The earth itself is trembling.
A ravenous horde of ever-hungry Ogors armed with oversized weapons is charging in search for their next meal.
Will you help the Ogor Mawtribes to fill their enormous bellies?

What changed in the new edition for the Ogor Mawtribes Warband?
Some of the upward changes in points from the winter update have been reverted, except for the Mournfang Riders that now hit harder but cost even more. The ranged attack damage have been all normalised, so that the Tyrant went to 2 attacks for 2/4 damage, but also the Leadbelchers went from 3/6 at Strength 5 to 2/4 at Strength 4 with a price reduction.
Some abilities changed as well, for example the Butcher Bloodgruel now heals him back, while the Quad Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal is now straight up 3 without counting on the ability’s value.
Briar y Bone ha añadido un rasgo de batalla opcional.
Background and Lore of the Ogor Mawtribes Wanderglutt Warband
Ogors worship Gorkamorka as the Gulping God and they ingest anything that passes in front of them, raw or cooked, including the skeletal armies of Nagash that arose from the dead after the Necroquake.
Their insatiable hunger brings them to all corners of the mortal realms and there’s one thing that is as important as the next meal for the Ogor Mawtribes: a good fight! And in the Eightpoints there’s plenty of both. Especially that exotic flavour that characterizes the followers of the Chaos Gods.
A Gutbuster Wanderglutt is usually lead by a Tyrant with a Slaughtermaster or Butcher performing macabre rituals. The Gluttons make the bulk of the army charging into battle to satiate their unending hunger.
The Ironguts are the elite force of the wanderglutt, armed with two-handed weapons that used to hack and slash anyone in their path.
On the other side the Leadbelchers prefer to blast enemies to pieces using their massive cannons carried by hand to the front line.
A wanderglutt may also attract numerous Gnoblars seeking protection. In exchange they prove to be useful engineering different war machines and fulfilling other duties for the Ogors.
The fact that they taste unpleasantly when eaten also helps their survivability in the Ogor camps.
A wanderglutt can also be composed of the members of a Beastclaw Raider culture: cursed Ogors forever followed by the Everwinter, a glacial storm that would consume them should they stand too long in a place.
A Beastclaw wanderglutt can be led by an Icebrow Hunter, a specialized tracker able to find out the enemies and lead the various beasts that characterize this warband: from the ferocious Mournfangs to the predatory Frost Sabres.
But how do they play on the tabletop?
Let’s take a look at their fighters and bone-crunching abilities.
Overview and Points for the fighters in the Ogor Mawtribes Warband
Nota: si no has leído las reglas básicas de Warcry antes de leer este artículo, puede serte útil saber que las habilidades del juego se activan usando 6 dados que tiras al principio de tu turno.
Si dos de los dados muestran el mismo valor, pueden utilizarse para activar una habilidad Doble. Si tres muestran el mismo valor, pueden utilizarse para una habilidad Triple, y así sucesivamente.
Por lo tanto, cuando este artículo se refiere a que una habilidad es Doble, Triple o Cuádruple, se refiere a este sistema. Puede parecer un poco confuso, pero no tardas nada en acostumbrarte cuando empiezas a jugar.
The Ogor Mawtribes warband is made from several kits with 19 fighters of which 8 are leaders.

Tyrant: 325 points
The Tyrant is one of the most expensive unit in this already costly warband. For a third of your total Wanderglutt (on a standard 1000 point game) you will get this massive leader armed with a 2″ Strength 6 damage 4/8 melee weapon, Toughness 5 and a respectful 42 Wounds.
If the enemies are too far (he has Movement 4″) he has also an 8″ ranged attack for 2/4 damage at Strength 4.
Other than the standard abilities On the Mawpath, that allows most Ogors 3″ in the next Move action for a Double, Bullcharge, that allows damage to an enemy at the end of a Move action, and Might Makes Right, that allows every leader to perform a bonus move or attack after taking down an enemy, he has access also to Bully of the First Degree.
This is an interesting Triple as it allows a close fighter (2″) a bonus move or attack at the cost of up to 3 damage points. One of the rare cases where a lower value is better than a high value for an ability.
The problem with this ability is that with such expensive models and slow movement, you will often not have many of them close together, if at all.
For the rest, as a fighter, this is one of the strongest in the entire game.

