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Kill Team Starter Sets and Boxes That Have Been Released

Sometimes it can be hard to get a clear overview of what has been released so far for Games Workshop games. Things have a tendency to go out of stock or be limited releases, and then they disappear from GW sites.

In this article, we list all products released for Kill Team (the new 2.0 edition)

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Starter Sets that have been released for Kill Team

Kill Team: Into the Dark

Kill Team: Into the Dark kicked off the second “season” of Kill Team with a new way to play: It takes place indoors on a giant pile of derelict space ships called a Space Hulk, meaning you’re now fighting in tight corridors instead of across rooftops and among ruins of a battlefield. With this new type of gameplay comes a bunch of new rules, but also two kill teams that are more suited to close quarters combat than your average kill team. Even though the game is technically an expansion, it is so in name only: The game has everything you need in order to play Kill Team, so view it as the latest major starter set.

Kill Team: Into the Dark contains:

  1. The Core Book
  2. The Into the Dark campaign book with rules for playing in Gallowdark, the big Space Hulk, as well as the rules for the two kill teams in the box
  3. Rulers and movement gauges
  4. Dice
  5. Tac Ops Cards
  6. Tokens
  7. Gallowdark scenery, which is the walls and obstacles you need to build a section of the Space Hulk for your games
  8. Gallowdark cardboard game map
  9. Imperial Navy Breachers kill team – see our guide for the kill team here.
  10. Kroot Farstalker Kinband kill team – see our guide for the kill team here.

Granted, this box is a little more specialized than the original starter sets – playing in the Gallowdark is a nice change of setting, but it also cuts away some of the fun verticality of playing regular Kill Team (especially for snipers). But: it still has everything you need to start playing, and the two teams in the box look amazing and have really fun rules (and the Farstalkers actually work just fine in regular Kill Team). So if you want to keep up with the latest season of Kill Team, this is the place to start.

Kill Team: Octarius (out of production)

Kill Team: Octarius set isn’t in production anymore, but you might get lucky to get it via either eBay or via your local Amazon.

If you’re able to pick one up in a local store, it’s the original starter set for this edition of Kill Team, and it has everything you need to get started:

  1. The Core Book
  2. Octarius Book with rules for the two kill teams in the box as well as for the Octarius Killzone campaign setting.
  3. Rulers and movement gauges
  4. Dice
  5. Tactics cards
  6. Tokens
  7. Killzone Octarius scenery (amazing, trashy Ork stuff that’s really fun to paint and can be set up in many different ways)
  8. game mat (sturdy cardboard and different layouts on each sides of the foldable board)
  9. Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team – see our guide for the team here.
  10. Ork Kommandos Kill Team – see our guide for the team here.

This box really is (was) a great way to get started – The two kill teams are so much fun to play, the terrain is great and easy to paint to an acceptable standard (a metallic spray and some Contrast paints will get you most of the way to tabletop standard), and there’s a core book in there along with the campaign book. Most of this is also true of the current Starter Set (see below), but that set only has a bit of the scenery and is missing the full Octarius book.

Kill Team: Starter Set

This is the current official starter set for Kill Team, and it has everything you need to get started with the game – but you’ll probably need more scenery and books pretty quickly if you’re going to play the game more regularly.

The box includes:

  1. a Core Rules booklet – so not the full Core Rulebook, but enough rules to start playing
  2. a Recruit edition book with the rules for the two kill teams in the box and some tutorial missions.
  3. everything from the Kill Team Essentials box (see below): Combat gauges, Barricades and tokens.
  4. 6 pieces of the Ork Terrain from the Octarius set. This is very barebones stuff and gives you a pretty flat battlefield to play on.
  5. Dice
  6. Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team – see our guide for the team here.
  7. Ork Kommandos Kill Team – see our guide for the team here.

This box follows the design that’s been the norm for 40K and AOS starter sets in the latest editions: There’s an emphasis on “starter” here.

The box doesn’t give you the full rules for the game, and while it does have two full kill teams, the rest of the box is more of an appetizer for the real game.

