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Ogor Mawtribes Army Guide & Review (Ogre Lore & Strategy)

This article will detail the Ogor Mawtribes army starting from its lore, describing the main units and their roles, how the army plays and finally our personal opinion of the army.

For a complete run-down of the different armies available in Age of Sigmar, consult our Age of Sigmar army overview article.

In this article we will refer often to Matched Play and other technical terms like allegiance abilities, command points, army roles in building a list, core battalions, Endless Spells/Invocations, etc. We assume the reader will be knowledgeable with those terms, otherwise please refer to the relevant guides for more details.

Age of Sigmar 4.0
This article has not been updated yet with the newest rules and discoveries from the fourth edition of Age of Sigmar. We will be reviewing all articles and updating them really soon.

Overview of Ogor Mawtribes Army

The Ogors are a race of ravenous humanoids for which to eat is literally to live. Constantly hungry and in search of the next meal, they consume anything they find including former allies. They venerate an aspect of Gorkamorka they call the Gulping God, to which the more they eat, the more they please him.

The Ogors are a range that was born in recent times from Warhammer Fantasy, and as such, many models are not ancient but still have some years on their back. Conceptually they are divided in two subgroups: the Gutbusters and their Gnoblars allies who make up the bulk of the Ogor forces, and the Beastclaw Raiders that represent those riding massive hulking beasts and a more winter theme.

The two subsets are much more integrated in the third edition battletome that they ever were. This book, indeed, introduces new tools to the army while maintaining the core of their gameplay: Always Be Charging!

Since the release of the new tome, Ogors’ participation on top tables of major tournaments increased and they are comfortably in a middle position of faction power. If you are searching for massive beasts leading the charge preceded by artillery barrage, then look no further!

Image from Warhammer Community

Lore of Ogor Mawtribes Army

The Ogor’s creation myth involves Gorkamorka, the god of all Destruction forces, known to them as the Gulping God. According to them, when Gorkamorka felt unsatisfied with eating beasts and other beings alike, he started to eat the Mortal Realms themselves, taking huge bites that would create valleys, canyons and other fissures, from which his saliva would form rivers and waterfalls and from where the first Ogors were born.

The Ogors believe that when feeding, they feed also their god and as such venerate the representation of a Great Maw as the symbol of insatiable hunger. Once they build their stronghold, they will consume anything in the area forcing them eventually to search new feeding grounds. Those eccentric circles start from their Glutthold and return back to it after devastating everything on their path. These wandering journeys are half pilgrimage, half raids, and form what is called a Mawpath.

Once the war party comes back home with food, it is cooked in giant cauldrons for the entire tribe to feast until is time again to repeat the cycle, this time further out, creating scorched land that if seen from the sky would look like a giant open maw with multiple lines of teeth.

Ogors are not particularly smart, but compensate with sheer violence and brutality. However, from time to time, other races can find an agreement and employ them as mercenaries and, until they can keep them fed with food and ale, obtain a formidable ally to bolster their defences.

When they cannot pay anymore, well, then they become the payment.

While the Mawpaths are more a tradition held by the Gutbusters, the main bulk of the Ogors, the alfrostun of the Beastclaw Raiders will accompany them occasionally. As opposite to their brethren, the Beastclaw are forced to be in constant movement, because, shall they linger too much in one place, the Everwinter would take them and freeze them to death.

No one knows how it was created, some say it’s a curse from Gorkamorka, some that it’s a curse they inflicted to themselves when they consumed the Black Winter, a curse that was ravaging Ghyran. Independently from the reason, it still follows them. Beastclaw Raiders then had to learn to communicate with other beasts and beings acquainted with snow and tundra, managing to ride powerful animals to war and as far as possible from the Everwinter.

With the rite of life completed by Alarielle, goddess of life, that caused Kragnos to escape from his eternal prison, all realms have been agitated, and Ghur, the Realm of Beasts, more than others. The giant fissures that are appearing everywhere are interpreted by the Ogors as a sign of the Gulping God being angry with them for not feeding enough. Various events led to this superstition sticking and prompting the Ogor Mawtribes to even greater feats of gluttony across all realms.