Icebrow Hunter: 280 points
As all Ogor leaders, he is extremely expensive because of the amount of damage he can dish out (3 attacks at Strength 5 for 4/8 damage).
The 2″ range would allow him to avoid immediate retaliation in case you are scared. Not sure why with 40 Wounds and Toughness 4. To that you can add a decent ranged attack 8″ far and you have an all-round combatant.
His special ability is used in combination with Frost Sabres, allowing one of them a free attack for a Double.
If you are not planning a Beastclaw Raiders or a bestial army, there are better options out there.

Bloodpelt Hunter: 280 points
En Bloodpelt Hunter compares directly with the Icebrow Hunter. Both have an 8″ range attack, although the Bloodpelt has also a minimum range of 3″ and is more deadly with Strength 6 and 3/5 damage. The melee attack profile instead is a bit weaker with the same 2″ range and Strength 5 but “only” 3/5 damage.
Overall the Bloodpelt is a much more balanced profile, leaning a bit more on the ranged side, especially considering his Triple ability, Haul ‘Em In, allows to shoot a target as a bonus action (in reality any attack would do), and then force them to move towards the Hunter. That way you can pull out of a balcony a fighter (and maybe do some impact damage) or even getting him closer to pound them to death.

Firebelly: 230 points
The Firebelly is the wizard of the warband, able to shoot fireballs up to 7″ far for 3/6 damage (Strength 3) or smash with his stave in close combat (4/8 damage on Strength 5).
As all Ogors, he has high Wounds, average Toughness (4) and Movement (4″).
Apart the generic abilities, he has access also to Fire Breath that for a Quad damages everyone nearby. The range is short (3″) but the potential damage is high (up to 6, depending on the Quad value).

Butcher: 265 points
The second cheapest leader of this warband, he can still throw a punch with 3 attacks for 3/6 damage both in melee (Strength 5) and up to 7″ away (Strength 3).
His special ability, Bloodgruel, allows him to heal up to 6 wounds depending on the Double’s value. Add to this high Wounds and Toughness 4 and he is in a really good spot for survivability.

Mournfang Pack
- Skalg: 355 points
- Mournfang Rider with Gargant Hacker: 300 points
- Mournfang Rider with Culling Club and Ironfist: 295 points
Mournfang packs are the “light cavalry” of the Beastclaw Raiders. If you can define rhino-like beasts charging full speed (8″) towards you light…
They have access to all Ogor abilities, including On the Mawpath (3″ Move), Bullcharge (damage after movement) and Might Makes Right for the leader (free move or action after taking down an enemy).
They share the usual high Wounds characteristic of Ogors (40 for the Skalg and 35 for the troop) with Toughness 4 and a decent amount of damage, but they are also some of the most expensive fighters in this warband.
En Skalg has the same ranged attack as the Tyrant and a melee attack between the two troops options (3 attacks at Strength 5 for 4/8 damage).
En Culling Club and Ironfist option drops the damage (3/6) and adds the Ironfist ability that for a Double allows a chance of free damage.
En Gargant Hacker deals much more damage (4/8) with 3 attacks and at 2″ range in case you want to keep your distance from enemies.

- Gutlord: 290 points
- Irongut: 235 points
En Gutlord once held the title of most expensive unit in Warcry, but still maintains a proportionate high cost as he is still not to be trifled with: with 3 attacks at Strength 6 for 5/10 damage he can hit consistently and wipe out the smaller fighters in seconds.
En Ironguts do slightly less damage (4/8) but with the same brutal force as their leader.
4” movement don’t make them too quick but all Ogors can increase by 3″ their movement for one action using a Double (for the ability On the Mawpath).
Alternatively, in case of a Double with a low score, Rush can provide 1” extra for both activations allowing an Ogor to run 10” across the field in one activation.
28 wounds (32 for the Gutlord) and Toughness 5 make them extremely resistant and durable.
The Gutlord, as a leader, has access to Might Makes Right for a Double, providing him a bonus attack or a bonus move if they can take down a fighter in their activation.
If surrounded a Gutlord can become pretty lethal, potentially doing 15-30 damage to 3 different fighters as long as he can kill at least one.
Otherwise, he can always use his bonus move to get closer to the next victim and since movement is often their handicap, this ability is a valid option in their arsenal.

