Khorne is the Chaos God of War, master of slaughter and Taker of Skulls.
Many mortals praise Khorne in a form or another and the path to achieve daemonhood is gory. This is a guide for the Bloodbound Wrathband in Warcry.
Ready to get bloody?

What changed in the new edition for the Khorne Bloodbound Wrathbands?
Khorne Wrathbands saw several point adjustments and a couple of profile changes, including leader wounds going down. The most notably changes are the Skullcrushers and their leaders, including the Mighty Lord on Juggernaut, improving their attack profile.
Some abilities changed wording as well, so read with us this fresh review of the warband!
Briar and Bone added an optional battle trait.
Background and Lore of the Khorne Bloodbound Warband
Khorne is one of the four Chaos Gods, representing violence in its purest form. He does not care from whence the blood flows, only that it flows. Skulls of worthy enemies are taken as a tribute to the Blood God, the Taker of Skulls.
Every war, every single life taken empowers Khorne and his followers do not gather in temples to offer prayers: they fight in the battlefield to honour their dark god.
Every civilization prone to warfare in a way or another supports Khorne and is liable to succumb to the call of the Blood God.
The more they kill, the more they please the dark God and the more attention they attract until slaughter is the only thing that counts.
The Trial of Skulls is the path every warrior must perform to achieve the final target: daemonhood.
Every act of savagery brings new boons from Khorne, in form of greater strength, claws or any other horrific mutations that provides an advantage on the battlefield. To pass the eight archaic Trials of Khorne means to become a chosen, a Bloodbound.
But that is not the end of the path.
More brutality, slaughter, worthy skulls for the Skull Throne are required to become a Daemon Prince. And for the majority the path ends in death, but that does not matter to Khorne as he does not care from where the blood flows, only that it flows.
A Bloodbound warhorde is led by a Mighty Lord of Khorne aided by eight Gorechosen, his most powerful and bloody warriors but also the next in line to succeed him by murdering him.
A warhorde may assume various formations but they all have hordes of Bloodreavers, the most numerous of Khorne’s warriors. Eventually when completely covered in gore the Bloodreavers obtain Khorne armour and weapons and can be called Blood Warriors.
But before then, they need to be proven worthy and every participant of the Trial of Skulls is known as Skullreaper for they hunger for skulls that they need to gather every day otherwise terrible punishments befalls them.
Some warriors are called to the rite of Brass, of which really few survive, but in the end, they are invigorated with daemonic powers and a mist that would throw anyone around them in a blood frenzy. These warriors are known as Wrathmongers and will incite to war their comrades.
Finally, the Khorogoraths are mutated beasts captured by Bloodletters and trained through pain and horrors to become the ferocious creatures that prowl the battlefield side by side with Khorne’s armies.
But how do the Khrone BLoodbound warband play on the tabletop in warcry?
Before starting the Trial of skulls, we need to have a look at the warband in detail.

Overview and Points for the fighters in the Khorne Bloodbound Warband
The Khorne Bloodbound warband is made from 3 kits with 12 options of which 4 are leaders, however one model cannot be bought outside of an extra box.

Mighty Lords
- Mighty Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut: 280 points
- Mighty Lord of Khorne: 215 points
The Mighty Lords of Khorne come in two formats: on foot and on hor… Juggernaut-back.
Interestingly, despite being the maximum level a Khorne mortal can achieve before demonhood, their special abilities involve their loyal companions instead: Flesh Hound’s Blood-dark Claws represent the attacks of the little dog next to the version on foot, while Murderous Charge represents the impact of the Juggernaut at the end of a move action.
Outside of these they have access to two generic abilities: Lord of Skulls, available to all leaders that, at the cost of a Triple, provides +1 Attack to all friendly fighters within 6″ if the leader took down an enemy the same turn.
And Blood for the Blood God that has the same activating condition (taking down an enemy) but allows a bonus move or attack (for a Double) permitting to decide which one to use depending on the situation.
Flesh Hound’s Blood-dark Claws allows a random chance to damage an engaged enemy: roll 2 dice, on each 4-5 do D3 damage, on a 6 D6 damage. Extremely random, but could work…
Murderous Charge, instead, for a Triple allows to allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy at the end of the movement.
Their weapon profile is strong as you would expect: 5 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage (2/6 the Juggernaut).
They are also tough with the Juggernaut offering superior Toughness (6 vs 5), Wounds (38 vs 32) and Movement (6″ vs 4″) at a much higher price.

