If you saw a nice new model online and you are not sure when or if it was released, this list will include all releases published by Games Workshop in 2023. For the upcoming releases we have a separate article.
We will keep this page up to date so that you can use it as your single point of reference on what Age of Sigmar Things released in 2023. For 2021 you can refer to this article while 2022 is available here.
We hope you enjoy this list of Age of Sigmar past releases!

Age of Sigmar Recent Releases
7 January 2023

Abhorrant Ghoul King with Crown of Delusion
Christmas limited edition this year is a new sculpt of a Flesh-Eater Courts Abhorrant Ghoul King sitting on a throne. While it was available from the 26th of December on all GW physical stores, it was released online only the 14th of January 2023.
21 January 2023

General’s Handbook 2022-23 Season 2
For Season 2 of this 2022-23 edition, the new Matched play battlepack and rules will move the attention to small foot heroes.

Slaves to Darkness release
The Slaves to Darkness release was split in two waves. The first one, in December 2022, included a limited edition box with battletome and some of the new miniatures. In January 2023, the entire army was finally available with the standard battletome and a new Vanguard box replacing the previous Start Collecting.
This box contains a Chaos Lord, a Chaos Chariot, 5 of the new Chaos Knights and 10 of the new Chaos Warriors. With the new Vanguard box replacing the old Start Collecting, the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak is finally available as a stand-alone kit.

Daemon Prince
The Daemon Prince, 2nd classified with his promotion box in the best miniatures of 2022, is now available with several customization options to get him closer to your Chaos God of choice.

Ogroid Theridons
We have seen already Ogroids fighting for Chaos forces, we now have some background information about their story (they call themselves Goroans and their empire fell to Bonesplitterz) and some new heavy infantry for Slaves to Darkness in the form of the Theridons. The kit comes with 2-handed weapon or blade and shield option and with a musician and standard-bearer kit.

Eternus, Blade of the First Prince
Eternus was a Vanguard loyal to Archaon before renouncing him and be cast in the Cursed Skies where Be’lakor reforged him as his servant in his upcoming rebellion against the Everchosen. Alternatively the kit can be assembled as a generic Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount.

Multi-part Chaos Knights
The new Chaos Knights are finally available with multi-part options that allow to assemble a Champion, a Standard-Bearer and a Musician.

Multi-part Chaos Warriors
Finally available with a multi-part sprue the Chaos Warriors can choose between murderous weapons or ensorcelled halberds. The kit contains also options for an Aspiring Champion, a musician and a standard bearer.

Chaos Chosen and Exalted Hero of Chaos re-sculpt
The Chaos Chosen are another kit to get a new sculpt in this Slaves to Darkness wave as well as the Exalted Hero of Chaos.

4 February 2023

Gloomspite Gitz release
Same cover, but new battletome for the Gitz that brings them to the third edition. Apart from the battletome and the usual on foot hero, they received also warscroll cards, a new vanguard box and a new unit of wolf-riding grots.

Snarlfang Riders
We have already seen the Snarlfang Riders in the Gitz warband Rippa’s Snarlfang few seasons back and now they got a full unit. They can be armed with spears or bows, but their profile allows you to use both, so it’s up to personal taste which one to use.

Squigboss with Gnasha-squig
The new little hero it is immediately an auto-include in all squig-based armies with his ability to buff one unit of squigs per turn with his stash of mushrooms.

Gloomspite Gitz Vanguard box
Their Start Collecting is now gone, replaced by a Vanguard box that contains a good mix of units with 1 Loonboss, 20 Stabbas that can be assembled as Shootas, 10 Squig Hoppers that can be assembled as Boingrot Bounders, and 3 Rockgut Troggoths.

Beasts of Chaos release with new Beastlord
The Beasts of Chaos also got a battletome for the third edition (although they were scoring quite well with a White Dwarf update) that really improves few units. Their Beastlord got an updated sculpt together with new more interesting rules.

Their Vanguard box, replacing the existing Start Collecting contains a Great Bray-Shaman, 3 Dragon Ogors, 10 Gors, 10 Bestigors and 10 Ungors (that can also be assembled as Ungor Raiders).

