The Stormcast Eternals are the most famous of Age of Sigmar armies and they could not miss the opportunity to move war to Chaos in Archaon’s stronghold itself.
The Stormcast Eternals are divided in different chambers and some of them have an equivalent Warcry warband.
Continue on here to hear about how the Warrior Chamber Warband plays in Warcry.

What changed in the new edition for the Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber warband?
Aside the usual point adjustments and Leader wounds going down, Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber is the legacy warband with the least profile changes: the Gryph-hound went down a bit in damage and wounds, while the Boltstorm Crossbow of the Judicators increased to 12″ range.
The Paladin with Starsoul Mace is a good candidate for the non-leader option with the greatest decrease in points: -55!
Three new leader profiles were added, all alternative weapon loadouts for already existing leaders: the Liberator-Prime with Paired Warblades, the Liberator-Prime with Paired Warhammers and the Prosecutor-Prime with Celestial Hammer and Sigmarite Shield.
Regarding the abilities, aside some small rewordings, Wings of Divine Life et Lantern of Abjuration went from a Triple to a Double.

Background and Lore of the Warrior Chamber Warband
The Stormcast Eternals are the mortal heroes taken by Sigmar a moment before their death to create the most powerful weapon he could imagine to fight Chaos: an army of supernatural warriors almost immortal.
Once Azyr doors were reopened, the Stormcast have been sent by Sigmar to retake the territory lost in the Age of Chaos and re-establish civilization in the Mortal Realms.
Stormcasts are composed of different chambers, the Warrior Chamber being the core of the army.
They are organized in different conclaves to perform different duties, but they are often the spearhead of any campaign to retake the land from Chaos.
At the head of the Warrior Chamber you have a Lord Celestant followed by his trusted retinue of Lords and Knights.
The Liberators are the core of the army, an unwavering line of foot soldiers supported by the volleys of the Judicators, formidable ranged units.
But the first to hit the enemy are the winged Prosecutors who fly in battle to engage the most vulnerable targets and use their mobility to support the ground troops.
Finally, the Paladins of the Paladin Conclave are the elite soldiers, each specialized in a specific role with Retributors smashing the most powerful opponents, Protectors creating energy fields with their blades and Decimators cleaving massive hordes.
The best warriors and leaders of each group are called Primes and lead entire unit, or in this case, warbands.
In the Eightpoints, Warrior Chamber warbands will be tasked to eliminate a particular Chaos warlord or to assert dominance in a particular area.
But how do they play on the tabletop?
Let’s take a look at their fighters and abilities.

Fighters in the Warrior Chamber Warband
Note : si vous n'avez pas lu les règles de base de Warcry avant de lire cet article, il peut être utile de savoir que les capacités du jeu sont activées en utilisant 6 dés que vous lancez au début de votre tour.
Si deux des dés indiquent la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Double. Si trois dés ont la même valeur, ils peuvent être utilisés pour activer une capacité Triple, et ainsi de suite.
Ainsi, lorsque cet article mentionne qu'une capacité est un Double, un Triple ou un Quad, il fait référence à ce système. Ce système peut sembler un peu confus, mais il est très rapide de s'y habituer lorsque vous commencez à jouer
The Stormcast Warriors warband is made of 41 different options, one of the highest in the game, coming from several boxes and blisters.
19 leader options will give you quite the headache to decide which to choose.

Lord-Celestant: 215 points
With so many leaders available the main difference is not made by their weapon profile but by their special ability.
The Lord-Celestant’s Double, Warcloak’s Storm Magic, allows to pick an enemy within 6″, roll 2 dice and do 1 damage for each 4-5, or up to 6 for each 6. Not remarkable.
In melee his 5 Attacks for damage 2/5 are more interesting, considering also Toughness 5 and 30 Wounds.

Lord-Castellant: 195 points
The Lord-Castellant comes with only 2 Attacks but at 2″ range and for 3/6 damage.
His special ability however is much more interesting. For a Triple he can reduce by 1 the damage taken by all friendly fighters within 6″. The downside is that being a low-count model warband not many fighters will be within 6″.
Lord-Veritant: 180 points
The Lord-Veritant is a cheaper Lord-Celestant with 2 Attacks less (3) and a different ability that allows to reduce by 1 the value of abilities used within 9″.
Note that you cannot reduce it lower than 1. In certain situations you can really ruin someone plans (when a 5 becomes a 4 on those abilities that round up), however not all abilities use a value.
The Warrior Chamber itself would lose 1″ Movement or potentially 1 point of damage in certain situations.
Probably better left home.