- Crusher: 255 points
- Ogor Glutton with Clubs: 200 points
- Ogor Glutton with Ironfist: 190 points
- Gnoblar: 45 points
The Gluttons are the bulk of the Ogor side of the Wanderglutts and their leader, the Crusher, is one of the heaviest hitters in the game.
Compared to the Gutlord, the Crusher has less Strength (5 instead of 6) and less damage (4/8) but 1 attack more (4 in total) allowing him to do a potential higher minimum damage (16 instead of 15 assuming all dice hit and no critical) but also a potential maximum damage (32 instead of 30 assuming all 6s).
The Ogors also lose 1 Toughness compared to the Ironguts (4 instead of 5) and keep the same movement (4”) and wounds (28 for the Ogors and 32 for the Crusher).
En Crusher y el Ogor with Club or Blade and Ironfist have a special ability, Ironfist, that for a Double allows to do some extra damage on a 3+ on 2 dice.
Statistically, you have 66% chance to do at least 1 damage but if you are already engaged and you can’t trample your enemies with Bullcharge or take advantage of a Might Makes Right with your leader then this could be an option in your arsenal.
Not the best, but okay for chipping off a wound.
En Ogor with Ironfist compared to the one with paired Clubs loses 1 attack (3 instead of 4 at Strength 5) but is cheaper.
En Ogor with paired Clubs tiene 4 attacks and same damage output of 3/6, allowing him to really threaten the enemy frontline and justify the loss of the ability Ironfist.
The last fighter available from the Ogor box is an outsider: the Gnoblar.
By far the cheapest unit in the warband and one of the lowest in the game, the Gnoblar is unimpressive with 6 wounds, Toughness 3 and Strength 2. But hey, you need some bodies!
However, he has access to one single special ability, Sneaky Traps, that for a Triple booby traps a bubble around him of 3”.
While escorting your leader or other key units it could be interesting to discourage heavily wounded fighters from blocking your key pieces forcing them to waste their attacks.
Impact damage is not that resolutive, however, as nothing happens on a 4+.
The Gnoblar has no access to any other warband ability.

- Thunderfist: 215 points
- Leadbelcher: 185 points
En Leadbelchers are your ranged unit and decently good at it.
With a range of 10” they can do 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage that may seem little compared to the brute strength of their cousins, but considering it’s a ranged attack it is quite powerful.
They don’t disdain melee either with 3 attacks (4 for the Thunderfist) at Strength 4.
Again, much less damage than an Irongut or an Ogor but in an army with average movement 4” doing some decent damage at 10” distance is essential. And this is some heavy ranged damage!
As all other Ogors they share high wounds, Toughness (4) and Movement (4”).
They do have their own devastating special ability for a Quad: Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal. They now get +3 to both attacks and Strength independently from the Quad’s value, bringing them to 6 attacks at Strength 7 for one single attack sequence. The only clause, they need at least 3″ distance to use their missile attack.
Considering the high strength, they are going to hit on a 3+ for a potential 12/24 damage on a single shot!
The recommendation is to keep them away but in case you need to get into close business they have access to the same abilities as the other Ogors, including blasting up to 3 enemies within range if the Thunderfist manages to kill an opponent.

Maneater: 205 points
The Maneaters can really spruce your creativity with 8 different models to choose from, from ninjas to pirates including female models (currently unavailable from the Games Workshop website).
They are not leaders but they have access to all other Ogor abilities.
They have an average ranged attack at 8″ range and a good melee attack (3/6 damage at Strength 5).
They cost more than an Ogor however, just because of the ranged attack. It could be useful to soften up enemies before getting melee, but otherwise Ogors and Leadbelchers are better specialized units.

Icefall Yhetee: 205 points
A Beastclaw Raider unit, guarantees that mobility (8″ Movement) Ogors lack.
For a Double they can leap towards their closest enemy, guaranteeing all actions can be used for attacking.
They are decent melee fighters with 4 attacks at Strength 4 with damage 2/5 and 25 Wounds that should allow them to stay in the battlefield long enough.
They don’t have access to any other Wanderglutt ability however.