Image from Warhammer Community

Army rules for the Ogor Mawtribes

But how does an Ogor Mawtribes army play on a tabletop? First let’s go through their main rules.

Ogor sub-factions are called Mawtribes and they provide inspiration to further specialise your army:

  • Meatfist, the greatest of all Mawtribes with a fortress with walls made of boulders. +1 on the Trampling Charge roll for Gutbusters.
  • Bloodgullet, they prefer to eat uncooked food, when the blood is still warm. Butchers know (from the lore of Gutmagic) and can cast 1 extra spell per turn.
  • Underguts, pale-skinned inhabitants of Ulgu deepest caverns. Improve by 1 the missile rend of Leadbelchers and Ironblast.
  • Boulderhead, rebellious warriors rampaging on top of their giant winter beasts. Stonehorn and Thundertusk obtain 2 wounds more, and 3 mount traits can be chosen instead of 1.
  • Thunderbellies, renown fast raiders from Chamon empowered by storms. Mournfang Pack can run and charge.
  • Winterbite, hailing from the icy plains of Ghur, always engulfed in fog. -1 to hit rolls for missile attacks received wholly within your territory and some units are not visible outside of 12″.

No sub-faction unlocks new battlelines.

The main rule, Trampling Charge, affecting all Ogors (and Rhinox), sees them rolling as many dice as the result of their charge roll after charging and do damage for each 6+ to the engaged unit. They obtain +1 on the roll if the unit had 3 or more models, +2 if it is a monster and +1 in a Meatfist army. Meaning a monster in a Meatfist army does mortal wounds on a 3+.

Ogors also get +2″ movement when 3″ away from all enemies (hungry), or +2 bravery when engaged in combat (eating). They count as 2 models when contesting objectives, except Heroes that count 5 or Monsters that count 10.

Gutbuster Ogors allocate D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ to each engaged enemy unit at the end of the combat phase (Gulping Bite), while Beastclaw Raiders have a chance to do the same depending on the battle round, a dice roll and if enemies are already engaged in your hero phase (Grasp of the Everwinter).

In addition, Beastclaw Raider monsters have access to two specific monstrous rampages, discussed in the Monster section.

Ogors have a long list of enhancements, mostly divided between Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders. Starting from the command traits, a Tyrant could be assigned Killer Reputation to add an extra big name (more on the Tyrant section), while a Beastclaw Raider hero can become a Priest or, if already is, know all prayers from their scripture thanks to Touched by the Everwinter. A notable mention goes to Ex-mercenary, a command trait available to Gutbusters that unlocks Maneaters as battleline.

The list of artefacts of power is equally distributed with Gutbusters having access to the Gruesome Trophy Rack that gives +1 to hit to Gutbusters within 12″ targeting heroes or monsters, and Beastclaw Raiders having a less than enticing list with The Seat of Alvagr providing a once-per-game second monstrous rampage in the same phase (not already used). Worth mentioning Gutbusters have access also to Spatter-cleaver that can heal D3 wounds to all Ogors within 12″ as long as the artefact bearer selected weapon profile damages a unit in that combat phase.

Ogors have 2 spell lore and one prayer scripture, both discussed in more details in the Wizards and Priests section.

The final enhancement available to heroes mounting either a Thundertusk or a Stonehorn is the mount trait. Boulderhead sub-faction allows up to 3 such heroes to get a mount trait instead of 1. The list includes great favourites like Rockmane Elder (-1 to wound this unit) for Stonehorns and Rimefrost Hide (5+ ward) that makes the Thundertusk more similar to the Stonehorn.

Image from Warhammer Community

Units and their roles in the Ogor Mawtribes Army

Heroes in Ogor Mawtribes

Heroes can perform Heroic Actions, in addition to the other abilities they can perform. You do it in the hero phase and you can only do one heroic action. Here is the list:

  • Heroic Leadership: on a 4+ (or 2+ if your general has been slain) get a command point only that hero can use.
  • Heroic Willpower: one non-Wizard hero can attempt to dispel or unbind a spell for that phase like he was a wizard.
  • Their Finest Hour: can be used only once by each hero to improve save and wound rolls by 1 for that turn.
  • Heroic Recovery: a disengaged hero can heal D3 wounds if he rolls less or equal to his bravery with 2D6.