15 February 2023

Stormbringer magazine
Hachette Partworks launched its latest subscription magazine on Age of Sigmar called Stormbringer. While focussing on Stormcast Eternals and Kruleboyz, the subscription, currently available only in UK, will allow also to add other armies. As part of the releases there will be also an exclusive model representing a Stormcast Praetor-prime.
18 February 2023

Warcry: Bloodhunt
The new Warcry box set pits the vampires of the Askurgan Trueblades, warrior-monks that sate their thirst hunting big beasts, and the Claws of Karanak, savage and bestial Khorne followers that worship the Flesh Hounds. Once again in Ghur, with a set full of Gnarloaks and bridges.
11 March 2023

Kharadron Overlords battletome, Vanguard box and accessories
Kharadron Overlords battletome was joined by warscroll cards, specific dice and a brand new Vanguard box that replaced the previous Start Collecting. The new box contains an Arkanaut Admiral, one Arkanaut Frigate, 3 Endrinriggers, which can also be built as Skywardens and 10 Arkanaut Company.

The battletome was joined by a new hero model: the Codewright. Able to use a heroic action to apply footnotes and amendments for the entire battle, it will surely pique the interest of the flying duardin fans.
Regiments of Renown

Six new mercenaries bands roam the Mortal Realms. They can only be used in the same Grand Alliance they belong to, but not in the same army. For example Veremord’s Shamblers can be used in any Death army except a Soulblight Gravelords one. The rules are available online for free.
The six regiments of renown are:
- Elthwyn’s Thorns – Order (Arch-Revenant, 5 Gossamid Archers)
- Big Grikk’s Kruleshots – Destruction (Beast-skewer Killbow, 6 Man-skewer Boltboyz)
- Veremord’s Shamblers – Death (Corpse Cart with Unholy Brazier, 20 Deadwalker Zombies)
- Norgrimm’s Rune Throng – Order (Runelord, 10 Irondrakes, 10 Longbeards)
- The Coven of Thryx – Chaos (Magister, 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, all 3 Tzeentch Endless Spells)
- Hargax’s Pit-beasts – Chaos (Ogroid Myrmidon, Fomoroid Crusher, Mindstealer Sphiranx)
Gryselle’s Arenai and Beastbound Assaults Rivals Deck

Warhammer Underworlds Gnarlwood last warband is Daughter’s of Khaine Gryselle’s Arenai. On the same day it was released a new Rivals Deck named Beastbound Assaults.
25 March 2023

Khorne new battletome and accessories
Khorne finally got a new battletome to launch the army in the third edition, accompanied by a new Vanguard box containing a Slaughterpriest, 10 Bloodreavers, 10 Blood Warriors and 3 Mighty Skullcrushers, warscroll cards and dice.

Realmgore Ritualist
The battletome was joined by a new hero, the Realmgore Ritualist. She is able to carve blood runes on objectives or terrains that provide a once per battle bonus to friendly Khorne mortals in range.

Slaanesh battletome and accessories
If an army was in more dire need for a battletome, that was Slaanesh. Finally joins the fray in the third edition, together with a brand-new Vanguard box containing a Shardspeaker of Slaanesh, 3 Slaangor Fiendbloods, 10 Blissbarb Archers and 5 Slickblade Seekers which can alternatively be built as Blissbarb Seekers, plus warscroll cards and dice.

Lord of Hubris
As often happens nowadays, the battletome release is followed by a new hero. In this case the Lord of Hubris is a magnet for enemy attacks, with a ward of 4+ and forcing an enemy unit to attack him while conceding them strike-first as well.
15 April 2023

Ossiarch Bonereapers battletome and accessories
The Ossiarch Bonereapers long awaited battletome arrived, together with warscroll cards and a new hero: the Mortisan Ossifector, the one responsible to create most of Ossiarch constructs.

A new Vanguard box accompanied the release containing a Mortisan Soulreaper, 1 Gothizzar Harvester, 5 Kavalos Deathriders and 20 Mortek Guard.

Soulblight Gravelords battletome and accessories
Not surprisingly considering their previous performances, Soulblight Gravelords received a new battletome accompanied by warscroll cards, dice set and a new vampire lord from the Vyrkos dynasty: Ivya Volga, The Outcast.

