This article will detail the Daughters of Khaine army starting from its lore, describing the main units and their roles, how the army plays and finally our personal opinion of the army.
For a complete run-down of the different armies available in Age of Sigmar, consult our Age of Sigmar army overview article.
In this article we will refer often to Matched Play and other technical terms like allegiance abilities, command points, army roles in building a list, core battalions, Endless Spells/Invocations, etc. We assume the reader will be knowledgeable with those terms, otherwise please refer to the relevant guides for more details.
Age of Sigmar 4.0
This article has not been updated yet with the newest rules and discoveries from the fourth edition of Age of Sigmar. We will be reviewing all articles and updating them really soon.

Overview of Daughters of Khaine Army
The Daughters of Khaine are excellent warriors, that revel in the fight and the spurting of gore and hot blood on their flesh, moving them to a frenzy that makes them even more lethal. They venerate Khaine, the aelven god of murder, deceased with the World-that-Was. Morathi managed to convince the cult to become their High Oracle and when she finally achieved godhood through treachery and cunning plotting, she claimed to be Khaine reincarnation. Under her rule the Khanite have become one of the most feared and powerful force in the Mortal Realms.
Their origin dates back to the World-that-Was, as the core of the army was once part of the Dark Elves roster. Then in 2018 the Morathi-Khaine miniature was released together with brand-new models representing Morathi’s creation with the souls extracted by Slaanesh: this brought to us the Melusai and the Khinerai. Today the range is split between 10 years old models (including the biggest portion of heroes that can be assembled from a single kit) and recent additions that well complement the army.
The Daughters of Khaine are a strong army that could be defined as “glass cannon”: they hit hard but they evaporate during the retaliation phase. In capable hands they have been extremely competitive, ending often in the top tables of major tournaments.
Their rules are all available in the latest battletome (May 2022) that brings them to the third edition with a reiteration of the already good rule set that accompanied them in the second edition. As always, consult the latest FAQ to ensure you are reading the most up to date rule set.
Cost-wise, they can be one of the most expensive armies to collect, but often are released box sets that offer a good discounted price, so keep an eye on those!
Lore of Daughters of Khaine Army
Khaine was the ancient elven god of murder venerated by the Dark Elves in the World-that-Was. During that universe destruction by the forces of Chaos, Slaanesh, the Chaos god of excess, revelled in eating all elven souls he could as they were the most delicious to his palate.
Even Morathi ended in his gullet before freeing herself during the Age of Myth reuniting with the other gods in the Mortal Realms. While her son, Malerion, achieved godhood in the new world and ruled in Ulgu, the Realm of Shadows, she was not yet a goddess, only a powerful wizard whose history predates any recorded history. She is most likely the oldest being alive in the Mortal Realms.
Her experience in Slaanesh’ belly gave her a chance to devise a plan that allowed the elven gods to imprison Slaanesh between Hysh and Ulgu and extract the elven souls that were ingested. Each god took a part of the souls for himself and shaped it according to their own ideology. Morathi created the Scáthborn, part aelven and part snake or winged nightmare, as her own trusted elite champions.
She was already the High Oracle of the cult of Khaine, a small group of aelves that venerated the now disappeared god of murder. Under her guidance, they expanded far beyond their capital of Hagg Nar in Ulgu and infiltrated all free cities establishing bloody martial events in the coliseums built for this purpose. While Morathi knew that Khaine was gone, she maintained her role and dispatched any opposition or doubt from her followers until her treacherous but cunning plan was ready.
She managed to steal the Ocarian Lantern from the Idoneth Deepkin, a vast quantity of varanite right under Archaon’s nose while sacrificing his Stormcast Eternals allies in the process and used those to reach the gullet of Slaanesh. In there she fed with the most powerful aelven souls, some that she even knew and cared for in her past life, but all were required for her to become a goddess.
And so it was, Morathi emerged from the Mother Cauldron of Blood in her capital during an Idoneth Deepkin strike to retake the stolen artefact, now split in two bodies in the process: one that represents her beautiful majesty and one more monstrous that incites terrors. She immediately stroke a pact with the Idoneth returning them not only the lantern but also powerful souls that she freed from Slaanesh.
Together they formed an uneasy alliance that brought Anvilguard to its fall, now called Har Kuron as a Daughters of Khaine outpost in Aqshy, the Realm of Fire. The Daughters follow their new goddess as the reincarnation of Khaine with renewed faith, even because any with doubts are quickly dispatched.