Heroes can perform Heroic Actions, in addition to the other abilities they can perform. You do it in the hero phase and you can only do one heroic action. Here is the list:

  • Heroic Leadership: on a 4+ (or 2+ if your general has been slain) get a command point only that hero can use.
  • Heroic Willpower: one non-Wizard hero can attempt to dispel or unbind a spell for that phase like he was a wizard.
  • Their Finest Hour: can be used only once by each hero to improve save and wound rolls by 1 for that turn.
  • Heroic Recovery: a disengaged hero can heal D3 wounds if he rolls less or equal to his bravery with 2D6.

As all Destruction armies, Ogors can enlist Kragnos as well. We have a dedicated guide to him.

The Tyrant is the leader of a warglutt and the most important will be crowned Overtyrant. It is one of the most recent sculpts and he is all about importance. Indeed he can choose one big name (or two with the command trait Killer Reputation), but the best ones are Deathcheater and Fateseeker to bring him to a 3+ save with 5+ ward for increased durability. This way he could be the bearer either of a Gruesome Trophy Rack to give all your Leadbelchers and Ironblaster +1 to hit against heroes, or a Spatter-Cleaver on his Thundermace for a good chance to heal all Ogors around him. As the Thundermace has rend -2 and mortal wounds on a 6 to hit, it is not so unlikely it will work.

Apart from this, it is not a super exciting addition to an Ogor army, unless you point mostly on Gutbusters.

The Bloodpelt Hunter is another recent model and represents the Gutbuster counterpart of the Icebrow. He has some decent shooting attacks and a move that can be performed in the enemy movement phase making him a bit tougher to pin down unless your opponent really commits to it.

From Warhammer Underworlds the Ogors got two different warbands. Blackpowder’s Buccaneers represent a Maneater and his crew. Funny enough, despite being a Leader, it can become battleline if the general uses the Ex-mercenary battle trait. Apart from this, each minion confers a buff that is lost when you choose to remove that minion instead of taking a wound.

Hrothgorn Mantrapper instead provides an alternative sculpt for the Icebrow Hunter we would recommend to use in place of the existing one. Unfortunately, there’s only one new Frost Sabre so you would need two of these new but retired kits to get a valid unit with an updated sculpt.

This massive kit can make well 6 different warscrolls! Here we are going to discuss the Frostlord that is the military leader of the army. Much of the profile is given by the mount but in general the Frostlord provides a +1 to charge bonus to all Beastclaw Raiders in range and a decent melee attack that can reduce by 1 the attack characteristic of an enemy hero or monster (on a 6 to wound).

The Stonehorn is a veritable beast, with 15 wounds, 3+ save and 5+ ward, making it hard to take down. In addition has a melee profile quite scary that gets even better when it charges. And remember that Ogors love to always charge. It can be further improved with mount traits.

The Thundertusk has similar resistance (a mount trait can provide it with a 5+ ward) but replaces the melee potential with a dubious shooting attack: at maximum power you roll 12 dice and for each 6+ (or 4+ if targeting 20 or more models) you allocate a mortal wound.

They are both monsters and behemoths and have a degrading damage table meaning that movement and attacks will worsen the more wounds they take. Generally speaking, the Frostlord on Stonehorn is the best option of the two in any list.

Hrothgorn, from the Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers warband

The Icebrow Hunter is another old model whose main utility is to be set in ambush together with a Frost Sabre unit. He can also buff their charge roll changing one of the dice to a 4, but then his presence on the battlefield strongly depends on that unit and, spoiler alert, neither is worth. Despite the 3 different shooting attacks (either the 6″ almost guaranteed mortal wounds, or 2 shots hoping for the best), it does too little and costs too much.

