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Seraphon Warcry Warband – Guide, Tactics & Overview

Meso-American look and feel? Check.

Space lizards? Check.

Dinosaurs riding dinosaurs? Check.

Laser weapons? Check.

All of this at once?

Ok, not exactly all of it in Warcry but Seraphon are pretty much all of this.

Ready to abandon the lustrous jungles and invade Eightpoints?

What changed in the new edition for the Seraphon Scale-cohorts Warband?

Seraphon saw the now usual point change, with few Leader wounds going down. Of the changed profiles, the most notable are the Saurus Knights that now cost much more but they also hit much harder, same as the Saurus Warriors whose Strength and Attack characteristic went up with their price.

Who received a big nerf is the poor Skink with Boltspitter that went from 2 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/4 damage at 12″ range to 2 attacks at Strength 1 for 1/2 damage at 8″ range for the same price…

Two new profiles added are alternative weapon loadouts of existing leaders: the Skink Alpha with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club and the Terradon Rider Alpha with Starstrike Javelin.

No major changes on their abilities although.

Briar and Bone added an optional battle trait. Few profiles were changed/added with the army reskin.

Background and Lore of the Seraphon Warband

The Seraphon are a vengeful race created in another era by ancient beings called only “the Old Ones” for the purpose of maintaining balance in the mortal realms fighting the chaotic powers.

The word itself, Seraphon, refers to several lizardfolk, from the Slann Starmaster at the top of the hierarchy to the humble Skinks that are the most numerous.

The first Seraphon arrived in temple ships from the void and stayed in Azyr so long that they became part of the Realm of Heavens itself.

Those “Star-borne” appear as being made of celestial light and are seen conjured to the battlefield directly from their spaceships by the powerful Slann giving credit to the myth that they are actually spectres.

But many Seraphon abandoned their ships and settled in the various corners of the Mortal Realms showing more the flesh and blood aspect that characterizes all of them.

All Seraphon are grouped in constellations, complex organizations ruled by Slann Starmasters and huge and intricate web of servants and guardians.

Each Seraphon is born from a spawn pool, with the warrior caste represented by the brutal Saurus. Saurus Warriors will defend their Slann at the cost of their own life and none more than the Saurus Guard, the elite group tasked to protect the Slann at all time.

Some Saurus ride Cold Ones, fierce and deadly beasts that perform well in their role of shock cavalry.

The Skinks consist of the priestly caste but also the greatest portion of Seraphon society.

They are adept in skirmish and ambush tactics retreating after hitting to compensate with their fragile nature.

Some of them can be seen riding Terradons, agile creatures suited for the hit and run tactic of the Skinks armed with javelins and bolas.

Some will instead ride savage Ripperdactyls and enter the fray armed with spears to do as much damage as possible.

In the Eightpoints small warbands called Scale-Cohorts fulfil missions in the name of the Great Plan, a great design of the “Old Ones”, the creators of the Seraphon, and known only to the Slann.

These missions range from ambushing a particular chaos warlord that would otherwise become too powerful, to free an unsuspected prisoner that will end up creating his own legend while fighting Chaos. Whatever it is, Seraphon have a prime interest in thwarting their prime enemy, the forces of Chaos.

But how do a Seraphon warband play on the tabletop?

If you want to know more about these wild beats, let’s see what they can do.

Overview and Points for the fighters in the Seraphon Warband

Note : si vous n'avez pas lu les règles de base de Warcry avant de lire cet article, il peut être utile de savoir que les capacités du jeu sont activées en utilisant 6 dés que vous lancez au début de votre tour.

Si deux des dés indiquent la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Double. Si trois dés ont la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Triple, et ainsi de suite.

Ainsi, lorsque cet article mentionne qu'une capacité est un Double, un Triple ou un Quad, il fait référence à ce système. Ce système peut sembler un peu confus, mais il est très rapide de s'y habituer lorsque vous commencez à jouer

The Seraphon warband has 45 fighters of which 24 are leaders.

While a Scale-Cohort can be built using any model, this guide will be split in Saurus and Skinks.


Slann Starmaster: 265 points

Slann are by no means Saurus but since the Starmaster is the only one representing his category, we enter him as first of the list of Scale-Cohort leaders.

