The Idoneth Deepkin are an army of Age of Sigmar of which some models can also be used as an Order warband for Age of Sigmar: Warcry.
The Idoneth Warband are mobile and extremely versatile, surprising your opponent with a few tricks up their sleeves.
If collecting souls in the realms of Archaon for the survival of your entire race, or simply guide a warband of sea elves and eel riders is your jam then this is the warband for you.
Este artículo forma parte de una serie más amplia de guías sobre bandas de guerra. Puedes encontrar todo nuestro contenido sobre Warcry aquí.

What changed in the new edition for the Idoneth Deepkin Soulraiders Warband?
Idoneth Deepkin, as most warbands, saw some point changes and some decreases in the Leaders’ wounds. The Namarti Thrall profile was completed reworked, from 1″ 4 attacks Strength 3 and 2/4 damage to 2″ 3 attacks Strength 4 1/4 damage that is considerably worse, but the 2″ range weapon increases survivability.
The Thrall and Reaver Icon Bearers have also been removed, but in exchange a new fighter was added to the roster, the Akhelian Thrallmaster and the Akhelian King has now 2 weapon profiles.
No major changes on the abilities.
Briar y Bone ha añadido un rasgo de batalla opcional.
Background and Lore of the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
The Idoneth Deepkin are a sea-faring race of aelves hiding in the deepest oceans of the mortal realms.
Their genesis starts with the imprisonment of Slaanesh by the new aelven gods: Tyrion, Teclis and Malerion and how Teclis drawn out their souls from Slaanesh to re-create the elves lost at the end of the world-that-was.
But something was wrong and when Teclis tried to clean the corruption out of these aelves, they fled in the deepest oceans.
They thought that only there they would be safe from Slaanesh temptations and madness.
However, they soon discovered there were other problems as most of their new-born had a withering soul that would end their life in the infancy.
To prolong their lives, they needed to hunt for new mortal souls and so the first raiding parties were created.
Using the magic learned by Teclis and perfectioned in the deep, they were able to appear anywhere in the realms even miles inside the continent by appearing from the ethersea, collecting the souls they need and erasing the memory of any survivor.
They kept their life of secrecy until the Skaven created a gnawhole (a space distortion that allows Skaven to travel within realms without a realmgate) under the Khaphtar Sea draining it and exposing the enclave living there to Nagash for the first time.
Now, hunted by Nagash for stealing souls and always in desperate need of new resources, the Soulraiders hunt even Archaon’s realm in search for bounty.
But how do they play on the tabletop? Let’s take a look at their fighters and abilities.

Overview and Points for the Fighters in the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
Nota: si no has leído las reglas básicas de Warcry antes de leer este artículo, puede serte útil saber que las habilidades del juego se activan usando 6 dados que tiras al principio de tu turno.
Si dos de los dados muestran el mismo valor, pueden utilizarse para activar una habilidad Doble. Si tres muestran el mismo valor, pueden utilizarse para una habilidad Triple, y así sucesivamente.
Por lo tanto, cuando este artículo se refiere a que una habilidad es Doble, Triple o Cuádruple, se refiere a este sistema. Puede parecer un poco confuso, pero no tardas nada en acostumbrarte cuando empiezas a jugar.

Akhelian King
- Akhelian King with Bladed Polearm: 305 points
- Akhelian King with Greatsword: 305 points
Few things are more majestic than an Akhelian King, that is also one of the biggest models available in Warcry.
His “ethereal” abilities allow him to fly (10″) and therefore to ignore all obstacles despite the mount.
35 Wounds are a lot to take down especially with a Toughness of 4.
The two different profiles distinguish themselves by the melee weapon:
- En Bladed Polearm provides a 2″ range weapon with 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage.
- En Greatsword trades Strength (4) for number of attacks (5) but at 1″ range.
Statistically the Greatsword is slightly better, but overall they are both good weapons and the 2″ range on the huge base means a lot of ground can be covered by his melee attacks.
His special ability, Storm of Blows, can increase his attacks up to 3 more for at least an Attack action and costs only a Double, meaning the Greatsword could get to 8 attacks for one action…
Apart from that he has also access to Low Tide, that for a Double allows a bonus move up to 6″ away (only in the first battle round) and, as all Soulraiders Leaders, to High Tide, adding +1 to Attack and Strength of all nearby friendly fighters (but only on the third battle round).

