Ever since I first started painting, I have always wanted to begin airbrushing miniatures. Watching tutorials it was striking for me how smooth blends airbrushes could achieve. But my man oh man, there are so many to choose from? So which one is the best beginner airbrush for miniatures here in 2021? The short version: …
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I had wanted to get into building my own miniature terrain for years. Sure, there are options for buying terrain on the market but either they are expensive or they are… well not really what I wanted. Little did I know this path was leading my down a hole, where I at the end needed …
Have you ever found that you rub the paint off the miniature while you paint it? I know I had major problems with it when I started out. There is a simple solution to your problem: Miniature Painting Holders. A miniature painting holder simply holds the miniature while you paint it. You avoid rubbing your …
Glue is essential for Warhammer. Whether assembling your new shiny plastic army, fiddling with bases or trying to glue together that pesky old metal model – you are going to use glue. Having bad glue can cost you a lot of time and frustration. In the years I have gone through a lot of different …
Brushes are an essential part of being a wargaming hobbyist (or just painting miniatures in general). When you buy your first brushes, go for something that is cheap and readily available. You will almost certainly ruin your first set of brushes, so make it sure it did not cost you a fortune. When you have …
After trying a lot of the different paint ranges on the market, I have finally settled on the combination of paint ranges that works for my miniature painting needs. The paints you think is best is a highly personal matter and because each painter will value aspects of the paints differently. In this guide, I …
I was highly sceptical about wet palettes at first. It seemed like sort of a hassle and I was wondering if it would really improve anything? People raved about their own wet palettes, so at some point, I had to test if the hype was real or not. I decided to make a very cheap …
I use movement trays all the time for my Warhammer armies. Also, I am actually a bit of a slow player (I think too much about what to do). Because of this, I need ALL the help I can get when it comes to speeding up my play on the tabletop. This is why I …