Army rules for the Daughters of Khaine
But how does a Daughters of Khaine army play on a tabletop? First let’s go through the main rules for this army.
The first choice to make is the subfaction the army will belong to. They are called Temples of Khaine and there are six available:
- Hagg Nar, Morathi stronghold and Daughters capital, improves the Blood Rites battle trait.
- Draichi Ganeth, best gladiators in the realms, buffs rend for Witch Aelves and Sisters of Slaughter.
- Khelt Nar, great weaponsmiths that imbue shadow magic in their creations, provides army-wide retreat and charge.
- Khailebron, best spies and assassins, provides a teleport ability. Unlocks Khainite Shadowstalkers as battleline.
- The Kraith, experts in gruesome slaughter, their buff gives a chance each unit to fight a second time.
- Zaintar Khai, the first Scáthborn imbued with drops of blood from Khaine, focusses on Melusai. Unlocks Blood Sisters and Blood Stalkers as battleline.
The main battle trait provides a 6+ ward to all units, and a sequence of increasing bonuses called Blood Rites. Every turn the sequence is incremented by 1 and all units benefit from all abilities up to that round, but there are many other rules that we are going to see later that allow to start much farther in the sequence, for example Hagg Nar armies start straight from the second row.
These abilities vary from a bonus to run (+1, from the first round), to charge (+1, from the second round), to hit (+1 on melee only, from the third round), to wound (+1 on melee only, from the fourth round) to a new 5+ ward (from the fifth round).
On top of this, Daughters have also access to a specific heroic action called Battle Fury that gives +2 to melee attacks (excluding mount attacks and monster heroes) and a command ability called All-out Slaughter that makes to hit rolls explode on 6 (it scores 2 hits instead of one, but they have separate wound rolls).
Daughters of Khaine heroes can be further improved with command traits (generals only), artefacts, spells (wizards only) and prayers (priests only).
Notable command traits include Zealous Orator that improves the Rally command ability from a 6 to a 4+, Fuelled by Revenge on Melusai focussed armies that allow a Melusai Ironscale once per battle to add 1 to melee attacks for Melusai units and Masters of Poisons that can be used in concert with the Melusai ability to do 1 mortal wound on a 2+ (the ability does D6 damage to a unit previously wounded in the same combat phase).
Notable artefacts include Crown of Woe that prevents the use of Inspiring Presence or Rally around the bearer and Shadow Stone that adds +1 to casting to a wizard.
We are going to see more about spells and prayers in the wizard and priest section below.
Units and their roles in the Daughters of Khaine Army
Heroes in Daughters of Khaine
Heroes can perform Heroic Actions, in addition to the other abilities they can perform. You do it in the hero phase and you can only do one heroic action. Here is the list:
- Heroic Leadership: on a 4+ (or 2+ if your general has been slain) get a command point only that hero can use.
- Heroic Willpower: one non-Wizard hero can attempt to dispel or unbind a spell for that phase like he was a wizard.
- Their Finest Hour: can be used only once by each hero to improve save and wound rolls by 1 for that turn.
- Heroic Recovery: a disengaged hero can heal D3 wounds if he rolls less or equal to his bravery with 2D6.

Morathi-Khaine rules are quite unique for Age of Sigmar, in the sense that while you deploy her and the Shadow Queen model separately and each has its own pool of wounds, you have to include both in your army and all wounds or mortal wounds directed to Morathi-Khaine are instead allocated to the Shadow Queen. In addition, the Shadow Queen can only receive 3 total wounds/mortal wounds per turn (so 6 per battle round), any other in excess is ignored.
Once the Shadow Queen is killed, you remove both from the battlefield. This means that technically Morathi can easily get to the third battle round before being removed, and killing her would require a continuous effort. One trick to get rid of her quickly is to temporarily remove the Shadow Queen from the battlefield (only one or two abilities in the game allow it) and then allocate six wounds to Morathi-Khaine.
Apart from this, Morathi-Khaine is a warmaster (she counts as a general in a Daughters army even if she is not picked as one) and a good wizard with the ability to cast 3 spells and unbind 2 in the enemy phase. But no bonuses to casting. Her signature spell does mortal wounds but much more interesting is her command ability that allows a unit to shoot (or fight) in the hero phase. Often used in combination with the Blood Stalkers for a deadly double round of shooting.
The Shadow Queen instead is a Monster with powerful attacks and an aura bonus that increases by 1 the melee attacks of Khinerai and Melusai in range (as long as she is engaged in combat).
Note that being 2 separate warscrolls, they occupy two slots for Heroes and one for Behemoth (the Shadow Queen).