Isharann Tidecaster: 130 points
Tidecasters are the most powerful of Idoneth wizards. One is quite fragile with 18 Wounds and Toughness 3, so best use her for her powerful ranged attack (3/6 damage at 7″ range).
In melee they can kick a bit with 3 Attacks at range 2″ but better keep them disengaged.
To help survivability, their ability for a Double reduces by 1 the Attack characteristic of an enemy within 12″.

Isharann Soulrender: 185 points
The Soulrender reaps enemy souls and reinforces Namarti in the battlefield.
In Warcry a Soulrender has 2 weapon profiles, a 2″ range Scythe attack at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage, and a 3″ “fish attack” using his companion, a Rakedart, for 3 attacks at Strength 4 and 2/4 damage.
The 2 profiles are similar and they require a certain proximity to the enemy that, considering the 22 Wounds on Toughness 3, would probably be not too advisable.
However, Hangman’s Knot, for a Double and on a 3+, prevents an enemy (conveniently within 3″) from moving or disengaging allowing the Soulrender to choose the battleground in a 1vs1.

Isharann Soulscryer: 140 points
The Soulscryers are the guides of the Soulraiders. A Soulscryer does not have a ranged attack, his maximum range being 2″ at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
As all Isharann he has Movement 5″ and low survivability with Toughness 3 and 18 Wounds.
His special ability allows him to target an enemy within 10″ and roll 6 dice hoping in high rolls to do as much as 12 damage (2 damage on a 6, 1 on a 4+).
Of the three Isharann he is probably the weakest.

Akhelian Thrallmaster: 170 points
The latest addition to the Idoneth roster is the Akhelian Thrallmaster. His base stats are the same as all other Isharann, and his melee profile is the same as the scythe attack of the Soulrender.
What distinguishes him is his special ability, Way of the Depths, that costs a Triple but adds +1 Strength to melee attacks from Namarti Thralls and Reavers within 6″ from him. It distinguishes itself from High Tide by being usable any round, but it does not add the +1 attack that is so juicy in that ability. Of course, he can use both.
He can be good if you are planning to have a list heavy on Namarti and confident you are going to get a Triple every round.

Akhelian Ishlaen Guard
- Akhelian Ishlaen Guard Lochian Prince: 250 points
- Akhelian Ishlaen Guard: 180 points
The Ishlaen Guard are the most adapt to defensive warfare of the two eel-riding units.
Their ability, the Biovoltaic Barrier, allows for a Triple to treat all critical hits received as normal hits.
This is extremely useful when surrounded by many enemies whose real damage comes from the critical hits. With toughness 4 and 20 wounds (25 for the Lochian Prince) and this ability to ignore the extra damage on critical hits you have a really durable fighter.
In combat the Ishlaen Lochian Prince does not underperform either with 4 attacks at strength 4 for 2/5 damage.
En Ishlaen Guard has a similar profile with Strength 3 and 2/4 damage.
The ability to fly (move ignoring all obstacles and vertical distance) and a movement of 10″ makes them also extremely versatile and able to reach anywhere is needed.
This is particular useful to Idoneth leaders since they can use the High Tide ability: for a triple, only on the third battle round, every fighter within 6” adds 1 to Attack and Strength characteristic for melee attacks.
This can really change the tide of the battle if used at the right moment with the right group (pun intended).

Akhelian Morrsarr Guard
- Akhelian Morrsarr Guard Lochian Prince: 260 points
- Akhelian Morrsarr Guard: 200 points
The Morrsarr are the offensive version of the eel riders. With similar characteristics (3 attacks instead of 4 but Strength 4 and range 2” instead of 1″) they perform similarly on the battlefield (don’t forget the 10” movement flying) so the main difference comes from their ability.
For a Quad they can use Biovoltaic Blast that does up to 6 damage to all enemy fighters within 3” (depending on the value of the ability).
While it can be really useful in certain situations, a Quad is not easy to obtain and the Ishalen ability may come in handy more often.
As a leader, the Lochian Prince has access to the High Tide ability allowing him to fly where is needed to boost his units.
The Morrsarr Guard has a similar profile to the Ishlaen Guard but the 2″ range allows him to fight without being engaged making him more expensive.

Namarti Reaver: 105 points
En Namarti Reavers are the archers of the Soulraiders.
They have a range of 15″ and their special ability, Storm Fire, allows them to go from 2 Attacks per action to 3. 1/3 damage may not seem much, but 15″ is a long distance to cross for many fighters.
In melee their profile is in line with their point cost, having Strength 3 for damage 1/3.
Their ranged attack cannot benefit of the High Tide ability but they can still be a threat for your opponent especially with their 6″ Movement.

