If you saw a nice new model online and you are not sure when or if it was released, this list will include all releases published by Games Workshop in 2024. For the upcoming Age of Sigmar releases we have a separate article.
We will keep this page up to date so that you can use it as your single point of reference on what Age of Sigmar Things released in 2024.
Looking for older Age of Sigmar releases?
We hope you enjoy this list of Age of Sigmar past releases!

Age of Sigmar Recent Releases
13 January 2024

Daggok’s Stab-Ladz and Malevolent Masks
Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge expands with a Kruleboyz warband. This time are the Daggok’s Stab-Ladz to reach the frozen wasteland in search of champions to decapitate to take their treasures. At the same time it was released the Rival Pack Malevolent Masks.
27 January 2024

Individual box for Trugg, Ionus and Belthanos
Already released in Dawnbringers limited edition boxes last year, Trugg the Troggoth King, Ionus Cryptborn and Belthanos First Thorn of Kurnoth have been released in their own individual set.
10 February 2024

Dawnbringer Book 4
The next chapter of the Dawnbringer series introduced Ushoran, the Summer King, and the new range of miniatures for the Flesh-Eater Courts. In the book itself there are rules for the multiplayer format Triumph and Treachery.

The fourth book was accompanied, other than the Flesh-Eater release, also by Sekhar, the Fang of Nulahmia and her pet snake Ouboroth that is the avatar of a death god destroyed by Nagash. She was first introduced in a limited edition box with 10 Dire Wolves and 3 Fell bats heralding a new Army of Renown, but there were another 6 regiments of renown published with the Dawnbringer book.
Flesh-Eater Courts release

Ushoran, the Summer King himself was at the forefront of the Flesh-Eater Courts army. Imprisoned by Nagash for a crime committed, he spread his delusion to many mortals transforming them in his army. And now he is back!

Flesh-Eater Courts work exactly as every other civilized community so they need someone to administer justice within their territory. And none is more proficient than Grand Justice Gormayne, a great scholar.

And when the sentence is death, the Royal Decapitators execute it swiftly.

The Abhorrant Cardinals are spiritual leader blessed with divine power by Ushoran himself.
The Abhorrant Gorewarden, Varghulf Courtier, Marrowscroll Herald, Morbheg Knights and Cryptguard were finally released in their own individual box.
16 March 2024

Dawnbringers Book 5
The latest book to be released stars Krethusa, an adversary to Morathi, and Callis and Toll and their ragtag band of Saviours of Cinderfall.

Krethusa the Croneseer is a disciple of Morai-Heg, a goddess that was swallowed by Slaanesh during the end of the World-That-Was. She was ridiculed and mistreated for her beliefs until Morathi-Khaine reached the belly of Slaanesh and in the process to become a goddess she releases a sliver of Morai-Heg that transformed Krethusa giving her the wings and the ability to see the future. She has been first released in a regiment of renown box with 5 Doomfire Warlocks and 10 Witch Aelves/Sisters of Slaughter.

Saviours of Cinderfall
Callis and Toll are a famous duo protagonist of many stories and novels, starting from City of Secrets and continuing with the announced new novel from David Annandale. Their miniature release is in a box accompanied by Lord-Castellant Valius and his loyal Gryph-hound Balthas, Lyssa Revenya, a talented thief from Lethis and Mistress Verentia able to communicate with cats through a mysterious gauntlet.

