There can be a lot of confusion when picking up a warband and trying to play them through multiple narrative campaigns. This is a simple page of all Warcry Quests, so you can see exactly what is available and where to get it.

DISCLAIMER: In Warcry season 2 set in Ghur, the way narrative campaign quests work changed significantly.
Quests are now things that you can achieve as part of any fight, matched play or narrative, and at the end gives you some reward. Campaigns are arcs of battles in an extremely narrative context for 2 or more players, usually following Age of Sigmar events of allowing you to use the warbands in a specific set.
Season 2 quests and campaigns
A guide to the table
The first column displays the name of the Campaign.
The second column displays the type of campaign:
- Universal Quest being a quest that can be performed by everyone
- Quest
- 2-Players, 4-Players, 4-6 Players represents multi-player narrative campaigns
The third column represents the type of reward from that quest.
The fourth column represents which warband can enrol in that quest. Other than searching for your warband, you have access to a campaign for your Grand Alliance and accessible to everyone.
The last column represents where the campaigns can be found.
Warband specific tomes were first released in their relative box set, but are then released separately.
Quest | Type | Reward | Banda de guerra | Where |
Treasures of the Gnarlwood | Universal Quest | Artefact | All | Core book - Ghur |
Ascension to Glory | Universal Quest | Heroic Trait | All | Core book - Ghur |
Secure a Powerful Ally | Universal Quest | Ally | All | Core book - Ghur |
Explore the Gnarlwood | Universal Quest | Exploration | All | Core book - Ghur |
Fight for Glory | Universal Quest | Glory Points | All | Core book - Ghur |
Hunt the Beast | Universal Quest | Monster | All | Core book - Ghur |
Gift of the Dark Gods | Quest | Artefact | Caos | Core book - Ghur |
Champion of Chaos | Quest | Heroic Trait | Caos | Core book - Ghur |
Desecrate the Land | Quest | Encampment | Caos | Core book - Ghur |
Lost Treasures of Order | Quest | Artefact | Pida | Core book - Ghur |
Guardian of Order | Quest | Heroic Trait | Pida | Core book - Ghur |
Establish Trade Routes | Quest | Encampment | Pida | Core book - Ghur |
Treasures of the Grave | Quest | Artefact | Muerte | Core book - Ghur |
Lord of Death | Quest | Heroic Trait | Muerte | Core book - Ghur |
What Lies Below | Quest | Encampment | Muerte | Core book - Ghur |
Treasures of Gorkamorka | Quest | Artefact | Destrucción | Core book - Ghur |
Avatar of Destruction | Quest | Heroic Trait | Destrucción | Core book - Ghur |
Bring the Wild | Quest | Encampment | Destrucción | Core book - Ghur |
The Path of Ven Talax | 2-Players | All | Core book - Ghur | |
The Chotec Valley | 4-Players | All | Core book - Ghur | |
Fruits of Dark Alchemy | Quest | Artefact | Credo Rotmire | Rot and Ruin |
Lord Leech's Blessing | Quest | Heroic Trait | Credo Rotmire | Rot and Ruin |
The Putrid Transformation | Quest | Encampment | Credo Rotmire | Rot and Ruin |
Infernal Rewards | Quest | Artefact | Cuernos de Hashut | Rot and Ruin |
Black-hearted Ascension | Quest | Heroic Trait | Cuernos de Hashut | Rot and Ruin |
Trail of Ash and Flame | Quest | Encampment | Cuernos de Hashut | Rot and Ruin |
The War of Rot and Ruin | 2-Players | Rotmire Creed vs Horns of Hashut | Rot and Ruin | |
The Path of Splintered Limbs | Quest | Artefact | Obelisco de jade | Stealth and Stone |
Behold the Obelisk | Quest | Heroic Trait | Obelisco de jade | Stealth and Stone |
Broken Faith | Quest | Encampment | Obelisco de jade | Stealth and Stone |
Patrol the Gnarlwood | Quest | Artefact | Cazadores de Huanchi | Stealth and Stone |
Chosen of the Stars | Quest | Heroic Trait | Cazadores de Huanchi | Stealth and Stone |
Scour the Gnarlwood | Quest | Encampment | Cazadores de Huanchi | Stealth and Stone |
The War of Stealth and Stone | 2-Players | Jade Obelisk vs Hunters of Huanchi | Stealth and Stone |
Season 1 campaigns
For reference here is all the old campaign quests from the previous season of Warcry:
A guide to the table
The first column displays the name of the Campaign.
The second column displays the type of campaign
- Normal being a standard campaign
- Fated being a Fated Quest (more dangerous but better rewards – artifact of power or exalted trait)
- Challenge being a Challenge Battle (to be embarked on a campaign has prerequisites and a stake that can be lost with the battle, but provides great spoils including taming a monster).
- There is a multiplayer campaign introduced in Tome of Champions 2020, the Soroth Kor campaign that allows multiple players to trade blows across a 3 months long campaign.
