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About Age of Miniatures

Our Why:

We believe that people should be happy and fulfilled. One of the ways to be happy and fulfilled is by having hobbies that are playful and creative. We want to help more people into playful and creative hobbies.


Age of Miniatures is started by Peter Thuborg with one single article: a beginners guide to the game Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. The article was a hit, and it showed that quality beginner content in the about miniature games was lacking. The site was then very slowly built out with more content about that game.

In 2018 Peter decided that the site could be more than just a helpful blog about one game. He saw a general problem with lack of information for new players in various games and hobbies, as well as quality content for experienced gamers.

The domain was moved to Age of Miniatures and the company was officially started. Besides Peter, the content creators are various hobbyist that are paid as freelancers to write about various miniature related gaming and hobby stuff. They all share a passion for what they write about and it shows in the style and the content. This is their hobby and free time, not their job.

The Mission: to provide the best possible content about miniature games.

Think about the most spammy and awful sites out there in your hobby and game niche. We want to be the opposite of that! We want to be a breath of fresh air and quality on a web filled with mediocre/poor stuff that just want you to click and get lost.

Read the Nichepursuit sinterview with Peter Thuborg from Age of Miniatures or the Founder Reports inteview with Peter Thuborg here.


The biggest obstacle right now is time. Enough time to produce all the awesome things we want to make for you!

The next goal is that Peter can go full-time content creating madness, but that is still some way off. But you can still help us make sure we can get great content out quicker.

All income generated from the site is right now being reinvested in freelance writers (check the author on each article to see who wrote it).

We generate income in the following way:

  • Adds
  • Affiliate links (we get a small commission each time you buy something after pressing a link)
  • Patreon

If you want to help us generate income, simply use one of our affiliate links before you buy your miniature-fix or join us on Patreon.

Affiliate Link Disclosure
Age of Miniatures is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more about that here.