Deathbringers and friends
- Aspiring Deathbringer: 165 points
- Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear: 185 points
- Exalted Deathbringer with Ruinous Axe: 185 points
- Skullgrinder: 180 points
Khorne has a collection of heroes to make Sigmar’s Stormcast blush. The Deathbringers and the Skullgrinder are a tiny portion of them. Despite that, the only things they have in common is Movement 4″, 28 Wounds and no special ability.
The Aspiring Deathbringer has 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage and Toughness 5, comparable to a Mighty Lord.
The Exalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear drops 1 Attack (3) for 2″ range and much more damage (3/6) but lower Toughness (4). The 2″ range is almost cowardice as allows to attack without being engaged, but in the end it does not really matter from whence the blood flows…
The Ruinous Axe gets back the Attack lost (4) but loses the 2″ range and 1 damage on critical hit (3/5).
The Skullgrinder costs a fortune with his Strength 5 but has only 2 Attacks for 3/6 damage. Toughness 5 and 2″ range guarantee longevity, but seems a bit overpriced for that amount of attacks. He went down in cost with Tome of Champions 2021.

- Slaughterpriest with Bloodbathed Axe: 195 points
- Slughterpriest with Wrath-hammer and Hackblade: 185 points
The Slaughterpriests have access to two special abilities.
Bloodbind forces an enemy within 8″ to move up to 6″ towards the Slaughterpriest as if they were jumping, potentially suffering impact damage or more simply to get in range of the priests various weapons.
Bloodboil for a Triple instead allows to roll up to 6 dice and for each 4+ allocate D3 damage to a single opponent within 8″. While being another random ability, with enough dice it’s possible to do a decent amount of damage.
They both have 30 Wounds, Toughness 4 and the standard 4″ Movement in common with most of the warband.
The Bloodbathed Axe has 3 attacks, Wounds 4 and 3/5 damage but 2″ range.
The Wrath-hammer and Hackblade provide a profile with 3″ range, 3 Attacks, Strength 4 and 1/4 damage, while close-by the attacks become 4 and the damage 2/4, making the Axe a slightly better option for the potential higher damage output but the 3″ range (or 2″ of the Axe) allow to attack without immediate retaliation.

Bloodsecrator: 160 points
The icon bearer of Khorne has access to the second Quad of the Bloodbound: Rage of Khorne. This is basically an upgraded Lord of Skulls ability that does not require the leader to take down an enemy and has a range of 8″ (reduced from 16″ in the new version unfortunately).
It can also be combined with Lord of Skulls if you have another leader nearby killing enemies or by using a wait action before killing an enemy. Of course it requires a Quad AND a Triple…
Fight-wise the Bloodsecrator will not shy away with Toughness 5 and 25 Wounds but also with Strength 4 and 2/5 damage.

Bloodstoker: 165 points
The Bloodstoker is used mostly to poke a Khorgorath within 4″ for a bonus attack.
The Bloostoker profile is otherwise identical to the Slaughterpriest with Wrath-hammer, including the 3″ ranged weapon, Toughness 4 but only 25 Wounds.