The Bloodwrack Shrine is the first assemble option for one of the centrepieces of the army. The Cauldron itself can be assembled this way with a Medusa on top or with the Avatar of Khaine and either a Slaughter Queen or a Hag Queen on top. The other 2 heroes not selected as “riders” can be assembled on foot with the provided infantry bases, as well as the Avatar if the Bloodwrack Shrine is chosen.
Interestingly, the Shrine does not count as a Behemoth while the 2 Cauldrons do. She is an interesting piece, with an ability that allows a unit of Melusai to count one round more when determining the bonuses from the Blood Rites table.
On top of that, she has an aura of damage (starting on a 2+ and degrading the more damage she takes) for D3 mortal wounds and a shooting attack that is extremely dangerous for horde units. If you have chosen the spell Mirror Dance, you can swap another less scary hero with the Shrine to see the confused face in your opponent when he gets bombarded with mortal wounds.
She is also a wizard able to unbind 2 spells in the enemy phase and her signature spell debuffs the wound roll of targeted enemy unit.

The Melusai Ironscale is a support hero for Melusai units with a couple of abilities that benefit them. To start with, if she kills someone in the combat phase, all Melusai in range obtain +1 attack for that phase. She has also a command ability that allows a Melusai to run and charge in the same turn.
She can do 1 mortal wound on a 2+ that combined with the command trait Master of Poisons means she does another D6 on top if the first one succeeds. Another good trait to choose is Fuelled by Revenge that adds once per game +1 to the melee attacks of Melusai in range. Combined with her own ability, it would mean a total of +2 for some Melusai bloodbath that phase.

The Bloodwrack Medusa acts exactly as the Shrine but is cheaper and has less attacks (but also no degrading table). She shares the same shooting attack, magic abilities (including the 2 unbind per turn) and +1 to Melusai for the Blood Rites calculation. Note that those are cumulative, so a Shrine and a Medusa would add a total of +2.

The Cauldron of Blood is a Leader Behemoth that can be mounted with a Slaughter Queen or a Hag Queen. Both are priests.
The Hag Queen can concoct a witchbrew that provides +1 to the Blood Rites calculation and a signature prayer for some mortal wounds. The Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood adds to this damage on impact after a charge, +1 to chanting rolls of priests in range and a +1 to save to all units in range. Generally speaking you will always have a Cauldron, and the Hag Queen is a great choice. Even on foot she is extremely useful for her witchbrew, so stock up on Hag Queens!
Morgwaeth the Bloodied is a Hag Queen that was released together with her Blade Coven for the skirmish card game Warhammer Underworlds in Season 3: Beastgrave. Apart from that, she has the same abilities as a Hag Queen plus her bodyguard unit, the Blade Coven, to which she can redirect wounds allocated to her.

The Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood has many abilities shared with the other mounted version, in particular the chanting and save bonus. In addition she can unbind one spell per phase as if she was a wizard and has a command ability that allows a unit to fight in the hero phase. Her signature prayer provides the strike first effect on a unit (they attack at the beginning of the combat phase, before the others). The Slaughter Queen on foot has the same last 2 abilities (command ability to fight in the hero phase and strike-first prayer) but our preference would be to have a Hag Queen on Cauldron and a Slaughter Queen on foot (or both Cauldrons if you are not fielding Morathi).

The High Gladiatrix is the last of our heroes and also the latest miniature added to the roster. She is a good fighter, able to pile in from 6″ instead of 3″ and to finish off an enemy hero heavily injured at the end of the combat phase, but the reason why you should have her is the buff that she provides to Witch Aelves and Sisters of Slaughter.
She changes the to Wound characteristic of the units mentioned above within range from 4+ to 3+ and increases their rend to -1. The to Wound bonus is so important because now you can get to 2+/2+ with the various bonuses in this army (for example the Blood Rites table).
If you are planning to have Witches and Sisters in your army (and why wouldn’t you?), she is a must-have.
Monsters in Daughters of Khaine
Monsters can perform special abilities called Monstrous Rampages at the end of the Charge phase. Each action can be performed only once per phase therefore only up to 4 monsters can perform one at a time. Here is the current list:
- Roar: on a 3+ an engaged enemy unit cannot issue or receive orders in the following combat phase.
- Stomp: on a 2+ do D3 mortal wounds to an engaged unit that is not a monster.
- Titanic Duel: + 1 to hit rolls against another engaged Monster.
- Smash to Rubble: on a 3+ demolish a close-by terrain feature, disabling its scenery rules.