Namarti Thrall: 80 points
The Namarti Thralls are the basic infantry of the Idoneth Deepkin. Their special ability is Sweeping Blow that for a Double allows to do damage to any enemy fighter within 2” (1 damage on a 5, up to 6 on a roll of a 6). Their melee profile is in line with their point cost with 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage.
They benefit from both the 2″ range that allows them to keep some distance from their quarry, and from abilities like High Tide that can bring the attacks to 4 at Strength 5. Strength 5 can be achieved also with an Akhelian Thrallmaster, also with a Triple.

Elathain’s Soulraid (565 points)
- Elathain Ill-Fated: 165 points
- Fuirann: 120 points
- Tammael: 90 points
- Duinclaw: 110 points
- Spinefin: 80 points
Elathain’s Soulraid is an Idoneth Deepkin Banda de Bladeborn de la Temporada 4 de Warhammer Underworlds.
- Soulnet (Double, Elathain): A chance to prevent move or disengage actions of a nearby enemy.
- Riptide Harpoon (Triple, Tammael): Perform a bonus attack and then move the target enemy closer to the attacking unit.
Elathain has the weapon profile similar to an Isharann Soulrender and even his same ability only renamed Soulnet (instead of Hangman’s Knot). Their fish/eel attack is identical while Elathain’s main weapon has only 1″ range and less damage (2/4 instead of 2/5). He costs the same and has 2 wounds more.
The only reason for considering Elathain over a Soulrender is Duinclaw, the crab. He even won the second place as the best GW miniature of 2021! Toughness 6 will ensure only the strongest enemy can dent his shell but with 12 Wounds he will suffer critical hits. When attacking, he replies with equal vigour: 2 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage.
Exactly as Spinefin, they are both beasts but Spinefin can also fly (12″ Movement). Its attacks are not remarkable and with Toughness 2 better keep it far from the melee intent on grabbing isolated objectives.
Fuirann is an Akhelian Guard (unmounted) with the same weapon profile of an Ishlaen, no special ability, 5″ Movement, Toughness 4 and 16 wounds making her a good combatant stronger than a Namarti Thrall.
Tammael instead is a Namarti but armed with an harpoon that can use up to 8″ away for 1/4 damage. He can also use Riptide Harpoon ability, that for a Triple allows him to perform a bonus attack and pull the enemy towards him up to 6″ (based on the ability’s value.