Mighty Skullcrushers
- Skullhunter: 260 points
- Mighty Skullcrusher with Ensorcelled Axe: 210 points
- Mighty Skullcrusher with Bloodglaive: 210 points
Khorne heavy cavalry comes with 6″ Movement but Toughness 6 that will make extremely hard putting down these literal Juggernauts.
As mounted units they cannot climb or go through archways and doors, but are otherwise extremely dangerous.
Their special ability is Murderous Charge that for a Triple allows to allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy at the end of the movement.
The weapon profile is also in line with the high cost. The Skullhunter has 5 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage, reminiscent of a Mighty Lord.
The Ensorcelled Axe drops one attack from the Skullhunter profile (4) while the Bloodglaive increases the range to 2″, drops one further attack (3) but increases the Strength to 5.
Statistically the Axe performs better, in addition the Bloodglaive introduces 2″ range that works against the special ability that damages within 1″ and why would you ran away from an enemy with Toughness 6 and 30 Wounds anyway?

- Wrathmaster: 210 points
- Wrathmonger: 140 points
The Wrathmongers are tough elite warriors with lots of attacks. 20 wounds (25 for the leader) with Toughness 4 gives them some survivability, Movement 4” is just average but 5 attacks (6 for the Wrathmaster) at 2” range and Strength 4 guarantee some of those juicy critical hits (damage 4) will go through.
The Wrathmongers have access to Blood-fuelled Attack for a Quad. The way it is worded means it cannot be used if already engaged but it is useful to fill the gap with a close enemy and smash him into pieces.
The ability allows first a mandatory bonus move, then a bonus attack can be performed. Assuming the bonus move is enough to get in range with an enemy (remember within 2” is enough), then there are three rounds of attacks with Strength powered up to 7!

- Skullseeker: 160 points
- Skullreaper: 130 points
Skullreapers are cheaper than Wrathmongers but share a similar profile: 20 wounds (25 for the leader), Movement and Toughness 4, 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
Here the damage output is higher although with slightly less attacks meaning that their trademark ability, Daemon-forged Weapons, that increases the damage on critical hits, while really thematic, costs a Triple and works only if any of those attacks score a 6.
Combined with Lord of Skulls available to all leaders, including the Skullseeker, you now have potentially 10 dice to score as many 6 as you can, but without that and failing to have a high Triple, there’s better use for those dice unless you feel blessed by the Blood God himself.

Blood Warriors
- Chaos Champion: 140 points
- Blood Warrior with Goreglaive: 110 points
- Blood Warrior with pair of Goreaxes: 110 points
- Blood Warrior with Goreaxe and Gorefist: 100 points
The Blood Warriors have different weapon profiles, but they all share Movement 4”, Toughness 4 and 15 Wounds (20 for the Champion).
The base weapon is Goreaxe and Gorefist: 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, shared also by its Leader option, the Chaos Champion (although with 1 attack more).
Both models also have access to Gorefist, an ability that for a Double has a good chance (66%) to do 3 flat damage to an enemy within 1”. On top of that the Champion has access to Lord of Skulls.
The Goreglaive adds more Strength (5) damage on a critical (2/5) while the pair of Goreaxes increases the number of attacks (4 instead of 3) making them efficient in melee especially if combined with the Lord of Skulls ability that increases their attacks.
Both of these models do not have special abilities outside of Blood for the Blood God and cost more than a simpler Blood Warrior with Goreaxe and Gorefist.

- Bloodreaver Chieftain: 120 points
- Bloodreaver with Meatripper Axe: 65 points
- Bloodreaver with Reaver Blades: 65 points
The Bloodreavers are the cheapest of the warband, including the leader and it shows in a weaker profile with 10 wounds (15 for the Chieftain) and Toughness 3.
They compensate with greater mobility (5”) and a decent number of attacks for the point cost: 4 attacks at Strength 3 for the Reaver Blades or 3 attacks at Strength 4 for the Meatripper Axe.
Both do 1/3 damage, so statistically the Blades are better against tough opponents (5+) while the Axe performs better with lower Toughness (4 or 3). The Chieftain is on 5 attacks at Strength 3 for damage 2/4.
No special abilities for the Bloodreavers outside of the Blood for the Blood God and Lord of Skulls for the Chieftain. In the remote case you would ever consider a Chieftain as your warband leader…