The Shadow Queen is the only monster in the army and cannot be taken without Morath-Khaine. As all monsters she has a damage table meaning that movement and attacks deteriorate the more damage she gets.
She also counts as Leader (and Hero with access to the Heroic Actions above) and as Behemoth.
While not being a monster, the Avatar of Khaine can perform one of two possible monstrous rampages (Stomp and Smash to Rubble) as if it was a monster.
Battlelines in Daughters of Khaine

The Sisters of Slaughters are a great battleline unit, able to do a good amount of damage with the right buffs. They can pile in 6″ so no one is safe from their wrath, and they can run and charge as long as they have a musician in the unit.
They can choose between a shield that improves their save roll or a knife for an extra attack. The shield allows also to do mortal wounds back to the enemy on an unmodified 6 to save. Please note that even if rend would make the save roll unnecessary, this ability still works. In addition, the prayer Martyrs of Sacrifice can provide extra mortal wounds when they die, meaning that even in death these ladies can punch back.
In a Kraith army (one of the temples), Sisters have a 50% chance to fight again at the end of the combat phase (should they survive), while in Draichi Ganeth they can improve their rend by 1 if they charged. If they are within a High Gladiatrix range, reading the Blood Rites table as the fourth battle round (remember there are a number of ways to achieve this on round 1), when they charge they are on 2+/2+ rend -2…
Now, this can be even further improved, for example with Mindrazor spell that brings their rend to -3 and damage to 2 when charging…

What is better than Sisters of Slaughter? Well, Witch Aelves are cheaper, have more attacks and can get almost the same buffs (except the Kraith one that is exclusive to Sisters). In addition a unit can be reinforced (once or twice) for free if enlisted in a Draichi Ganeth army.
They don’t have the pile in on 6″ and the ability to attack a second time at the end of the combat phase, but they have an embedded +1 to wound if they are near a Totem (Avatar, Cauldrons and Shrine) but the All-out Slaughter command ability allows them exploding 6s, and, considering their 4 attacks a model if they don’t use the bucklers…
Which one to prefer between the two is up to personal preference.
Conditional Battlelines in Daughters of Khaine

The Khainite Shadowstalkers originate from a box set for the skirmish game Warcry, and have quickly become a staple of Daughters armies also in Age of Sigmar. In a Khailebron army they become battleline but the most interesting ability they have is to teleport anywhere on the battlefield 9″ away from any enemy unit, allowing them to threaten abandoned objective or to hit from the back.
They add also a bit of shooting and the highest save roll (4+) between all troop units in the army making them a candidate for the anvil role.

The Blood Stalkers are the shooting profile of the Melusai. They have been dreaded in many tournaments thanks to Morathi’s ability to make them shoot in the hero phase as well as in the normal phase and their mortal wound on unmodified 6 to save combined with the 24″ range of their bows.
While they are still a good unit, there are so many bonuses that affect only the melee attacks that they are not an auto-include in all lists.
They become battleline in a Zainthar Kai army that also allows them to fight in death. Should they get in melee, a Melusai Ironscale with command trait Fuelled by Revenge can give them +1 attack, but a better use of her command trait, should you focus on Stalkers rather than Blood Sisters, is Zealous Orator that allows them to Rally (resuscitate lost models) on a 4+ instead of a 6. As they should always be kept disengaged, could potentially mean restoring the whole unit each hero phase.

The Blood Sisters are the melee version of the Melusai. The Blood Rites table allows them to get to 2+/2+ rend -1 at the fourth battle round. However a Bloodwrack Shrine or Medusa allows a unit to read a line below, a Haq Queen can concoct a witchbrew that gives another +1 bonus and so on, meaning that they can be on that profile most of the match.
In addition, a Melusai Ironscale that kills an enemy can give them +1 attack and with the command trait Fuelled by Revenge an extra +1 attack bringing their potential to 5 attacks. If you have the Shadow Queen around and engaged with an enemy unit, then it’s an extra attack. Should they have charged and the spell Mindrazor successfully cast on one of these units, we are now 6 attacks per model, 2+/2+ rend -2, 2 damage. In a Zainthar Kai, in which they are a battleline, it does not matter if they die before attacking because they still fight even in death. And after they attack, they have a chance to deal extra mortal wounds.
These are only some of the bonuses affecting them, making a Melusai-only army a viable option.
Wizards and Priests in Daughters of Khaine