A Starmaster is a powerful wizard, in Warcry represented by Lords of Space and Time, that for a Triple allows to relocate any friendly fighter within 12″ to any other place within as many inches as the value of the ability.

Note that is the only limitation, so you want to avoid being charged? Move that nice Saurus Knight straight in front of you to force the enemy to engage him first, or even better, you can straight up engage an enemy with this ability as there’s no requirement of the teletransported unit to be farther from an enemy model.

As a combatant a Slann Starmaster has a more ranged profile with 12″ range for 3/6 damage at Strength 4. There’s no minimum range and as such no second profile, making him really versatile also at close range.

If he does manage to kill an enemy, for a Double, as all leaders of the Scale-Cohorts, can take a bonus move or action afterwards (Cold-blooded Commander).

32 Wounds and Toughness 4 can last a bit, but better keep him protected.

He can fly, but only 4″ away.

Saurus Scar-veteran on Cold One

Saurus Heroes

  • Saurus Oldblood: 175 points
  • Saurus Sunblood: 180 points
  • Saurus Eternity Warden: 190 points
  • Saurus Scar-veteran on Cold One: 215 points

There are several Saurus leaders available, these represent the hero version in AoS (the others being just unit leaders).

As leaders they share the bonus move or action after killing an enemy (Cold-blooded Commander) and as Saurus they share Tearing Bite that for a Triple can add up to 6 to the damage of any type of hit in the next melee attack. That means a Warden can become 9/12 damage per attack…

Characteristic wise they all have Movement 4″ (except the one on Cold One that is Mounted and can travel up to 7″), high wounds and Toughness 5 (the Warden only 4).

Their attack are also similar, all at 1″ range:

  • Starting from the Oldblood with 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
  • Le Scar-Veteran is identical to the Oldblood.
  • Le Sunblood copies the Scar-Veteran and adds also +1 damage on critical hit (2/5).
  • Le Eternity Warden loses 1 Attack (3 total) and 1 Toughness but increases Strength to 5 and damage to 3/6.

If you are planning an army of pure Saurus any of them would be a valid leader.

Saurus Astrolith Bearer: 155 points

The Astrolith Bearer deserves his own section because of his special ability Revivifying Energies that costs a Quad but allows to heal any friendly fighter within 6″ up to 6 Wounds. It is expensive, and as such unreliable, but as support hero goes, you can’t find one more efficient.

He is also cheaper than the other Saurus with similar wounds and Toughness 4 but also a similar attack profile with just one attack less compared to an Oldblood.

Saurus Guard

  • Saurus Guard Alpha: 175 points
  • Saurus Guard: 120 points

The Saurus Guard are the elite fighters of the Scale-Cohorts.

Toughness 5 makes them the most resilient fighters, and the 15 wounds (20 for the Alpha) can absorb all but most severe critical hits.

Movement 4” is not impressive but they are not the slowest in game.

On the other hand, the 2” range of the weapon allows them to attack without being engaged and Strength 4 for 2/4 damage can do more than a dent in enemy’s armours.

The Alpha has 4 attacks (instead of 3) and more damage on critical hit (5). He compares to a Sunblood, with same weapon profile but the 2″ range at the cost of 3 Wounds, winning the comparison hands down.

As all Saurus, the Guard has access to Tearing Bite allowing them for a Triple to add as much as 6 to the damage on hit and critical hits!

A lucky 6 could do as much as 10 damage…

Like the other Alpha, the leader has access to the free move or attack for a Double provided he killed an opponent in the same round.

Saurus Warriors

  • Saurus Warrior Alpha: 135 points
  • Saurus Warrior with Celestite Club: 85 points
  • Saurus Warrior with Celestite Spear: 90 points

The Saurus Warriors are between the cheapest of the Saurus units, and their characteristics reflect this: 10 wounds (16 for the Alpha), Movement and Toughness 4 and 2 weapon profiles.

Le Club offers more attacks (4) for less damage (1/3 on Strength 4), while the Lance offers more range (2”) and damage (1/4) but less attacks (3).

Le Alpha has 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.

As all Saurus, the damage output can increase drastically with a Triple (using Tearing Bite) or, if you have a Quad available, you can increase both number of attacks and Strength using Wrath of the Old Ones.

Considering the low damage output however you may want to reserve it for bigger hitters.

The Alpha can get a bonus move or attack with the special ability available to all leaders.

