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Tabletop Roleplay – Articles and Guides

Comment construire un sorcier du Père Noël maléfique dans D&D 5e : Un guide pour les aventuriers malveillants

Les fêtes de fin d'année sont là, et quoi de mieux qu'un sorcier sur le thème du Père Noël maléfique pour apporter un peu de gaieté à votre partie de D&D ? Avec des sorts qui font froid dans le dos, des pactes sinistres et une "liste de méchants" à toute épreuve, ce concept de personnage apporte une touche festive et redoutable à votre campagne. Ce guide vous guidera dans la construction d'un ...

Comment construire un barbare : Fureur, Force et... Amour ?

Les barbares sont les forces sauvages de la nature dans Donjons et Dragons 5e édition (DnD 5e), connus pour leur incroyable force, leur résistance et leur rage. Mais comment construire un Barbare qui soit amusant et engageant pour vous, en tant que joueur, et pour les autres autour de vous ? Lorsque nous pensons aux Barbares, ...

Interesting Dungeons and Dragons Gift Ideas

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop role-playing game that has captivated the hearts and minds of adventurers for decades. With its rich lore, imaginative gameplay, and endless possibilities, it’s no wonder that D&D has a massive and devoted fanbase. If you’re looking to surprise a fellow D&D enthusiast or treat yourself to something special, …

9 conseils pour devenir un meilleur DM (être le meilleur maître de jeu)

Gamemaster, Referee, DM, GM, whatever tabletop gaming system you play chances are you’ve heard that the Gamemaster is the most vital role at the table. It’s said that they are the one player around which the entire game pivots. Many of us have been told that without the skills and investment of time and money …

How to Run an Amazing Session Zero for Your Roleplay Game

We all know it and feel the pain. The start of your roleplay campaign goes super great. THe new group is energetic, everyone is showing up and everyone is brining their best to the table. But then slowly, over time, things start to deteriorate. People start canceling, suddenly someone is sitting with their phone out …

6 Incredible Dungeons and Dragons Alternatives for Roleplay

The 5th edition of the Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game is riding a wave of increased interest in role-playing games far beyond the boundaries of traditional “nerd” culture these days. Through the introduction of tools for online play and support of several highly popular “actual play” streaming shows, publisher Wizards of the Coast have …

D&D Barbarian 5e Guide & Class Handbook [Aimed at Beginners]

The Barbarian is one of my all-time favorite classes in Dungeons and Dragons and I have played to the end of 3 different campaigns. While the class might be simple to play a barbarian guide can still help you out if you are starting this class for the first time in D&D 5e. This barbarian …

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Review

A Superhero RPG for the Mortal Realms In this article we are taking a deep dive into the fresh take on the mortal realms. It is a review of the Warhammer RPG “Soulbound”. When Games Workshop killed off the Warhammer Fantasy “Old World” and launched their new fantasy universe Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, one of […]

7 Fun Dungeons and Dragons Character Concepts and Ideas

It can be hard to come up with original character concepts for your next D&D character. It feels like all the great ideas have already been taken and done? Well, you are not wrong. My suggestion is: steal amazing character ideas and tweak them to your style. Below I have created list with 15 fun …