Wizards and Priests in Ogor Mawtribes

Ogor Wizards have 2 distinct spell lore. The Lore of Gutmagic is accessible to the Butcher and Slaughtermaster and it includes 4 great spells. If you need to cast more of them, the Bloodgullet sub-faction allows to record and cast a second spell from this lore to each Butcher (the Slaughtermaster is a type of Butcher). An example of a spell from this lore is Blubbergrub Stench that transforms all Rhinox within 18″ in monsters for the purpose of charging, contesting objectives and monstrous rampages.

The Firebelly instead has access to the Lore of the Sun-Eater with great options like Billowing Ash that gives a 12″ aura of -1 to hit (melee and missile) to all friendly units within.

The Slaughtermaster has the Butcher keyword, meaning any rule linked to that keyword, applies to him as well. He is a support wizard with a random roll in your hero phase that can do anything from damaging himself, to damage all enemy units within 6″.

His signature spell helps Ogors do more damage with their Gulping Bite ability (D6 mortal wounds on a 4+ at the end of the combat phase instead of a D3) and every time he casts successfully a spell, he heals.

The Butcher is the other wizard with access to the Lore of Gutmagic, yet another ancient kit. He is more offensive than the Slaughtermaster, with his signature spell capable of wiping out any unit as long as you keep rolling 4+.

The Firebelly is the only wizard with access to the Lore of the Sun-Eater. He has an 8″ fire breath attack (depends on the models in the enemy unit, up to 10), and his signature spell gives him a 5+ ward and a chance to do damage to any enemy unit he is engaged with. With a 5+ save you may not want him in combat that much, but he is the only one who can give the -1 to wound through Billowing Ashes.

The Huskards of the Beastclaw Raiders are the only Priests in the army with access to the Everwinter Prayers, with options like Keening Gale that provides an extra 3″ movement to a friendly monster or Mournfang Pack. The command trait Touched by Everwinter can transform any Beastclaw Raider hero in a priest or provide knowledge of all 3 prayers to an Huskard.

The Huskards are the priestly cast of the Ogors. As the Frostlords, they come mounted either on a Stonehorn or a Thundertusk, the main difference being the Stonehorn is a veritable beast with a 5+ ward and extremely damaging melee attacks, and the Thundertusk sacrifices some melee potential for a dubious shooting attack and a -1 to be hit in combat.

The Huskard itself has access to the Everwinter prayers but also to two extra ones: one for healing and one for improving wound characteristic by 1, both affecting only Beastclaw Raiders units.

They have also different weapon loadouts, but the most useful is the Blood Vulture for 1 mortal wound.

If you need a priest, both are valid options but the Huskard on Thundertusk is a bit cheaper.

Monsters in Ogor Mawtribes

Monsters can perform special abilities called Monstrous Rampages at the end of the Charge phase. Each action can be performed only once per phase therefore only up to 4 monsters can perform one at a time. Here is the current list:

  • Roar: on a 3+ an engaged enemy unit cannot issue or receive orders in the following combat phase.
  • Stomp: on a 2+ do D3 mortal wounds to an engaged unit that is not a monster.
  • Titanic Duel: + 1 to hit rolls against another engaged Monster.
  • Smash to Rubble: on a 3+ demolish a close-by terrain feature, disabling its scenery rules.

Ogor Mawtribes have quite the collection of Monsters in their roster, mostly coming from the same kit (the Thundertusk/Stonehorn). All of these have access to two extra monstrous rampages:

  • Unstoppable Charge: Only Stonehorn, if they charged in the same phase, they can move a further 3d6″ ending within 3″ of any other enemy unit and allocate D3 mortal wounds to each unit they passed across (as if they were flying).
  • Chill of the Everwinter: Only Thundertusk, if they charged in the same phase, on a 3+ each enemy unit within 1″ receives the strike-last effect.

We have already discussed the following monsters above: Frostlord on Stonehorn, Frostlord on Thundertusk, Huskard on Stonehorn, Huskard on Thundertusk. Below the remaining ones.