So, if you want to start playing the game, but you’re not particularly fond of either of the teams in the starter set, you’re better off buying a Core Book, the book with rules for your preferred Kill Team, the models for your team and an Essentials box.

If you want to play Kill Team with your kid or want to give it as a gift to someone who is considering going into skirmish games with no prior experience, however, the Kill Team Starter Set is a good purchase.

Expansions products released for Kill Team

Kill Team: Ashes of Faith

This box is a bit unusual: It isn’t an expansion to a specific season, but rather a narrative expansion for Kill Team. The box contains:

  • Rules, cards and tokens for playing the Ashes of Faith campaign
  • The Ashes of Faith book which contains rules for the kill teams included in the set
  • The Inquisitorial Agents, an Imperial kill team (read our guide here)
  • The Chaos Cult, a mutating Chaos warband kill team (read our guide here)

Kill Team: Gallowfall

This is the third expansion for Kill Team: Into the Dark, so it takes place within similar close quarters battlefields on the Gallowdark space hulk.

Gallowfall contains:

  • Gallowfall scenery, as well as a set of Into The Dark walls and doors
  • Gallowfall game mat
  • Gallowfall book with rules for the scenery and kill teams in the expansion
  • The Hearthkyn Salvagers, a Leagues of Votann kill team (read our guide here)
  • The Fellgor Ravagers, a Chaos Beastmen kill team (read our guide here)

Kill Team: Soulshackle

This is the second expansion for Kill Team: Into The Dark, so it takes place within similar close quarters battlefields in space hulks.

Soulshackle contains:

  • Gallowdark scenery, same as the stuff in Into The Dark and Shadowvvaults, but with some added clutter terrain and breachable walls which the rulebook in the box contains special rules for.
  • Soulshackle game mat
  • Soulshackle book with rules for the scenery and the two kill teams in the box
  • Exaction Squad Kill Team – watch this space for our guide for the kill team soon.
  • Hand of the Archon Kill Team – watch this space for our guide for the kill team soon.

Kill Team: Shadowvaults

This is the first expansion for the “Into the Dark” season of Kill Team, meaning it also takes place within the Gallowdark Space Hulk with indoors close quarters combat.

Shadowvaults contains:

  1. Gallowdark scenery – mostly like the Into the Dark box, but with some added turrets and obstacles that the rulebook in the box has rules for.
  2. Shadowvaults game mat
  3. Shadowvaults book with the rules for the two teams in the box
  4. The Kasrkin Kill Team – read our guide for the team here.
  5. The Necron Hierotek Circle Kill Team – read our guide for the team here.

Unlike the kill teams in Into the Dark, both kill teams in this expansion aren’t entirely designed for Gallowdark games, and the Kasrkin kill team is the first appearance of a brand new unit for the 9th edition 40k Astra Militarum codex. The Hierotek kill team is really unique and is centered around powerful leaders – just beware that some of the Leader options for the kill team aren’t available in this box.

Kill Team: Chalnath (out of production)

Like all the other expansions for this edition of Kill Team, Chalnath was only available for a limited time. It included:

  1. the Chalnath campaign book with rules for both kill teams in the box, as well as rules for playing campaigns and other battles in the Chalnath Killzone.
  2. double-sided game board and scenery for Killzone Chalnath. The scenery consists of imperial ruins that make for very vertical gameplay and tons of line of sight-blocking terrain.
  3. Novitiates Kill Team – see our guide for the kill team here.
  4. Pathfinder Kill Team – see our guide for the kill team here.

If you can find this box in a local store (or at an okay price on eBay), it has some of the best general scenery for Kill Team – and it’s easy to paint as well, with not too many different textures for you to find colors for.

The kill teams in the box complement each other well, with the Pathfinders preferring ranged combat and the Novitiates using flamers and melee weapons in close combat.

