I have a hard time finishing a Warhammer army. I have a hard time completing my conversion projects. I have a hard time putting on that very last highlight. At least, that was how it was until I decided that it needed to stop. My hobby was not making me happy, so I decided that I …
The first time I build miniatures for Warhammer I absolutely wrecked those poor minis. At the time I did not know, and I could not see that I had ruined it – but I had! Assembling a miniature is actually really simple, but a few mistakes can really mess it up. In this article I …
I have been painting since I was twelve which means I have been making a ton of painting mistakes in my life. Today I will share 10 miniature painting tips that I learned the hard way. You can also watch a video version a made (newer and with more tips) on my Youtube channel: …
After collecting just a few Warhammer miniatures, I was stuck with a problem: how the heck does one go about transporting armies? Transporting all those models to the battlefield without breaking them or chipping my cool paint scheme was going to be hard! At first, I tried throwing them all in a shoebox with a …
Painting and basing your miniatures can be hard work and sometimes you need something to speed things up. Games Workshop produces are range of Citadel Technical Paints that can really help with making quick bases or achieving a cool look on a model very quickly. In this article, I go through all Citadel Technical Paints …
Painting your first Warhammer army can be a big challenge. The number of options and pitfalls are staggering and most never people actually finish the projects they start. This is a beginners guide to painting your first Warhammer army (be it Age of Sigmar or 40k). Over time I have developed a quick and clean …
If you are just starting out in the hobby, you probably want to start by painting an army that will not overwhelm you. But what is the easiest Warhammer army to paint? Some factors can make an army easy to paint and a […]
When I started painting in the nineties, we held our miniatures by hand, took paint straight from the pot and never thinned our paints. Oh boy, have things changed for people entering the painting hobby today. This is a Painting Handle Review of GW’s own device. This article will be about a new toy in the …
9 easy steps to clean and care for your miniature paint brushes. Good care will avoid damaged and splitting brushes and save you money in the long run.