It is hard to keep up with the release schedule for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.
Consult this page to see lowdown on confirmed Age of Sigmar upcoming releases. We will keep this page up to date so that you can use it as your single point of reference on what yet has to come.
If you are interested to know what Age of Sigmar things has already been released in 2025, you can consult this page. We also do the exact same thing for 40k, so if you are wondering what is going to release for 40k in the future you should check out this page.
We hope you enjoy this list of Age of Sigmar upcoming releases!

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Age of Sigmar Upcoming and New Releases:
The last preview was World Championships of Warhammer preview, which revealed a whole lot for Destruction, including a terrain piece and manifestations for the Orruks, and a complete expansion of the Gitmob faction within the Gloomspite Gitz.
Age of Sigmar 4.0 and roadmap
The new edition just started, all factions received a faction pack in digital format which can be found here. And here is the updated roadmap for the beginning of 2025:

2025 started with the Orruk Warclans and the soon-to-be-released Gloomspite Gitz. At LVO 2025 was presented the new update of some Soulblight Gravelords kits with their new battletome.
Coming next we have the Idoneth Deepkin and the Nighthaunt and then some teasers, could they be Khorne, Kharadron Overlords and Flesh-eater Courts?
Gloomspite Gitz – Gitmob

The Doom Diver Catapult is a new rendition of an iconic Old World set where expendable grots are sent soaring to the enemy lines as literal live ammunition. Well, alive until the so called ammunition hits the target…

When a Snarlboss manages to tame a couple of Snarlfang Alphas, will then tie them to a chariot and soar the battlefield as a Snarlboss on War-wheela, bringing with him jars of lunar and solar power which can be used to give a turbo boost to the chariot.

Sometimes a Frazzlegit Shaman will be able to get his hands on a War-wheela on top of which he can send all different incantations.

The release will be accompanied by a new battletome, available also in limited edition in the Army Set.

Soulblight Gravelords: Deathrattle
The Soulblight Gravelords re-sculpt continues, this time focussing on the Deathrattle kits. All new models will be first released in the Deathrattle army set containing 20 Barrow Guards, 5 Barrow Knights and a new Wigh King on Skeletal Steed.

The new Wight King on Skeletal Steed represents the worthy commander of the Barrow armies. He can also be assembled as a Wight Lord on Skeletal Steed, which is an undead champion which may or may not be completely aligned with his master.

The Barrow Guard are an excellent new sculpt which replaces the old Grave Guard. They have the full command group.

The Barrow Knights represent the Deathrattle cavalry and replaces the previous Black Knights kit.

While the army box will contain a limited edition battletome, the traditional battletome will follow suit containing new rules for the undead, including an Army of Renown focussed on the Deathrattle, and warscrolls for the upcoming Manifestations and Scenery piece.

But the Deathrattle are not the only ones getting an update, Prince Vhodrai, the Master of the Crimson Keep, gets his brand-new sculpt on an impressive 160mm base. He rides in battle Shordemaire, Lord of Revenants, who was a Draconith who tried to resurrect fallen comrades but was stopped by Krondys and ended up an undead himself. He now works for Nagash resurrecting Revenant Draconiths, which are an optional build of this kit without his iconic rider.

The Vampire Lord on Nightmare Steed makes also his return in plastic.

The Soulblight are also going to obtain a new Spearhead box, this time focussed on the Deathrattle Tomb Host, with an old Wight King on-foot, 10 new Barrow Guard, 10 new Barrow Knights and 10 new Deathrattle Skeletons, which are a modified version of the previous sculpt, with new details and easier to assemble.

Maleneth Witchblade
The very well-known aelven assassin who tried, and failed, to kill Gotrek Gurnisson then starting a relationship of mutual respect which led the duo to appear in few novels, has now spread her wings and obtained her own miniature (which will have only Legends warscroll to be used in Legends games of Age of Sigmar) and a new novel from Evan Dicken.

2025 Event miniature
This year Age of Sigmar event miniature (available mainly on official event days in 2025) is the Skaven Clawlord Kettek Throatbite, an alternative sculpt for any Skaven lover. The first event where it will be officially available will be Adepticon 2025 from the 26th of March.
Warhammer Underworlds Roadmap and Upcoming Releases

2024-2025 Roadmap
Warhammer Underworlds roadmap presents a complete new version of the game with some massive changes in both gameplay and rules for Organised Play (competitive games).
The new edition launched a new Core Box that will stay throughout the entire edition, called Embergard. It was followed by the repackaging of 16 previous warbands, 4 for each Grand Alliance, 2 new warbands (The Jaws of Itzl and Grandfather’s Gardeners) and 2 new rival decks.
In February the Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz were released (with the Rivals Deck Edge of the Knife).
2025 will see periodic releases consisting of a new warband joined by a rival deck.
Warcry Roadmap and Upcoming Releases
The season centered in the Gnarlwood just finished and we don’t know when and where the next one will be taking place.
Other GW Board Games Coming up for Release
Looking forward to news of other GW board games after the re-release of Cursed City in 2022 and of Munchkin Age of Sigmar (also released few years earlier).