He compares to an Oldblood but cheaper has he has less wounds and Toughness (4).

Saurus Knights

  • Saurus Knight Alpha: 195 points
  • Saurus Knight with Celestite Blade: 160 points
  • Saurus Knight with Celestite Warspear: 165 points

The Saurus Knights represent the cavalry of the Seraphon but their movement is not the highest of the warband (only 6”) placing them in the elite range with Toughness 4, high wounds and good damage output.

As the Warriors, the Knights also have two weapon options: the Celestite Blade for more attacks (4 at Strength 4, damage 2/3) or the Celestite Warspear for more range (2”, 4 attacks, Strength 4, damage 2/4).

Le Alpha has the same Blade profile but more damage (2/5).

As the other Saurus, the Knigths also have access to Tearing Bite for increased damage on hits or Wrath of the Old Ones for increased attacks and Strength.

With such a profile, adding more attacks with the Quad could be devastating and your first option outside of a Leader. However adding more damage is also not a bad option if you have only a Triple.

The Alpha has also access to Cold-blooded Commander for a bonus attack or move. He would compare to a Scar-Veteran on Cold One, and if you have the points, that is a much better profile than the Alpha.


  • Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon: 295 points
  • Aggradon Lancer Alpha with Celestite Club: 245 points
  • Aggradon Lancer Alpha with Celestite Spear: 235 points
  • Aggradon Lancer with Celestite Club: 185 points
  • Aggradon Lancer with Celestite Spear: 180 points

The Aggradons are the new mounted Saurus Knights on top of a much scarier beast. They all come with 8″ Movement and Toughness 4 and decent wounds starting at 30 with the Saurus Scar-Veteran, dropping at 25 for the Alpha and 20 for the others.

They all share a new ability, Predatory Leap, usable also by the Saurus Knights of old, which for a Triple allows a bonus move of 3″ like they had the Fly keyword, and if they end up engaged they can do half the ability’s value in damage to one opponent. A bit expensive as a Triple, but quite thematic.

Le Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon quickly rises as the most expensive leader in the warband, and veritably so with great mobility, good survivability and the best melee profile between leaders with 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/5 damage.

Le Aggradon Lancers are faster and more deadly than Saurus Knights and they split in two profiles:

  • Le Celestite Club has only 1″ range but 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/4 damage.
  • Le Celestite Spear has the great 2″ range but different damage (2/5) spiking more on critical hits.

Le Aggradon Lancers Alphas follow the same pattern but have both 1 attack more, making them a great option for a strong leader but cheaper than the Scar-Veteran. As Leaders they have access to Cold-blooded Commander and as Saurus to Tearing Bite.


  • Kroxigor: 200 points
  • Kroxigor Warspawned: 205 points

As for the Slann, Kroxigors also are not Saurus but since their purpose is smashing as much as the Saurus and they share the same Tearing Bite ability, they are a good fit even here.

The new miniature comes with a complete new profile. They are now slower (4″) but tougher (5 with 28 Wounds) and then split in two different profiles, both with a 2″ range weapon.

Le Kroxigor has only 2 attacks but at Strength 6 for 4/8 damage and he can further increase this value up to 5 (plus half the ability’s value) at the cost of a Double (Brutal Blows) as long as he engages at least 2 enemies at the same time.

Le Kroxigor Warspawned has 3 attacks at Strength 5 for “only” 3/6 damage but he can more reliably bring them to 5 as long as there’s a friendly Skink with the Minion runemark wounded and engaged within 6″ (for a Double). Basically they are the perfect bodyguard if you are taking Skink heroes in the army or supplement the army with few of them.

They are both extremely devastating, but all of this comes at the cost of the most expensive non-hero profiles in the warband.


Skink Starseer

Skink Priests

  • Skink Starseer: 180 points
  • Skink Starpriest: 145 points
  • Skink Priest: 130 points

Skinks provide the main priestly functions and as such we can find several types of them.

They all have in common Cold-blooded Commander that allows them a bonus move or attack after killing an enemy, but that’s not what you use them for.

Tide of Serpents has the potential to perform a decent amount of damage: you roll as many dice as the value of the ability and for each 4-5 allocate 1 damage, for each 6 allocate 3 instead.

If you have a high value Double, like a 5 or 6, you can do on average 5 damage that for a Double is not little. The range of the ability (8″) makes it also interesting.