Kill Team: Nachmund (out of production)

Like all the other expansions for this edition of Kill Team, Nachmund was only available for a limited time. It included:

  1. The Nachmund campaign book with rules for both kill teams in the box, as well as rules for playing campaigns and other battles in the Nachmund Killzone.
  2. double-sided game board and scenery for Killzone Nachmund. This is some pretty cool Sector Mechanicus stuff with huge plasma reactors and a very detailed crane, which makes for a very different experience from the previous two Killzones (there’s way fewer walls here).
  3. Voidscarred Kill Team – see our guide for the kill team here.
  4. Legionary Kill Team – see our guide for the kill team here.

The scenery in this box is a bit less generic than what’s in the Chalnath box, but the kill teams are both very cool, with Legionary team especially offering many different ways to play.

At the time of writing this, there’s also no other way of getting these two kill teams than by buying this box (this is likely to change soon, though). Check your local store, Amazon and eBay if you really want this box.

Kill Team: Moroch

This is the last expansion box of the first season of Kill Team, and it includes the following:

  1. The Moroch campaign book with rules for both kill teams in the box, as well as rules for playing campaigns and other battles in the Moroch Killzone
  2. double-sided gameboard and scenery for Killzone Moroch. This is some pretty new scenery, so that adds to the value of the box.
  3. Blooded Kill Team – brand new Traitor Guard kill team only available in this box – our guide is on its way.
  4. Phobos Kill Team – the first bespoke Space Marine kill team, but consists of already released models and a pretty bland upgrade sprue. Fun to play, though – our guide is on its way.

This is one of those boxes that’s just as much about its value as it is about its utility in the game.

The scenery is great for 40k as well (and brand new), and the Blooded Kill Team features two models from what used to be the Blackstone Fortress expansion Traitor Command, which has been out of production and in high demand for a long time.

The Blooded are an amazing evil twin to the Veteran Guardsmen team of the original Octarius box, and the Phobos team is sort of a blend between how teams were done in the Compendium book and how they’ve been done in the expansions (you can even take models in the Phobos team that aren’t in this expansion set!).

Killzones (Terrain Sets) for Kill Team

Killzone Upgrade: Gallowfall

This Killzone Upgrade contains the Gallowfall-specific scenery from the Gallowfall expansion.

Killzone Upgrade: Soulshackle

This Killzone Upgrade contains the Soulshackle-specific scenery from the Soulshackle expansion.

Killzone Upgrade: Shadowvaults

This Killzone Upgrade contains all the Shadowvaults-specific scenery from the Shadowvaults expansion

Killzone: Gallowdark

This killzone box contains all the basic scenery from Kill Team: Into The Dark, as well as a game board.

Killzone: Octarius

This is a scenery box with all the Ork terrain that used to be in the Octarius box. It includes:

  1. The full plastic scenery from the Octarius box
  2. a double-sided game board.

Killzone: Chalnath (seems to be out of production)

This is (was) a scenery box with all the Imperial terrain that used to be in the Chalnath box. It includes:

  1. The full plastic scenery from the Chalnath box
  2. a double-sided game board.

Killzone: Moroch

This box contains all the terrain from the Moroch expansion set.

It includes:

  1. The Moroch scenery
  2. a cardboard game map

Rulebooks for Kill Team

Kill Team: Core Book

This is the core rulebook that you need to have in order to play the game. Be aware that there are no team rules in this – you need the expansion book, White Dwarf magazine or Compendium that has rules for your team in order to play your team. This book isn’t currently in any of the available starter sets or expansions.

Kill Team: Compendium

This book has rules for most of the 40k factions, but beware that much of it has been replaced by expansions or White Dwarf articles.