At the same time the previous Start Collecting box has been replaced by a new Vanguard box containing a Vampire Lord, 3 Vargheists (alternatively can be used as different Flesh-Eater Court models), 5 Blood Knights and 20 Deathrattle Skeletons. The Wight Lord on Skeletal Steed, previously available only in the Start Collecting box, was also released in individual blister.
29 April 2023

Seraphon Army Set
The release of the new lizards started with an Army Set containing a brand-new Slaan Starmaster, 10 Saurus Warriors, five Raptadon Chargers and five Raptadon Hunters (they are dual kits, so you could assemble either or just one with 10 models).
6 May 2023

Warhammer Underworld Season 7: Wyrdhollow
Season 7 continues the storyline in Ghur, moving to another unexplored area of the Gnarlwoods: the Wyrdhollow. The starter set depicts a trio of Knights-Arcanum from the Valedictor Temple in search of magic trinkets against Ephilim, a Tzeentchian Sorceror followed by his cabal of demons.
The new season brings new rules, like Stun, Barge, Hex and Salvage.

20 May 2023

Warcry: Nightmare Quest
The last big box set that completes an Age of Sigmar full battlefield terrain set is Nightmare Quest. In this box the Stormcast Eternals Questor Soulsworn fight against the Flesh-Eater Courts Royal Beastflayers.

At the same time, the previous box has been sunset and the Askurgan Trueblades and the Claws of Karanak are now available individually.
03 June 2023

Seraphon sculpt refresh was released together with a brand-new third edition battletome, available also in limited edition. Surprisingly no warscroll cards (from the army set) nor dice. The Slann Starmaster, Saurus Warriors and Raptadon kit (can be used for Chargers or Hunters) were also released for the first time in individual boxes.

Saurus Astrolith Bearer
The Saurus Astrolith Bearer is another re-sculpt with rules that seems to give him justice.

Spawn of Chotec and Sun Acolytes
Spawns of Chotec are salamanders hailing from the realm of Fire, Aqshy, revered as offspring of the Sun God himself. The Sun Acolytes are particularly heat-resistant Skinks tasked from birth to raise these powerful animals. This kit replaced the old Salamanders and Razordon hunting pack.

Skink Starseer
The Skink Starseer is a powerful magic caster, second only to the Slann, with an ability that gives a ward save to as many units as the current battle round.

Aggradon Lancers
The Aggradon Lancers are a new re-imagined sculpt of the Saurus Knighs (now retired) with 3 models.

Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon
The Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon is the proper leader of the new cavalry, also replacing an older kit.

Kroxigor and Kroxigor Warspawned
Another kit in dire need of re-sculpt was the Kroxigor, now available in two versions with the Warspawn (see image above) being the elite version.
10 June 2023

The Headmen’s Curse and new Warhammer Underworld content
As part of the Wyrdhollow season, the Nighthaunt Wielder of the Blade and his band called the Headmen’s Curse join Warhammer Underworlds roster.
At the same time, a new Starter Set is released with two old warbands: the Sepulchral Guard and the Farstriders. The new set has a lower entry price complete with two rivals deck. Another universal rivals deck is also released at the same time: Voidcursed Thralls.
8 July 2023

Harbingers, Dawnbringers Book I and regiments of renown
The Dawnbringers saga will see the development of two grand crusades departing from Hammerhal, one in the Realm of Life, Ghyran, and one in the Realm of Fire, Aqshy. One of this will fail and one will succeed, but we will not know until Book IV. The first book, Harbingers, will focus on the start of their journey and will be accompanied by one herald for each grand alliance.

The re-sculpt of Nurgle Harbinger of Decay is on the cover itself of the first book (a named character called Phlugoth the Miser) and was one of the oldest miniatures of that range in dire need of become a plastic kit. He was released in his own regiment of renown with 2 Pusgoyle Blightlords and 5 Putrid Blightkings.