The Starseer can fly 4″, while the others can move 6″ but have access to the Skink common ability Nimble Retreat, that for a Double allows a bonus disengage. Really useful to run away from enemies getting too close for you to be comfortable.

Le Starseer has only one profile, similar to the Starmaster: 12″ range, 2 Attacks, Strength 4 and 3/6 damage.

Le Starpriest et le Priest differ only in the damage dealt: both have 2 weapon profiles, one ranged up to 7″ for 3/6 damage (2/5 for the Priest) and one melee for 1/4 damage (1/3 for the Priest) both at Strength 3.

Adding Toughness 3 and low Wounds (20 for the Starseer and 18 for the others) highly discourages from keeping them too close to the centre of action.

Ripperdactyl Riders

  • Ripperdactyl Chief: 235 points
  • Ripperdactyl Rider Alpha: 220 points
  • Ripperdactyl Rider: 170 points

The Ripperdactyl Riders represent the shock flying squadron of the Seraphon. With a flying movement of 10” they are a constant threat to your opponents.

Their Toughness (4) is in line with the rest of the warband and with 15 wounds (20 for the Alpha or 25 for the Chief) they can absorb a bit of damage.

When it is their turn to respond back, they don’t shy away with 3 attacks (4 for the Alpha and Chief) at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.

For a Double they can use Voracious Appetite to try to do as much free damage as possible: it’s on a 4+ for a potential 6 damage. Tide of Serpents from the Skink priests has a higher potential for the same cost.

Ripperdactyl can really take advantage of Wrath of the Old Ones to spike up the attacks up to 6/7.

The Alpha and the Chief, as all leaders of this warband, can perform a bonus move or attack if they kill in combat another enemy model .

Terradon Riders

  • Terradon Chief: 230 points
  • Terradon Rider Alpha with Starstrike Javelin: 195 points
  • Terradon Rider Alpha avec Sunleech Bolas: 200 points
  • Terradon Rider with Starstrike Javelin: 170 points
  • Terradon Rider with Sunleech Bolas: 170 points

The Terradon Riders are the medium range flying squadron.

They are armed with 2 different weapon options: the Javelin for 8” range and 1 Attack at Strength 3, or the Sunleech Bolas for 3” range and 3 Attacks. Both weapons do 1/4 damage.

The unit leaders have a slightly better ranged profile with the Alpha with Javelin adding one attack and the Alpha with Bolas adding also 1 Strength.

Alors que la Chief does not have a ranged option, he has 1 more Attack (4) than the melee profile of the other models.

Comparing to the Ripperdactyl they move faster (12”), same wounds but less Toughness (3).

Despite this, their melee profile is not to be underestimated with 3 attacks at Strength 4 and 2/4 damage (for all profiles, except the Chief).

Avec Rain Meteoric Barrage they can perform damage at the end of their movement phase, by hitting an enemy model with 1” for as much damage as the value of the ability.

With a good Triple you could soften your opponent or even get rid of him before starting your attacks.

The Chief does not have access to this Triple, instead for a Double he can use Lead from On High adding up to 3″ to his next move action. Considering he costs much more than an Alpha for a much less useful ability and 3 Wounds more, is probably easy to forget he ever existed.


  • Raptadon Hunter Alpha: 140 points
  • Raptadon Charger Alpha: 135 points
  • Raptadon Hunter: 120 points
  • Raptadon Charger: 110 points

The Raptadon are the first Skink cavalry unit, this time without the flying runemark. They are mounted instead, which prevents them from performing certain actions (like climbing or moving through closed doors) but in exchange they are much cheaper than Terradon or Ripperdactyls.

They all share 10″ movement, Toughness 2 and quite low Wounds making them extremely fragile, but they differentiate by the weapon profile.

Le Raptadon Hunters have a 3″-8″ ranged attack at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage and a similar melee profile but with Strength 2 and 2″ range. The Raptadon Hunter Alpha, apart from being a Leader and having 2 wounds more, does not add anything else. Both profiles can perform a bonus move up to the ability’s value in inches with a Double (Raptadon Tactics).

Le Raptadon Chargers instead have a single 1″ melee profile with 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage that makes them most likely the worst option. The Raptadon Charger Alpha adds 1 extra attack, 2 wounds and is a Leader. When they use the Double Raptadon Tactics, instead of the bonus move they have 2 more attacks for the whole activation, which is a meagre consolation.