Spearhead boxes and Warcry terrain
While fast approaching to the fourth edition of Age of Sigmar this summer, the Vanguard boxes are being replaced with the Spearhead boxes that should be a bit more balanced and contain enough content for a mini-game of AoS following the example of Warhammer 40K Combat Patrol boxes.
The first batch to be released includes:
- Cities of Sigmar that replaces the previous Anvilguard and Greywater Fastness Start Collecting. It contains a Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal, 1 Ironweld Great Cannon, 5 Freeguild Cavaliers and 10 Freeguild Steelhelms.
- Stormcast Eternals that replaces the previous Vanguard box. It contains the Thunderstrike Command (that was itself extracted by the Dominion box): Yndrasta, 1 Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis and 3 Annihilators (no choice of weapon) plus 1 Stormstrike Chariot and 10 Vanquishers.
- Flesh-eater Courts that replaces the previous “one-army-in-a-box” Start Collecting by including the latest miniatures. It contains an Abhorrant Archregent, 1 Varghulf Courtier, 3 Morbheg Knights and 10 Cryptguard.
At the same time, the Scales of Talaxis Warcry terrain box has been split in 3 different terrain boxes usable in all Warcry or Age of Sigmar games: the Elder Gnarloak, the Idol of Motzlpota and the Starfire Pylon.
23 March 2024

Zondara’s Gravebreakers, Rimelocked Relics and Rivals of the Mirrored City
The last warband for Deathgorge, Warhammer Underworlds 8th season, is a Death warband led by Zondara who became a necromancer to find a way to reverse the curse afflicting his lover transformed in beast. And Deathgorge seems to be a good place to visit to break a curse as any.
This release was accompanied by the Rivals Deck Rimelocked Relics focussed on digging out powerful artefacts and the Rivals of the Mirrored City box that contains 4 previously released warbands all with brand-new Rival Deck packs that closely match their playstyle: Zarbag’s Gitz, the Thorns of the Briar Queen, Mollog’s Mob, and Spiteclaw’s Swarm.
13 April 2024

Wintermaw Starter Set
The Wintermaw starter set will see the Brethren of the Bolt, fanatical followers of the Cult Unberogen struck by Sigmar’s lightning and hell-bent to worship Azyr’s divine energies at the cost of wearing a lightning rod as a hat, facing against the Skinnerkin, a group of Flesh-Eater Courts gourmands searching the Wintermaw for exotic meats.

20 April 2024

Pyre and Flood and re-releases for Warcry
The Pyre and Flood Warcry box pits the Ydrilan Riverblades against the Pyregheists. In the box there is also a shard of a magic statue fallen from the Eye of Chotec voidship that works as a terrain feature. At the same time, it was released as individual boxes the Wildercorps Hunters and Gorger Mawpack and two repackaged terrain sets from already seen scenery: Ruined Realmshaper and Ruined Spawning Pool.

The Pyregheists are a group of Nighthaunt that in life tried to preserve the souls of the deceased with sacred fire and in undeath they are tortured to keep alight the balefires with flesh and soul-matter. Nagash ordered the Gnarlwood to be razed to the ground and so the Pyregheists are sent deep within the cursed wood.

The Ydrilan Riverblades are the first Lumineth from the Temple of the River, tasked to restore the spirit of the river Derovar so that it can cleanse the site from the chaos corruption.
4 May 2024

Darkoath supplement to Slaves to Darkness
The Darkoath subfaction of Slaves to Darkness will receive a new Army Set and a supplement (available also as a free PDF) to introduce new rules to allow them to be played also as a separate entity. The army set will contain a Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed to lead them, a Wilderfiend that represents those champions of Chaos that broke an oath and earned the god’s ire, 5 Darkoath Fellriders ready to charge to battle on their steeds and 20 Darkoath Marauders to form the backbone of the army.

8 June 2024

Dawnbringers Book VI – Hounds of Chaos
The sixth book of the Dawnbringers, Hounds of Chaos, will conclude the saga and bridge to the new edition of Age of Sigmar with Chaos at the forefront of the action.

Gunnar Brand and his Oathbound
And to lead the Chaos releases, we have Gunnar Brand, the leader of his Oathbound. They first appeared in the episode “Monsters” from the Warhammer+ animated series Hammer and Bolter and now will have even his own novella called Darkoath and written by Chris Thursten.

Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen
From the cover of the last Dawnbringer book we have Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen, leader of the Swords of Chaos, the most important of Archaon’s Eight Circles of Varanguard, the elite of the elite. She will first be released in Abraxia’s Varanspear, a box containing her and 3 Varanguard.
Abraxia has risen to power from a mere Spyre Tyrant through sheer determination and caught the eye of Archaon that donated to her spear Gorbolga the Accurs’d that mutates anything it touches, including its wielder should they not be extremely concentrated.

Nexus Chaotica
The Nexus Chaotica is a brand-new terrain piece used by the Slaves to Darkness on important geomantic convergences to draw magical energies used to feed the daemons bound within.
Other re-packaged models
If the above was not enough, this is also the moment that all Darkoath models, previously available only in the Army Set, will be available individually, as well as Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia, a Soulblight vampire working for Neferata, and Krethusa the Croneseer, a Daughter of Khaine in opposition to Morathi worshipping Morai-Heg.
13 July 2024

Age of Sigmar 4.0 Skaventide
Skaventide is the launch box of the fourth edition, positioning Stormcast Eternals against Skaven. The box is jam-packed with things:
- 74 miniatures (50 Skaven and 24 Stormcast, see below)
- 272 pages of Core Book
- The General’s Handbook 2024-25 for the first time in Card format
- Spearhead: Fire and Jade book, that will provide all rules needed to play the 23 available boxes in Spearhead, the new quick format for Age of Sigmar (note that the individual rules will be also available online for free)
- 4 Terrain features and a double-sided game board to use the miniatures in the box to play Spearhead
Stormcast Eternals

The Lord-Vigilants are the commanders of the monasteries where the Ruination Chamber has been hidden until now and they ride to battle on top of Gryph-stalkers.

The Lord-Terminos are implacable warriors dispensing oblivion left and right.

The Lord-Veritant is accompanied by Gryph-crows in their hunt of enemy wizards and priests.

The Knight-Questor is a well known lone wolf hero tasked by Sigmar to complete specific and secret missions. This model is the latest of a long list of exclusive miniatures and previous iterations of the role.

The Reclusians are those Stormcast Eternals that are one step from losing completely their humanity, often accompanied to battle by mortal priests called Memorians, that try to keep their humanity anchored to the reality.

The Prosecutors, another iconic unit from the first Age of Sigmar box, got a brand-new sculpt that greatly highlights the aesthetic advancement in the Stormcast Eternals line.

The first miniature of the new edition to be revealed was the new version of the Liberator, the standard Stormcast Eternal melee fighter that first appeared in 2015 in the original Age of Sigmar Starter set. In the image below appears in the centre with the colours of the Hallowed Knights Stormhost next to the old Liberator (on the left) and the Vindicator (on the right) that already uses the new armour.


The Clawlords of Clans Verminus are able to acquire and ride Gnaw-beasts from Clans Moulder and weaponry from Clans Skyre.

The Grey Seer is another iconic model that received an uplift in the new edition. They are the natural wizards leading the Skaventide.

The Warlock Engineer new sculpt betrays a master sniper able to spot enemy Heroes in the midst of their troops and direct friendly Warplock Jezzails towards them.

Skaven never chickened out from creating extremely powerful (and volatile) heavy weaponry, and the Ratling Warpblaster represents the efficiency (or boldness) of Clans Skryre.

The Rat Ogors instead represent the peak of Clans Moulder ability in experimenting with mutations and the exemplars most intelligent are rewarded with Skryre weaponry.

The iconic Skaven Jezzails are also returning back into brand-new plastic with a gorgeous model and rules that can take down a Stormcast Eternal!

