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Resumen de todas las misiones de la campaña Warcry para el juego narrativo

There can be a lot of confusion when picking up a warband and trying to play them through multiple narrative campaigns. This is a simple page of all Warcry Quests, so you can see exactly what is available and where to get it.

Feature image for the Warcry Campaign Quests article

DISCLAIMER: In Warcry season 2 set in Ghur, the way narrative campaign quests work changed significantly.

Quests are now things that you can achieve as part of any fight, matched play or narrative, and at the end gives you some reward. Campaigns are arcs of battles in an extremely narrative context for 2 or more players, usually following Age of Sigmar events of allowing you to use the warbands in a specific set.

Season 2 quests and campaigns

A guide to the table

The first column displays the name of the Campaign.

The second column displays the type of campaign:

  • Universal Quest being a quest that can be performed by everyone
  • Quest
  • 2-Players, 4-Players, 4-6 Players represents multi-player narrative campaigns

The third column represents the type of reward from that quest.

The fourth column represents which warband can enrol in that quest. Other than searching for your warband, you have access to a campaign for your Grand Alliance and accessible to everyone.

The last column represents where the campaigns can be found.

Warband specific tomes were first released in their relative box set, but are then released separately.

Warcry Season 2 Narrative Campaigns
QuestTypeRewardBanda de guerraWhere
Treasures of the GnarlwoodUniversal QuestArtefactAllCore book - Ghur
Ascension to GloryUniversal QuestHeroic TraitAllCore book - Ghur
Secure a Powerful AllyUniversal QuestAllyAllCore book - Ghur
Explore the GnarlwoodUniversal QuestExplorationAllCore book - Ghur
Fight for GloryUniversal QuestGlory PointsAllCore book - Ghur
Hunt the BeastUniversal QuestMonsterAllCore book - Ghur
Gift of the Dark GodsQuestArtefactCaosCore book - Ghur
Champion of ChaosQuestHeroic TraitCaosCore book - Ghur
Desecrate the LandQuestEncampmentCaosCore book - Ghur
Lost Treasures of OrderQuestArtefactPidaCore book - Ghur
Guardian of OrderQuestHeroic TraitPidaCore book - Ghur
Establish Trade RoutesQuestEncampmentPidaCore book - Ghur
Treasures of the GraveQuestArtefactMuerteCore book - Ghur
Lord of DeathQuestHeroic TraitMuerteCore book - Ghur
What Lies BelowQuestEncampmentMuerteCore book - Ghur
Treasures of GorkamorkaQuestArtefactDestrucciónCore book - Ghur
Avatar of DestructionQuestHeroic TraitDestrucciónCore book - Ghur
Bring the WildQuestEncampmentDestrucciónCore book - Ghur
The Path of Ven Talax2-PlayersAllCore book - Ghur
The Chotec Valley4-PlayersAllCore book - Ghur
Fruits of Dark AlchemyQuestArtefactCredo RotmireRot and Ruin
Lord Leech's BlessingQuestHeroic TraitCredo RotmireRot and Ruin
The Putrid TransformationQuestEncampmentCredo RotmireRot and Ruin
Infernal RewardsQuestArtefactCuernos de HashutRot and Ruin
Black-hearted AscensionQuestHeroic TraitCuernos de HashutRot and Ruin
Trail of Ash and FlameQuestEncampmentCuernos de HashutRot and Ruin
The War of Rot and Ruin2-PlayersRotmire Creed vs Horns of HashutRot and Ruin
The Path of Splintered LimbsQuestArtefactObelisco de jadeStealth and Stone
Behold the ObeliskQuestHeroic TraitObelisco de jadeStealth and Stone
Broken FaithQuestEncampmentObelisco de jadeStealth and Stone
Patrol the GnarlwoodQuestArtefactCazadores de HuanchiStealth and Stone
Chosen of the StarsQuestHeroic TraitCazadores de HuanchiStealth and Stone
Scour the GnarlwoodQuestEncampmentCazadores de HuanchiStealth and Stone
The War of Stealth and Stone2-PlayersJade Obelisk vs Hunters of HuanchiStealth and Stone

Season 1 campaigns

For reference here is all the old campaign quests from the previous season of Warcry:

A guide to the table

The first column displays the name of the Campaign.

The second column displays the type of campaign

  • Normal being a standard campaign
  • Fated being a Fated Quest (more dangerous but better rewards – artifact of power or exalted trait)
  • Challenge being a Challenge Battle (to be embarked on a campaign has prerequisites and a stake that can be lost with the battle, but provides great spoils including taming a monster).
  • There is a multiplayer campaign introduced in Tome of Champions 2020, the Soroth Kor campaign that allows multiple players to trade blows across a 3 months long campaign.
  • 2-Players, 4-Players, 4-6 Players represents a new set of narrative campaigns enfolding within the current narrative introduced by the Warhammer Community team. They can be easily adapted by using any army.
  • Branching is a new type of quest introduced first in Warcry: Red Harvest where you have to make choices at the end of each convergence battle and that will decide which branch of the campaign you will follow changing drastically the rewards at the end of the campaign.