  • Skink Alpha with Moonstone Club and Star-Buckler: 100 points
  • Skink Alpha with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club: 105 points
  • Skink with Meteoric Javelin and Star-Buckler: 80 points
  • Skink with Boltspitter and Moonstone Club: 75 points
  • Skink with Moonstone Club and Star-Buckler: 65 points

The Skinks are the cheapest of the Seraphon warband and they show it with their fragility: 8 wounds (12 the Alphas) and Toughness 2 (3 the Skink armed with Star-Buckler). Despite this they have a good Movement (6”) and few ranged options.

They have few weapon loadouts including the two Leaders, the Alpha:

  • Le Meteoric Javelin and Star-Buckler has a single ranged attack at 8” range, Strength 3 and damage 1/4.
  • Le Boltspitter and Moonstone Club has 8” range but 2 attacks at Strength 1 for 1/2 damage.
  • Le Moonstone Club and Star-Buckler does not have a ranged profile, but the same melee profile as the other Skinks: 3 attacks at Strength 2 for 1/3 damage.
  • Le Skink Alpha with Boltspitter adds 1 more attack and Strength in melee to the equivalent profile.
  • Le Skink Alpha with Moonstone Club is the cheapest leader of the warband and shares the same melee profile of the Alpha with Boltspitter.

Reality is, Strength 1 or 2 does not make much difference as the vast majority of Warcry fighters have at least Toughness 3. This means that you are fishing for critical hits anyway, but their low number of attacks makes even that less likely.

They could be good as objective grabbers, but even if with their special ability, Nimble Retreat, that for a Double allows them a bonus disengage action, they may not survive an entire round holding it. They are not that cheap anymore, at least compared to Saurus Warriors, but numbers do count, and in some situations you just need bodies.

The Alphas are just there for representation, don’t even consider them.

Razordon Hunting Pack

Hunting packs

  • Razordon: 145 points
  • Salamander: 135 points
  • Skink Handler: 65 points
  • Spawn of Chotec: 130 points

The Hunting Packs were actually two different kits, both containing 3 Skink Handlers and 1 beast, either a Razordon or a Salamander, while the Spawn of Chotec is the brand-new kit who replaces them both.

Le Skink Handler is the cheapest fighter of the Scale-Cohorts, despite so its 1/4 damage on 2 Attacks at 2″ range allows him to be a nuisance to your opponent and to last longer than the other Skinks.

But where he becomes more dangerous, it’s his ability to trigger a bonus attack on any friendly Beast within 2″. This means Salamanders, Razordons and Spawns of Chotec.

Funny thing, this does not mean the Skink has to be close to the enemies cause all beasts have a ranged attack.

Le Salamander has 7″ range for 3/6 damage on Strength 4, while the Razordon has 12″ range for 5 Attacks at Strength 3 but only 1/3 damage. Both beasts have 16 Wounds and 6″ Movement so the other difference is the Toughness where the Razordon has 4 and the Salamander 3.

To use them as ranged options the Salamander is probably better as you would not want to engage them anyway, pity the range is not swapped…

Le Spawn of Chotec instead has 2 weapon profiles: a ranged one for 3″-7″ with 2 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/3 damage, and a melee one which decreases Strength (4) but adds damage (2/4). Overall is a profile in the middle, without specialisation, but if you don’t have the old models, may be the only option you have left.

None of them has any other ability and they cannot use Wrath of the Old Ones as their weapon range does not match, except for the melee profile of the Spawn of Chotec.

The Starblood Stalkers (635 points)

  • Kixi-Taka, the Diviner: 130 points
  • Klaq-Trok: 175 points
  • Otapatl: 80 points
  • Tok: 80 points
  • Huachi: 95 points
  • Xepic: 75 points

Le Starblood Stalkers are a Séraphin Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 4.

  • Chameleon Ambush (Double, Otapatl): a bonus move action if there are no enemy fighters in range.
  • Imbue with Azyrite Energy (Triple, Kixi-Taka): add 1 to Move and Toughness of friendly fighters in range.

Kixi-Taka has the same identical profile of a Skink Starpriest but without access to his ability. In exchange he can buff all friendly fighters within 9″ increasing by 1 both Move and Toughness. And he costs much less.