The older kit of the Skaven Clanrats has been retired, and the new one is know visible for the first time in all its glory.
20 July 2024
Age of Sigmar essentials
Few more accessories accompanied the fourth edition including: the Core Book, the General’s Handbook 24/25, Spearhead Fire and Jade gaming pack (containing all necessary cards, terrain and mat to play a game of Spearhead with a friend), Faction Packs in card format (available also for download digitally from the week of the 8th) ad dice pack dedicated to each Grand Alliance.
10 August 2024

Age of Sigmar 4th edition Starter Sets
Age of Sigmar 4th edition is in full swing and new starter set are required.
The Introductory Set contains 5 Stormcast Liberators and 20 Skaven Clanrats, together with paints, a starter brush, handbook, playmat and accessories.
The Starter Set contains from the Stormcast side a Lord-Veritant with Gryph-crow, 3 Prosecutors and 5 Liberators, while from the Skaven side a Grey Seer, a Warlock Engineer, 3 Rat Ogors and 20 Clanrats. No paints or brush, but the handbook and accessories allow to start playing soon after assembling the push-fit miniatures.
The Ultimate Starter Set adds to the Starter Set a Stormcast Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker and a Skaven Clawlord on Gnaw-beast, plus all the content of Fire and Jade content including some basic terrain.

Warcry Briar and Bone and new re-releases
The Briar and Bone is the last box set for this season of Warcry pitting the Teratic Cohorts against the Twistweald.
Ossiarch’s Teratic Cohorts are led by a Kavalos Centauri, the fusion between a Liege-Kavalos and his mount, that will be joined by the warped Mortek Cykloptians, Teratic Prowlers crafted from failed Mortek Guards and the winged Aviarch Harpies.
The Sylvaneth who have been infected by Gnarlwood parasites form a band of pariah sworn to find a cure called the Twistweald. At the helm there is Swarmsage, while the Twistroot Wardens ensure the Twistwood Revenants and Twistwood Dryads follow orders in battle.
At the same time, the Ydrilan Riverblades and the Pyregheists have been released separately with a new scenery set called the Idol of the Old Ones.
15 September 2024

Warhammer+ subscribers miniature Freeguild Marshal Ashfield
Marshal Ashfield and Squire Udo are the new Age of Sigmar choice for Warhammer+ subscribers, available to pre-order for free (for the subscribers) from the 15th of September. They represent a Freeguild Marshal from Cities of Sigmar with his symbolic assistant.
21 September 2024
New Skaven models

Vizzik Skour, the Prophet of the Horned Rat, is a Skaven daemon made manifest following Vermindoom, the current disaster affecting the Mortal Realms. As a Priest you can expect great feats from him, including driving fellow Skaven to a frenzy!

Krittok Foulblade is another named hero, a Clawlord wielding Doomfang, a sword which contains the trapped soul of a Verminlord. Thanks to it, Krittok is able to get Strike-first but then he can’t use any other command in that phase.

It’s never good news when Clans Skryre and Clans Moulder collaborate on something, and the Brood Terror is the last example of which crimes against nature they can accomplish together.

The Warlock Galvaneer is a new Skryre hero.
New Skaven miniatures of older sculpts

The elite infantry of Clans Verminus are composed by the Stormvermin, the most disciplined of Skaven soldiers. And this re-sculpt portrays all efficiency and cruelty typical of this kit.

The Master Moulder is the leader of Moulder packs, and this new sculpt it’s amazingly detailed.

The Clans Skryre are the one most blessed by the refreshed range and the new sculpts entering Skaven world. The Arch-Warlock is one of this re-sculpts representing the wizards able to empower the warpstone-powered Skryre machines.

One of the oldest kit in the game finally received a well deserved new kit, called Acolyte Globadiers. Previously the single miniature blister was sold so that the buyer wouldn’t new which model was buying off the various variants, a relic of old times.

The Warpspark Weapon Battery replaces the old Weapon Teams and seems to be a kit of 3 models, with weapons like the classic Ratling Guns and Warpfire Throwers, but also the new Warpvolt Scourgers.

The Warp-Grinder is another classic sculpt re-imagined, able to transport Skaven units directly in combat with the enemy.

And we conclude the list of new miniatures with another classic, now usable in pairs: the Doom-Flayers. Originally used as mining devices, their devastating potential was immediately apparent to Skaven military leaders.