The third column represents which warband can enrol in that quest. Other than searching for your warband, you have access to a campaign for your Grand Alliance and accessible to everyone.

The last column represents where the campaigns can be found.

Tomo de los Campeones is a yearly expansion with great emphasis on the play side with occasional rule changes or clarifications. For narrative play it usually introduces new campaigns and new artefacts/command traits/etc. In December 2020, 4 new books specific to each Grand Alliance were released introducing new rules and campaigns specifically for that Grand Alliance.

Finally White Dwarf is a usually monthly magazine published by Games Workshop available digitally or included in Warhammer+ subscription if you missed the specific printed release.

Table showing all Warcry Campaign Quests and in what books they are located

Warcry Narrative Campaigns
CampaignTypeBanda de guerraWhere
The Purge of AnvilguardNarrative 2-PlayersAnvilguard vs StormcastComunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021
Treasures of the PastBranchingPidaTome of Champions 2021
A Fool's Trove in UlfenkarnNarrative 4-PlayersAllComunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021
The Forlorn HopeNarrative 2-PlayersLumineth vs Ossiarch BonereapersComunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021
The Depths of SylontumNarrative 4-6 PlayersDaemons of Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh vs Nighthaunt, SoulblightComunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021
War of the Morruk HillsNarrative 2-PlayersThunderstrike Stormcast vs KruleboyzComunidad Warhammer, Tome of Champions 2021
Conquer the ForgeNormalIron GolemLibro básico
Cursed MetalNormalIron GolemLibro básico
The Hunt for FirescarNormalBestias indomablesLibro básico
Tooth and ClawNormalBestias indomablesLibro básico
War of TalonsNormalCorvus CabalLibro básico
The Hunger for IsiphusNormalCorvus CabalLibro básico
A Spy in the House of TalonsNormalSeñores de la CifraLibro básico
Cold VengeanceNormalSeñores de la CifraLibro básico
Path of the Flayed PrinceNormalThe UnmadeLibro básico
Song of SufferingNormalThe UnmadeLibro básico
Nagendra's GulletNormalColmillo astilladoLibro básico
Venom of the GodsNormalColmillo astilladoLibro básico
Tide of FireNormalScions of the FlameLibro básico
Making your NameNormalTiranos de SpireLibro básico
The Bells of Lost VelorumNormalNighthauntLibro básico
The Hidden VaultNormalVanguard ChamberLibro básico
The Stolen TomeNormalLegiones de NagashLibro básico
The Bottle HeistNormalGloomspite GitzLibro básico
A Bounty of SoulsNormalIdoneth DeepkinLibro básico
Seekers of the ChaliceNormalTribunales carnívorosLibro básico
A Proper ScrapNormalIronjawzLibro básico
Traitor's FateNormalHijas de KhaineLibro básico
The Stolen TotemNormalBonesplitterzLibro básico
Lord of the PitsNormalTiranos de SpireWhite Dwarf 452
Aggressive AcquisitionNormalSeñores del Reino de LuminethWhite Dwarf 454
Chasing the FlamesNormalHammerhalWhite Dwarf 456
Shadow of the VaranspireNormalEsclavos de la oscuridadTome of Champions 2019
The Bone HarvestNormalOssiarch BonereapersTome of Champions 2019
The Platter of CarngradNormalOgor MawtribesTome of Champions 2019
A Bad InvestmentNormalSeñores de KharadronTome of Champions 2019
The Davenok ConspiracyNormalDiscípulos de TzeentchTome of Champions 2019
Snirrik's Great-Grand SchemeNormalSkavenTome of Champions 2019
Vengeance of the StormNormalWarrior ChamberTome of Champions 2019
The Old WaysNormalBestias del caosTome of Champions 2019
A God's FootstepsNormalFyreslayersTome of Champions 2019
The Season of RetributionNormalSylvanethTome of Champions 2019
A Lost SoulNormalSacrosant ChamberTome of Champions 2019
The Blood God's DueNormalKhorneTome of Champions 2019
Bursting with LifeNormalNurgleTome of Champions 2019
The Grand RevelNormalDaemons de SlaaneshTome of Champions 2019
The Cosmic PylonNormalSerafónTome of Champions 2019
The Pursuit of KnowledgeFatedAllTome of Champions 2019
The Whispering MoonFatedAllTome of Champions 2019
Fulfilling One's OathsFatedAllTome of Champions 2019
Blood and FaithFatedAllTome of Champions 2019
The Haunting of Asga PeakFatedAllTome of Champions 2019
Defending your CrownFatedAllTome of Champions 2019
The Ghoul HuntFatedAllTome of Champions 2019
The Tomb of Saint ArtimyrChallengeAllTome of Champions 2019
Where Troggoths TreadChallengeAllTome of Champions 2019
An Ill-Advised ExpeditionChallengeAllTome of Champions 2019
A Ritual Too FarChallengeAllTome of Champions 2019
Lord Splinterbone's FeastChallengeAllTome of Champions 2019
To Face the Charnel FiendChallengeAllTome of Champions 2019
Unveiling the ArcaneChallengeAllTome of Champions 2019