The final version coming from this kit, after the military leader, the Frosthorn, and the priest, the Huskard, is a simple monster unit that can become battleline if the general is a Beastclaw Raiders unit.

Either Beastrider is mounted on top of a Stonehorn (strong and resistant melee fighter) or a Thundertusk (less melee but adds shooting, no ward but adds -1 to hit), and that is their main difference.

The Beastiders themselves are equipped with a single ok shooting attack (check the FAQ) and poor melee attacks (no rend). Once again if you need to choose the loadout, go for the Vulture.

Both are subpar and expensive monsters with the Stonehorn Beastriders maybe worth a shot.

Battlelines in Ogor Mawtribes

The Ogor Gluttons are the only standard battleline and a great one at it! Being Ogors and Gutbusters, they can benefit from most battle traits and buffs available in this army, starting from counting double when contesting objectives.

Statistically the extra damage from the paired weapons is preferable to the Ironfist that gives a chance to do mortal wounds when saving. Apart from this, a minimum size unit packs 24 wounds, 25 attacks with rend and 2 damage and counts as 12 models when contesting, so it’s a great stat line for a battleline.

The last note goes to the 2 poor Gnoblars included in the sprue that now have to find their own unit to be usable. And good luck with that as you’ll need 20 at a minimum.

Conditional Battlelines in Ogor Mawtribes

The Ironguts become battleline if the general is a Gutbuster, most likely a Tyrant. They represent more elite Gluttons, that pack more damage and have a better save roll. Once per battle, they can fight twice in the same combat phase, the second time with strike-last effect applied.

In addition, if within 3″ of a Tyrant, on a 3+ they can take the wounds or mortal wounds destined to him. If you really need your Tyrant alive, apart from the big names that help in that front, you can add a unit of Ironguts as bodyguards.

The Leadbelchers also become battleline if the general is a Gutbuster. They are Gluttons, but armed with cannons as missile weapons. If they don’t move in the movement phase, their attacks become 2D3 instead of D3. This means that if you have other means to move them in other phases (teleport in the hero phase for example), you can still benefit from their advanced shooting.

You can also use a Gruesome Trophy Rack to increase their to hit value against heroes and monsters, but overall you have a good all-round unit appropriately costed.

Frost Sabre from Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers warband

The Frost Sabres can become battleline if the general is an Icebrow Hunter, already a dubious decision. It can be set up in reserve together with an Icebrow and cannot be targeted until is in cover. And there’s nothing much more to say about them, making the duo Icebrow/Frost Sabre not an interesting one to field.

Mournfang Pack and both Beastriders are battleline if the general is a Beastclaw Raiders. The Mournfang are an interesting unit that despite being minimum size 2 really shines when taken in groups of 4 or more (unlocking the musician for a +1 charge and the standard bearer for a +1 bravery).

They have 2 weapon choices, where the Gargant Hackers for theirs -2 rend and 3 damage are probably the best ones and in general they can provide some coverage in a Beastclaw Raiders army. They even have a dedicated sub-faction, the Thunderbellies, although not really popular, that gives them run and charge.

The Icefall Yhetees can become battleline if the general is on top of a Thundertusk, a weird decision as the best candidate would be the Huskard. They are useful to harass or pin down enemy units, attacking from the sides thanks to their 6″ pile in and the ability to run and charge if within 15″ of a Thundertusk.

With 6+ save and 6+ ward, do not expect them to last long although. so choose your fights carefully.

Other units in Ogor Mawtribes

Maneaters are technically a conditional battleline in case your Gutbuster general takes the command trait Ex-mercenary. It’s more for a fun theme, as they are a mix between Gluttons and a more shooty unit, but at the right price, they are not bad with their buff that is chosen after deployment and a command ability that can triple their weight when contesting objectives.

They don’t have the Gutbuster keyword.

Gorgers are another Ogor but not Gutbuster model. They sculpt is ancient, but luckily a new unit of them is coming out for Warcry. They are an interesting screening unit, able to prevent Inspiring Presence or Rally command abilities within 9″ while they are engaged, and they can be set up from reserve anywhere 9″ away from any enemy unit.