Gorger: 195 points
The Gorger is an interesting fighter: slightly higher Movement (5″), lower Toughness (3) and same Wounds (30) as most Ogors, they even share the same abilities.
He is also able to leap towards the closest enemy using Bounding Leaps for a Double.
His melee damage (3/6) on 4 attacks it’s also average for this warband.
Pity the model is by far not one of the best in this warband…

Frost Sabre: 175 points
The Frost Sabre is a Beast and as such works well combined with the Icebrow Hunter that allows it a bonus attack for a Double.
Apart this, it is the second cheapest fighter in this warband with decent attacks (4 at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage) and decent Wound/Toughness ratio.
Add to this an 8″ Movement and you have a valid alternative in your warband.

Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers (640 points)
- Hrothgorn Mantrapper: 300 points
- Thrafnir: 175 points
- Luggit & Thwak: 65 points
- Bushwakka: 40 points
- Quiv: 60 points
Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers are a Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 3.
- Lay Mantrap (Double, Bushwakka): set up a trap (once per battle) close-by but not enganged to any enemy. The first enemy to pass-by gets damaged.
- Here You Go, Boss! (Triple, Quiv): a bonus ranged attack action for Hrothgorn as long as Quiv is nearby.
Hrothgorn is an Icebrow Hunter but with a greater focus on his ranged attack than his melee. He has the same ability to allow a nearby Beast (like Thrafnir conveniently) to perform a bonus move, but loses the Ogor ability to move extra inches.
His ranged attack has a range of 3-8″ that can’t be used in melee (compared to an Hunter) but is much stronger with Strength 6 and 4/8 damage. In melee he is somehow more “moderate” with Strength 4 and 2/4 damage. Toughness 4 and 40 wounds complete a massive profile.
Interestingly, in this warband are the minions to do the heavy lifting in terms of abilities. Indeed Quiv can allow Hrothgorn to perform a bonus ranged attack for a Triple and Bushwakka can set up a trap, once per battle in a spot nearby forcing the first enemy to get in range to get damaged (2D6).
Apart from these abilities, the Gnoblars here are mostly for numbers and in a warband with some expensive fighters, is always a welcome sight. Luggit & Thwak with 3 attacks at Strength 3 are actually decent fighters. Quiv can attack from behind Hrothgorn thanks to his 2″ weapon with 4 damage on critical hit and Bushwakka has 3 attacks to hope to score a critical hit for 3 damage. 8 wounds (12 for Luggit & Thwak) and Toughness 3 will rarely allow them to end a fight unscathed.
Thrafnir on the other side is a Frost Sabre, with the same profile and 2 wounds more. With damage 2/5 and 8″ Movement, is a valid fighter with plenty of uses.