Khorgorath: 205 points
The Khorgorath is a highly priced fighter with 30 wounds, Toughness 4 and Movement 4”. He does not excel in defence, but rather in attack: 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 4/8 damage, and don’t forget those attacks could become 4 if Lord of Skulls is activated near him.
He can also get a bonus attack if a Bloodstoker with an available Double is within 4″ and ready to “whip him to frenzy”.
Blood for the Blood God gives him a bonus attack or move for a Double and considering he will not struggle to get rid of weaker opponents, it could be his trademark move.
In addition, for a Double, he can lash his tentacles to an enemy 6” away for the chance to do quite some damage: you roll 2 dice and assign 1 damage for each 4 or 5, or as much as the ability’s value on a 6.

Flesh Hound: 180 points
The Flesh Hounds were initially introduced in the Khorne Demons warband and are now available also in the Bloodbound, however they don’t have any special ability.
They are on the expensive side with 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, but with 8″ Movement they are also the fastest unit available in the warband.
20 Wounds and Toughness 4 can allow some wiggle room for survival.

Magore’s Fiends (530 points)
- Magore Redhand: 155 points
- Riptooth: 185 points
- Zharkus the Bloodsighed: 95 points
- Ghartok Flayskull: 95 points
Magore’s Fiends are a Khorne Bloodbound Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Daemonic Maw (Double, Magore): a chance to do random damage to an engaged enemy.
- Bloodscent (Triple, Riptooth): perform a bonus move with all friendly characters within range of him.
Magore is a Chaos Champion (the leader of the Blood Warriors) without access to the Gorefist, but with a pretty similar ability: Daemonic Maw.
Zharkus and Ghartok are Blood Warriors with Goreaxe and Gorefist, with access to same profile and abilities at an increased cost.
Riptooth is a Flesh Hound but with the Beast runemark that the other hounds don’t have, meaning that he can’t open doors and similar, but can be whipped to frenzy by a Bloodstoker. On the other side he has access to Bloodscent, that gives every other fighter from the same Bladeborn warband a bonus move.

Garrek’s Reavers (545 points)
- Garrek Gorebeard: 170 points
- Blooded Saek: 115 points
- Karsus the Chained: 120 points
- Targor: 70 points
- Arnulf: 70 points
Garrek’s Reavers are a Khorne Bloodbound Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 1.
- Ever Advancing (Double, all Reavers): up to 3″ extra the next move action.
- Decapitating Strike (Double, Garrek): up to 3 extra damage on critical hit for one melee attack action.
- Frenzied Attack (Triple, Karsus): up to 3 damage to all nearby enemy fighters.
- Khorne Cares Not (Quad, all Reavers): perform a bonus attack action with one extra attack for each fighter taken down that battle round.
This warband must win the title of Bladeborn warband with the highest number of abilities available (3 for everyone, 4 for Karsus and 5 for Garrek).
Garrek is a Bloodreaver Chieftain with same weapon profile but tougher (Toughness 4 and 22 wounds). As mentioned above he has access to 5 abilities, including the generic Bloodbound (Blood for the Blood God for a bonus move or attack after killing an enemy) and the generic leader Bloodbound (Lord of Skulls, buffing attacks of nearby fighters after taking down an enemy). His special ability, Decapitating Strike, is the least remarkable however.
The other abilities shared by the entire warband allow extra movement or an extra attack action, making this warband extremely thematic. Karsus has the last ability of the group for some area damage. On top of that he is the most “ranged” fighter available to the Bloodbound with 3″ range (same as the Bloodstoker but with 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage).
Blooded Saek is a Bloodreaver with Meatripper Axe buffed up with Toughness 4 and damage 3/5. Targor and Arnulf are Bloodreavers with Reaver Blades with 2 wounds more and a higher cost justified by all abilities available above.

