It is hard to keep up with the release schedule for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.
Consult this page to see lowdown on confirmed Age of Sigmar upcoming releases. We will keep this page up to date so that you can use it as your single point of reference on what yet has to come.
If you are interested to know what Age of Sigmar things has already been released in 2024, you can consult this page. We also do the exact same thing for 40k, so if you are wondering what is going to release for 40k in the future you should check out this page.
We hope you enjoy this list of Age of Sigmar upcoming releases!
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Age of Sigmar Upcoming and New Releases:
The last preview was at Nova, the 29th of August, which presented the new Stormcast range and the next roadmap.
Age of Sigmar 4.0 and roadmap
The new edition just started, all factions received a faction pack in digital format which can be found here. And here is the updated roadmap for end of 2024 and beginning of 2025:
The Skaven have been the first wave of new miniatures to be released, to be followed by the Stormcast Eternals (see below), with their own fourth edition Battletome.
2024 will also see a new Spearhead box for the Slaves to Darkness representing the Darkoath and their newest model released earlier this year, plus a new Battletome.
2025 so far has announced only a new Spearhead for Orruk Warclans (most likely Ironjawz), an army box and individual releases for Gloomspite Gitz and something for Death.
New Stormcast Eternals
The new edition of Age of Sigmar will see many new models for the Stormcast Eternals, including Tornus the Redeemed, a character with a long story tracking all the way to the Realmgate series previously corrupted by Nurgle and redeemed by the Celestant-Prime. This kit can alternatively be assembled as a Knight-Azyros.
Another centre-piece that will accompany the release is Iridan the Witness, the first who took a life of a companion ravaged by the Curse of Reforging preventing their reforging but giving them a so desired oblivion giving birth to the order of the Lord-Terminos.
The model can also be assembled as a Lord-Vigilant on Morrgryph.
The Lord-Celestant gets a new miniature with multiple heads and weapon choices.
Another iconic model from the first release, the Lord-Relictor, gets an updated sculpt. The first model to ever wear the mantle of the Lord-Relictor was Ionus Cryptborn that now got his very own model.
The Stormstrike Palladors are a heavier cavalry than the Vanguard counterpart that allows them to join in the last minute the fray of battle to deliver the last blow.
Stormreach Portals are pre-fabricated structures that allow Stormcast Eternals to travel through a complex network all the way to the Sigmarabulum, Sigmar’s own seat of power.
Stormcast Eternals will get a new battletome really soon, accompanied by the usual gadgets, including a limited edition with cards, a new model representing the Lord-Terminos, a multi-part set of Reclusians with different weapon options (both available in single-pose in the Skaventide box and the Starter Sets), a separate box for the Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Arcanum first released in Dominion 3 years ago and one for the Stormcoven, originally designed for Underworlds Wyldhollow.
Warhammer Underworlds Roadmap and Upcoming Releases
Season 9 remains in Ghur, deep within the Deathgorge where Rimewyrms hatch but also where the deepest treasures can be found: the Wintermaw.
Warcry Roadmap and Upcoming Releases
The season centered in the Gnarlwood just finished and we don’t know when and where the next one will be taking place.
Other GW Board Games Coming up for Release
Looking forward to news of other GW board games soon after the re-release of Cursed City in 2022 and of Munchkin Age of Sigmar (also released few years earlier).