For Death we have Sir Jerrion, a Marrowscroll Herald from the Flesh-Eater Courts, whose task is to recruit peasants to their glorious quests, while in reality to listen to his words mean to fall to the same madness that all Flesh-Eater are stuck in. He was released with a regiment of renown box with 20 Crypt Ghouls and 6 Crypt Horrors/Flayers with all sort of other assembly options for this kit.

For Order we have a new Fyreslayer hero, the Grimhold Exile (Fjori will be the named version detailed in the book). These warriors wield weapons imbued with a portion of the Zharrkhul, the flame ignited at the moment of Grimnir’s death. His regiment of renown contained 10 Vulkite Berzerkers and 10 Auric Hearthguard / Hearthguard Berzerkers.

The harbinger of Destruction is Braggit Big-Talka, a Rabble-Rowza from Gloomspite Gitz, attended by a swarm of bat-squigs whose duty is to incite his army to even greater deeds of destruction. He was released in his own regiment of renown box with the Gobbapalooza, a unit of 12 Squig Herd and a unit of 10 Squig Hoppers (that can be assembled as 2 units of 5 Boingrot Bounderz).
General’s Handbook 2023-2024

Back once again in its yearly format, the General’s Handbook brings the fight to the icy wastes of Andtor. The focus for the new season will be magic with primal dice allowing you to overcast your spells.
5 August 2023

Warcry new Starter Set and individual releases
Warcry got a new starter set, cheaper than previous releases boxes with miniatures already known from the Warhammer Underworld game. Crypt of Blood contains the Soulblight from the Crimson Court against the Stormcast Eternals heroes of Xandire’s Truthseekers.
At the same time Questor Soulsworn and Royal Beastflayers are available for the first time as individual boxes.
12 August 2023

Warhammer Underworld: Skabbik’s Plaguepack
The autumn Chaos warband for Warhammer Underworld is Skabbik’s Plaguepack, a group of Skaven from Clans Pestilens led by the Plague Priest Skabbik in search of an ingredient for one of the 13 great plagues in the Wyrdhollow. The release was accompanied by the Paths of Prophecy rivals deck.
9 September 2023

Cities of Sigmar launch box and Vanguard: Seraphon
Cities of Sigmar range re-sculpt has been launched with a limited edition set containing 2 units of 10 Dawnbringer Steelhems, 1 unit of 5 Freeguild Cavaliers, 1 Alchemite Warforger and 1 Freeguild Marshal with Relic Envoy, warscroll cards, transfer sheets and a special cover battletome.
The new Vanguard Seraphon is also released filling the void left by the retirement of the previous two start collecting boxes. It contains a Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (or alternatively a Scar-Veteran or a Skink Oracle on Troglodon), 3 Kroxigors (or their other version Warspawn) and 10 brand-new Saurus Warriors.
23 September 2023

Dawnbringers Book II – Reign of the Brute
The second book shifts the focus on the hordes of Destruction and is accompanied by a host of releases, including an expansion to the Ironjawz range. It introduces also “armies of renown” a new cut on existing subfactions but with some limitations:
- Trugg’s Troggherd: centred on Trugg enhancing Troggoth regeneration, can use only Gloomspite Gitz units with Troggoth keyword.
- Grunta Stampede: centred on Ironjawz pigs and their brutal charge, can use only Ironjawz with Maw-Grunta or Gore-grunta keyword.
- King Brodd’s Stomp: a new Tribe focussing on King Brodd himself, can throw scenery piece around.
- Grundstok Expeditionary Force: allows double shooting in the same phase, but can use only non-unique heroes or units with Grundstok keyword.

Trugg, the Troggoth King
Trugg is the latest Troggoth joining the Gloomspire roster. Awaken by the Alarielle rite, the arcane device stuck on his head activated giving him terrible migraines that forces him to pound anything magical to dust in hope to find relief. He comes with his own sub-faction, the Trugg’s Troggherd that reunites Gloomspite Gitz Troggoths.

Ironjawz expansion
Dawnbringers Book II introduces a vast array of new Ironjawz units, but their warscrolls are also available for free on Warhammer Community. The Maw-grunta, highlight of Warhammer Fest 2023, comes in three variations. one a hero (the Tuskboss) and two behemoth units that can become battleline (either Maw-grunta with Hakkin’ Crew or Maw-grunta Gouger).