Cyreni’s Razors (455 points)
- Cyreni of the Abyss: 165 points
- Cephanyr: 100 points
- Alathyrr: 95 points
- Renglaith: 95 points
Cyreni’s Razors is an Idoneth Deepkin Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 9 (Deathgorge), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 499.
- Ink Jet (Reaction, Cephanyr): When is targeted by a melee attack, for each attack that misses Cephanyr can move up to 2″ and if all attacks miss, the enemy fighter cannot use attack actions for this round.
- Hurl Lanmari Blade (Double, Alathyrr and Renglaith): Add up to 6″ to the Range characteristic but can’t perform more attacks this round.
- Hammertide (Triple, Cyreni): Draw a line from Cyreni to a battlefield corner and each enemy touched by a 1mm line cannot jump, fly or climb this round. In addition, for each one roll up to 6 dice: for each 3+ they take 1 damage.
- Crushing Wrap (Quad, Cephanyr): Before a melee attack action roll 8 dice: for each 3+ allocate 2 damage to the target and add 1 to the Strength of that attack.
Cyreni has a better profile of a Tidecaster, with 20 Wounds and 3 3″-7″ ranged attacks for 3-7 damage which can be quite devastating. In melee she still has a 2″ range that allows her to maintain a certain distance and still attack. Her ability can be quite significative if the stars (or the enemies in this case) align. May be tricky to find a straight line to a corner which impacts as many enemies as possible, but positioned correctly and with a high enough Triple, can do a bit of damage. Can also hinder enemies with slow movement unable to cross over terrain thanks to this ability.
But most of the time the real star of the warband will be Cephanyr. Of course his damage is not that scary (Strength 3 for 1/2 damage), but he has 8 of them!, a reaction which allows to move away from an opponent and a Quad that could even before the attack is performed.
Alathyrr y Renglaith have a profile which builds up from the Namarti Tralls but a much better Toughness 4. On top of that Alathyrr has a 1″ profile with an extra attack, and Renglaith a 3″ profile with 2 less attacks but 2/4 damage instead of 1/4. The most interesting part is that both for a Double can throw their weapon adding up to 6″ to their range (the ability’s value). It is useful in a first round after moving with a high-value Double for a potential 13″ range threat (movement 5″ and Double 6).
Abilities for the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
- Low Tide (Double, everyone): On the first battle round this fighter can make a bonus move up to 6″
- Sweeping Blow (Double, Namarti Thralls): A chance to do up to 6 damage to all visible fighters within 2″.
- Storm Fire (Double, Namarti Reavers): Add +1 to the ranged attacks.
- Riptide (Double, Isharann Tidecaster): Subtract 1 from the Attacks of an enemy unit within 12″ of the caster.
- Hangman’s Knot (Double, Isharann Soulrender): On a 3+ a nearby enemy cannot perform move or disengage actions.
- Storm of Blows (Double, all Akhelian Kings): Add up to +3 to the Attack characteristic of the next attack action.
- High Tide (Triple, all Leaders): On the third battle round any friendly unit within 6” of the leader gets +1 Attack and Strength for melee attacks.
- Biovoltaic Barrier (Triple, all Akhelian Ishlaen): Count the critical hits targeting this unit as normal hits instead.
- Scryfish Shoal (Triple, Isharann Soulscryer): A chance to allocate up to 12 damage to an enemy within 10″.
- Way of the Depths (Triple, Akhelian Thrallmaster): Add +1 to the Strength of melee attack actions performed by Namarti Thralls or Reavers within 6″.
- Biovoltaic Blast (Quad, all Akhelian Morrsarr): Allocate up to 6 damage points to all close-by enemy units.
Reaction for the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
Introducido en la nueva temporada de Warcry, Reacciones son cosas que se pueden hacer en determinadas circunstancias, pero siempre durante el turno enemigo. Cuestan una acción, por lo que sólo pueden usarlas los cazas que aún no se han activado o están esperando. Hay 3 reacciones universales y una específica para cada banda de guerra:
Fade From Memory (Everyone)
- En: After an enemy finishes a move within 3″.
- Qué: If there’s another fighter in range of the enemy melee weapons, this fighter cannot be targeted by that enemy.
Battle Trait for the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
El rasgo de batalla es un añadido introducido en Briar and Bone que añade una regla opcional extra que afecta a todos los personajes con la misma marca rúnica, sin usar ningún dado de habilidad. Cada facción tiene el suyo propio, pero en su lugar se puede usar el de la Gran Alianza:
- Pida - Defensores valientes: Al utilizar Cúbrase reacción el golpe crítico se convierte en golpe normal con un 3+ en vez de 4+.
- Caos - Aspirar a la gloria: Una vez por asalto de batalla, suma 1 al primer golpe crítico de un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo de un luchador cuyo coste sea de 125 puntos o menos.
- Death- Deathless Minions: Una vez por ronda de batalla, un golpe crítico a un súbdito de un ataque de disparo se cuenta como un golpe normal en su lugar.
- Destrucción - Destructores implacables: Durante los ataques cuerpo a cuerpo, el objetivo no puede reclamar el bonificador +1 de dureza de la cobertura.
Power of the Tides: Add 1″ to the Move characteristic of all fighters in round 1 and 2, and +1 Strength in round 3 and 4.