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers (525 points)
- Gorlok Blackpowder: 250 points
- Peggz: 50 points
- Kagey: 60 points
- Mange: 65 points
- Shreek: 100 points
Blackpowder’s Buccaneers are a Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 5.
- Bird Strike (Double, Blackpowder): allow Shreek to perform a bonus move or attack action.
- Sic’ Em (Double, Pegz and Kagey): allow Mange to perform a bonus move or attack action.
- Broadside (Triple, Blackpowder): add 3 to the next shooting attack.
Blackpowder‘s profile is similar to a Thunderfist, the leader of the Leadbelcher, however his gun has only 2 attacks that can become 5 using the Triple ability Broadside, for 2/4 damage at Strength 4 and 3-10″ range. In addition, Blackpowder’s cutlass boosts 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage at 2″ range. Not that with 30 wounds at Toughness 4 he is in any danger of dying quickly, but it’s always an added bonus that justifies his much higher price. As an Ogor, he has access to all their abilities, including the reaction that allows them to allocate 3 damage to the attacker that fails to score a critical hit and heal back those wounds (Quick Bite).
For a Double he can let Shreek perform a bonus move or attack action if it is within 6″. Shreek is a parrot, cheaper than an Aetherwing but more resistant (Toughness 3) and vicious (3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage). As a beast cannot open doors but he can fly around and hold objectives.
Peggz y Kagey are Gnoblars, so expect extreme fragility (6 wounds on Toughness 3) and low damage melee profile. However, Kagey has an incredible 8″ range (what a strength in those tiny arms!!) at the cost of 1 attack.
Both can allow Mange to perform a bonus move or attack while within 6″ of any of them for a Double. Mange is a monkey, with a decent profile for its cost (4 attacks at Strength 3, more than the Gnoblars). 5″ movement and the fact it is not a beast (can open doors and carry treasure) makes it a great addition to the team at its cost.
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Abilities for the Ogor Mawtribes Warcry Warband
- On the Mawpath (Double, everyone except Gnoblar, Yhetee and Frost Sabre): Suma 3″ a la siguiente acción de movimiento.
- Bounding Leaps (Double, Icefall Yhetee and Gorger): The fighter makes a bonus move towards the closest enemy.
- Might Makes Right (Double, Leaders): Perform a bonus move or attack after taking down an enemy.
- Ironfist (Double, Crusher, Mournfang Rider with Culling Club and Ironfist, Ogor Glutton with Ironfist): A chance to do up to 12 damage to an engaged enemy.
- Lead the Skal (Double, Icebrow Hunter): allow a Beast nearby to perform a bonus attack.
- Bloodgruel (Double, Butcher): Heal up to 6 wounds.
- Sneaky Traps (Double, Gnoblar): Impact damage to any enemy getting close to this fighter.
- Bullcharge (Triple, Everyone except Gnoblar, Yhetee and Frost Sabre): Al final de la siguiente acción de movimiento, asigna hasta 6 de daño a un caza enemigo implicado.
- Bully of the First Degree (Triple, Tyrant): Damage up to 3 a close friendly fighter but allow them to perform a bonus move or action.
- Haul ‘Em In (Triple, Bloodpelt Hunter): Perform a bonus attack action, then the target performs a bonus move action directly towards the Hunter.
- Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal (Quad, all Leadbelchers): For the next ranged attack 3 to Attack and Strength characteristics.
- Fire Breath (Quad, Firebelly): Damage up to 6 to all enemy fighters within range.
Reaction for the Ogor Mawtribes Warband
Introducido en la nueva temporada de Warcry, Reacciones son cosas que se pueden hacer en determinadas circunstancias, pero siempre durante el turno enemigo. Cuestan una acción, por lo que sólo pueden usarlas los cazas que aún no se han activado o están esperando. Hay 3 reacciones universales y una específica para cada banda de guerra:
Quick Bite (Everyone except Gnoblar, Yhetee and Frost Sabre)
- En: Durante una acción de ataque cuerpo a cuerpo enemigo pero antes de las tiradas para golpear.
- Qué: If no critical is rolled, the attacker receives 3 damage and the defender heals back 3 wounds.
Battle Trait for the Ogor Mawtribes Warband
El rasgo de batalla es un añadido introducido en Briar and Bone que añade una regla opcional extra que afecta a todos los personajes con la misma marca rúnica, sin usar ningún dado de habilidad. Cada facción tiene el suyo propio, pero en su lugar se puede usar el de la Gran Alianza:
- Pida - Defensores valientes: Al utilizar Cúbrase reacción el golpe crítico se convierte en golpe normal con un 3+ en vez de 4+.
- Caos - Aspirar a la gloria: Una vez por asalto de batalla, suma 1 al primer golpe crítico de un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo de un luchador cuyo coste sea de 125 puntos o menos.
- Death- Deathless Minions: Una vez por ronda de batalla, un golpe crítico a un súbdito de un ataque de disparo se cuenta como un golpe normal en su lugar.
- Destrucción - Destructores implacables: Durante los ataques cuerpo a cuerpo, el objetivo no puede reclamar el bonificador +1 de dureza de la cobertura.
Devour Corpse (Everyone except Bloodpelt Hunter, Frost Sabre and Gnoblar: As an action, this fighter can choose a dead opponent fighter (each one can be selected only once per game) and roll a dice to heal that much damage points.
Strategy and Tactics for the Ogor Mawtribes Warband
Ogor Mawtribes tactics are pretty straight-forward:
Charge as fast as you can and wipe out the enemies from the board!
Jokes aside you have a list of extremely hard hitters and survivable units but be careful on the low count of models in objective-based games.
Critical hits can also really harm Ogors so avoid being too isolated and surrounded. Toughness 4 is just average so most units will hit you on a 4+, take this in consideration.
You have few layers in between the four standard type of fighters for this warband:
- Massive bulky hitters (Ironguts)
- Ranged explosive fighters (Leadbelchers)
- Heavy infantry (Ogors and Mournfang Riders)
- Fast units (Frost Sabre and Yhetee)
An example of a fighter in between would be the Maneater or the Gorger.
You also have 8 leaders to choose from, but really unlikely you will be able to afford a second as a support Hero.
The choice indeed would be up to personal taste and theme. Mix wisely and you have a really powerful warband.
The Gnoblars can be used to cover the extra points but also to booby trap objectives or simply help with numbers.
The low movement of main Ogors can be compensated in the early turns with Rush o On the Mawpath.
Once you are closing in, charge forward with Bullcharge and keep a Double handy if your leader is surrounded for Might Makes Right.
Until you are in position blast away your enemies with the Leadebelcher/s especially if you have a Quad available for Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal.
If you choose to use an Icebrow Hunter, ensure he always has one or two Frost Sabres around for some free attacks with Lead the Skal.
Depending on the victory conditions of the game you may struggle to get to the objectives before your opponent or to remove a particularly quick and pesky adversary, but once you get there your brute strength will make the difference.
Do not let the enemy bog you down with chaff units as every attack is precious and don’t forget the Leadbelchers with a range of 10” can help you reduce the gap.
As every Ogor fighter is precious, keeping them healthy is important. Apart from the universal Respite, they have also access to a reaction, Quick Bite, that is a bit of a gamble. If the attacking fighter does not score any critical hit, he gets damaged 3 wounds, and you heal those 3 back. Normally Ogors can do more damage during their action, but could be a good way to prolong their life. Gnoblars, Yhetees and Sabres cannot use it.
Ogor attacks are the strongest between the Destruction warbands compensating for the low model count.
Pros and Cons of the Ogor Mawtribes Warband
+ Massive damage
+ Good ranged options for a Destruction warband
– One of the lowest model count warbands
– Average Toughness
Some thematic warbands for Ogor Mawtribes
Sólo por diversión aquí presentamos algunas bandas temáticas, pensadas más para la diversión o el contexto narrativo que para el juego competitivo. Ten en cuenta que en el juego narrativo necesitas completar una misión que te permita reclutar un Héroe antes de poder añadirlo a tu lista.
Follow the pack: Icebrow Hunter, Gorger, and 3 Frost Sabres for an animalistic warband!
Brutal strength: Tyrant, Leadbelcher and 2 Ironguts for a brute display of raw strength.
How to buy a Ogor Mawtribes Warcry Warband
Nota: todos los precios utilizados son precios estándar de Games Workshop. Es posible conseguir las distintas cosas más baratas (consulta los enlaces para ver los precios).
As most of the oldest kits, it is highly possible you can find these boxes only through direct order with Games Workshop and only with square bases you’ll need to swap.
The Ogor Gluttons is one of the repacked boxes where you can find 6 Ogors and 2 Gnoblars for £25.
Apart from the leader, the Crusher, you can assemble the remaining miniatures in any combination of weapons of your preference.
To be a valid Age of Sigmar unit all models in the unit have to use one single weapon profile however.
At £28 you can find 2 boxes, both with 4 models each of Ironguts or Leadbelchers from which you can select one model as the leader option.