- 2-Players, 4-Players, 4-6 Players represents a new set of narrative campaigns enfolding within the current narrative introduced by the Warhammer Community team. They can be easily adapted by using any army.
- Branching is a new type of quest introduced first in Warcry: Red Harvest where you have to make choices at the end of each convergence battle and that will decide which branch of the campaign you will follow changing drastically the rewards at the end of the campaign.
The third column represents which warband can enrol in that quest. Other than searching for your warband, you have access to a campaign for your Grand Alliance and accessible to everyone.
The last column represents where the campaigns can be found.
Tomo de los Campeones is a yearly expansion with great emphasis on the play side with occasional rule changes or clarifications. For narrative play it usually introduces new campaigns and new artefacts/command traits/etc. In December 2020, 4 new books specific to each Grand Alliance were released introducing new rules and campaigns specifically for that Grand Alliance.
Finally White Dwarf is a usually monthly magazine published by Games Workshop available digitally or included in Warhammer+ subscription if you missed the specific printed release.
Table showing all Warcry Campaign Quests and in what books they are located
Campaign | Type | Banda de guerra | Where |
The Purge of Anvilguard | Narrative 2-Players | Anvilguard vs Stormcast | Comunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021 |
Treasures of the Past | Branching | Pida | Tome of Champions 2021 |
A Fool's Trove in Ulfenkarn | Narrative 4-Players | All | Comunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021 |
The Forlorn Hope | Narrative 2-Players | Lumineth vs Ossiarch Bonereapers | Comunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021 |
The Depths of Sylontum | Narrative 4-6 Players | Daemons of Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh vs Nighthaunt, Soulblight | Comunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021 |
War of the Morruk Hills | Narrative 2-Players | Thunderstrike Stormcast vs Kruleboyz | Comunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021 |
Conquer the Forge | Normal | Iron Golem | Libro básico |
Cursed Metal | Normal | Iron Golem | Libro básico |
The Hunt for Firescar | Normal | Bestias indomables | Libro básico |
Tooth and Claw | Normal | Bestias indomables | Libro básico |
War of Talons | Normal | Corvus Cabal | Libro básico |
The Hunger for Isiphus | Normal | Corvus Cabal | Libro básico |
A Spy in the House of Talons | Normal | Señores de la Cifra | Libro básico |
Cold Vengeance | Normal | Señores de la Cifra | Libro básico |
Path of the Flayed Prince | Normal | The Unmade | Libro básico |
Song of Suffering | Normal | The Unmade | Libro básico |
Nagendra's Gullet | Normal | Colmillo astillado | Libro básico |
Venom of the Gods | Normal | Colmillo astillado | Libro básico |
Tide of Fire | Normal | Scions of the Flame | Libro básico |
Making your Name | Normal | Tiranos de Spire | Libro básico |
The Bells of Lost Velorum | Normal | Nighthaunt | Libro básico |
The Hidden Vault | Normal | Vanguard Chamber | Libro básico |
The Stolen Tome | Normal | Legiones de Nagash | Libro básico |
The Bottle Heist | Normal | Gloomspite Gitz | Libro básico |
A Bounty of Souls | Normal | Idoneth Deepkin | Libro básico |
Seekers of the Chalice | Normal | Tribunales carnívoros | Libro básico |
A Proper Scrap | Normal | Ironjawz | Libro básico |
Traitor's Fate | Normal | Hijas de Khaine | Libro básico |
The Stolen Totem | Normal | Bonesplitterz | Libro básico |
Lord of the Pits | Normal | Tiranos de Spire | White Dwarf 452 |
Aggressive Acquisition | Normal | Señores del Reino de Lumineth | White Dwarf 454 |
Chasing the Flames | Normal | Hammerhal | White Dwarf 456 |
Shadow of the Varanspire | Normal | Esclavos de la oscuridad | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Bone Harvest | Normal | Ossiarch Bonereapers | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Platter of Carngrad | Normal | Ogor Mawtribes | Tome of Champions 2019 |
A Bad Investment | Normal | Señores de Kharadron | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Davenok Conspiracy | Normal | Discípulos de Tzeentch | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Snirrik's Great-Grand Scheme | Normal | Skaven | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Vengeance of the Storm | Normal | Warrior Chamber | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Old Ways | Normal | Bestias del caos | Tome of Champions 2019 |
A God's Footsteps | Normal | Fyreslayers | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Season of Retribution | Normal | Sylvaneth | Tome of Champions 2019 |
A Lost Soul | Normal | Sacrosant Chamber | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Blood God's Due | Normal | Khorne | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Bursting with Life | Normal | Nurgle | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Grand Revel | Normal | Daemons de Slaanesh | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Cosmic Pylon | Normal | Serafón | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Pursuit of Knowledge | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Whispering Moon | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Fulfilling One's Oaths | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Blood and Faith | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Haunting of Asga Peak | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Defending your Crown | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Ghoul Hunt | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
The Tomb of Saint Artimyr | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Where Troggoths Tread | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
An Ill-Advised Expedition | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
A Ritual Too Far | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Lord Splinterbone's Feast | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
To Face the Charnel Fiend | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
Unveiling the Arcane | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2019 |