Lord-Relictor: 180 points
The Lord-Relictor is the one of the few miniatures of the warband that cannot be bought individually, found only in the old Starter Set now a Start Collecting! box.
In melee he is just average (3 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) so we need to look at his special ability.
For a Triple he can shoot a Lightning Storm to an enemy within 12″, roll up to 6 dice and for every 2+ allocate 1 damage.
It can be useful to pick an injured enemy out of reach but if you have ranged units available they are a better alternative and you risk to do more damage.

Knight-Heraldor: 185 points
The Knight-Heraldor has a similar attack to the Lord-Relictor but one Attack more (4).
His Triple, Battle-horn Thunderblast, is extremely particular. While has all cards to be a powerful ability by allowing to inflict 3 damage on a 4+ to each enemy fighter within 6″ of a central fighter chosen, that specific fighters has to be on a platform…
On a platform! Not all Warcry scenarios will have platforms (elevated portion of a scenery) so it can happen that this ability is not only useless but also unusable, for example in the Catacombs levels…

Knight-Questor: 190 points
The Knight-Questor hits similar to a Lord-Celestant (4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage) but ups the Toughness to 6 (and can bring it to 7 with Staunch Defender!!) maintaining high Wounds (28).
However, his ability, shared with the Prosecutors and Liberators with Shield, is unimpressive. The idea behind Sigmarite Shield Bash is that the fighter would rush towards an enemy and bash him with the shield. Most of these abilities usually allocate as much damage as the ability’s value as long as you end your move engaged to an enemy. In this case you also need to roll a 3+ to ensure that works.
He is a valid fighter but between Toughness 5 and 6 you will not notice much difference.

Knight-Vexillor: 175 points
The last of Lords and Knights is the Vexillor, with a weapon profile identical to the Lord-Relictor.
His ability allows to increase up to 6″ the Movement of all friendly fighters starting their activation within 12″ of him.
This bubble is huge, especially in a Warcry game, however there are three things to consider: it costs a Quad and needs to be high value to be worth; the friendly fighter gets the bonus only if he starts in the bubble and loses it as soon as he leaves the bubble; all Stormcast Warriors can perform a bonus move if they have a friendly injured fighter within 6″ for a Double.
In an army full of Paladins with only 3″ Movement it can be quite important, but you are quite unlikely to have a Quad on the first round when is most needed and you have better option if you opt for other faster fighters like the Prosecutors.

- Prosecutor Prime with Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield: 275 points
- Prosecutor with Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield: 215 points
- Prosecutor with Stormsurge Trident and Sigmarite Shield: 235 points
- Prosecutor Prime with Paired Celestial Hammers: 280 points
- Prosecutor with Paired Celestial Hammers: 220 points
- Prosecutor Prime with Celestial Hammer and Sigmarite Shield: 255 points
- Prosecutor with Celestial Hammer and Sigmarite Shield: 200 points
- Prosecutor with Grandaxe: 230 points
- Prosecutor with Grandblade: 250 points
- Prosecutor with Grandhammer: 240 points
The Prosecutors are the flying light cavalry of the Stormcast.
They come in different weapon options and 3 leaders.
They can be divided in 3 groups: Prosecutors with Javelins, Prosecutors with Hammers and Prosecutor with special weapons.
All Prosecutors share the special ability Wings of Divine Life that for a Double allows them to move up to 6” more depending on the ability’s value.
This ability will be extremely situational considering all Prosecutors already have a flying movement of 10″ providing them good mobility and also that for a Double, if close-by an injured friendly model, they can use Furious Avengers for a bonus move (10” free movement!). That is a LOT of movement on such a small board.
All Primes, as all leaders, can use Staunch Defender that for a Triple gives +1 Toughness to every friendly model within 6” of them bringing the warband to a value of 6 (or 7 for the fighters with shields) making them extremely resilient even against the toughest enemies.
That said, toughness 6 is already quite a lot so bringing it to 7 will not do that much more.
The Prosecutors with Javelin or Trident (plus the one with Warhammer and Shield) can also do damage on charge (for a Double using Sigmarite Shield Bash explained in the Knight-Questor above).
The 2″ range weapons (Javelin or Trident) can be summarized this way:
- Le Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield can do 2 attacks at distance (3-8”) or 3 close-by (2”) with Strength 4 and can hit pretty hard (5 damage on a critical hit).
- Le Stormsurge Trident and Sigmarite Bouclier adds 1 to the damage on normal hit (3/5).
- Their Leader version, the Prosecutor Prime with Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield adds 1 Attack (for a total of 4).
On the other hand, the 1″ weapon profile coming from the Hammers can be summarized this way:
- Le Celestial Hammer and Sigmarite Shield also has 2 ranges: 2 attacks at 3-8” or 3 at 1” for a consistent damage of 2/4.
- Le Paired Celestial Hammers adds 1 attack to both profiles but drops Toughness to 5.
- Their Leader versions, the Prosecutor Prime with Paired Celestial Hammers et le Prosecutor Prime with Celestial Hammer and Sigmarite Shield both add 1 attack in melee going respectively to 5 and 4.
Finally, the specialized weapons have only one type of attack:
- Le Grandaxe has 3 Attacks at Strength 4 for 3-6 damage
- Le Grandblade is more balanced with 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 3-5 damage
- And the Grandhammer 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 3-5 damage.
The choice really depends on personal preference but they compete for a place with the Paladins, guaranteeing more mobility, similar damage output but no interesting ability and a much higher price.