Klaq-Trok is a Saurus Oldblood with 4 Attacks instead of 3 and access to the same abilities for a slightly higher cost. He also does not count as a Leader, so he is a perfect heavy damage fighter, considering also that, as all Saurus, he can increase his damage at the cost of a Triple (Tearing Bite).

Otapatl is a Chameleon Skink, a profile so far missing from the roster. He has a similar ranged profile of a Boltspitter (12″ range, 2 Attacks Strength 3 for 1/5 damage) and a much weaker melee profile (1/2 damage). With 10 wounds and Toughness 2 you don’t want him in melee anyway, and his ability, Chamaleon Ambush, would allow him a bonus move but only if there’s no enemy within 12″.

Toq, Huachi et Xepic are all Skinks with different weapons, sharing the same stats as their counterparts plus 2 wounds: Boltsplitter and Moonstone Club, Javelin and Star Buckler and Moonstone Club and Star-Buckler respectively. All Skinks (including Kixi-Taqa) have a bonus disengage available for a Double.

Did you know we make guides for all Warcry Warbands?

You can find all the warcry warbands guides here.

Abilities for the Seraphon Warcry Warband

  • Nimble Retreat (Double, Skink Starpriest, Skink Priest, all Skinks and Skink Handler): If engaged perform a bonus disengage action.
  • Hunting Pack (Double, Skink Handler): A nearby Beast fighter can perform a bonus attack action.
  • Voracious Appetite (Double, all Ripperdactyl Riders): Up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy.
  • Cold-blooded Commander (Double, all Leaders): Perform a bonus move or attack action after taking down an enemy.
  • Tide of Serpents (Double, Skink Starseer, Starpriest and Priest): Damage an enemy 8″ away a random number based on the ability value and the dice roll.
  • Lean from On High (Double, Terradon Chief): Ajoutez 3″ à la prochaine action de déplacement.
  • Brutal Blows (Double, Kroxigor): Only when engaged with 2 or more enemies, add up to 3 attacks to the melee action.
  • Spawn of Sotek (Double, Kroxigor Warspawned): As long as a Skink (with the Minion runemark) within 6″ is engaged and wounded, add 2 to the attack characteristic of this fighter.
  • Raptadon Tactics (Double, all Raptadons): Raptadon Hunters can perform a bonus move up to 6″ away. Raptadon Chargers instead add 2 to their melee attacks.
  • Meteoric Barrage (Triple, all Terradon Riders except Terradon Chief): À la fin de la prochaine action de mouvement, allouez jusqu'à 6 points de dégâts à un chasseur ennemi engagé.
  • Tearing Bite (Triple, all Saurus and Kroxigor): Add up to 6 to the damage of the next melee attack action for both hits and critical hits.
  • Predatory Leap (Double, all Aggradons, Saurus Knights and Scar-Veteran on Cold One): Perform a bonus move of 3″ flying and then you can allocate up to 3 damage to an engaged enemy.
  • Lords of Space and Time (Triple, Slann Starmaster): Remove any friendly fighter within 12″ and bring him back anywhere up to 6″ from the Starmaster.
  • Wrath of the Old Ones (Quad, Everyone): Add up to 3 to the Attack and Strength of melee attack actions.
  • Revivifying Energies (Quad, Saurus Astrolith Bearer): Heal up to 6 damage from all friendly fighters within range.

Reaction for the Seraphon Warband

Introduit dans la nouvelle saison de Warcry, Réactions sont des choses qui peuvent être faites dans certaines circonstances, mais toujours pendant le tour de l'ennemi. Elles coûtent une action et ne peuvent donc être utilisées que par les combattants qui n'ont pas encore été activés ou qui attendent. Il existe 3 réactions universelles et une réaction spécifique à chaque groupe de combat :

Starborn (Everyone)

  • Quand: Pendant une action d'attaque en mêlée de l'ennemi, mais avant les jets de touche.
  • Quoi ? Count up to 2 critical hits as hits instead.

Battle Trait for the Seraphon Warband

Choose one:

  • Coalesced: Add 1 to the Triple ability when using Tearing Bite to a maximum of 6.
  • Starborne: Can use the Starborn reaction against ranged attacks as well.
Seraphon warcry warband painted up orange and pink with blue rocks.
David Ivarsson at @Sliverminiatures has painted this lovely Seraphon warcry warband

Strategy and Tactics for the Seraphon Warband

The Seraphon are a quite versatile warband complete with different tactics.