It contains rules for the following Kill Teams (the list notes in parenthesis when a Kill Team has had an update in an expansion or article):

  1. Space Marine Kill Team (partially replaced by the Phobos Kill Team in the Moroch book and the Intercessor Kill Team available on the Warhammer Community site)
  2. Grey Knight Kill Team
  3. Imperial Guard Kill Team (partially replaced by the Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team in the Octarius book)
  4. Forge World Kill Team (replaced by the Hunter Clade Kill Team in White Dwarf #468)
  5. Ecclesiarchy Kill Team (partially replaced by the Novitiate Kill Team in the Chalnath book)
  6. Talons of the Emperor Kill Team
  7. Traitor Space Marine Kill Team (replaced by the Legionary Kill Team in the Nachmund book)
  8. Death Guard Kill Team
  9. Thousand Sons Kill Team (replaced by the Warpcoven Kill Team in White Dwarf #469)
  10. Chaos Daemon Kill Team
  11. Craftworld Kill Team (somewhat replaced by the Voidscarred Kill Team in the Nachmund book)
  12. Commorite Kill Team (somewhat replaced by the Voidscarred Kill Team in the Nachmund book)
  13. Troupe Kill Team (replaced by the Void-Dancer Troupe Kill Team in White Dwarf #474)
  14. Greenskin Kill Team (partially replaced by the Ork Kommandos Kill Team in the Octarius book)
  15. Tomb World Kill Team (partially replaced by the Hierotek Circle kill team in the Shadowvaults book)
  16. Hunter Cadre Kill Team (replaced by the Pathfinder Kill Team in the Chalnath book)
  17. Cadre Mercenary Kill Team (partially replaced by the Kroot Farstalker Kinband kill team in the Into the Dark book)
  18. Hive Fleet Kill Team
  19. Brood Coven Kill Team (replaced by the Wyrmblade Kill Team in White Dwarf #472)

You can read our overview of all the Compendium factions here.

Kill Team Annual 2023

This rulebook collects all the rules and content related to the Gallowdark season of Kill Team. Apart from a slightly expanded campaign system, it doesn’t contain anything that hasn’t been released in other publications during the season.

The book contains rules for:

Kill Team Annual 2022

This rulebook is a collection of rules released throughout 2021 and 2022, with some extra bits thrown in. The book contains rules for:

  1. Rules for the Elucidian Starstriders Kill Team – read our guide for the kill team here.
  2. Rules for the Gellerpox Infected Kill Team – read our guide for the kill team here.
  3. Rules for the Hunter Clade Kill Team – read our guide for the kill team here.
  4. Rules for the Warpcoven Kill Team – read our guide for the kill team here.
  5. Rules for the Wyrmblade Kill Team – read our guide for the kill team here.
  6. Void-Dancer Troupe Kill Team – read our guide for the kill team here.
  7. 15 new missions for the game – including Sentries missions.

Kill Team: Shadowvaults

This expansion book includes rules for:

  • the Kasrkin kill team
  • the Necron Hierotek Circle kill team
  • figthing battles and playing campaigns in the Shadowvaults killzone (read our campaign guide here)

Kill Team: Into the Dark

This expansion book contains rules for:

  • fighting the Close Quarters battles of the Into the Dark season, as well as for the missions and campaign scenarios specific to the Into the Dark box (read our campaign guide here)
  • the Imperial Navy Breachers kill team
  • the Kroot Farstalker Kinband kill team

Codex Kill Team: Octarius

This expansion book includes rules for:

  • the Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team
  • the Ork Kommandos Kill Team
  • fighting battles and playing campaigns in the Octarius Killzone (read our campaign guide here)

Codex Kill Team: Chalnath

This expansion book includes rules for:

  • The Novitiate Kill Team
  • The Pathfinder Kill Team
  • fighting battles and playing campaigns in the Chalnath Killzone (read our campaign guide here)

Codex Kill Team: Nachmund

This expansion book includes rules for:

  • The Legionary Kill Team
  • The Corsair Voidscarred Kill Team
  • fighting battles and playing campaigns in the Nachmund Killzone (read our campaign guide here)

White Dwarf Magazines with Kill Team Rules

White Dwarf 489

This White Dwarf magazine contains rules for the Cult of the Unshackled (read our guide here), a mini-kill team for use with the 3-player beginner scenario also included in the issue.

White Dwarf 486

This issue contains several multiplayer missions for Kill Team, as well as a few cool custom rules for playing Gallowdark games.