- Decimator-Prime: 190 points
- Decimator: 135 points
- Paladin with Starsoul Mace: 165 points
- Protector-Prime: 195 points
- Protector: 140 points
- Retributor-Prime: 190 points
- Retributor: 130 points
The Paladins are the elite fighters of the Warrior chamber and come in different shapes and forms.
The three main categories are Decimators, Protectors et Retributors and in standard units (in Age of Sigmar) one model every 5 can be armed with a Starsoul Mace.

All Paladins can use Earth-shattering Blow for a Quad: a bonus attack action with up to 3 damage to every hit.
For example, a Paladin with Starsoul Mace would become 7-11 damage for each one of his 3 attacks: even an Ogor Breacher would tremble in front of this mayhem!
All Paladins have toughness 6 and 20 wounds (the Primes have 25) making them hard to knock down, on the downside however they move only 3” being the slowest fighters in this warband.
They also enjoy the Staunch Defender ability bumping up to toughness 7 a warband made of just Paladins! Primes also have 1 attack more than their normal counterpart.
Decimators are the more balanced of the paladins with 3 attacks at 2” range for 3/6 damage.
Protectors enjoy the longest range (3”) but they lose 1 damage on critical (5).
Retributors are the cheapest, have only 1” range but more Strength (5) and the same output damage of a Protector (3/5).
Enfin, le Paladin with Starsoul Mace has 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 8 damage on a critical!

These units are slow, bulky and they hit hard. They will shred off any minion courageous enough to get near them and are best suited to engage the strongest opponents.
Avoid chase runs as that’s not their scope but keep them on an objective to see anything getting too close being wiped away. They compete with Prosecutors for the elite place in the warband, and while they are much slower, they are also much cheaper.

- Judicator Prime with Skybolt Bow: 235 points
- Judicator with Skybolt Bow: 200 points
- Judicator with Shockbolt Bow: 235 points
- Judicator Prime with Boltstorm Crossbow: 230 points
- Judicator with Boltstorm Crossbow: 195 points
- Judicator with Thunderbolt Crossbow: 240 points
The Judicators are the ranged fighters of this warband with 2 main weapon options, each reflected with a Prime.
None of them have a special ability.
The Skybolt Bows are the longest ranged weapon up to 20” range for 2/4 damage at Strength 4.
The Shockbolt Bow is slightly more expensive but adds 1 Strength (5) and 2 damage on critical (2/6).
In melee they don’t shy away with 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 4 damage on a critical. The Prime with Skybolt Bow has one more attack in melee than the equivalent version.

The Boltstorm Crossbow has shorter range (max 12”) but more attacks (4 instead of 3), same Strength (4) and same damage output as the bows (2/4).
Their melee attacks are also the same.

The Thunderbolt Crossbow has a different range with a minimum of 6” (instead of 3”) but a maximum of 15” for 5 attacks with same Strength and damage as the other crossbows.
He is the most expensive of the Judicators, so ensure to keep him in the rear to maximise his 5 attacks.
Le Prime with Boltstorm Crossbow has one more attack in melee than the equivalent version.
Overall the Judicators are really valid ranged units. You will struggle to fit them in as the low number of model counts means that sometimes you may not be able to afford to keep one unit too far from the melee.
But to hold objectives they are perfect, able to strike any enemy well before they get too close and with toughness 5 and 20 wounds (25 for the prime) they can survive long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
The primes however are probably not the best option for a Leader since you will rarely be in the thickest of the melee to use the Staunch Defender ability and don’t offer any other ability.

