows all zombies (Toyle, Cracktomb and Pikk) near an objective to perform a bonus attack, and, those who are not, a bonus move. Which is a good use of a Double. The Quad instead, allows both her and Ferlain to perform either a bonus move or a bonus attack, which is a bit limiting, but does allow Ferlain to act out of sequence.
Lost Ferlain is the heaviest hitter of the warband (and a great profile in any Soulblight warband) with 5 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/6 damage, 5″ movement and 25 wounds. Apart from the reaction discussed above, Ferlain can also defend Zondara by adding 2 to attacks and Strength while targeting an enemy within 3″ of Zondara. While this means the two have to go around together, 7 attacks at Strength 6 for a Triple are well worth it.
Toyle, Cracktomb and Pikk are all zombies with the typical 3″ movement and Toughness 3 but none of them has the same attack profile. Toyle has 2 attacks at range 2″ for 2/3 damage, Pikk has 1/4 damage, and Cracktomb has only 1″ range and Strength 3 but for 1/5 damage.
Overview and points of the Destruction Warcry Bladeborn Warbands

Zarbag’s Gitz (945 points)
- Zarbag: 125 points
- Drizgit Da Squig Herder: 90 points
- Prog Da Netter: 65 points
- Snirk Sourtongue: 130 points
- Zarbag’s Gitz Squig: 140 points
- Zarbag’s Gitz Shoota: 85 points
Zarbag’s Gitz are a Gloomspite Gitz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Face of Da Bad Moon (Double, Zarbag): an enemy within range needs to perform a bonus disengage action or take damage if they cannot.
- Whirling Death (Quad, Snirk): damage all enemies in range.
Zarbag’s Gitz represent a perfect Warcry warband with decent hitters (Snirk and the Squigs), ranged attacks (Zarbag and Shootas), area damage (Snirk’s Quad ability) and numbers (9 fighters).
Zarbag himself has a profile of a Fungoid Cave-shaman without his magic abilities and lower Strength in melee (3). As a Leader, he can increase the melee attacks of all friendly fighters within 6″ by 1 (Un bon coup de couteau) and as the leader of these Bladeborn fighters he can force an enemy within 9″ to disengage or take D6 damage if they cannot. Use his ranged attacks to keep him away from the melee however, as with 16 wounds and Toughness 3 will not last long.
Drizgit is a much improved Squig Herder with the same ability to prod Squigs to make a bonus move, 2″ range melee weapon, higher damage (2/4) and higher Toughness (4) and wounds (12).
Prog is a Stabba with Barbed Net, with same weapon profile and ability to prevent move and disengage options from an enemy within 3″.
Snirk is a Loonmasha Fanatic, a profile so far missing from the Gloomspite. Apart from being a Grot that hits more than a Squig (4 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/6 damage at 3″ range!!), he is also able to damage everyone within 3″ depending on the Quad ability’s value (up to 6).
You can enlist up to two Zarbag’s Gitz Squigs (and why shouldn’t you?) that are exactly like a Cave Squig with 2 wounds more and slightly more expensive. But they are decent hitters with Strength 5 and 4 attacks so you will want them both.
You can enlist up to three Zarbag’s Gitz Shoota. They are your ranged option and outside of leaders, one of the few available to the Gloomspite Gitz. They have the same profile as a normal Shoota with 2 more wounds and an increased cost.

Mollog’s Mob (460 points)
- Mollog the Mighty: 290 points
- Bat Squig: 170 points
Mollog’s Mob is a Gloomspite Gitz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 2.
- Hurl Jabbertoad (Double, Mollog): a chance to perform some ranged damage.
- Summon Stalagsquig (Double, Mollog): set up Stalagsquig (once per battle) nearby but not engaged to any enemy. The first opponent to pass near Stalagsquig gets damaged.
- Summon Spiteshroom (Triple, Mollog): set up Spiteshroom (once per battle) nearby and reduce by 1 the enemy attacks within range of the Spiteshroom.
This warband is an unusual one since half of the components can only be summoned once per battle and can’t move. Mollog is a veritable beast, with a profile worth of the toughest Skaven Stormfiends: 2 attacks at 2″ range, Strength 6 and 5/10 damage.
35 wounds and Toughness 5 will ensure he will last for a long time, but if you want to be sure, you can park Mollog next to an objective and summon Spiteshroom that will lower all attacks within 6″ radius, meaning the toughest opponents will be most likely reduced to 1 attack per action and the others will need to rely on critical hits to damage Mollog.
The Stalagsquig is basically a one-off trap that can block a chokepoint, otherwise not very useful most of the time, but it costs a Double, so if you don’t have anything else…
Finally, if an enemy pesters you from afar, you have a chance to damage him throwing a Jabbertoad for a Double (up to 6 damage on a 5+ depending on the ability’s value) or to send your loyal Bat Squig that with 6″ flying movement should be able to go anywhere it wants. The rest of the profile is that of a Cave Squig, bit overpriced although.