En Mournfang Pack allows you to build a Skalg and the 2 different weapon options as there are 4 models in the £47.5 box. Note that this kit is also available in the Ogor Mawtribes Spearhead, together with 6 Gluttons, 4 Leadbelchers, 4 Gnoblars, and 1 Tyrant.
And here is a list of where the other miniatures are available:
- The Butcher, the Firebelly, Icebrow Hunter are single boxes for £31.5
- The Tyrant is one of the latest miniatures for this army at £24
- The Gorger is not available anymore, but you can find plenty in the Gorger Mawpack box.
- Icefall Yethees come in a 3-models box for £37
- Frost Sabers are sold in couples for £14.75
- Of all the Maneaters only 3 survive now gathered in a single box for £63.25
Tips on painting a Ogor Mawtribes Warband for Warcry
Do you have some awesome ogors painted up?
Me gustaría mucho exponerlos aquí mismo, en esta página.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es enviarme algunos archivos. Aquí encontrará más información sobre cómo conseguirlo..
Ogors Mawtribes derive from the old Ogre Kingdoms army of Warhammer Fantasy, and most models have few years on their back so you will find plenty of tutorials online.
To paint the skin Warhamer TV presents two useful videos, one for light tones and one for dark tones.
For the skin you can of course find many videos also using alternative products not from GW.