- Liberator Prime with Warhammer and Sigmarite Shield: 170 points
- Liberator with Warhammer and Sigmarite Shield: 120 points
- Liberator Prime with Paired Warhammers: 190 points
- Liberator with Paired Warhammers: 135 points
- Liberator with Grandhammer: 155 points
- Liberator Prime with Warblade and Sigmarite Shield: 180 points
- Liberator with Warblade and Sigmarite Shield: 130 points
- Liberator Prime with Paired Warblades: 190 points
- Liberator with Paired Warblades: 140 points
- Liberator with Grandblade: 160 points
Finally, the ground troops, the core of the warband. They are the cheapest but not by far, still swinging between Toughness 5 and 6 (for those with shield), 20 wounds (25 for the Primes) and Movement 4”.
They have 2 weapon options each guided by a Prime, each weapon option can be carried in pairs or with a shield and each has also a special weapon available.
The models armed with shields increase their Toughness but also get access to the Sigmarite Shield Bash for a chance of free damage after the first movement (for a Double), while all Liberators have access to extra Attack and Strength if the target model has a Wound characteristic of 15 of more (Lay Low the Tyrants for a Double).
Le Warhammer has Strength 5 and hits for decent damage (2/4) at range 1”. The number of attacks goes up to 3 if the fighter is the Prime with Warhammer and Shield ou le Liberator with Paired Warhammers, tandis que le Prime with Paired Warhammers goes up to 4 Attacks.
While they seem to not be hard hitters, thrown against the biggest opponents with a Double we are getting 3 or 4 attacks at Strength 6 each activation.

The grandhammer adds an extra damage to both normal and critical hit (3/5).
The other weapon option is the Warblade that loses 1 Strength (4) to increase the number of attacks, starting from 3 and going to 4 with the Paired Warblades ou le Prime with Warblade and Shield and to 5 for the Prime with Paired Warblades.
The grandblade performs as a pair of warblades with increased damage (3/5 for 4 attacks at Strength 4).
With so many options it can be difficult to choose, but the pair of weapons are some of the cheapest model of the army and they have plenty of attacks and decent damage.
You lose 1 Toughness, but you can compensate with other fighters in the army that are also bigger hitters.

Gryph-Hound: 115 points
The cheapest unit available in this warband is the Gryph-Hound. They have good attacks (4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage), a great movement of 6” and the Darting Attack capacité.
For a Triple they can do a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage move getting in a better position around an objective or forcing the opponent to follow them and waste one of their activations.
In defence they don’t excel with Toughness 4 and only 12 wounds, and comparing with the rest of the warband they are quite fragile.
The Gryph-hounds are an interesting option in Warcry in particular for their cost and to compensate slower warbands with few elite members, but remember that being Beasts they are limited in what they can perform (grab treasures, open doors, etc.).