Daughters of Khaine wizards have access to the Lore of Shadows that includes spells like the infamous Mindrazor that improves a unit rend by 1 and their damage as well if they charged, Steed of Shadow that increases the movement to 16″ and adds fly and Mirror Dance that can be used to swap two heroes to more convenient locations.
The artefact Shadow Stone adds +1 to casting any spell from the Lore of Shadows.
The wizards in the army are Morathi-Khaine, Bloodwrack Shrine, Bloodwrack Medusa and the Doomfire Warlocks. The latter are the only one with a casting bonus (+1 as long as there’s 5 or more models in the unit) and also the only one that is not a Hero or a Leader.
Morathi can cast 3 spells in her phase and unbind 2 in the enemy phase, while both Bloodwrack can cast 1 and unbind 2. The Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood, despite being a priest, can unbind one spell per phase as if it was a wizard but cannot cast. The Warlocks are normal wizards with 1 cast and 1 unbind.
Daughters of Khaine priests have access to the Prayers of the Khainite Cult that includes Blessing of Khaine that allows to reroll the basic ward roll, Sacrament of Blood that increases for one unit by 1 the number of the current battle round for the Blood Rite calculation and Martyrs of Sacrifice that allows to do mortal wounds after being killed (great combination with the Sisters and Witches’ bucklers that do mortal wounds on an unmodified 6 to save).
The Khainite Pendant artefact allows once per game to have a prayer answered without rolling.
The priests of this army are the Slaughter Queen and the Hag Queen both on foot or mounted on a Cauldron of Blood (including Morgwaeth). The Avatar and the Cauldrons provide a bonus of +1 to chanting to any priest in range, the Slaughter Queens prayer gives first-strike to a unit and the Hag Queens prayer deals some mortal wounds.
Other units in Daughters of Khaine

The Doomfire Warlocks are a bit the outsiders of the army as they are a unit entirely made of men instead of women and they belong to an old Warhammer Fantasy kit that allows also to assemble them as Dark Riders for the Cities of Sigmar army. Lore-wise the men in Daughters’ society are enslaved and enfeebled and only those with innate arcane potential can become Doomfire Warlocks.
In game, they have an ok shooting attack and they count as wizards, able to cast and unbind 1 spell per phase and if they are 5 or more models in their unit they even get a +1 bonus. Their signature spell can do straight up 6 mortal wounds to a horde unit (10+ models). But they can also be good to launch some interesting Endless Spells in the core of the enemy line considering their 14″ movement.
They are a good unit, but there’s lots of competition in this army for the limited spots in your list.

The Avatar of Khaine can be assembled from the left-overs of a Bloodwrack Shrine. Or you can try to fit the Warhammer 40K model in a 40mm base.
It gives a bonus of +1 to chanting to nearby priests and has a 5+ ward instead of the generic 6+ but its best trait is the ability to perform one of two possible monstrous rampages (Stomp and Smash to Rubble) as if it was a monster, without being a monster.

The Khinerai Heartrenders represent the shooting side of this skirmish unit. Their 14″ of flying movement means that they can threaten many portions of the battlefield, but they can also be set up from the reserve. Since their shooting attack has 12″ range, they can be set up within shooting range and then can still move 6″ away as part of their Fire and Fight ability.

The Khinerai Lifetakers can also be set up from reserve but here the 9″ away from the enemy is more significative as they still need to roll a 9+ to charge, so better instead use the various run and charge abilities in the army and use their speed to best position them. They have a 50% chance to retreat after fighting that is a bit unpredictable, so the Heartrenders are a better option if you need skirmish flying units.
Endless Spells, Terrain and Start Collecting in a Daughters of Khaine Army

Daughters of Khaine do not have a faction terrain, but they have an endless spell set. To be more precise, 2 endless spells (cast by wizards) and 1 invocation (chanted by priests).
The Bloodwrack Viper, despite being a great model, is a predatory spell that can kill 3 infantry models a turn (with some luck even heroes with 6 or less wounds) and smash enemy terrain (they can choose to perform one of two monstrous rampages). Not enough to impress in this army.
The Bladewind impresses even less with a single mortal wound chance per unit it passed through or is nearby.
What is more interesting is the only invocation of the group, so called forth by Hag Queens and Slaughter Queens: the Heart of Fury. This defensive mechanism reduces the damage received by nearby friendly units (to a minimum of 1) and if you roll a 6, can even add +1 to attack within the same range before disappearing.