The Ironblaster is an Artillery piece and has the Rhinox keyword unlocking couple of tricks that can be further improved with the spell Blubbergrub Stench that transforms it into Monster with all advantages (counting 10 models when contesting objectives, damaging after charge on a 4+ and carrying monstrous rampages), but without obtaining the keyword that could allow some enemy actions (extra damage on monsters, etc.).

However, the real reason you take an Ironblaster is not to charge heads down in combat (although the Rhinox itself can do some damage) but because you want to shoot your enemies. And with 30″ range and 7″ movement (9″ if further than 3″ from any enemy unit), there’s really little of the battlefield that it cannot be covered. There are actually 2 different type of shots, the first being the long range one, the other affects a shorter distance but makes 10 shots!

The Gnoblar Scraplauncher is another artillery piece that can be assembled from the same kit as the Ironblaster. It has the same keywords as the Ironblaster and gets the same buffs. However, it is more of a horde-thinner that really needs big blobs of units to be efficient. Indeed, against the right unit, like one of Zombie, he can roll up to 20 shots! The presence of a unit of Gnoblars nearby helps in ensuring he is protected by immediate attacks and improves its to hit characteristic by 1.

The Gnoblars are diminutive Grots. You can find spare models in various kits, like the Gluttons, or take the old sprue and assemble them in units of 20. You don’t take them for their ability to do damage, but for screening (they are still 20 models so they can cover quite some area), maybe buffing a Scraplauncher and certainly to annoy enemy units allocating mortal wounds every time they complete a move nearby. That can be underestimated, but on a 4+ each unit moving, charging, piling-in within 6″ of a unit of Gnoblars receives D3 mortal wounds. Quite an efficient screening unit.

Endless Spells, Terrain and Start Collecting in a Ogor Mawtribes Army

Ogor Mawtribes don’t have endless spells but have a faction terrain: the Great Mawpot. This giant cauldron main use is to provide a D3 healing to every Ogor unit within 36″. Once this ability has been used, you need to slain any enemy model within 6″ to use it again. In addition, it provides a +1 to cast, dispel and unbind to any Ogor wizard within 1″.

Ogor Mawtribes lost their Start Collecting centred on the Beastclaw Raiders that was a wonderful set for fans of that theme, in order to get a more balanced Vanguard box. This one contains a Tyrant as the leader option, an artillery piece (can be assembled either as an Ironblast or as a Gnoblar Scraplauncher), a unit of 2 Mounrfang Riders, a unit of 4 Leadbelchers, a unit of 6 Gluttons and 4 spare Gnoblars.

It is an interesting first box, with a decent leader if you are interested in Gutbusters, the main battleline option, another one unlocked with the Tyrant as general, and a unit of Mournfang that really works best in units of 4 rather than 2. The spare Gnoblars are not enough to build a unit of 20, but should you buy 5 more boxes or collect them from other kits…

Tactics and Final Verdict on the Ogor Mawtribes Army

The Ogor Mawtribes are a classic Destruction faction, strongly oriented towards the combat phase with a bit of a twist. Through their shooting units and their potential damage on charge, they have ways to soften up the enemy’s resistance before engaging.

This makes them much more versatile and present in more game phases, although the charge remains their strongest moment. Being able to pull the right charges at the right time and be constantly free to move to the next target, is extremely important to them.

What they suffer are units that bog them down, preventing their main strategy and reducing their effectiveness. They also hate alpha-strike lists that come and pick them up in their own territory and while they have some tricks against shooting units (with ambushes and units untargetable while in cover), they still suffer heavy shooting armies.

Once you get past those obstacles, it remains an army that is fun to play and engaging for the opponent, with little negative play experience. Of course, it’s going to be a nightmare day for your adversary should he not be able to contain your charges.

Ogors also have some of the heaviest heroes in game point per value. The Frostlords, but also a buffed up Tyrant, are not impossible to pull down but it will take time and commitment. Meaning that the rest of your army will be free to score points on objectives. To achieve that, despite the heaviness of the core of the Mawtribes, there are some really interesting screening units that can protect your main units and grab early objectives. Things like the Gnoblars or the Gorgers, can really help redirecting other melee armies to softer targets protecting your Ogors that count more when contesting objectives.