Steelheart’s Champions (450 points)
- Severin Steelheart: 190 points
- Obryn the Bold: 135 points
- Angharad Brightshield: 125 points
Steelheart’s Champions are a Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Heroic Guard (Double, all Steelheart’s Champions): subtract 1 from damage received by every hit and critical hit.
While Severin is technically a Liberator-Prime, his lack of shield put him at Toughness 5, that is still good in Warcry. On the other side his weapon profile is a bit better than a Liberator with 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage.
All Steelheart’s Champions are Liberators and as such have access to Le tyran à l'arrêt for some extra buff when fighting tough opponents. Angharad has also a shield that allows him to damage after moving next to an enemy (Sigmarite Shield-Bash). For the rest she has an identical profile to a Liberator with Warhammer and Sigmarite Shield.
Obryn on the other side has the same profile of a Liberator with Grandhammer, a fighter specialised in high damage output (Strength 5 for 3/5 damage).
Both Liberators are slightly more expensive than their basic version but all fighters in the warband have access to Heroic Guard that allows them to reduce the damage taken for a round by 1. Considering the high wounds it helps a bit to mitigate the critical damage that is one of the weak spots of high Toughness fighters.
Abilities for the Warrior Chamber Warband
- Furious Avengers (Double, Everyone): This fighter can do a bonus move if there’s at least another friendly fighter within 6” wounded.
- Lay Low the Tyrants (Double, all Liberators): Add +1 to Attack and Strength in melee if the target has 15 or more Wounds.
- Sigmarite Shield Bash (Double, Knight-Questor, Prosecutors and Liberators with shields): A chance to do up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy at the end of a Move action.
- Warcloak’s Storm Magic (Double, Lord-Celestant): A chance to allocate up to 12 damage to an enemy within 6″.
- Lantern of Abjuration (Double, Lord-Veritant): Reduce by 1 the value of abilities used within 9″ of this fighter.
- Staunch Defender (Double, all Leaders): Until the end of the battle round add 1 to the Toughness of all friendly fighters within 6” of the leader.
- Wings of Divine Life (Double, all Prosecutors): Ajoutez 3″ à la prochaine action de déplacement.
- Darting Attack (Triple, Gryph-Hounds): Make a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage.
- Battle-horn Thunderblast (Triple, Knight-Heraldor): Pick an enemy on a platform within 12″ and roll a dice for him and each other enemy fighter within 6″ of him. On a 4+ allocate 3 damage.
- Warding Lantern (Triple, Lord-Castellant): Reduce by 1 the damage inflicted to friendly fighters within 6″ of this fighter.
- Lightning Storm (Triple, Lord-Relictor): A good chance to inflict up to 6 damage to a fighter within 12″.
- Earth-shattering Blow (Quad, all Paladins): Perform a bonus attack action adding up to +3 to the damage characteristic for both hit and critical hit.
- Tempest Winds (Quad, Knight-Vexillor): Add up to +6″ to the Move of friendly fighters within 12″.
Reaction for the Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber Warband
Introduit dans la nouvelle saison de Warcry, Réactions sont des choses qui peuvent être faites dans certaines circonstances, mais toujours pendant le tour de l'ennemi. Elles coûtent une action et ne peuvent donc être utilisées que par les combattants qui n'ont pas encore été activés ou qui attendent. Il existe 3 réactions universelles et une réaction spécifique à chaque groupe de combat :
Thunderous Departure (Everyone except Gryph-hound)
- Quand: During an enemy melee attack action that takes down this fighter.
- Quoi ? D6 damage to the attacking fighter.
Battle Trait for all Stormcast Eternals Warbands
Le trait de bataille est un ajout introduit dans Briar and Bone qui ajoute une règle optionnelle supplémentaire qui affecte tous les personnages ayant la même marque de course, sans utiliser de dé de capacité. Chaque faction a le sien, mais celui de la Grande Alliance peut être utilisé à la place :
- Commande - Des défenseurs courageux: Lors de l'utilisation de Se mettre à l'abri réaction le coup critique devient un coup normal sur un 3+ au lieu d'un 4+.
- Chaos - Aspirer à la gloire: Une fois par round de combat, ajoutez 1 au premier coup critique d'une attaque de mêlée d'un combattant dont le coût est inférieur ou égal à 125 points.
- Mort - Sbires sans mort: Une fois par round de combat, un coup critique infligé à un minion par une attaque de tir est compté comme un coup normal.
- Destruction - Destructeurs implacables: Pendant les attaques de mêlée, la cible ne peut pas bénéficier du bonus de résistance de +1 à couvert.
Scions of the Storm: After deployment choose a fighter (if on the battlefield, remove it) and you can redeploy it from the second battle round anywhere on the battlefield more than 5″ from any enemy and 3″ from any objective.
Strategy and Tactics for the Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber Warband
This warband is extremely powerful and versatile. You will have many options from objective holders, to fast moving units able to reach from one corner to the other of the battlefield in a turn, to ranged units able to shred to pieces the smallest fighters.
All this power comes to the downside of the high cost of the models that would force you to field only few models in a 1000 points game.
High Toughness and high wounds do not make you invulnerable to critical hits so avoid being surrounded because even the lowliest of skeletons can tear down one of your Prosecutors if left alone. And if they do, remember the warband reaction that allows you to do D6 damage to your melee attacker when you are taken down.
Low count of models means also that will it be more difficult to hold multiple objectives at the same time or that your opponent can concentrate all their firepower against a single one of your fighters.
It also means you will start isolated most of the time and units like the Paladins may struggle to get to the core of the fight if they start far away.
Positioning will be crucial in this army and will make the difference between winning and losing.
Prosecutors allow you to get far and get first to objectives, hunt down more vulnerable foes or ping down a fast opponent until the reinforcements arrive.
You also have bigger bases (40mm) allowing you to engage multiple enemies at once, forcing multiple disengages.
Liberators are probably better suited without shields as you can save some points, but chances are you will have anyway 40-50 points spare so does not really matter (a big issue when building your warband).
Gryph-Hounds can alleviate a bit this problem and add numbers for a decent melee fighter with a good ability that allows to attack and avoid immediate retaliation if necessary.
Your biggest hitters are most likely the Paladins so you may want to keep one of them in the roster.
In general, whichever box you buy you will have a range of choices, so if you want to have a fully winged warband Prosecutors or one with just Liberators, you can.
The Judicators will struggle in melee, so they are better suited as support units, and Paladins are slow and expensive so better keep them as support as well.
The most interesting leaders are the Lord-Castellant and the Knight-Vexillor for their abilities or the Knight-Questor or Lord-Celestant to avoid taking a Paladin.
Don’t forget if you are surrounded you can use Staunch Defender to increase your Toughness by 1 around your leader and if you need to, you can get extra bonus moves as long as you are in range of a wounded character and have a spare Double.
In summary this warband is extremely fun, will give you lots of options but will require tactical positioning and good strategy.
Pros and Cons of the Warrior Chamber Warband
Pour :
+ High toughness
+ Decent mobility
+ Blessures graves
+ Good ranged option
+ Extreme versatility
Cons :
– Really low models count
- Difficile à gérer dans certaines situations
Some thematic warbands for the Warrior Chamber
Pour le plaisir, nous vous présentons ici quelques groupes de guerre thématiques, davantage destinés à l'amusement ou au contexte narratif qu'au jeu compétitif. Notez que dans le jeu narratif, vous devez accomplir une quête qui vous permet de recruter un Héros avant de pouvoir l'ajouter à votre liste.
Thunderstrike Brotherhood: Lord-Relictor, 2 Prosecutors with Paired Celestial Hammers, 3 Liberators with Warhammer and Shield. All available from the Start Collecting! box.
Stormhost: Lord-Castellant, Gryph-Hound, Liberator with Grandhammer, Liberator with Warhammer and Shield, Prosecutor with Paired Celestial Hammers and Judicator with Boltstorm Crossbow.

