When I am new to a game, I want to consume all the content I can find about it. Since I am starting to get into Star Wars Shatterpoint, that is precisely what I am doing for that game right now. Just finding all Shatterpoint resources and devouring them!
Since the game is still quite new, some of the best content can actually be a bit hard to find. In this article, I list the best resources (podcasts, blogs and tools) I have found for the game.

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Best Star Wars Shatterpoint Podcasts
Hello There Shatterpoint Podcast
By far my personal favorite, mainly because of the sound quality and the focus on the Shatterpoint content and less on random banter.

Zions Finest Shatterpoint Podcast
Momentous Struggle Shatterpoint Podcast
Jedice Order Shatterpoint Podcast
- Jedice Order Shatterpoint Podcast on Podbean
- Jedice Order Shatterpoint Podcast on Spotify Podcast
- Jedice Order Shatterpoint Apple Podcast