Your elite are surely the Saurus Guard: high defence, high damage but relatively slow.

From there you can add mobility with the Saurus Knights, or save even points reducing the mobility and damage with the Saurus Warriors. If you need something that combines mobility with offense and defence, the Aggradon Lancers are a good choice although coming with a steep price.

Independently from how you are going to form your bulk, you will need some flying units for their amazing Movement and high Wounds (high movement is just king in Warcry).

The choice is between more melee focussed Ripperdactyls (even their special ability is to damage in melee) or faster and ranged Terradons. Terradons can do damage when they glide towards the enemy (for a Triple) but considering their high cost they do not perform equally well in melee as the Ripperdactyls.

The Javelin allows 8” range, while the Bolas with 3” range can be increased in Attack and Strength value with the Quad ability Wrath of the Old Ones. In that case you can get up to 6 attacks per action at Strength 6 at 3” range that can definitely do some damage.

The Javelin cannot be boosted but in all other circumstances with a greater range allows to keep this fragile unit out of combat for longer. In melee they do much more damage, but not as much as a Ripperdactyl.

The newest kit, the Raptodons, have the Chargers definitely too expensive for a melee fighter with ok mobility (the mount preclude certain actions) and poor defence, and the Hunters are an ok harassing unit, if you need something cheaper than the flying ones mentioned above.

At the bottom of your warband you have the Skinks. Do not underestimate the potential of their hit-and-run ability (Nimble Retreat for a Double) as it allows them to remain alive longer for the cost of a Double. If you really need to… Otherwise just use them as sacrificial pawns and which weapon to use will depend on how many points you have left.

The Kroxigors hit harder than a Saurus but have less attacks. They can really benefit more from the Wrath of the Old Ones than Tearing Bite considering they already have high damage and Strength. However if you don’t have a Quad, Strength 5 means that they are more likely to hit on a 3+ maximizing their only 2 attacks.

Razordon and Salamanders will complete your ranged arsenal with more firepower but apart from the free attack from the Skink Handler, they cannot be boosted further limiting their ductility. The Spawn of Chotec has a melee profile which can be boosted, but its ranged attack is not as interesting as the other 2 beasts.

The Salamander is the heaviest ranged hitter, and the Razordon the one with more attacks per round, and all three cost only 2 Skinks roughly.

Regarding the special abilities, your Leader can get a bonus attack or move if manages to kill the opponent at the cost of a Double. Extra attacks for a Double is very good.

It is useful in certain situations especially if you need to reach an objective or engage a further enemy.

Bigger the leader, more useful or probable is this ability, so Saurus are in general favourite over Skinks. With 24 leaders to choose from, it will depend mostly on preference, the other abilities available to the leader and points available.

Special mention goes to the Saurus Astrolith Bearer, that for a Quad can heal all surrounding friendly fighters making him an extremely useful support piece.

The other Quad ability, Wrath of the Old Ones is available to all Seraphon melee weapon profiles and helps to get more hits through (Attack and Strength can be increased up to 3 points depending on the ability’s value), nonetheless the higher the damage characteristics, the more useful this ability becomes, in particular for Leaders, Saurus Guards, Saurus Knighst, Kroxigors and flying units as the base damage is 2 or in some cases 3.

The same logic can be applied for the Saurus Triple, Tearing Bite, that increases the hit and critical hit damage up to 6 points for one single attack action, only in this case you favour the number of attacks rather than the damage output, making leaders and Saurus Knights prime candidates.

Completes the list the warband reaction, that allows to treat up to 2 critical hits as normal hits. It can be useful if you know the enemy has higher chances to score critical hits and your wounds left are not enough to absorb the impact. As always it’s a trade-off compared to the potential damage you could dish out instead of defending, but having the choice is always good.

To summarize you have many tactics available and you can decide to have a mixture of them or go all-in with just a subset of Saurus or Skinks.

A balanced warband would have some flying units to cover distance and reach the most interesting points, some Guards or Knights to do damage, some Skinks to cover the more elite unit and harass the enemy and Warriors and support heroes depending on the spare points.

