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Review Copy Policy

Here at Age of Miniatures, we like to collaborate with various content creators and other businesses.

But our views and opinion are not for sale and we very much dislike that sort of hidden promotional sponsorship. The web is filled with crappy review, where it is clear that the person have either not had the product in hand or that they have just quickly done a review after unboxing the product. This is not what we want to make.

We accept copies of products that we can use in content like reviews or guides. But we do not do any sort of sponsorship. That means no money will change hands between us and the company that provides a copy of a product for review. We will never be paid to talk highly of a product.

For Companies:

  1. If you would like us to review something, be sure to get in contact with us first. We are not about making reviews or spending time on products that we do not like. If we think your product is something that our audience might find useful, we will agree to receive your product.
  2. What we promise to do is review the product in a timely manner, but that is all we are going to promise. You do not get to see the content before it is published, nor will we take it down if you disagree with what we say.
  3. What we say in that review or content is our opinion and view. It will be based on careful testing and using the product. If possible and if it is prudent for the product, we will wait with doing a review until we have had time to really test the product. We do not like to unbox and use the products a few times and then write a review. We think it leads to a poor review and various issues are first evident after extended use of a product.
  4. What we say in a review about your product might not be something that you or your company likes or agrees with. If that means you will cease sending us products for review, so be it. Chances are we would not like to receive them anyway, as we do not like getting poor products.
  5. If you feel we have written something that is factually incorrect about your product, feel free to reach out to us. But do not expect us to change our view of your product if it is actually bad.