A Long Night in Carngrad | Fated | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
The Wisdom og Wozgobba | Fated | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
Chains of Iron | Fated | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
At their Own Game | Fated | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
A Right Old Mess | Challenge | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
Gargantuan Carnage | Challenge | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
The Big Carngrad Bash | Challenge | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
Krushed | Challenge | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
Picking your Poison | Challenge | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
Bloodbaths and Brewgits | Challenge | Destrucción | Harbingers of Destruction |
Into the Jaws of Death | Challenge | All | Monsters & Mercenaries |
Hand of the Everchosen | Challenge | All | Monsters & Mercenaries |
Hunt for the Doomblade | Fated | All | Monsters & Mercenaries |
The Crown of Davenok | Fated | All | Monsters & Mercenaries |
Lords of the Arena | Fated | All | Monsters & Mercenaries |
Slaves and Masters | Fated | All | Monsters & Mercenaries |
Dread Vengeance | Fated | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
Blooded Talons | Fated | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
The Grave of Gorsimax | Fated | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
Of Bone and Soul | Fated | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
The Royal Hunt | Challenge | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
Thieves in the Night | Challenge | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
A Grave Mistake | Challenge | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
Death Comes Calling | Challenge | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
Caged Lightning | Challenge | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
Trial of the Five Blades | Challenge | Muerte | Bringers of Death |
A Comrade in Need | Fated | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
Gift of the Gods | Fated | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
Heroes and Horrors | Fated | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
An Uplifted Soul | Fated | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
The Fall of Lord Valgar | Challenge | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
No Duardin Left Behind | Challenge | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
Vault Guardians | Challenge | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
Thick as Thieves | Challenge | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
Halting the Ritual | Challenge | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
Blood and Serpents | Challenge | Pida | Sentinels of Order |
Crimson Bounty | Fated | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
The Grand Plague of Vetch | Fated | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
Fit for a King | Fated | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
Beneath Shadow Boughs | Fated | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
The Varanite Harvest | Challenge | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
Fury of the Wild | Challenge | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
The Everchosen Regards | Challenge | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
Blades in the Darkness | Challenge | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
Irrefutable Challenge | Challenge | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
The Grot Purge | Challenge | Caos | Agents of Chaos |
Soroth Kor Campaign | Multiplayer | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
The March of Monsters | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
The Dollfaul Chorus | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
The Measure of a Blade | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
A Prize Wrought in Iron | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
Fires of Wrath | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
The Maudlin House | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
Cost of Averice | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
The Coils Tighten | Fated | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
March of the Dead | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
The Fall of Snagglewart | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
The Wrath of Klorgg | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
Envoy of the Daemon King | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
Tide of Chaos | Challenge | All | Tome of Champions 2020 |
Avowed Bounty | Normal | Salvadores de Darkoath | Red Harvest |
Sundered Oaths | Normal | Salvadores de Darkoath | Red Harvest |
Shadowed Webs | Normal | Cría de Tarantulos | Red Harvest |
The Scuttling One Speaks | Normal | Cría de Tarantulos | Red Harvest |
The Blood of Ruin | Branching | Caos | Red Harvest |
Acts of Sabotage | Branching | Pida | Red Harvest |
An Unintended Odyssey | Branching | Destrucción | Red Harvest |
Hateful Change | Branching | Muerte | Red Harvest |
The Captured Melusai | Normal | Cazadores de sombras khainitas | Catacombs |
Khaine's Blood | Normal | Cazadores de sombras khainitas | Catacombs |
Pit of Darkness | Normal | Cazadores de sombras khainitas | Catacombs |
The Immolation Engine | Normal | Scions of the Flame | Catacombs |
Beasts of Flame | Normal | Scions of the Flame | Catacombs |
The Obsidian Tower | Fated | All | Catacombs |
The Spawnmaster | Fated | All | Catacombs |
The Orb of Secrets | Fated | All | Catacombs |
Trail of Destruction | Fated | All | Catacombs |
Balance of Power | Branching | Caos | Tome of Champions 2021 |
Grim Expansion | Branching | Muerte | Tome of Champions 2021 |
A Feast of Violence | Branching | Destrucción | Tome of Champions 2021 |
The Rat Hunters | Narrative 1-Player | All vs Skaven (AI controlled) | Tome of Champions 2021 |
The Reaver's Spoils | Fated | Caos | Tome of Champions 2021 |
Fate of the Kindred | Fated | Muerte | Tome of Champions 2021 |
Survivor's Salvation | Fated | Pida | Tome of Champions 2021 |
The Waking Idol | Fated | Destrucción | Tome of Champions 2021 |