Skaven battletome, accessories and repackaged models
Skaven are the first Age of Sigmar army to get a fourth edition battletome. The new battletome have a modified format compared to the one we were used in the previous edition and are accompanied by a limited Gamer’s edition that combines a soft-cover battletome with the reference cards.
Reference cards and dice set are available separately as well. Thanquol was repacked for some reason in this wave, as well as the old Warhammer Underworld warband Skabbik’s Plaguepack, now simply called Plaguepack and becoming a new Skaven unit.
12 October 2024

Twistweald and Teratic Cohort individual releases
The two warbands previously available in the Warcry: Briar and Bone set, the Twistweald and the Teratic Cohort, are now available as individual blisters.
19 October 2024

Warhammer Day miniature – Tzarketh
Tzarketh, Bane of Law is the Warhammer Day miniature limited edition for 2024. He can represent a Chaos Sorcerer Lord in both Age of Sigmar Slaves to Darkness and Old World Warrior of Chaos.
26 October 2024
New Stormcast Eternals release

The new edition of Age of Sigmar saw many new models for the Stormcast Eternals, including Tornus the Redeemed, a character with a long story tracking all the way to the Realmgate series previously corrupted by Nurgle and redeemed by the Celestant-Prime. This kit can alternatively be assembled as a Knight-Azyros.

Another centre-piece that accompanied the release is Iridan the Witness, the first who took a life of a companion ravaged by the Curse of Reforging preventing their reforging but giving them a so desired oblivion giving birth to the order of the Lord-Terminos.
The model can also be assembled as a Lord-Vigilant on Morrgryph.

The Lord-Celestant got a new miniature with multiple heads and weapon choices.

Another iconic model from the first release, the Lord-Relictor, got an updated sculpt. The first model to ever wear the mantle of the Lord-Relictor was Ionus Cryptborn that now has his very own model on top of a dragon.

The Stormstrike Palladors are a heavier cavalry than the Vanguard counterpart that allows them to join in the last minute the fray of battle to deliver the last blow.

Stormreach Portals are pre-fabricated structures that allow Stormcast Eternals to travel through a complex network all the way to the Sigmarabulum, Sigmar’s own seat of power.

Stormcast Eternals’ new battletome was accompanied by the usual gadgets, including a limited edition with cards and a set of dice. Few units from the Skaventide box have also being released in individual boxes: a new model representing the Lord-Terminos, a multi-part set of Reclusians with different weapon options, Prosecutors and Liberators (all available in single-pose in the Skaventide box and the Starter Sets).
It was also time to see a separate box for the Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Arcanum first released in Dominion 3 years ago and one for the Stormcoven, originally designed for Underworlds Wyrdhollow.

Skaven Ratling Warpblaster individual release
The Skaven Ratling Warpblaster is finally released in an individual box, as it is the Ravening Gnarloak from the Briar and Bone Warcry set.
16 November 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard
For the 10th season Warhammer Underworlds moves to Aqshy, specifically on the cave system below Embergard, the city just founded by the Dawnbringer Crusades and destroyed during Vermindoom.
This new game brings a complete re-tuning of the rules with new warband and fighter cards meaning that all previous cards are not valid anymore. The old warband are able to use 4 new rival decks present in the Core box for this edition, Embergard, called Blazing Assault, Emberstone Sentinels, Pillage & Plunder and Countdown to Cataclysm which will each fit a specific warband’s type of playstyle now officially named as Strike, Take & Hold, Flex and Mastery.
Embergard will also contain a single board instead of two and two new warbands: the Stormcast Eternals of The Emberwatch and the Skaven Zikkit’s Tunnelpack. This core box is expected to last the entire edition, so no more starter sets every 6 months. 16 previous warbands will be repacked with the new cards and all others will be available free digitally.

29 November 2024
Christmas battleforces
The following boxes are the Christmas battleforces which were available in 2024 for Age of Sigmar, all meant to complement the current Spearhead box available for their faction.