Gorechosen of Dromm (585 points)
- Dromm, Wounder of Worlds: 205 points
- The Gorehulk: 225 points
- Skullgrinder Herax: 155 points
Gorechosen of Dromm is a Khorne Bloodbound Bladeborn warband from Warhammer Underworlds Season 6 (Nethermaze), whose rules are available in White Dwarf 494.
- Overhead Smash (Double, The Gorehulk): after jumping at least 2″ vertically downwards, roll up to 6 dice and for each 4+ allocate 3 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
- Chains of Blood (Triple, Herax): add up to 3″ to the range of melee attacks.
- Wound the Realm (Quad, Dromm): draw a thin line between two battlefield corners or two objectives and roll a dice for each model touched by that line. On a 3+ that model receives up to 6 damage.
Dromm, Wounder of Worlds is the leader of this warband with a profile reminiscent of a Slaughterpriest with Axe, although his axe reaches Strength 5 for 2/4 damage. High wounds and average Toughness (4) makes him hard to take down, while his special ability, Wound of the Realm, even if it costs a Quad has the potential to do lots of damage (to anyone, including your fighters).
The Gorehulk has no comparative profile and is one of the most expensive Khorne Bloodbound fighters. With Toughness 5 and 36 wounds he’ll be hard to take down. But even worse if you find yourself at the end of his punches: 4 attacks at Strength 6 for 3/4 damage are enough to kill a low-wound fighter in one action. He can also thematically smash someone to pieces after jumping off a wall or building for a Double.
Skullgrinder Herax, as the name implies, has a profile similar to a Skullgrinder but with only 1″ range instead of 2″, although it can be further increased by half the value of the Triple used. Despite this, still a good profile with Toughness 5, cheaper than a Skullgrinder and low-count but high-damage attacks.
Abilities for the Khorne Bloodbound Warcry Warband
- Blood for the Blood God (Double, Everyone): If a fighter takes down an enemy in the same activation, it can make a bonus move or bonus attack.
- Gorefist (Double, Chaos Champion or Blood Warrior with Gorefist): Pick an enemy unit within 1” and roll a dice: on a 3+ do 3 damage.
- Lashing Bone Tentacles (Double, Khorgorath): Pick an enemy unit within 6” and roll 2 dice: for each 4-5 do 1 damage, for each 6 as much damage as the value of the ability.
- Whipped to Fury (Double, Bloodstoker): Pick 1 Khorgorath within 4″ and make it perform a bonus attack.
- Flesh Hound’s Blood-dark Claws (Double, Mighty Lord of Khorne): Allocate a random amount of damage to an engaged enemy.
- Bloodbind (Double, all Slaughterpriests): Pick an enemy fighter within 8″ and move him towards you up to 6″ as if they were jumping.
- Lord of Skulls (Triple, all Leaders): If a leader takes down an enemy this activation, add 1 to the melee Attacks of all friendly fighters within 6”.
- Daemon-forged Weapons (Triple, all Skullreapers): Until the end of the battle round, add up to 6 to the damage characteristic on critical hits for melee weapons.
- Murderous Charge (Triple, all Mighty Skullcrushers and the Mighty Lord on Juggernaut): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
- Bloodboil (Triple, all Slaughterpriests): Pick an enemy fighter within 8″ and allocate a random amount of damage depending on the value of the ability and dice rolls.
- Blood-fuelled Assault (Quad, all Wrathmongers): This fighter does a bonus move and then they can make a bonus attack. In addition, add up to 3 to the Strength of melee weapons.
- Rage of Khorne (Quad, Bloodsecrator): Add 1 to the melee Attacks of all friendly fighters within 8″.
Reaction for the Khorne Bloodbound Warband
Introduced in the new season of Warcry, Reactions are things that can be done in certain circumstances, but always during the enemy turn. They cost one action, so they can be used only by fighters that have not activated yet or are waiting. There are 3 universal reactions and one specific to each warband:
Khorne’s Due (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
- What: 2 damage to the attacking fighter for each miss and 1 more to the defending fighter for each critical hit.
Battle Trait for the Khorne Bloodbound Warband
The battle trait is an addition introduced in Briar and Bone which adds an extra optional rule that affects all characters with the same runemark, without using any ability dice. Each faction has its own but the Grand Alliance one can be used instead:
- Order – Courageous Defenders: When using Take Cover reaction the critical hit becomes normal hit on a 3+ instead of 4+.
- Chaos – Aspire to Glory: Once per battle round, add 1 to the first critical hit from a melee attack from a fighter whose cost is 125 points or less.
- Death- Deathless Minions: Once per battle round, a critical hit to a Minion from a shooting attack is counted as a normal hit instead.
- Destruction – Relentless Destroyers: During melee attacks the target cannot claim the +1 Toughness bonus from cover.