How to buy a Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber Warband
The Start Collecting Stormcast Thunderstrike Brotherhood allows you for 50£ to start collecting a decent size army.
The downside is that this box comes from the original Starter Set of Age of Sigmar and therefore all units are mono-pose and without change of weapons.
You will then receive 2 Liberator Prime with Warhammer and Shield, another 8 Liberators with the same weapon choice, 3 Retributors and 3 Prosecutors with Paired Celestial Hammers. This is also the only way to find a Lord-Relictor outside of second-hand market.
If you want more weapon options and more customization then we need to discuss the individual boxes, although some of the new ones don’t have all options available in the old kits.
La nouvelle Prosecutor box (£37) contains 3 models but, aside from the Prime, all other options different from the Javelin are gone.
Similarly the new Liberators, now in a box of 10 for £37, have only the Warhammer and Shield or paired Warhammers with 2 options for Grandhammers and 2 for Primes.
The Gryph-hounds are £20 for 6 models.
All Paladins et Judicators have been retired, together with the Lord-Castellant, Lord-Veritant, Knight-Heraldor and one kit for the Knight-Vexillor. The remaining Vexillor is present only in the Stormcast Eternals Spearhead box with Yndrasta.
Of the remaining individual blisters, the Lord-Celestant is £28 while the Knight-Questor (£20) is usually available also as a promo figure with alternative sculpts or can be easily made from the Questors Soulsworn Warcry warband.
Considering most miniatures are now available on the second-hand market, collecting all miniatures of this warband may be difficult or expensive. Alternatively, almost all profiles are available in the Stormcast Eternals Thunderstrike warband.
Tips on painting a Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber Warband for Warcry
Do you have some sweet looking Stormcast Eternals painted up?
I would very much like to display them right here on this page.
Il vous suffit de m'envoyer quelques fichiers. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici..
Warrior Chambers are just an auxiliary chamber of the Stormcast Eternals and they can be painted using the many stormhost colour schemes available or you can invent even your own.
The most classic way to see them painted is the Hammers of Sigmar colour in gold and blue, for which Warhammer TV has good tutorials.
If you are new to painting, picking up the Stormcast is not a bad option.
Because of all the armour, they are really easy to paint (if you are looking for easy to paint models, check out our guide on what those look like)