Rippa’s Snarlfangs (425 points)
- Rippa Narkbad: 180 points
- Mean-Eye: 130 points
- Stabbit: 115 points
Les Snarlfangs de Rippa are Gloomspite Gitz third Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Snarlfang’s Jaws (Double, all Snarlfangs): a chance to damage an engaged enemy.
- Ferocious Pounce (Quad, all Snarlfangs): damage an enemy after a move action.
Rippa and his boys are an unusual warband with 8″ movement and all mounted, meaning they can’t pass through archways and doors, or climb.
They have access to two new abilities (on top of the traditional Gloomspite ones): Snarlfang’s Jaws gives them a chance to do up to 6 damage to an enemy engaged (on a 6 depending on the ability’s value), while Ferocious Ponce guarantees that damage at the end of a move phase, but also depends on the ability’s value meaning it seems a bit overpriced as a Quad.
Rippa is the Leader with Toughness 4, 22 wounds and a decent melee profile: 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage. As a Leader he can use Un bon coup de couteau to increase the attacks of all friendly fighters nearby, although the smaller Grots may struggle to follow his higher movement.
Mean-Eye is the archer of the group with up to 15″ range for 2 attacks and 1/4 damage that is better than a Shoota. Stabbit instead has a 2″ weapon that compensates his Toughness 3 (same as Mean-Eye). 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/4 damage completes his profile that is not as good as a Squig, but he is cheaper and can move faster.

Grinkrak’s Looncourt (740 points)
- Grinkrak the Great: 140 points
- Grib, da Wonky Lance: 195 points
- Skolko and Pronk: 115 points
- Pokin Snark: 100 points
- Snorbo da Spore: 70 points
- Moonface Nagz: 60 points
- Pointy Burk: 60 points
Grinkrak’s Looncourt is a Gloomspite Gitz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 7, whose rules are available in White Dwarf 485.
- Enthusiastic Dubbin’ (Double, all Looncourt): pick another Looncourt close-by to activate immediately after while suffering impact damage.
- Questin’ Knight (Double, Grinkrak): perform a bonus attack or move after taking down an enemy.
- Sound da Charge (Triple, Pokin Snark): increase up to 3″ the Move of friendly fighters starting nearby this fighter.
- Tuff Nut (Reaction, all Looncourt)
- Quand: Pendant une action d'attaque en mêlée de l'ennemi, mais avant les jets de touche.
- Quoi ? Count up to 2 critical hits from that attacks as hits instead.
Grinkrak is the leader of this court of mad goblin believing to be on some sort of noble quest. His profile is identical to a Loonboss with same abilities plus the warband reaction, Tuff Nut, that can force up to 2 critical hits in a single melee attack to be considered as normal hits. Considering the low amount of wounds grotz have can make the difference, but it is not reliable. In addition he can chain-activate with the generic Double available to all Looncourt (at the risk of impact damage, that is 3 damage on a 1 and 1 damage on a 2 or 3) and his unique abilities gives him a bonus move or attack after taking down an enemy for a Double.
Where the chain-activation can be useful is on Grib, that is a Boingrot Bounderz with same stats and abilities. Grib not only is more survivable with Toughness 5 and more wounds, but can throw a punch with his 2/5 damage.
Skonko and Pronk manage a Squigapult, and just for this they deserve to be in any Gloomspite warband. Apart from that, they build from the Shoota profile greatly boosting it: 20″ maximum range for 2 attacks at Strength 4 and 1/4 damage. Even in melee they have a better critical hit damage, while Toughness 4 and 12 wounds improve their survivability.
Snorbo da Spore has a much lower missile range than the Shoota (5″) but a much higher damage potential both in melee (3 attacks for 1/3 damage) and shooting (4 attacks for 1/2 damage). In addition, they have an extremely useful ability that for a Triple adds up to 3″ movement (based on half the ability’s value) to all friendly fighters starting a move within 6″. Note that this means also allied units as it’s not linked to the Looncourt runemark. And he costs less than a Shoota…
Pokin Snark is a Stabba with Spear that learnt that a squig at the end of his stick hurts more than the stick itself. This means greatly improved attacks (3 at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) and 2 more wounds. Moonface Nagzz et Pointy Burk have the same profile of the Stabba armed with Stabba or Pokin’ Spear respectively.
One further trait that greatly characterises this warband is the fact that all except one have at least 2″ range weapons, meaning they can hit from a safe distance and force the opponent to get closer, that is great for a warband with a low average of wounds.

Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers (640 points)
- Hrothgorn Mantrapper: 300 points
- Thrafnir: 175 points
- Luggit & Thwak: 65 points
- Bushwakka: 40 points
- Quiv: 60 points
Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers are an Mawtribus d'Ogor Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Lay Mantrap (Double, Bushwakka): set up a trap (once per battle) close-by but not enganged to any enemy. The first enemy to pass-by gets damaged.
- Here You Go, Boss! (Triple, Quiv): a bonus ranged attack action for Hrothgorn as long as Quiv is nearby.
Hrothgorn is an Icebrow Hunter but with a greater focus on his ranged attack than his melee. He has the same ability to allow a nearby Beast (like Thrafnir conveniently) to perform a bonus move, but loses the Ogor ability to move extra inches.
His ranged attack has a range of 3-8″ that can’t be used in melee (compared to an Hunter) but is much stronger with Strength 6 and 4/8 damage. In melee he is somehow more “moderate” with Strength 4 and 2/4 damage. Toughness 4 and 40 wounds complete a massive profile.
Interestingly, in this warband are the minions to do the heavy lifting in terms of abilities. Indeed Quiv can allow Hrothgorn to perform a bonus ranged attack for a Triple and Bushwakka can set up a trap, once per battle in a spot nearby forcing the first enemy to get in range to get damaged (2D6).
Apart from these abilities, the Gnoblars here are mostly for numbers and in a warband with some expensive fighters, is always a welcome sight. Luggit & Thwak with 3 attacks at Strength 3 are actually decent fighters. Quiv can attack from behind Hrothgorn thanks to his 2″ weapon with 4 damage on critical hit and Bushwakka has 3 attacks to hope to score a critical hit for 3 damage. 8 wounds (12 for Luggit & Thwak) and Toughness 3 will rarely allow them to end a fight unscathed.
Thrafnir on the other side is a Frost Sabre, with the same profile and 2 wounds more. With damage 2/5 and 8″ Movement, is a valid fighter with plenty of uses.

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers (525 points)
- Gorlok Blackpowder: 250 points
- Peggz: 50 points
- Kagey: 60 points
- Mange: 65 points
- Shreek: 100 points
Blackpowder’s Buccaneers are an Mawtribus d'Ogor Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 5.
- Bird Strike (Double, Blackpowder): allow Shreek to perform a bonus move or attack action.
- Sic’ Em (Double, Pegz and Kagey): allow Mange to perform a bonus move or attack action.
- Broadside (Triple, Blackpowder): add 3 to the next shooting attack.
Blackpowder‘s profile is similar to a Thunderfist, the leader of the Leadbelcher, however his gun has only 2 attacks that can become 5 using the Triple ability Broadside, for 2/4 damage at Strength 4 and 3-10″ range. In addition, Blackpowder’s cutlass boosts 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage at 2″ range. Not that with 30 wounds at Toughness 4 he is in any danger of dying quickly, but it’s always an added bonus that justifies his much higher price. As an Ogor, he has access to all their abilities, including the reaction that allows them to allocate 3 damage to the attacker that fails to score a critical hit and heal back those wounds (Quick Bite).
For a Double he can let Shreek perform a bonus move or attack action if it is within 6″. Shreek is a parrot, cheaper than an Aetherwing but more resistant (Toughness 3) and vicious (3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage). As a beast cannot open doors but he can fly around and hold objectives.
Peggz et Kagey are Gnoblars, so expect extreme fragility (6 wounds on Toughness 3) and low damage melee profile. However, Kagey has an incredible 8″ range (what a strength in those tiny arms!!) at the cost of 1 attack.
Both can allow Mange to perform a bonus move or attack while within 6″ of any of them for a Double. Mange is a monkey, with a decent profile for its cost (4 attacks at Strength 3, more than the Gnoblars). 5″ movement and the fact it is not a beast (can open doors and carry treasure) makes it a great addition to the team at its cost.