A Long Night in CarngradFatedDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
The Wisdom og WozgobbaFatedDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
Chains of IronFatedDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
At their Own GameFatedDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
A Right Old MessChallengeDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
Gargantuan CarnageChallengeDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
The Big Carngrad BashChallengeDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
KrushedChallengeDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
Picking your PoisonChallengeDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
Bloodbaths and BrewgitsChallengeDestrucciónHarbingers of Destruction
Into the Jaws of DeathChallengeAllMonsters & Mercenaries
Hand of the EverchosenChallengeAllMonsters & Mercenaries
Hunt for the DoombladeFatedAllMonsters & Mercenaries
The Crown of DavenokFatedAllMonsters & Mercenaries
Lords of the ArenaFatedAllMonsters & Mercenaries
Slaves and MastersFatedAllMonsters & Mercenaries
Dread VengeanceFatedMuerteBringers of Death
Blooded TalonsFatedMuerteBringers of Death
The Grave of GorsimaxFatedMuerteBringers of Death
Of Bone and SoulFatedMuerteBringers of Death
The Royal HuntChallengeMuerteBringers of Death
Thieves in the NightChallengeMuerteBringers of Death
A Grave MistakeChallengeMuerteBringers of Death
Death Comes CallingChallengeMuerteBringers of Death
Caged LightningChallengeMuerteBringers of Death
Trial of the Five BladesChallengeMuerteBringers of Death
A Comrade in NeedFatedPidaSentinels of Order
Gift of the GodsFatedPidaSentinels of Order
Heroes and HorrorsFatedPidaSentinels of Order
An Uplifted SoulFatedPidaSentinels of Order
The Fall of Lord ValgarChallengePidaSentinels of Order
No Duardin Left BehindChallengePidaSentinels of Order
Vault GuardiansChallengePidaSentinels of Order
Thick as ThievesChallengePidaSentinels of Order
Halting the RitualChallengePidaSentinels of Order
Blood and SerpentsChallengePidaSentinels of Order
Crimson BountyFatedCaosAgents of Chaos
The Grand Plague of VetchFatedCaosAgents of Chaos
Fit for a KingFatedCaosAgents of Chaos
Beneath Shadow BoughsFatedCaosAgents of Chaos
The Varanite HarvestChallengeCaosAgents of Chaos
Fury of the WildChallengeCaosAgents of Chaos
The Everchosen RegardsChallengeCaosAgents of Chaos
Blades in the DarknessChallengeCaosAgents of Chaos
Irrefutable ChallengeChallengeCaosAgents of Chaos
The Grot PurgeChallengeCaosAgents of Chaos
Soroth Kor CampaignMultiplayerAllTome of Champions 2020
The March of MonstersFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
The Dollfaul ChorusFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
The Measure of a BladeFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
A Prize Wrought in IronFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
Fires of WrathFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
The Maudlin HouseFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
Cost of AvericeFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
The Coils TightenFatedAllTome of Champions 2020
March of the DeadChallengeAllTome of Champions 2020
The Fall of SnagglewartChallengeAllTome of Champions 2020
The Wrath of KlorggChallengeAllTome of Champions 2020
Envoy of the Daemon KingChallengeAllTome of Champions 2020
Tide of ChaosChallengeAllTome of Champions 2020
Avowed BountyNormalSalvadores de DarkoathRed Harvest
Sundered OathsNormalSalvadores de DarkoathRed Harvest
Shadowed WebsNormalCría de TarantulosRed Harvest
The Scuttling One SpeaksNormalCría de TarantulosRed Harvest
The Blood of RuinBranchingCaosRed Harvest
Acts of SabotageBranchingPidaRed Harvest
An Unintended OdysseyBranchingDestrucciónRed Harvest
Hateful ChangeBranchingMuerteRed Harvest
The Captured MelusaiNormalCazadores de sombras khainitasCatacombs
Khaine's BloodNormalCazadores de sombras khainitasCatacombs
Pit of DarknessNormalCazadores de sombras khainitasCatacombs
The Immolation EngineNormalScions of the FlameCatacombs
Beasts of FlameNormalScions of the FlameCatacombs
The Obsidian TowerFatedAllCatacombs
The SpawnmasterFatedAllCatacombs
The Orb of SecretsFatedAllCatacombs
Trail of DestructionFatedAllCatacombs
Balance of PowerBranchingCaosTome of Champions 2021
Grim ExpansionBranchingMuerteTome of Champions 2021
A Feast of ViolenceBranchingDestrucciónTome of Champions 2021
The Rat HuntersNarrative 1-PlayerAll vs Skaven (AI controlled)Tome of Champions 2021
The Reaver's SpoilsFatedCaosTome of Champions 2021
Fate of the KindredFatedMuerteTome of Champions 2021
Survivor's SalvationFatedPidaTome of Champions 2021
The Waking IdolFatedDestrucciónTome of Champions 2021