The Ardboy Big Boss is called to lead the new Ardboyz kit that replace the existing one:

When the Brutes receive an embarrassing defeat, they may decide to strip their armour to concentrate on big two-handed weapons, forming the Brute Ragerz. And when they get too entangled in the Waaagh! energy to start vomiting green bile, the Weirdnob Shamans fix it by embedding bone and iron masks to their skull forming the ranks of Weirdbrute Wrekkaz.

Finally, Zoggrok Anvilsmasha is is a legendary Ironjawz smith followed by his loyal ambulatory squig anvil, Klonk.

Rabble-Rowza, Gloomspite Gitz dice and Orruk Warclans Vanguard
Orruk Warclans also received a major boost with their own Vanguard box that replaces the Kruleboyz Boss Krew (itself part of the Dominion introductory set) and the Ironjawz Start Collecting. This new box contains a Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, a Murknob with Belcha-banna, a unit of 1 Beast-skewer Killbow, a unit of 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz and a unit of 10 Gutrippaz.
At the same time the Gloomspite hero Rabble-Rowza was released individually together with a new set of dice dedicated to his army.
21 October 2023
Deathgorge new core box

The new core box for Season 8 pits the Idoneth Deepkin Cyreni’s Razors against the Slaaneshi of the Thricefold Discord in search of fresh souls in the permafrost of Deathgorge. This box has been accompanied also by a slimmer Starter Set with the Ironsoul’s Condemnors against the Sepulchral Guard, both coming from previous editions of this game.
The Hunter and the Hunted
The latest expansion set of Warcry pits the humans from Cities of Sigmar of the Wildercorps Hunters against the Ogor of the Gorger Mawpack. The box will also contain a new piece of terrain: the Mawpit.

Wildercorps Hunters
The re-sculpted Cities of Sigmar will debut in Warcry with a brand new warband: the Wildercorps Hunters, a group of expert trackers accompanied by their dogs. In Age of Sigmar they have rules that prevent targeting them if they are in cover or outside 12″ range.

Gorger Mawpack
The Gorger Mawpacks have been attracted by the appearance of Mawpits in the Gnarlwood and represent quite an upgrade from the existing kit of this voracious beasts.

Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz
The Monsta-Killaz of the Orruk Kruleboyz clan are accompanied by Simian Scoundrels that distract the enemy while the Klutcha-grots snatch precious eggs. The warband is led by a Beastnob that is the most experienced monster killer in the warband. Not that his marks have been obtained honestly, there’s no such thing as a fair fight against Kruleboyz.

Vulkyn Flameseekers
A new Order warband joins Warcry, this time focussing on the Fyreslayers, those more religiously chasing Magmadroths to either tame them or put an end to their rampage. Female duardin appear for the first time together with a Kyndledroth, a baby Magmadroth.
All this Warcry releases are accompanied by a new terrain set, the Scales of Talaxis, and the re-release of all Warhammer Underworlds warbands from Season 5 and 6 in grey plastic and without cards for your Age of Sigmar or Warcry games.
4 November 2023
Cities of Sigmar updated range with new battletome

After the Army Set released in early September, it was now the time of the full release of the entire range, with many new sculpt but also some cuts:
- Freeguild general on foot
- Freeguild Crossbowmen/Freeguild Handgunners
- Freeguild Guard
- Hellblaster Volley Gun/Helstorm Rocket Battery
- Freeguild Pistoliers/Freeguild Outriders
- Freeguild Greatswords
- Demigryph Knights
- Flamespyre Phoenix/Frostheart Phoenix (and their Anointed)
- Phoenix Guard
- Wildwood Rangers/Eternal Guard
- Sisters of the Thorn/Wild Riders
- Nomad Prince
- Shadow Warriors/Sisters of the Watch

The wonderful centrepiece of the army is Tahlia Vedra, the Lioness of the Parch, heroine hailing from Hammerhal riding a powerful manticore.

Another named hero is Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of the Great Wheel that was already a great-grandmother by the beginning of the Age of Sigmar…
Already seen in the Army Set, but now released invidually we have the Freeguild Steelhelms, the Freeguild Cavaliers, a Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy and an Alchemite Warforger.