Hedkrakka’s Madmob (500 points)
- Hedkrakka, Gob of Gork: 170 points
- Toofdagga: 95 points
- Wollop Da Skull: 120 points
- Dakko Sharp-Stikka: 115 points
Hedkrakka’s Madmob is a Bonesplitterz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.
- An Eye For Weakness (Triple, Hedkrakka): increase by 3 the damage on critical hits on a targeted enemy fighter in range.
- Bone Krusha (Triple, Hedkrakka): a reliable chance to damage an enemy within range. Shorter range allocates more damage.
Hedkrakka has an identical profile to a Wurrgog Prophet including the ability to reduce the attack characteristic of enemy fighters around him (Beast-mask Dance). In addition he can target an enemy within 12″ and everyone attacking that target would deal 3 extra damage but only for critical hits.
Or he can allocate 3 damage to an enemy within 12″ on a 2+ (for as many dice as the ability’s value). The damage becomes 5 if the enemy is within 3″ (Bone Krusha), meaning that if you have a Quad, your opponent will stay far away from you to avoid annihilation.
Toofdagga compensates his low Toughness (3, as the rest of the warband) with high attacks (4 at Strength 4 with 1/4 damage), while Wollop prefers brute strength (5 for 2/5 damage), helped also by his 2″ range weapon that allows hitting without retaliation.
Dakko has the same profile as the Savage Orruk Arrowboy with a wound more (16 total) and higher critical damage on melee attacks (1/3). That is not enough to justify his increased price compared to the base Arrowboy. He has also access to Loadsa Arrows that allows his ranged attacks to increase from 2 to a potential 5 (at 15″ range).

Morgok’s Krushas (530 points)
- Morgok: 220 points
- Thugg: 145 points
- ‘Ardskull: 165 points
Morgok’s Krushas are an Ironjawz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Beastbashas (Triple, all Krushas): a bonus attack, but only against Gargantuan fighters.
Morgok’s Krushas focus on fighting enemies bigger than them. As Orruk Brutes, they share the same ability (Duff Up Da Big Thing) to increase their Attack and Strength by 2 but only when fighting fighters with a Wound characteristic of 15 or higher.
They have an even more situational ability that gives them a bonus attack but only against Gargantuan fighters (available mostly on narrative campaigns).
Morgok‘s profile is half-way the two Brute Boss but with no special abilities: he has 4 attacks at Strength 5 with 3/5 damage. Toughness 5 and 35 wounds are hard to take down but the 3″ movement will hinder him (and the rest of the warband) a lot. To compensate they all have access to Charge! for a bonus move towards an enemy in range.
Thugg is a more expensive Orruk Brute with pair of Brute Choppas with increased critical damage (2/5) and 1 more wound.
‘Ardskull instead has a 2″ weapon that gives him more flexibility (high Toughness and wounds means he does not shy from melee fights), although limited to 2 attacks (Strength 6 and 3/6 damage). As often more attacks means more chances of hits (and critical hits) but in this case the 2″ range can help compensate the slow movement.

Ironskull’s Boyz (480 points)
- Gurzag Ironskull: 175 points
- Bonekutta: 100 points
- Basha: 105 points
- Hakka: 110 points
Le Ironskull’s Boyz are an Ironjawz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Dead ‘Ard (Double, all Boyz): reduce by 1 the incoming damage.
Gurzag and his boys represent a band of Orruk Ardboys and as such they don’t have special abilities from the Ironjawz’s list. Their own ability is to reduce the damage that they suffer by 1 (to a minimum of 1). It costs only a Double so can be useful in some contexts against heavy fighters. Toughness 4 and decent wounds (26 for Gurzag and 16 for the others) means they are not too bothered to get dirty in melee, but every little helps.
What hinders them is the 3″ movement that can be partially compensated with the free bonus move through the ability Charge!.
Gurzag has an identical profile to an Ardboy Boss for a slightly higher cost and 1 wound more. He is a heavy hitter, so definitely a good choice for a leader.
While Hakka et Basha have profiles similar respectively to Arboy with Choppa and Ardboy with Big Choppa (only notable difference is the higher critical damage for Hakka: 1/5), Bonekutta introduces an always useful 2″ range weapon with 3 attacks at Strength 5 and 2/4 damage.
All 3 are more expensive than their counterpart, partially justified by their Dead ‘Ard capacité.