Cities of Sigmar’s Founding Foray contains a Freeguild Marshal with Relic Envoy, the Freeguild Command Corps, a Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk, 10 Freeguild Fusiliers, 5 Freeguild Cavaliers and an Ironweld Great Cannon.

Flesh-eater Courts’ Charnelgrand Jury focusses on Grand Justice Gormayne himself, leading 10 Cryptguard, 6 Morbheg Knights (2 units or 1 reinforced) and 6 more models that can be assembled as Crypt Horrors or Crypt Flayers to make two different units or a reinforced one.

The Ironjawz’ Wrekkamob focusses on the latest release for this Orruk Warclan. A Tuskboss on Maw-grunta (which can also be assembled as a Maw-grunta with Hakkin’ Krew or a Maw-grunta Gouger) leads 20 Ardboys and 6 brutes which can be assembled as Weirbrute Wrekkaz or Brute Ragerz to make two different units or a reinforced one.

Finally Maggotkin of Nurgle’s Shudderblight Cyst showcases the Harbinger of Decay latest model at the head of 10 Rotmire Creed, 5 Putrid Blightkings and 4 Pusgoyle Blightlords which can also be built as a Lord of Afflictions.
7 December 2024
Slaves to Darkness

Slaves to Darkness was the third faction to receive a battletome in the fourth edition. It contained an army of renown that allows to field Be’lakor’s Legion of the First Prince accompanied by some daemons and a regiment of renown that allows a Daemon Prince to be used in any Chaos God army. The release was accompanied by the usual dice set, warscroll cards and a special edition battletome with the warscroll cards.

Aside from the Warhammer Day limited edition Tzarketh, another Chaos Sorcerer Lord model joined the fray with 2 swap options for both his head and the head of his staff.

The Darkoath received some attention in this edition and a new Spearhead box allows to play just them. The Darkoath Raiders contains a Darkoath Warqueen as the general, 10 Darkoath Marauders, 10 Darkoath Savagers and 5 Darkoath Fellriders.
Warhammer Underworlds: Warbands of Embergard

16 warbands returned to Embergard with brand-new cards legal for the new season. They have been split in four boxes, one for each Grand Alliance:
- Heroes and Hunters, containing Hexbane’s Hunters (Cities of Sigmar), Myari’s Purifiers (Lumineth Realm-lords), Thundriks’ Profiteers (Kharadron Overlords) and Ylthari’s Guardians (Sylvaneth).
- Despoilers and Daemons, containing Khagra’s Ravagers (Slaves to Darkness), Ephilim’s Pandaemonium (Tzeentch), the Dread Pageant (Slaanesh), Gorechosen of Dromm (Khorne).
- Revenants of the Realm, containing Headmen’s Curse (Nighthaunt), the Crimson Court (Soulblight Gravelords), Kainan’s Reapers (Ossiarch Bonereapers) and the Grymwatch (Flesh-eater Courts).
- Brutes and Bandits, containing Grinkrak’s Looncourt (Gloomspite Gitz), Blackpowder’s Buccaneers (Ogor Mawtribes), Da Kunnin’ Krew (Kruleboyz) and Morgok’s Krushas (Ironjawz).
But for those who already have their miniatures, a separate box containing only the cards has been released with the name Warbands of Embergard. Few more warbands received their own digital cards, and all remaining warbands are grouped together under the umbrella of 2 interchangeable set of rules for each Grand Alliance (available in the Download section of WarCom).
On top of that, and the two new warbands displayed below, Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard concluded 2024 with two new rival deck sets: Wrack and Ruin (Mastery deck) and Reckless Fury (Strike deck).

Warhammer Underworlds: The Jaws of Itzl
The Jaws of Itzl is a Seraphon Warhammer Underworlds warband ready to take Embergard.

Warhammer Underworlds: Grandfather’s Gardeners
The Grandfather’s Gardeners is a Nurgle Warhammer Underworlds warband coming to plague Embergard.