You could even play a castle list with Ironblasters and Leadbelchers around a Tyrant with the Gruesome Trophy Rack to blast away softer opposition, but speed is not exactly the point of strength of the Gutbuster side, despite the 2″ extra movement when not engaged. For that you will need the mounted beasts of the Beastclaw Raiders and is here that the integration works much better in this third edition book that it ever did.

While technically the two sub-groups have still a distinct identity, the space dividing them is blurring more and more. The Everwinter mechanic is softening up and merging with the Gutbuster rules, while the core traits are associated to the Ogor keyword making it widely available to most units. You can still use only one of the two components if you prefer, but the mixed army is definitely much more doable now and probably more efficient.

The sub-faction are not all equally good, with Boulderhead strongly buffing Beastclaw heroes and Meatfist increasing the chances of damage on charge being the clear stand-outs. Overall there is a better internal balance with plenty of units useful but there are also some that are more efficient than others.

If you want to focus more on Gutbusters, then the Tyrant is the ideal choice, with Gluttons being a good battleline and Leadbelchers following right behind. The wizards, both the Slaughtermaster and the Butcher, have a great lore behind and can be used as supporting units. Even the Firebelly has a great spell available to further protect his companions. The Bloodpelt Hunter however feels a bit too lone wolf to really synergise with the army, although he has decent shooting attacks.

So if you need firepower, it could complement 1 or 2 Ironblaster, while Gnoblars and the Scraplauncher are more situational. Should you experience a meta in your area with big blobs of infantry units, the 20 shots of the Scraplauncher become really scary. Every other day an Ironblaster is better.

The Beastclaw are not too be underestimated although the Icebrow/Frost Sabre combo is weak and probably over-costed and the Yhetees and the Mournfang Pack are just ok, there’s plenty of action available.

The Stonehorn for once is extremely good in what it does and the ideal rider and leader of your army would be the Frostlord. If you need a Priest, mostly to use Curse, the universal prayer that provides extra mortal wounds on unmodified hit rolls of 6 (melee and missile), then the Huskard on Thundertusk has a better price and enough resilience. Mount traits help distinguish those heroes even further, explaining why Boulderhead is a so popular sub-faction.

In particular, do not misjudge the Stonehorn ability to jump over other units at the end of its charge through the monstrous rampage Unstoppable Charge. If your opponent leaves a gap big enough to fit the model, you can smash their most fragile units in the backlines. And the Thundertusk, despite its average melee and shooting attacks, can apply strike-last effect to anyone engaged with it through its own monstrous rampage.

The Great Mawpot is an optional extra: it provides a one-off healing since you can’t really control when to replenish it as the enemy army could avoid being in the 6″ bubble that would fill it up. As such, it is not an integral part of your strategy but a bit of healing is always welcome especially on multi-wound units.

There are really few units that we have not mentioned, as a testament of a well balanced tome with few synergies and a relatively easy play style, ideal also for beginners. Their current power level is exactly average, that is the sweet spot you would want most armies to fall in, with some match-ups a bit tougher (Soulblight, new Slaanesh) and some a bit softer.

A final note goes on the quality of the range. At the moment many models are close to 20 years old, with some that aged pretty bad, but the core of the army is still quite decent. They are unlikely to receive a range refresh anytime soon, but they could receive some additions like the new Gorger warband in Warcry. Overall, if you like the genre, they seem a safe investment.

Other resources

Some excellent information that we often use from articles like this one comes from YouTube channels like Warhammer Weekly with Vince Venturella, AoS Coach and of course The Honest Wargamer.

If you are interested in the competitive standpoint, when we talk about statistics, a tremendous effort is done by Rob from the Honest Wargamer, Ziggy and Tsports Network! in the AoS Stat Centre with precious information, constantly kept up to date.

Really good informative material is also collected by Dan from AoS Shorts.

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