Da Kunnin' Krew (495 points)
- Mannok Da Kunnin' : 185 points
- Torka Tuffskul : 125 points
- Krookgrin : 80 points
- Gikkit : 50 points
- Shank : 55 points
Da Kunnin' Krew is a Kruleboyz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 5.
- Gang Up (Double, Krookgrin, Gikkit et Shank) : activer un autre d'entre eux à portée immédiatement après.
- Maître de Murk (Double, Mannok) : tant que Mannok reste à moins de 1″ d'un obstacle, il ne peut pas être la cible d'attaques situées à 8″ ou plus.
- Pièges sournois (Double, Torfa et Shank) : une grande chance d'empêcher les actions de déplacement ou de désengagement d'un ennemi proche.
Mannok est un Killaboss au profil un peu plus avantageux grâce à sa portée de 2″ même si cela lui fait perdre 1 attaque (4 à la Force 4 pour 2/5 de dégâts). En tant que Kruleboy, il a accès aux différentes capacités dont l'augmentation de ses dégâts de 1 avec un Double, et le Quad qui permet une action de déplacement ou d'attaque bonus à tous les Kruleboyz Orruks dans un rayon de 6″ s'ils sont plus nombreux que l'ennemi dans la même portée. Sa capacité Bladeborn le protège des dégâts à distance tant qu'il est près d'un obstacle, mais seulement des attaques de tir à 8″ ou plus, ce qui signifie qu'il est protégé par peu de tireurs d'élite dans le jeu, tant qu'ils ne passent pas sous la distance de 7″ pour le cibler de toute façon.
Torka est également un Orruk, et sa capacité, partagée avec Shank, permet, sur un 2+, d'empêcher un ennemi situé à 2″ de se déplacer ou de se désengager jusqu'à la fin du round. La distance de 2″ est géniale car Torka dispose justement d'une attaque basée sur 2″ (Force 4, 2/4 de dégâts) qui permet de frapper sans riposte si la capacité fonctionne. Le reste du profil est celui d'un Gutrippa Boss mais sans la runemark Leader et à un prix moins élevé.
Krookgrin est un Boss Hobgrot avec le même profil et la même capacité à donner aux autres Hobgrot une attaque supplémentaire pour un Triple, mais avec un meilleur profil de mêlée (3 attaques pour 2/4 dégâts). Comme tous les serviteurs de ce groupe de guerre (y compris Gikkit et Shank), ils peuvent s'activer en chaîne l'un après l'autre pour un Double.
Gikkit et Tige ont le même profil identique qu'un Stab-grot (puisque ce sont des grots) mais pour une raison ou une autre, ils sont aussi des serviteurs, ce qui signifie qu'ils peuvent être contrôlés par Krookgrin et Gikkit est un guerrier, ce qui lui donne accès aux capacités d'Orruk, tandis que Shank a la marque d'exécution qui lui permet d'utiliser Les pièges sournoisLe système Torka permet d'empêcher l'ennemi de se déplacer ou de se désengager.