Strategy and Tactics for the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
This warband is composed of cheap sacrificial pieces and expensive powerful elites with a range of support heroes.
You should combine them carefully to obtain the maximum coverage possible, for example you can have 3 eel riders and 4 Namarti in a 1000-point game.
The strategy is based on getting on the strategic points before your enemy or hit them where they least expect by using your high mobility.
En Low Tide ability allows you to do an extra movement for free (well it costs a Double) that sometimes can make a difference between engaging the enemy or engaging the enemy y attacking first.
You could also place a Reaver in range of an enemy unit for some first blood ranged attacks.
But your key turning point is the third battle round where all units within 6” of the leader can be boosted with a Triple by using the High Tide habilidad.
Your game will then be to keep your leader alive and as close as possible to the other units to use this ability in the most efficient way possible.
Not always everything goes as planned as you may have a low count of models or the type of battlefield stretched your warband thin, but since it can only be used on that round you should take advantage of it.
If you point on Namarti heavily, then the Akhelian Thrallmaster can use a smaller version of this ability (only +1 Strength and only on Namarti fighters) but every round.
Another useful ability that may allow your eels to stay in position is the Biovoltaic Barrier that for a triple allows you to ignore the extra damage on critical hits on those units.
Can only be used by the Ishalen Guard but can become really important when swarmed by all sides against warbands with high count of models. Remember eels have a cavalry base making them more vulnerable to multiple engagements.
On the other hand that base means also a slightly higher area of effect for both the Hight Tide but also the Biovoltaic Blast ability: if you have a good Quad and your Morrsarr Guard is surrounded, you can try to blast your way out of trouble or do the maximum damage possible before falling.
If you are not surrounded, remember a Quad can also be used for the Rampage ability for an extra movement and an extra attack.
Your eels will become pivotal in different stages of the game.
They are expensive, but the ability to fly over scenery with a movement of 10” is something extremely valuable in a skirmish objective-oriented game. Unless you decide to swarm your opponent with Namarti, you will most likely have a low count of models and need to take advantage of the mobility to reach the furthest points first and fastest.
Something else that could allow your elite fighters to last longer, or to save last minute the life of a key fighter, is their reaction Fade From Memory that prevents a fighter from being targeted as long as the enemy facing him moved within 3″ and there’s another friendly fighter within melee reach of the enemy one. Now, if this seems a mouthful, it is because it is. This is the classic reaction that an experienced player would never allow you to trigger. Unless he has only 2″ or 3″ range fighters and your are pretty compact close to each other.
The Akheliank King is expensive and would probably need to use his Double, Storm of Blows, to get rid of the toughest enemies.
The Isharann all have their utility, probably more as a support Hero than as a Leader, but if you give up an eel you can have some flexibility.
All in all, this warband looks like a deadly tide that arrives and retreats dancing with the opponent for the objectives, most deadly at the third battle round.
After that, it is all about ensuring the key objectives are already in your possession and picking up the survivors.
Pros and Cons of the Idoneth Deepkin
+ Mobile and fast
+ Strong but situational abilities
+ Strong basic units
– Low toughness
– No big hitters
Some thematic warbands for the Soulraiders
Sólo por diversión aquí presentamos algunas bandas temáticas, pensadas más para la diversión o el contexto narrativo que para el juego competitivo. Ten en cuenta que en el juego narrativo necesitas completar una misión que te permita reclutar un Héroe antes de poder añadirlo a tu lista.
Akhelian power: Akhelian Ishlaen Guard Lochian Prince, 1 Morrsarr Guard and 3 Ishlaen Guard for an “electric” warband.
Balanced power: Akhelian King, Isharann Tidecaster, 2 Namarti Reaver, 2 Namarti Thrall, 1 Ishlaen Guard.
How to buy an Idoneth Deepkin Warband

The Start Collecting Idoneth Deepkin is a great starting point for your Idoneth warband (£55).
It contains 3 eels that you can assemble as Morrsarr or Ishlaen with one Lochian Prince (or none if you prefer a Namarti Icon Bearer to lead your army), 10 Namarti Thralls and an Isharann Soulscryer.
The next step is to add some ranged firepower with a box of Namarti Reavers (£30) and you have enough models for your warband of Soulraiders.
You may be thinking about a 4th eel, but this is probably an investment for your more advanced campaigns as 3 eels are already more than 650 points.
When that time will come the eel riders are sold in boxes of 3 for £30.
This leaves out only the last few support heroes: the Akhelian King comes as an alternative sculpt for Volturnos in a £30 box, all three Isharann are sold individually for £17.5.
All profiles are available in the Sentinels of Order book.
Tips on painting the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
If you have an Idoneth warband chances are you already have an Idoneth army and in the battletome there are described different enclaves each with their own colour schemes.
The classic skin tone is achieved on a base of Ionrach Skin over a Corax White prime, then a shade of Drakenhof Nightshade and highlights of Deepkin Flesh.
The robes of the Ionrach Enclave are in blue, but Idoneth are in all mortal realms so you can try any combination of skin and robes that you prefer.
To paint the eels there are different techniques to apply and really useful videos on the Warhammer Community website for example here is a transition based on shades and here a blending technique between belly and scales.
Contrast paints also make it much easier blending between 2 distinct colours taking advantage of their longer drying time and mixing the colours carefully where is the transition between the 2 colours.
Do you have some sweet looking Idoneth Deepkin painted up?
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