No Respite Before removing a slain fighter, on a 4+ allocate D3 damage to an enemy fighter within 1″.
Strategy and Tactics for the Khorne Bloodbound Warband
The Khorne Bloodbound warband is a melee focussed warband with lots of attacks and abilities that can increase them even further.
The Khorgorath is an example of brute force with high Strength and impressive damage output making him an essential component of any warband, although difficult to retrieve (his box costs £52.5 but contains other models as well).
Wrathmongers and Skullreapers represent the elite of the warband with a decent amount of damage but they have expensive abilities. Wrathmongers can have a devastating Quad and with 15 attacks at Strength 5 or more, they can really cause havoc around them.
The Skullreapers Triple instead increases only the damage on a critical hit but having less attacks than a Wrathmonger means also less chances to be as effective.
All these abilities greatly benefit from Lord of Skulls, the leaders’ special ability that provides 1 attack per action to every friendly fighter within a 6” bubble as long as the leader kills an opponent in the same turn.
Even better the Bloodsecrator can add 1 attack more for a Quad within an 8″ bubble without having to kill anyone. The two can be combined if you have two leaders (one is a hero) or you manage to kill with the Bloodsecrator on your second activation and used a wait action on your first.
And of course you need a Quad AND a Triple.
If you need a leader that can reliably kill enemies to activate Lord of Skulls, Wrathmasters with 6 attacks are definitely the top candidates, immediately followed by the Exalted Deathbringers with the higher minimum damage. Just a step below because of their cost, the two Mighty Lords.
Attention that Strength 4 is not particularly impressive and there’s no easy way to increase it in this warband (Wrathmonger’s Quad being the only one) so you need to focus on increasing your attacks and the various free damage available.
For example the Blood Warriors with Gorefist have 66% chance to do flat 3 damage for a Double, while the Skullreapers’s ability triggers only on a critical hit.
Without using abilities, a Blood Warrior with Goreglaive has actually a better damage on critical hits than a Skullreaper.
The Skullcrushers are expensive but they are also between the toughest units in the game, only their large base and the over-present threat of critical hits can scare them a bit.
Despite so, they should be able to kill fast any weak opposition and if you manage to increase their attacks they can also happily go after stronger units.
Movement 4″ is around average in the game, so if you need to speed up things a bit you will need to use the couple of movement-based abilities (free move with Blood for the Blood God, Wrathmonger’s Quad or the universal Rush/Rampage), the Juggernaut based units (6″) or the Flesh Hounds (8″).
However Bloodreavers have a base 5″ Movement, that makes them the cheapest fast unit of the Bloodbound, able to swarm and grab the objectives from the dead corpses of your opponents.
And if you are on the brink of death (or extremely confident with your high Toughness), Khorne’s reaction is quite thematic and entertaining. It allows to punish the attacker for failures by allocating 2 damage to him for every miss but it also increases by 1 the damage you receive on critical hits. Overall Bloodreavers or other fighters on the verge of dying could benefit from this reaction, but be careful with other stronger units as they can do more damage by attacking.
Bloodbound Wrathbands have many options available in their arsenal and which to use will strongly depend on personal preference.
On the other side, the absence of ranged units, 3″ of a couple of units being the top, and average mobility (higher numbers are concentrated on expensive or squishy units), represent the weakest spot of this warband.
Pros and Cons of the Khorne Bloodbound
+ Many attacks
+ High wounds
+ Balanced units
– No ranged option
Some thematic warbands for the Bloodbound Wrathbands
Just for fun here we present few thematic warbands, meant more for fun or narrative context than for competitive play. Note that in narrative play you need to complete a quest that allows you to recruit a Hero before being able to add him to your roster.
Goreblade Wrathband: A Bloodsecrator, a Bloodstoker, a Khorgorath, 2 Blood Warriors with Goreaxe and Gorefist, 3 Bloodreavers with Blades. All conveniently in a Start Collecting box.
Warhammer Underworld Khorne Family: what’s better than a cheap warband? A cheaper warband! The two WU boxes give you exactly a Bloodbound Wrathband for £30: a Chaos Champion, a Bloodreaver Chieftain, 1 Flesh Hound, 2 Blood Warriors with Goreaxe and Gorefist, 2 Bloodreavers with Blades, 2 Bloodreavers with Axes. If you add the Gorechosen of Dromm WU warband, you can replace the Bloodreaver Chieftain for a Slaughterpriest.