The Daughters of Khaine had briefly a Start Collecting box that was more interesting as it contained a Cauldron set, allowing you plenty of customization and re-buy value. This set contains a Melusai Ironscale, that is a great hero if you want to focus on a Melusai army or if you just want some in the mix, 5 Melusai that can be assembled as Blood Stalkers for their shooting power or as Blood Sisters if you need to get up close, 5 Doomfire Warlocks, that represent the light cavalry but otherwise they are not a favourite option, and 10 Witch Aelves that can be assembled as Sisters of Slaughter alternatively.
While the box contains a bit of everything and provides different customization, the units within don’t provide much synergy. The lack of Cauldron is sorely missed and you wouldn’t want to buy more of one of these sets, more than the presence of the same hero, because you don’t need more than 5 Doomfire Warlocks.

Tactics and Final Verdict on the Daughters of Khaine Army
The Daughters of Khaine are the classic example of a “glass cannon” army with extremely low save rolls but an explosive offensive potential.
The wards available to them help mitigate the growing threat of rend in the mortal realms, as that would completely remove their save roll, so Fanatical Faith, but also the 5+ ward on the fifth sequence of the Blood Rites, are great defensive mechanisms.
In offense they rely a lot on the Blood Rites, an increasing (and cumulative) set of bonuses that improve their characteristics with the passing of the battle rounds. However, it is possible to cheat and, for selected units, read the value as much higher.
For example Hagg Nar armies start from the second line instead of the first, Hag Queens can add an extra bonus with the witchbrews, the prayer Sacrament of Blood can give an extra +1 and if a unit is a Melusai they can also benefit from the Bloodwrack Shrine or Medusa +1. This means on your turn 1 at least one unit can be on the 5th and last row of the table, but be careful: these bonuses apply only during your turn or a specific phase and they are lost during the enemy turn or a different phase.
There are further ways to improve a critical unit, like its rend or even the damage with the spell Mindrazor (+1 to rend and damage if the unit charged) or giving strike-first (Dance of Doom prayer from the Slaughter Queens) or allowing them to fight even in death (like Melusai in a Zainthar Kai army).
Speaking of units to use, Morathi-Khaine and the Shadow Queen are still a valid option but not essential. Difficult to kill, but not impossible. A couple of Cauldrons, maybe one each, are probably a better option, together with a core made of Sisters of Slaughter, Witch Aelves or Melusai depending on personal taste.
Depending on which unit you prefer there is a Temple that would favour that playstyle. For example the Kraith allows Sisters of Slaughter to fight a second time, Zainthar Kai make Melusai battleline and makes them fight even when they are killed, Draichi Ganeth increases the rend of Witch Aelves and Sisters of Slaughter, and if you need mobility Khailebron can provide it and unlock Khainite Shadowstalkers as battleline.
But Hag Narr is the safe option in case you are undecided or prefer a mixed army as it manipulates the Blood Rites table army-wide and is a lasting bonus.
A mandatory addition to an army with Witch Aelves or Sisters of Slaughter is the High Gladiatrix, even just as a power couple, to provide more depth.
Of the Melusai, the Blood Stalkers provide power projection with their 24″ shooting attacks, often combined with Morathi-Khaine and her ability to make them shoot in the hero phase, but a unit of Blood Sisters opportunely buffed is a force to be reckoned.
Finally a worthy mention to the Khanite Shadowstalkers that threaten the back line of the enemy and abandoned objectives with their teleport abilities. They also have the highest save roll between the units and be used to protect one objective, but don’t be fooled: Daughter’s best defence is the offence!
Overall there is no bad unit in this roster, only personal preference and few power couples that determine in which direction to go. Even the Khinerai, left a bit behind in this battletome, may have a role in some lists, the Heartrenders in particular.
There is no doubt that the Daughters are a strong army, consistently at the top of the win ratio in important tournaments, and they are not too difficult to master by beginners but remember that wrong positioning may mean a quick demise for units overall defensively low.
Other resources
Some excellent information that we often use from articles like this one comes from YouTube channels like Warhammer Weekly with Vince Venturella, AoS Coach and of course The Honest Wargamer.
If you are interested in the competitive standpoint, when we talk about statistics, a tremendous effort is done by Rob from the Honest Wargamer, Ziggy and Tsports Network! in the AoS Stat Centre with precious information, constantly kept up to date.
Really good informative material is also collected by Dan from AoS Shorts.