Be careful when to use the abilities as some, used at the right moment, can really change the outcome of the battle.

Terradons in a warcry warband
David Ivarsson at @Sliverminiatures has painted these lovely Terradons for his Seraphon warcry warband

Pros and Cons of the Seraphon Warband

Pour :

+ Mobilité élevée
+ Versatile warband

Cons :

- Pas de gros bras

Some thematic warbands for Scale-Cohorts

Pour le plaisir, nous vous présentons ici quelques groupes de guerre thématiques, davantage destinés à l'amusement ou au contexte narratif qu'au jeu compétitif. Notez que dans le jeu narratif, vous devez accomplir une quête qui vous permet de recruter un Héros avant de pouvoir l'ajouter à votre liste.

Biting as a Saurus: Sunblood, Astrolith Bearer, 2 Guard, 1 Knights with Warspear, 3 Warriors with Club. Gnam.

Nimble as a Skink: Skink Priest, 2 Terradon Riders with Bolas, 1 Ripperdactyl Riders, 2 Skink with Boltsplitter, 3 Skink with Club. Also all available in the Start Collecting! Skinks.

Neither Saurus nor Skink: for those undecided a Slann Starmaster, 1 Kroxigor,3 Salamander and 1 Razordon. You could swap 2 Salamanders for a Kroxigor and a Skink Handler.

How to buy a Seraphon Warcry Warband

Note: all prices used are standard Games Workshop prices. It is possible to get the different things cheaper (check the links for prices).

The Seraphon warband can be purchased from several boxes, for easiness we have distinguished them roughly in Saurus and Skinks. Please note that many kits have been retired and some have been replaced by newer kits.


The Saurus Guard box contains 15 models for £35 et le Saurus Warriors box 10 models for £40.

They are both straightforward as the models inside offer at least one option for a leader and there’s enough to configure either weapon option for the Saurus Warriors.

The Saurus Knights has been retired and replaced in concept by the Aggradon Lancers (£40 for 3 models). If you want both weapon option, you’ll need two boxes.

And then we have several heroes all in separate blister models:

  • Le Slann Starmaster is available for £55
  • Saurus Oldblood for £12.75
  • Saurus Astrolith Bearer for £28
  • Saurus Scar-veteran on Aggradon for £37

Le Kroxigor are available in a box of 3 for £40 and you’ll need two boxes to have both versions and valid units for Age of Sigmar.


The first box of Skinks is the Terradon Riders, 3 models for £40.

This box can be used to assemble either Terradon or Ripperdactyl Riders but provides only one leader option. In Age of Sigmar, a basic unit is made of 3 models, therefore you may need 3 boxes to assemble all potential options. Furthermore assembling any of the two Chief version means that you will have two spare units. However, for Warcry 3 models are already around 600 points so one box is all you need to start.

Le Raptadon box allows to assemble either 5 Hunters or 5 Chargers for £42.5, or a mixture if you are not interested in unit coherency for Age of Sigmar.

Le Skinks are in boxes of 24 models for £28. This is an odd number, perfect for Warcry to assemble all potential models, but inefficient for Age of Sigmar where a single unit size is either 10 or 20 models.

Then, as for the Saurus, there’s a list of single fighter blisters:

These kits retired: Saurus Sunblood, Saurus Eternity Warden, Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One, Salamander, Razordon and Skink Priest.

Both Start Collecting boxes have been also sunset, to be replaced with a Seraphon Spearhead box which contains 3 Kroxigor and 10 Saurus Warriors, plus a centrepiece which has no use in Warcry (but you could kitbash some foot heroes if required).

Tips on painting a Seraphon Warband for Warcry

Do you have some awesome Seraphon painted up?

I would very much like to display them right here on this page.

Il vous suffit de m'envoyer quelques fichiers. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici..

The Seraphon have been around since the Warhammer: Ancien monde and there is an entire range of tutorials available online. Warhammer Community updated their Citadel website with entire guides dedicated to these lizards:

Citadel is not the only source of information, you can also find tutorials for Saurus Knights from Pete The Wargamer or a “paint an army in 24h” with lots of ideas from Vince Venturella.

YouTube #!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=325#!trpen#video#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
YouTube #!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=325#!trpen#video#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
YouTube #!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=325#!trpen#video#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#
YouTube #!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=325#!trpen#video#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#

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