But a whole host of new leaders are joining the fray to rally the troops starting from this Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal.

Dawnbringer Crusades firepower is secured by the Freeguild Fusiliers. Those are well supplied by the Blackpowder Squires that allow them to re-roll hit rolls from the third battle round once per game.

And to lead them, who better than a Fusil Major on Ogor Warhulk, where the sniper and the Ogor work in tandem to reduce the opposition. If they don’t move, they ignore rend on missile attacks.

And if you need more firepower, the Ironweld Great Cannon can guarantee more destruction.

To complement the range, the Freeguild Command Corps is an ensemble of support heroes characters the Great Herald accompanied by a Mascot Gargoylian, the Arch-Knight to bodyguard his Marshals, a Whisperblade to instil discipline in the army, a War Surgeon to stitch them back, and a Soul Shepherds to guard the souls of those that cannot be saved.
Dawnbringer Book III

The third book of the Dawnbringers sage introduces new and old characters revamped.

We start from Ionus Cryptborn, the first Lord-Relictor initially introduced as a character in the Realmgate Wars series and as a model in the very first Age of Sigmar starter set against Khorne. His new model as the Warden of the Lost Souls was released together with two Stormdrake Guard in the limited edition Cryptoborn’s Stormwing set.

Belthanos, the First Thorn of Kurnoth is responsible to keep alive the last embers of the God of the Hunt and prompts to war all Kurnoth Hunters on which he has maximum authority. His model was first available in a limited edition box with 3 Kurnoth Hunters and 3 Revenant Seekers (or Spiterider Lancers).
From Black Library: the Blacktalons New Models

From the Black Library series of novels and recent Warhammer+ show Blacktalon, here is a group of heroes defined as The Blacktalons from their leader Neave Blacktalon that gets a brand-new model (the old one is also used for Knight-Zephyros).
She is accompanied by her mentor Hendrick the Silver Wolf, the sharpshooter Shakana Goldenblade, the paladin Rostus Oxenhammer and the Idoneth Soulscryer Lorai.
At the same time the Harbinger of Decay and the Grimhold Exile, available for a limited time in boxes accompanying Dawnbringers Books I, were released individually.
24 November 2023

Christmas Battleforces
As every year, around the festive period is time for the battleforces, a discounted box that represents a great deal if you want to start a new army.
This year the Slaves to Darkness got the Warhorde of Eternus with Eternus, Blade of the First Prince (which can alternatively be built as a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount), a unit of 3 Ogroid Theridons, a unit of 5 Chaos Knights, a unit of 5 Chaos Chosen and a unit of 10 Chaos Warriors.
The Seraphon got the Primordial Starhost with a Slann Starmaster, a unit of 3 Aggradon Lancers, a unit of 3Kroxigor (which can alternatively be built as Kroxigor Warspawned), a unit of 3 Terrawings, a unit of 10 Saurus Warriors and 10 Hunters of Huanchi that can be built in the two different units.
The Ossiarch Bonereapers got the Praetorian Spearhead with Arch-Kavalos Zandtos (which can alternatively be built as a Liege-Kavalos), a Gothizzar Harvester, 2 units of 2 Morghast Archai (which can alternatively be built as Morghast Harbingers), a unit of 5 Kavalos Deathriders and 2 units of 10 Mortek Guard.
The Soulblight Gravelords got the Vengorian Court with a Vengorian Lord (which can alternatively be built as Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares), a unit of 3 Fell Bats, a unit of 5 Blood Knights, a unit of 10 Dire Wolves and 2 units of 10 Deathrattle Skeletons.
9 December 2023

Flesh-eater Courts Army Set
The Flesh-eater Courts receive their new battletome in the Army Set that preludes to the complete release of the new models in 2024. This box contains all brand-new models: an Abhorrant Gorewarden, a Varghulf Courtier, 3 Morbheg Knights and 20 Crypt Guard together with warscrolls, tokens and enhancement cards.

Grotmas Gitz
Not exclusively Age of Sigmar, the Grotmas Gitz can be used as a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig or with his Warhammer Legends warscroll, same as the Gobbo’s Surprise.