Le Stab-Ladz de Daggok (470 points)
- Daggok Finksteala : 175 points
- Grakk Da Hook : 130 points
- Jagz Da Bleeda : 90 points
- Hurrk Da Howla : 75 points
Stab-Ladz de Daggok is a Kruleboyz Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 9 (Deathgorge), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.
- Leave Ya Bleedin’ (Double, Jagz): Après avoir blessé un adversaire avec une attaque, à la fin du round de combat, lancez autant de dés que de blessures allouées ce round et allouez un dégât supplémentaire sur chaque 4+.
- Hooking’ Your Guts (Double, Grakk): Chaque fois qu'un ennemi situé dans un rayon de 3″ se désengage, il subit D6 points de dégâts.
- Roar of Kragnos (Triple, Hurrk): ajoute +1 aux attaques de mêlée de tous les combattants amis dans un rayon de 6″.
- Stealin’ Your Finks (Quad, Daggok): après avoir tué un ennemi avec ce combattant, obtenez jusqu'à 6 dés sauvages et effectuez un mouvement bonus.
Daggok Finksteala a le profil d'un Gutrippa Boss sans bouclier mais avec plus de blessures (25) et une arme de 2″ de portée qui lui permet de garder la distance, compte tenu de sa résistance de 4. Sa capacité, Stealin' Your FinksIl coûte un Quad mais s'il tue un adversaire, il peut effectuer un mouvement bonus et obtenir autant de dés sauvages que la valeur de la capacité, ce qui est... sauvage !
Grakk Da Hook possède une autre arme de 2″, cette fois pour 3 attaques à la Force 5 pour 3/4 de dégâts, ce qui fait de lui un combattant extrêmement précieux. Malheureusement, sa ténacité de 3 en fera également une cible facile. Sa capacité coûte un Double et permet d'infliger D6 points de dégâts à tout ennemi se désengageant dans un rayon de 3″, elle est donc extrêmement situationnelle et il ne vivra peut-être jamais assez longtemps pour l'utiliser.
Jagz da Bleeda revient à une Ténacité 4, avec plus d'attaques (4) mais moins de dégâts (1/5). Cependant, sa capacité, qui coûte également un Double, permet d'allouer des dégâts supplémentaires à la fin du round de combat : pour chaque blessure allouée, sur un 4+ elle fait un dégât supplémentaire. Cela ne fonctionne qu'à la fin du tour, donc ce n'est pas fiable, mais c'est assez thématique.
Enfin, Hurrk Da Howla a exactement le même profil qu'un Gutrippa avec Wicked Hacka (3 attaques à la Force 3 pour 1/3 de dégâts et une Ténacité 4) mais il se caractérise par son Triple, Rugissement de Kragnos. Cela ajoute 1 à la caractéristique d'attaque en mêlée de tous les combattants amis dans un rayon de 6″, pas seulement ceux qui ont la marque de course Stab-Ladz, ce qui signifie qu'il est un excellent ajout dans n'importe quel groupe de guerre Kruleboyz (en suivant les règles Bladeborn).
En tant que Kruleboyz, ils peuvent tous bénéficier du Double Armes incrustées de venin qui ajoute 1 dégât supplémentaire pour chaque coup et coup critique.
Review of the Warcry Bladeborn Warbands
The idea to add a Warcry profile to all those great miniatures created for Warhammer Underworlds to allow them a chance to fight in the Eighpoints is an excellent idea.
In some cases, this creates a wonderful narrative medium where you can develop the adventures of your favourite Warhammer Underworld warband while they scour the realms. However, lore-wise, most of these fighters are stuck in cursed places like Shadespire and Direchasm, and this is further reiterated with their immortality both in their original game and in Warcry (you can’t roll injuries for them). You will need a bit of creativity to put them in your narrative campaigns and justify why they are there and why they cannot be upgraded in any way.
Once you can get past this hiccup, some warbands are actually fun to play.
From a competitive stand-point, most of the fighters are an upgraded and more expensive version of an already existing profile (usually 5-10 points more). The fact that they already have a Runemark slot occupied by the Bladeborn Runemark, means that in some cases there’s no space for all Runemarks they would need to be similar to their counterpart. And in some cases, the Runemark is left out even if there’s space.
What this means is that they may not have access to all abilities available by their counterparts despite the same profile and higher points. While sometimes the cost is justified by having access to specific Bladeborn abilities, most of the time the difference is only 1 or 2 wounds more.
Not all warbands have abilities usable by all components that would justify their higher price, and sometimes they are not worth the cost as some are really underwhelming.
Some warbands are really unique, for example Rippa’s Snarlfangs or Skaeth’s Wild Hunt, and there will be more from the future seasons of Warhammer Underworlds, but for now, some warbands are just plain and boring, adding really little new to Warcry.
If you have these miniatures, you can try them but you will need to integrate with other fighters from the same faction as most warbands are around the 500 points mark and not balanced with each other. You need to assemble 1000 points to really enjoy the game of Warcry and remember you can use the Leader as a Hero and have another leader or use their minions without the boss. Unless you have Zarbag’s Gitz, that is perfect as it is!
You want Duinclaw in your Idoneth warband but don’t want to use Elathain? No problem.
If you enjoy the miniatures but not the rules, you can always use them as their base version, so that you can see them grow and, why not?, die or get badly maimed.
Overall this is a positive addition to Warcry, more than 100 new profiles and some really interesting cues for narrative play. But don’t expect to see them played in many tournaments. And while options are great, this also massively added to the bloat of the game.