How to buy a Khorne Bloodbounds Warcry Warband
The Khorne Bloodbound warband can be purchased from many different boxes and blisters, however the Mighty Lord of Khorne, Bloodsecrator, Bloodstoker and Khorgorath are currently available only in the old Starter Set for Age of Sigmar: Start Collecting! Khorne Bloodbound Goreblade (£50).
In the same set you can also find 5 Blood Warriors, but armed only with Goreaxe and Gorefist, and 10 Bloodreavers armed only with Blades, both with a leader option.
Next step would be a box of Wrathmongers that allows you to assemble them either as Wrathmongers or Skullreapers. The box contains 5 models for £35, but only one option for a leader so you would need a second box to get both leaders.

If you need the other weapon options, 10 Blood Warriors for £37.5 provides you enough options for all weapon profiles and considering the unit size in Age of Sigmar is 5, you can have 2 valid units.
Same logic applies to the Bloodreavers: 20 models for £35 with valid unit size of 10.

The Mighty Skullcrushers come in a box of 5 at the mighty price of £60 allowing to assemble the leader and 2 models for each weapon profile. Try to magnetize the weapons however if you want to use this unit in Age of Sigmar too.
If you need alternative models or only few, there are two Warhammer Underworld warbands that may help you at an affordable price.

Garrek’s Reavers contains 5 Bloodreavers for £15. Garrek can be used as a Chieftain, the other 4 models can be equally split in Axe and Blades.

Magore’s Fiends instead for the same price will give you a Chaos Champion, 2 Blood Warriors with Goreaxe and Gorefist and a Flesh Hound. If you need more Flesh Hounds they come in boxes of 5 for £30. The newest Underworld warband, the Gorechosen of Dromm, provides you also a Slaughterpriest and two more miniatures that you could proxy.
This leaves us with a long list of heroes available in individual blisters mostly only from GW webstore or selected retailers:
- The Aspiring Deathbringer is available in two different versions for £10 and £18.
- The Exalted Deathbringers with Ruinous Axe comes in two variants for £15 and £17, while the Impaling Spear costs £18.
- The Skullgrinder is available for £18.
- Both Slaughterpriests are worth £18 but are different blisters.
- Finally the Mighty Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut costs £30.
Tips on painting a Khorne Bloodbound Warband for Warcry
The Khorne Bloodbound were first released with Age of Sigmar in 2015, and most video tutorials are from that age like Warhammer Community Khorgorath or Skullreaper tutorial.
More recently Magore’s Fiends warband gave an occasion for a new tutorial on Blood Warriors.
Other guides can be found online from other artists like Pete The Wargamer Bloodreavers or The Apathetic Fish Blood Warriors.