White Dwarf #477

This issue adds rules to Kill Team for making custom Killzones out of all sorts of 40K (and AOS) scenery.

White Dwarf #476

This issue includes expanded rules for using Sentries in your games – a game mode where one player has to sneak past the sentry guards of another player (introduced in the Moroch book).

White Dwarf #474

This issue includes rules for the Void-Dancer Troupe Kill Team. Read our guide for these artistic, mirthful murderers here. These rules have also been collected in the Kill Team Annual 2022 book.

White Dwarf 472

This issue includes rules for the Wyrmblade Kill Team. Read our guide for these mutant insurgents here. These rules have also been collected in the Kill Team Annual 2022 book.

White Dwarf #469

This issue includes rules for the Warpcoven Kill Team. Read our guide for this flock of feathers and psykers here. These rules have also been collected in the Kill Team Annual 2022 book.

White Dwarf #468

This issue includes rules for the Hunter Clade Kill Team. Read our guide for these stalking servants of the Omnissiah here. These rules have also been collected in the Kill Team Annual 2022 book.

Kill Teams released

Inquisitorial Agent

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Ashes of Faith book or in Kill Team Annual 2023. You can read our guide for these avatars of the Emperor’s will here.

Chaos Cult

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Ashes of Faith book or in the Kill Team Annual 2023. You can read our guide for these mutated monstrosities here.

Hearthkyn Salvager

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Gallowfall book or in Kill Team Annual 2023. You can read our guide for these stout explorers here.

Fellgor Ravager

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Gallowfall book or in Kill Team Annual 2023. You can read our guide for these horned hooligans here.

Hand of the Archon

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Soulshackle book or in Kill Team Annual 2023. Read our guide for these sadistic hedonists here.

Exaction Squad

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Soulshackle book or in Kill Team Annual 2023. You can read our guide for these brutal enforcers here.

Imperial Navy Breachers

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Into the Dark book. Read our guide for this brave boarding crew here.

Kroot Farstalker Kinband

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Into the Dark book. Read our guide for these adaptable hunters here.

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Shadowvaults book. Read our guide for these Imperial elites here.

Necron Hierotek Circle

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Shadowvaults book. Read our guide for these immortal ancients here.


The rules for this Kill Team can be found in the Octarius book. Read our guide for these lovable scoundrels here.

Veteran Guardsmen

The rules for this Kill Team can be found in the Octarius book. Read our guide for these self-sacrificing veterans of Krieg here.


The rules for this Kill Team can be found in the Chalnath book. Read our guide for these aspiring Sisters of Battle here.


The rules for this Kill Team can be found in the Chalnath book. Read our guide for these high-tech hunters here.


The rules for this Kill Team can be found in the Nachmund book. You can read our guide for playing these chaotic champions here.

Corsair Voidscarred

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Nachmund book. Read our guide for playing these piratical Aeldari here.

Phobos Strike Team

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Moroch book. Read our guide for these sneaky space marines here.


The rules for this team can be found in the Moroch book. You can read our guide for these traitorous guardsmen here.

Elucidian Starstriders

The rules for this team can be found in the Kill Team Annual 2022 book. Read our guide for these exotic explorers here.

Gellerpox Infected

The rules for this kill team can be found in the Kill Team Annual 2022 book. You can read our guide for these disgustingly resilient nightmares here.


Critical Ops Tac Ops & Mission Card Pack

This card pack is designed for making Matched Play games easier to set up. It includes:

  1. 3 cards with new Matched Play missions
  2. 9 map cards for setting up your game
  3. 27 Tac Op cards
  4. reference cards and a reference sheet for setting up and starting your game

Tac Ops Cards (out of production)

This card pack includes Tac Ops from the Core Book.

Killzone Essentials

This set includes:

  • Combat gauges
  • Barricades
  • Tokens

If you have this, the Core Book, some dice and a Kill Team with rules for it, you have everything you need to participate in a game of Kill Team.

Other great resources: