This is an article in a series where we do an overview of all Warcry Warbands for a Grand Alliance and exactly what fighter can be taken in each warband. This article is the warcry warbands for Order.
You can find the Warcry Warband overview for Chaos here and the Warband overview for Death & Destruction here.
If you are interested in the Bladeborn warbands, you can find our guide here.
We have many articles dedicated to Warcry that you can find at this link.
Order Warbands
Warband Name | Warband Box | StG Box | Guide for Warband | |
Cities of Sigmar Castelite Hosts | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Cities of Sigmar Darkling Covens | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Cities of Sigmar Dispossessed | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Daughters of Khaine | ![]() | ![]() | Go to Guide | |
Fyreslayers | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Idoneth Deepkin | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Khainite Shadowstalkers | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Kharadron Overlords | ![]() | ![]() | Go to Guide | |
Lumineth Realm-lords | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Seraphon | Go to Guide | |||
Stormcast Eternals Sacrosanct Chamber | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Chamber | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Thunderstrike Stormcast | ![]() | ![]() | Go to Guide | |
Sylvaneth | ![]() | ![]() | Go to Guide | |
Hunters of Huanchi | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Questor Soulsworn | ![]() | ![]() | Go to Guide | |
Wildercorps Hunters | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Vulkyn Flameseekers | ![]() | Go to Guide | ||
Stormcast Ruination Chamber | ![]() | |||
Ydrilan Riverblades | ![]() | |||
Twistweald | ![]() |

Cities of Sigmar Castelite Hosts
Cities of Sigmar Shieldbands, and their division in 7 different cities with abilities and reactions, has been completely changed with the launch of the updated range for the Age of Sigmar army. The rules are available from Warhammer Community website under the Warcry FAQ section and in White Dwarf 495.
The warband, that had a whopping 60+ fighter profiles has seen many profiles being removed with some new additions, but more importantly, has been split in 3 distinct warbands, one for each major race populating the cities: the Humans of the Castelite Hosts, the aelves of the Darkling Covens and the Dispossessed Duardin.
The Castelite Hosts warband is made of 22 different fighters, of which 13 are leaders.

The Freeguild Marshal is the main foot hero of this army and comes with 2 different profiles, each with his own ability but they all start with 20 wounds and 4″ movement (the warband average).
- The Freeguild Marshal with Duelling Pistols is the only one with a ranged profile, up to 7″ for 2/4 damage at Strength 4. In melee he is even weaker with 1/3 damage so the main discriminant would be made by his ability that for a Triple adds +1 damage to critical hits of ranged attacks of nearby Fusiliers.
- The Freeguild Marshal with Shield increases Toughness to 5 and has a more balanced melee profile with 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. His ability is the same one of the Steelhelm’s leader: for a Double it increases the Toughness of friendly Castelite fighters within 3″ by 2.
- The Freeguild Marshal with Heirloom Weapon is the heaviest hitter of the bunch, with less attacks (3) but greater Strength and damage (5 and 3/5). His ability is also the most interesting adding +1 to melee attacks of friendly fighters within 6″ for the mere cost of a Double.
The Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal is the same profile, but more expensive, more wounds, Mounted and with 9″ movement. He builds up from the Marshal with Shield, with the same Toughness but more Strength (5) and damage on critical hit.
The Freeguild Command Corps could have been easily a Warcry warband on its own has they have one leader and many support guys that may be useful in various circumstances.
- The Arch-Knight is the leader with access to the same Double that adds +1 melee attacks as the Marshal with Heirloom Weapon. As such the two should be compared and the Arch-Knight for a cheaper price loses damage (2/4) and 5 wounds (15).
- The Whisperblade is the assassin with low Strength pointing all to their critical hits for 5 damage! They are cheap, but with Toughness 3 also easily dispatched. Their ability is the first of this kind: for a Quad you roll 3 dice and for each 4+ you remove a wild dice from the opponent’s pool.
- The Great Herald has a similar profile as the Arch-Knight but with Strength 4. His ability for a Triple, allows all friendly Castelite within 6″ a bonus move, but they have to end closer to the Herald.
- The War Surgeon is your doctor, able for a Double to remove D6 damage from a friendly fighter within 3″. This brings him dangerously close to the front line considering it has a Steelhelm melee attack but also 12 wounds on Toughness 3.
- The Soul Shepherd instead has five 7″ ranged attacks that basically do 1 damage on a 5 or 6 but the reason you take him is his ability to modify the wild dice. For a Triple, you roll as many dice as the number of your Castelite fighters being taken down or injured, and for each 4+ you get an extra wild dice.
- The Mascot Gargoylian is what the name says: the cheapest fighter in the warband with the same attacks as a Steelhelm (3 at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage) but less Toughness (3). And he is a Beast.
The Alchemite Warforger is an extremely cool wizard using Chamon magic (Metal) and as all wizards he has a 3-7″ ranged attack that can really hurt (3/6 damage) but luckily has low Strength (3). In melee he also defends himself with 2/3 damage still at Strength 3 while Toughness 4 with 18 wounds should let him survive long enough.
The Battlemage has the same ranged profile as the Warforger but in melee adds a 2″ range weapon that provides him a bit of safety net considering the low Toughness (3). But the reason you take him is his Quad, that gives +1 attack to every Castelite fighter within 6″.
The Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk is a veritable moving fortress and almost the most expensive fighter in the warband. 35 wounds with Toughness 6 means it will not go down that easily, and the 4″ movement with 24″ range weapon mean that he can cover quite a bit of terrain. While the ranged attack has “only” 2 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, in melee it can be disastrous with 3 attacks at Strength 6 for 3/4 damage.
The Flagellants are simple light infantry with low Toughness (3) but more attacks than their armoured counterpart for a similar price, but no other ability. The basic Flagellant has 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage, while their leader option, the Prophet, does 2/4 damage and has 5 wounds more.
The cavalry of this warband has 9″ movement, Toughness 5 and high wounds. The Freeguild Cavalier has 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, while their leader option, the Freeguild Cavalier Arch-Knight has 1 extra damage on critical hits, 4 wounds and the same ability as the Cavalier-Marshal.
The Freeguild Fusiliers represent your shooting line, that thanks to their pavise (the huge shield in front of them) reach Toughness 5 and they are not even hindered in the movement maintaining 4″. They are expensive but worth as they have two 6-15″ ranged attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. Apart being a leader the Fusil-Sergeant has 1 more melee attack and 2 more wounds.
The Freeguild Steelhelm represent the base infantry, and as such they behave, with 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage and Toughness 4, plus the ability to increase companions’ Toughness. The Sergeant-At-Arms is the main leader of this unit with 1 extra attack and damage on normal hit (2/3) while the Battle Priest is another leader option available to the warband, with no ability and 1 extra Strength.

Abilities for the Castelite Hosts Warband
- For Sigmar, Charge! (Double, Cavalier Marshal and Cavalier Arch-Knight): Activate another Cavalier within 6″ that has not yet been activated this round and activate him immediately after.
- Castelite Formation (Double, Marshal with Shield, Sergeant-At-Arms): Increase by 2 the Toughness of all friendly fighters within 3″.
- Rousing Speech (Double, Marshal with Heirloom Weapon and Command Corps Arch Knight): Add 1 the melee attack characteristic of friendly fighters within 6″.
- You Won’t Even Miss It (Double, War Surgeon): Heal D6 damage from a friendly fighter within 3″.
- Take Aim! (Triple, Marshal with Duelling Pistols and Fusilier-Sergeant): Add 1 to the damage on critical hits for ranged attacks from any Fusilier or Marshal with Pistols within 6″.
- To Me, Warriors! (Triple, Great Herald): Every friendly fighter within 6″ can make a bonus move action that must end closer to this fighter.
- Tune of the Corpus Somni (Triple, Soul Shepherd): Roll a dice for each wounded or killed friendly Castelite and for each 4+ add a wild dice to your pool.
- Blazing Weapons (Triple, Alchemite Warforger): Add 2 to the damage of critical hits from the next melee attack action of a friendly fighter within 6″.
- Sinister Spymaster (Quad, Whisperblade): Roll 3 dice and for each 4+ your opponent must discard one of their saved wild dice.
- For the Dawn! (Quad, Everyone except leaders): Add 2 to movement and attack characteristic.
- Enchant Weapons (Quad, Battlemage): Add 1 to the attacks of friendly fighters within 6″.
Reaction for the Castelite Hosts Warband
Castelite Wall (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy attack action but before hit rolls if within 3″ of another friendly fighter with the Bulwark or Elite runemark.
- What: If the close-by fighter has the Bulwark runemark increase the Toughness of the reacting fighter by 1. If it has the Elite runemark, for each miss allocate 2 damage to the attacking character. If it has both, apply both effects.
Note: Bulwark runemark is associated to fighters with shields (Marshal with Shield, all Steelhelm, Fusil-Major), while Elite runemark to fighters with firearms (Marshal with Pistols, all Fusiliers, Fusil-Major).
Battle Trait for all Cities of Sigmar Warbands
Dawnbringer Zealots: At the end of each battle round, can heal a single fighter 3 damage or 4 if within 3″ of an objective, carrying a treasure or within 1″ of an obstacle.

Pros and Cons of the Castelite Hosts Warband
+ Many abilities spread across single fighters
+ Balanced profiles
+ Strong ranged options and high movement
– As a new Age of Sigmar army, it can be expensive moneywise
– No heavy hitters
Guide for Cities of Sigmar Castelite Hosts
Cities of Sigmar Darkling Covens
The Darkling Covens warband is made of 19 different fighters, of which 10 are the leaders.

The Sorceress is the main leader of a Darkling Coven, maintaining her leadership role with a mixture of mind control, power and charisma. She is a wizard, so equipped with the usual 3-7″ attack for 3/6 damage at Strength 3 but with low Toughness (3). Her melee attack, however, has 2″ range and allows to keep some distance even in close quarters.
The Black Ark Fleetmaster shares the same low Toughness (3) and high movement (5″) with most of the warband but provides a great attack profile with 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. His main ability works only on the first battle round where, for a Double, his profile is buffed to 7″ Movement and 5 attacks for the entire round.
Unfortunately the Assassin does not have any cool ability but he adds 1″ Movement and 2 attack to the Black Ark Fleetmaster making him even more dangerous all game around.
The Lordling is the leader option of both the Dreadspear and the Bleaksword, all of them sharing Toughness 4. With a decent attack profile (2/4 damage but at Strength 3) is not a bad fighter, but not an exciting leader hero. The Bleaksword has the most balanced profile with 3 attacks for 1/3 damage, while the Dreadspear increases its range to 2″ and damage on critical hit to 4, at the cost of 1 attack less. Both are the cheapest unit in the army, so a great list filler.
The Executioners are the more elite infantry unit with 4 attacks at 2/4 damage and one of the highest Toughness in this warband (4). The Draich Master is their leader option with Strength increased to 4.
The Darkshards are the basic shooting unit, with crossbows that can reach 12″ range for 1/3 damage at Strength 3. Their melee attack is nothing noteworthy, but the missile attacks make them worth considering. The Guardmaster is the leader option, with 1 extra attack (3, both ranged and melee), more wounds (but same Toughness 3), and an extra damage on critical hit in melee.
The Black Guard are the defensive infantry line with Toughness 4 and a 2″ range melee weapon that allows to attack without being engaged. They have the same attack profile of the Executioner, except 1 attack less. Their leader option, the Captain of the Black Guard, has less Strength (3) than the Draich Master, but his 2″ range weapon makes him a valid alternative as a leader.
The Drakespawn Knights are the heavy cavalry, with 20 wounds, Toughness 5 and 8″ movement. They have the same 2″ melee range than the Black Guard but more attacks (4 at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage) making them an excellent addition to any army. The Dread Knight is their leader option and has only 1″ range melee weapon, but with 5 attacks.
The Dark Riders represent instead the light cavalry, with high wounds but Toughness going back to 4. They add a 12″ range shooting attack for 1/3 damage that classifies them as skirmishers, although their best damage is in their 2″ melee attacks (4 at Strength 3 for 1/4 damage). Their leader option, the Dark Rider Herald has 1 more shooting attack (3) and a bit more damage in melee (2/4).
The Black Ark Corsairs have the same Double that adds +2″ to the movement and +1 melee attack, but can be used only on the first battle round, Toughness 3 and 5″ movement, but 3 different weapon profiles:
- The Black Ark Corsair with Vicious Blade and Wicked Cutlass is the basic infantry profile with 4 attacks for 1/3 damage.
- The Black Ark Corsair with Vicious Blade and Repeater Handbow loses 1 melee attack to add an 8″ range missile profile for 1/2 damage at Strength 3 that can be useful if you have many of them.
- The Black Ark Reaver, however, is their leader option, with 2/4 damage compared to the melee Corsair but also 1 Strength and 6 wounds less than a Fleetmaster.

Abilities for the Darkling Covens Warband
- Merciless Raiders (Double, all Black Ark fighters, including Fleetmaster, Reaver and Corsairs): Add +2″ to the movement and +1 to the melee attacks, but only on the first round.
- Executioner’s Strike (Double, Draich Master and Executioner): Add up to +3 to the damage on critical hits from melee attacks.
- Swift Disengage (Double, Dark Rider): Perform a bonus disengage action.
- Steel and Sorcery (Double, Captain of the Black Guard and Black Guard): Subtract 2 (to a minimum of 1) from damage received while within 3″ of a Sorceress.
- Form Shieldwall (Double, Lordling): +2 Toughness to close-by Dreadspear or Bleaksword fighters.
- Cavalry Charge (Triple, Dread Knight and Drakespawn Knight): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
- Volley of Shots (Triple, Guardmaster, Darkshard, Dark Rider Herald): Up to +3 attacks to the next missile attack action (Dark Rider Herald probably an error).
- Vitriolic Spray (Quad, Sorceress): Up to 18 damage to a close-by enemy fighter and halves his Toughness until the end of the battle round.
Reaction for the Darkling Covens Warband
Cut-throat Strike (Everyone)
- When: a visible enemy within 1″ declares a disengage action.
- What: On a roll of 3+ allocate D6 damage to that enemy fighter.
Battle Trait for all Cities of Sigmar Warbands
Dawnbringer Zealots: At the end of each battle round, can heal a single fighter 3 damage or 4 if within 3″ of an objective, carrying a treasure or within 1″ of an obstacle.

Pros and Cons of the Darkling Covens Warband
+ Good fighter profiles variety
– Low Toughness and Strength
– Banal abilities
Guide for Cities of Sigmar Darkling Covens
Cities of Sigmar Darkling Covens
The Dispossessed warband is made of 14 different fighters, of which 7 are leaders.

Every Dispossessed throng is led by a Warden King. His base stats introduce the overall feeling of the warband with high Toughness (5 for him, but the rest of the warband never goes below 4), high wounds (22), low movement (3″, the same across all duardin on foot) and attacks like a blacksmith hammering in his forge (4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage).
The Runelord is the master smith of the warband specialised in runes. His ability allows to increase up to 3 (half the ability’s value rounded up) the Strength of melee attacks of a targeted fighter within 9″. Apart from that, the Runelord is still a valid fighter with 3 attacks for 2/4 damage and Toughness 4.
The Cogsmith‘s ability can increase his ranged attacks to Strength 7 (up to +3, half the ability’s value). It costs a Triple, but is valid until the end of the activation so he can shoot twice and with 12″ range and 2/4 damage, he can remove some chaff. He is equally dangerous in melee with 1 attack more than the ranged profile (3).
The Hammerer is the basic fighter profile, but also your heavy hitter with 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage and Toughness 4. The Keeper of the Gate is the leader option and he is a good one, with the same attack profile of a Warden King but less Toughness (4) and wounds (16) for a cheaper profile.
The Longbeard is the other basic infantry profile with two different loadouts and a leader option, plus a great ability that for a Double increases the Strength of any other Dispossessed fighter within 6″ by 1:
- The Longbeard with Ancestral Great Axe is the most balanced with the same attacks as a Hammerer but less damage on critical hits (2/4).
- The Longbeard with Ancestral Weapon and Gromril Shield loses 1 in Strength to add 1 in Toughness (5).
- The Old Guard with Ancestral Weapon and Gromril Shield is the leader option that adds an extra attack to the Longbeard profile with the same loadout.
The Ironbreaker represents the heavy armoured infantry with Toughness 5 but weak attacks (3 at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage). They are the cheapest option available in the warband. The Ironbeard with Drakefire Pistol and Cinderblast Bomb is their leader option but with a quite different profile. To start with, he has the same attack but with 8″ range (no minimum range), plus an extra ranged attack at 3-5″ range for 2/4 damage at Strength 4.
The Irondrake is the shooting fighter, with 12″ range for 1/4 damage at Strength 3. In melee they are less scary with 1/2 damage but they are overall cheap to be a missile unit. The Ironwarden with Grudgehammer Torpedo is their leader option, with 15″ range, Strength 5 and 2/5 damage, making him a much scarier shooting profile. In melee he hits as an Ironbreaker, but if you take him is to keep him out of harm way.
The duardin helicopters represent the fastest unit in the warband, with the plus that they can also fly. The Gyrobomber has 10″ movement but 15″ range for 3 attacks at Strength 4 and 1/3 damage, with a melee profile also quite interesting with Strength 5 and 2/4 damage. The Gyrocopter is lighter with 12″ movement and range but one less melee and ranged attack (2) and Strength in melee (4). He is also cheaper and useful to compensate the overall duardin slowness.

Abilities for the Dispossessed Warband
- Grim Last Stand (Double, Everyone): Subtract 1 (to a minimum of 1) from the damage received by friendly Dispossessed fighters within 3″ that did not move.
- Over My Dead Body (Double, Everyone): For this battle round this fighter counts as 3 when checking who controls an objective.
- Back In My Day… (Double, Old Guard and both Longbeards): Add +1 Strength to other Dispossessed fighters within 6″.
- Kingsguard (Double, Keeper of the Gate and Hammerer): Add +1″ movement, in addition if within 1″ of a Dispossessed Hero, +1 attack.
- Stand Together (Double, Ironbeard and Ironbreaker): Another Ironbeard or Ironbreaker can perform 2 bonus move action but they must finish within 1″ of this fighter and they can’t move for the rest of the battle round.
- Forgefire (Double, Runelord): Add up to +3 to the Strength of melee attacks of a fighter within 9″.
- Raking Fire (Triple, Cogsmith): Add up to +3 to the Strength of ranged attacks of this fighter.
- Flesh-melting Torrent (Triple, Ironwarden and Irondrake): Subtract -3 to the Toughness of an enemy within 6″ (to a minimum of 1).
- Fearless Leader (Quad, Warden King): Every Dispossessed within 6″ can make a bonus move action.
Reaction for the Dispossessed Warband
Grudgebearers (Everyone)
- When: A fighter is taken down by a melee attack action.
- What: Another friendly fighter makes a bonus move or attack action.
Battle Trait for all Cities of Sigmar Warbands
Dawnbringer Zealots: At the end of each battle round, can heal a single fighter 3 damage or 4 if within 3″ of an objective, carrying a treasure or within 1″ of an obstacle.

Pros and Cons of the Dispossessed Warband
+ Good fighter profiles variety
– Low Toughness and Strength
– Banal abilities
Guide for Cities of Sigmar Dispossessed

Daughters of Khaine
Daughters of Khaine is one of the legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.
Morathi is a newly self-made goddess, taking advantage of the cult of followers of Khaine, the old Elven divinity now deceased, she created. Her “daughters” still believe one day they will be able to resurrect Khaine, while instead they execute the machinations and plots of Morathi.
They have 21 fighters of which 12 are leaders.

The Bloodwrack Medusa is an interesting leader option with the highest Wound characteristic of the warband (35), Toughness 4 (top average of the warband) and 7″ Movement (in par with the other Melusai). She can attack from 2″ range avoiding immediate retaliation and furthermore, she can prevent move or disengage movement with the ability Bloodwrack Stare.
The Hag Queen is a good support Leader thanks to Witchbrew that allows her to increase the Strength of a nearby fighter. In melee with Strength 4 and 2/4 damage she is on par with most other Bloodkindred but she is also quite fragile with Toughness 3 and 18 Wound.
The Slaughter Queen is another support Hero since her Toughness 3 and 18 Wounds will not let her survive long. She can increase the damage of critical hits in melee, that combined with other abilities like Bathe in Blood that adds an extra attack and Strength, becomes formidable.
The Melusai Ironscale is the most expensive leader of the Bloodkindred with 28 Wounds (surpassed only by the Medusa), Toughness 4, Movement 7″ and 2 weapon profiles. In melee she has 2″ range with 5 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage and at 7″ range she has only 2 attacks at Strength 3 but for 3/6 damage.
The High Gladiatrix has one of the strongest attacking profiles of the warband, with 5 attacks for 2/5 damage at 2″ range. The range in particular gives her extra survivability to avoid immediate retaliation, especially considering her 20 wounds on Toughness 3.
All Blood Sisters, as well as the Melusai Ironscale, are able to Turn to Crystal an enemy for some random damage. The Gorgai is the leader of the Blood Sisters and she is quite resilient with 25 wounds and toughness 4 but as all Daughters what she excels in is the ability to do damage: 6 Attacks at Strength 4, 2” range and damage 2/4. The Blood Sister lowers a bit her weapon profile but keeps the constant: lots of attacks with high damage on critical: 5 Attacks for 1/4 damage.
The Blood Stalkers are the ranged version of the Melusai. Their trademark ability is Heartseekers that adds some extra damage in case a critical hit is scored. With only 3 attacks on the Krone, the Leader, it becomes a gamble if the ability will do something or not. Independently from this ability, they have a range of 3-20” with damage 2/5 (or 1/5 for the Blood Stalkers) perfect for striking the enemies from afar.
The Khinerai Heartrender is the harpy version armed with Javelins, allowing to hit at 8” range that, coupled with 12” flying movement, is perfect to cover any spot. They are more fragile than the Melusai, having less wounds (only 15 wounds for the Shryke and 10 for the Heartrender) but same Toughness of 4. Their ability allows first a bonus move and then a bonus attack. Their Leader is the Shryke.
The Khinerai Lifetaker is the melee focused version of the harpies, armed with a sickle. They have the same special ability as the other Khinerai, a flying movement of 12” and Toughness of 4, while increasing the number of attacks. Their Leader is the Harridynn, who gets 5 attacks (4 for the Lifetaker) at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage (1/4) but being at short range, she can increase both with the different Daughters abilities.
The Witch Aelves have different profiles:
- The leader of the Witch Aelves is the Hag, armed with 2 sacrificial knives or Sciansá. She is the cheapest leader and extremely fragile with Toughness 3 and 12 wounds.
- The one with Paired Sciansá has 4 attacks at Strength 3 that can become 5 attacks per action at Strength 4 if within 3” of an injured enemy (using Bathe in Blood).
- The one with Sciansá and Bladed Buckler trades one attack (3) for higher Toughness (4).
The Sisters of Slaughter also have different profiles:
- The Leader version is the Handmaiden that is probably not worth her cost.
- The Kruiplash and Sacrificial Knife has one extra attack on Strength 3 and damage 1/4.
- The Kruiplash and Bladed Buckler provides extra Toughness (4) maintaining same Strength and damage as the other sister.
The Doomfire Warlocks are the only mounted unit of the Bloodkindred (and the only males) with 10″ Movement but the limitations of those units (no climbing, passing through doors, etc.). On the other side they introduce a ranged attack of 10″ in between the Stalkers and the Heartrenders but weaker than both (2 Attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage). Like their Leader, the Master of Warlocks, they can do some damage at distance with their ability Doomfire Bolt. Apart from that, they suffer from being the classic hybrid unit overpriced.

Abilities for the Daughters of Khaine Warband
- Bathe in Blood (Double, Everyone): If within 3” of a visible injured fighter, add 1 to Attack and Strength characteristic of this fighter.
- Turned to Crystal (Double, all Blood Sisters and Melusai Ironscale): Pick an enemy fighter in range and allocate some damage depending on 2 dice rolls (up to 12).
- Witchbrew (Double, Hag Queen): Add up to +6 to to the Strength of a nearby fighter.
- Killing Stroke (Double, High Gladiatrix): A chance to do 3 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
- Heartseekers (Triple, Blood Stalker and Krone): Allocate up to 6 damage to a target fighter if a critical hit is scored in the next ranged attack action.
- Slaughter’s Strength (Triple, Everyone): Add up to 6 to the Attack characteristic of melee attacks.
- Doomfire Bolt (Triple, all Doomfire Warlocks): A chance to allocate up to 12 damage to an enemy within 9″.
- Sacrifice to Khaine (Triple, all Leaders): If the leader takes down an enemy, add +1 to melee attacks of friendly fighters in range.
- Bloodwrack Stare (Triple, Bloodwrack Medusa): A chance to damage and prevent move or disengage actions from a nearby enemy fighter.
- Death on the Wind (Quad, all Khinerai): Perform a bonus move and a bonus attack. Add +1 to the Strength of the bonus attack if you moved 6″ or more.
- Orgy of Slaughter (Quad, Slaughter Queen): Add up to +3 to the damage of critical hits from melee attacks of friendly nearby fighters.
Reaction for the Daughters of Khaine Warband
Gladiatorial Display (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
- What: 4 damage to the attacking fighter if he doesn’t roll any critical hit.
Battle Trait for the Daughters of Khaine Warband
Jubilant Bloodletting: After a melee attack action, if a fighter scores at least 2 hits of which one is a critical, you can add 2 to the ability value of a Double, Triple or Quad to a maximum of 6.

Pros and Cons of the Daughters of Khaine
+ Extremely fast
+ Many attacks
+ Gets stronger the more damage is dealt
– Fragile
– Too reliant on damage on critical hit and many attacks
– Can be expensive to collect

Khainite Shadowstalkers
The Khainite Shadowstalkers were first released in Warcry: Catacombs box set and they are the first original warband outside of Chaos grand alliance.
They represent the spies sent by Morathi around the Mortal Realms for her own purposes and they all hail from the Realm of Shadow, Ulgu. In the Catacombs plot line, they were essential to discover the biggest mines of Varanite so Morathi could complete her ascension to godhood.
They have 7 fighters of which 1 is a leader.

The Shadow Queen is a very versatile Leader: she is fast with a Move of 6″, and combines that with a 3″ range Attack and an ability that lets her do damage to all enemies within 3″ or 6″ of her. On top of that, she has a good melee attack, but don’t let that tempt you into throwing her into a fight too early in the game: her unique ability Ensnaring Darkness gets greater range if you apply 3 damage to her as you cast it, so you really need her to have some Wounds left for the greatest effect.
The Shroudblades are the basic fighter types of the Khainite Shadowstalkers, and they come in two variants:
- The Shroudblade with Cursed Swords, like its spear-wielding sister, can be expensive for a basic fighter, but with 6″ Movement, 4 Attacks and 4 damage on critical hit, it behaves more like what you expect from an elite fighter in other warbands. Both Shroudblade fighter types also have access to the ability Cursed Darts for some ranged damage.
- The Shroudblade with Umbral Spear is almost identical, the main difference is its 2″ range spear attack which has one Attack less, but greater Strength (4). This makes a bit redundant the Dance of Death ability, since you wouldn’t want to move too close to an enemy fighter anyway.
The Darkflame Warlocks are the closest the Khainite Shadowstalkers have to a defensive fighter type. They come in two variants:
- The Darkflame Warlock with Repeater Crossbows has an 8″ range attack with 4 attacks and 3 damage on critical hit. This isn’t an amazing ranged attack at all, but doing damage isn’t the primary function of a Darkflame Warlock anyway. What your Darkflame Warlocks really add to your arsenal is their ability Harness Shadow which subtracts 1 Attacks from any attack action that target friendly fighters close to one of them.
- The Darkflame Warlock with Doomfire Ring is mostly identical, but it splits its attacks between a ranged attack with 4 damage on critical hit, but with less range (3-7″) and two fewer Attacks, and a lousy melee attack.
The Slaughtershades are the elite fighters of the Khainite Shadowstalkers and, like the other non-Leader fighter types in the warband, come in two variants:
- The Slaughtershade with Umbral Spears has 12 Wounds, which is the highest of the warband except for the Leader, but it is still pretty low for an elite fighter. It has a good damage profile, with a 2″ range spear attack with 4 Attacks and a 4 damage on critical hit, which works well with its ability Instrument of Khaine, which gives you a bonus move or attack action after taking an enemy fighter out of action.
- The Slaughtershade with Shadow Whip serves the same function in your warband, but has a more interesting weapon profile with a 3″ ranged attack, fewer Attacks, but a high damage of 2/4.

Abilities for the Khainite Shadowstalkers Warband
- Shadow Leap (Double, everyone): Allows the fighter to fly when moving.
- Cursed Darts (Double, all Shroudblades and Slaughtershades): A chance to allocate up to 4 damage to a fighter and halve their Move characteristic.
- Instrument of Khaine (Double, all Slaughtershades): After taking down an enemy you can perform a bonus Move and Attack action.
- Harness Shadow (Triple, Darkflame Warlock): -1 debuff to attacks targeting any friendly fighter close-by.
- Dance of Death (Triple, everyone): Disengage actions can end close to enemy fighters.
- Ensnaring Darkness (Quad, Shadow Queen): Up to 6 damage in an aura close-by. You can extend the range of the aura by self-assigning damage to the queen first.
Reaction for the Khainite Shadowstalkers Warband
Slip Between Shadows (Everyone)
- When: An enemy ends a move within 3″.
- What: Relocate this fighter anywhere but at the same distance from the moving enemy.
Battle Trait for the Khainite Shadowstalkers Warband
Swarming Shadows: At the end of each battle round, you can swap two fighters within 9″ of each other, outside 3″ from any enemy and not carrying any treasure

Pros and Cons of the Khainite Shadowstalkers
+ Good movement and abilities that improve movement
+ Good amount of attacks and damage on critical hit
+ Advanced, high stakes playstyle
+ Very fragile fighters
+ Only 4 types of fighters (with some weapon variants)
+ Somewhat expensive fighters considering their fragility
Guide for Khainite Shadowstalkers

Fyreslayers is one of the legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.
They are the sons of Grimnir, the Duardin God that was fractured in millions of pieces at the end of an epic fight against the god-beast Vulcatrix. They now collect those pieces, called ur-gold, in desperate search to revive their god.
They have 19 fighters of which 14 are leaders.

The Auric Runefather is the veritable leader of any Hoardseeker with 22 Wounds on Toughness 4 and a 2″ polearm to avoid direct engagement with 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage. He has access to 5 different abilities of which the most noteworthy is Lodge Leader that allows to increase by 1 the Strength of all nearby fighters.
The Auric Runeson is a cheaper Runefather with access to the same 5 abilities. The main difference is the reduced Wounds (20), and the 2 different weapon profiles:
- The Ancestral War-axe has 1″ range, 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
- The Wyrmslayer Javelin brings the range to 8″ but reduces the attacks to 2.
The Grimwrath Berzerker is your butcher. As a combatant is similar to a Hearthguard with 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage. He is really durable and his special ability allows him to run to perform a bonus move (increased by as much as 6″) and at the end can make a bonus attack.
The Battlesmith has a similar weapon profile as the Runeson, but 1 Attack less. The other difference is made by his ability, Icon of Griminir, that can add 1 Toughness to all friendly fighters nearby. It is situational, but Toughness is a trait Fyreslayers don’t excel at.
The Auric Runemaster is the priest of the warband, able to damage an enemy in range as long as he is on the battlefield floor. In melee the Runemaster is one of the least impressive with 1/4 damage, but at least has 2″ range and Strength 4.
If the Grimwrath was hitting hard, the Doomseeker is more balanced with 5 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. Those 2 extra attacks compensate with the lack of special ability, putting him back in the list of valid options for a second leader.
The Auric Runesmiter is the “wizard” of the Hoardseekers, with a weapon profile similar to the Runemaster but 1″ range only. He differentiates himself providing increasing one friendly fighter’s Strength for the next attack.
The Auric Flamekeeper‘s profile is identical to the Runesmiter so what he adds to the fray is his reaction. Masterflame Rune can be activated when a friendly fighter is taken down and increases by 1 the damage of every other fighter within 6″ of the Flamekeeper. This is huge as it impacts both hits and critical hits, doesn’t cost an ability but just one of the Flamekeeper actions and can be easily combined with all other abilities that increase Strength and attacks.
The Grimhold Exile has an attacking profile worth of a Doomseeker (5 attacks at Strength 4) but for the first time in a Fyreslayers leader also a Toughness of 5, which combined with the 20 Wounds makes extremely hard take him down. All of this at the cost of the most expensive leader in the warband.
The Hearthguard Berzerkers represent the elite fighting force of the Fyreslayers and they all share the ability Unleash Runic Fury that can bring their attack characteristic to an insane number. They come in different variants:
- The Berzerker Broadaxe provides 3 attacks with Strength 5 for 2/4 damage and 2” range.
- The Karl with Berzerker Brodaxe is a Leader and adds 1 attack to the profile.
- The Flamestrike Poleaxe has the same range, Strength 4 for 3 attacks but more damage (2/5).
- The Karl with Flamestrike Poleaxe is a Leader and adds 1 attack to the profile.
The Auric Hearthguard have the farthest ranged option available to this warband: the magmapike with range 3-15”. With that weapon they can Encase in Molten Rock their opponents reducing their movement. The magmapike itself is a good weapon with 2 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage at distance and 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/2 damage in melee. Their Leader, the Auric Hearthguard Karl, has Strength 4 and same weapon profile but is suboptimal choice for a leader.
The Vulkite Berzerkers are the cheapest models of this warband and this allows them to be used in scores. For their low cost, they still have Toughness 4 (the 2 versions with Slingshield up to 5) and 12 wounds making them an efficient cheap unit. There are different versions:
- The Fyresteel Weapon and Bladed Slingshield has 2 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage.
- The pair of Fyresteel Handaxes doubles the amount of attacks at the cost of Toughness (4 instead of 5).
- The Vulkite Berzerker Karl instead has 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage representing a valid option as leader.

Abilities for the Fyreslayers Warcry Warband
- Fyresteel Throwing Axe (Double, Everyone): Choose an enemy within 6” and roll 2 dice. For each 4-5 allocate 1 damage, for each 6 as much damage as the value of this ability.
- Encase in Molten Rock (Double, all Auric Hearthguard): Subtract up to 3″ to the Movement characteristic of an enemy fighter targeted in the next attack.
- Relentless Zeal (Double, Everyone): Add 3″ to the next Movement action.
- Volcano’s Call (Double, Auric Runemaster): A chance to perform high damage to an enemy 12″ away on the battlefield floor.
- Runic Empowerment (Double, Auric Runesmiter): Add up to 6 to the Strength characteristic of melee attacks of a nearby fighter.
- Lodge Leader (Double, Auric Runefather and Runeson): Add 1 to the Strength of melee attacks of all friendly fighters in range.
- Duty Unto Death (Triple, all Hearthguard Berzerkers): The fighter can make a bonus move action and then a bonus attack but only if it has 5 or more damage points allocated.
- Slingshield Charge (Triple, both Vulkite with Slingshield): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
- Honour Our Oaths (Triple, all Leaders): Add 1 to the Attacks of melee actions of friendly fighters within 6″ after the Leader took down an enemy.
- Icon of Grimnir (Triple, Battlesmith): Add up to 3 to the Toughness of friendly fighters close-by.
- Unleash Runic Fury (Quad, Everyone): Add up to 6 Attacks to the melee attack actions of this fighter.
- Battle Fury (Quad, Grimwrath Berzerker): Add up to 6″ to the Move characteristic. In addition perform a bonus move and then can make a bonus attack.
Reaction for the Fyreslayers Warband
Gathered Heroes (Everyone)
- When: After an enemy finishes a move within 3″.
- What: A bonus move for another friendly fighter within 3″ that needs to end within 1″ of the enemy fighter.
Masterflame Rune (Auric Flamekeeper)
- When: When a friendly fighter is taken down.
- What: Increase by 1 the damage on hits and critical hits for all friendly fighters nearby the Flamekeeper.
Battle Trait for the Fyreslayers Warband
Runic Momentum: After using an ability, add 1″ to that fighter next Move ability.

Pros and Cons of the Fyreslayers Warband
+ Versatile warband
+ Many attacks
+ Several synergies
– Extremely focussed on attack
– Extremely slow

Idoneth Deepkin
Idoneth Deepkin are one of the legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.
They are the first aelves souls to be extracted from Slaanesh’s belly by the Aelven gods. But something went wrong in the process and their souls were corrupted. Spared by an act of mercy from Tyrion, they escaped in the depths of seas and oceans around the realms and they know have to chase fresh souls to extend their lifespan.
They have 12 fighters of which 8 are leaders.

Few things are more majestic than an Akhelian King, that is also one of the biggest models available in Warcry. His “ethereal” abilities allow him to fly (10″) and therefore to ignore all obstacles despite the mount. His special ability, Storm of Blows, can increase the Attacks for an Attack action. The two different profiles distinguish themselves by the melee weapon:
- The Bladed Polearm provides a 2″ range weapon with 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage.
- The Greatsword trades Strength (4) for number of attacks (5) but at 1″ range.
Isharann Tidecasters are the most powerful of Idoneth wizards. One is quite fragile with 18 Wounds and Toughness 3, so best use her for her powerful ranged attack (3/6 damage at 7″ range). To help survivability, their ability reduces the Attack characteristic of nearby enemies.
The Isharann Soulrender has 2 weapon profiles: a 2″ range Scythe attack at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage, and a 3″ “fish attack” using his companion, a Rakedart, for 3 attacks at Strength 4 and 2/4 damage. His ability, Hangman’s Knot, can prevents an enemy from moving or disengaging allowing the Soulrender to choose the battleground in a 1vs1.
The Isharann Soulscryer does not have a ranged attack, his maximum range being 2″ at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. His special ability allows him to do some random ranged damage. Of the three Isharann he is probably the weakest.
The Akhelian Thrallmaster base stats are the same as all other Isharann, and his melee profile is the same as the scythe attack of the Soulrender. What distinguishes him is his special ability, Way of the Depths, that costs a Triple but adds +1 Strength to melee attacks from Namarti Thralls and Reavers within 6″ from him.
The Akhelian Ishlaen Guard are the most adapt to defensive warfare of the two eel-riding units. Their ability, the Biovoltaic Barrier, allows to treat all critical hits received as normal hits. This is extremely useful when surrounded by many enemies whose real damage comes from the critical hits, considering they have Toughness 4 and 20 wounds. The Leader version, the Ishlaen Guard Lochian Prince, does not underperform either with 4 attacks at strength 4 for 2/5 damage and 25 wounds.
The Akhelian Morrsarr Guard are the offensive version of the eel riders. With similar characteristics (3 attacks instead of 4 but Strength 4 and range 2” instead of 1″) they perform similarly on the battlefield (don’t forget the 10” movement flying) so the main difference comes from their ability that allows to do area damage to all nearby enemies. As a Leader, the Morrsarr Guard Lochian Prince has access to the High Tide ability allowing him to fly where is needed to boost his units.
The Namarti Reavers are the archers of the Soulraiders. They have a range of 15″ and their special ability, Storm Fire, allows them to go from 2 Attacks per action to 3. 1/3 damage may not seem much, but 15″ is a long distance to cross for many fighters. In melee their profile is in line with their point cost, having Strength 3 for damage 1/3.
The Namarti Thralls are the basic infantry of the Idoneth Deepkin. Their special ability is Sweeping Blow that for a Double allows to do damage to any enemy fighter within 2” (1 damage on a 5, up to 6 on a roll of a 6). Their melee profile is in line with their point cost with 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage.

Abilities for the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
- Low Tide (Double, everyone): On the first battle round this fighter can make a bonus move up to 6″
- Sweeping Blow (Double, Namarti Thralls): A chance to do up to 6 damage to all visible fighters within 2″.
- Storm Fire (Double, Namarti Reavers): Add +1 to the ranged attacks.
- Riptide (Double, Isharann Tidecaster): Subtract 1 from the Attacks of an enemy unit within 12″ of the caster.
- Hangman’s Knot (Double, Isharann Soulrender): On a 3+ a nearby enemy cannot perform move or disengage actions.
- Storm of Blows (Double, all Akhelian Kings): Add up to +3 to the Attack characteristic of the next attack action.
- High Tide (Triple, all Leaders): On the third battle round any friendly unit within 6” of the leader gets +1 Attack and Strength for melee attacks.
- Biovoltaic Barrier (Triple, all Akhelian Ishlaen): Count the critical hits targeting this unit as normal hits instead.
- Scryfish Shoal (Triple, Isharann Soulscryer): A chance to allocate up to 12 damage to an enemy within 10″.
- Way of the Depths (Triple, Akhelian Thrallmaster): Add +1 to the Strength of melee attack actions performed by Namarti Thralls or Reavers within 6″.
- Biovoltaic Blast (Quad, all Akhelian Morrsarr): Allocate up to 6 damage points to all close-by enemy units.
Reaction for the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
Fade From Memory (Everyone)
- When: After an enemy finishes a move within 3″.
- What: If there’s another fighter in range of the enemy melee weapons, this fighter cannot be targeted by that enemy.
Battle Trait for the Idoneth Deepkin Warband
Power of the Tides: Add 1″ to the Move characteristic of all fighters in round 1 and 2, and +1 Strength in round 3 and 4.

Pros and Cons of the Idoneth Deepkin
+ Mobile and fast
+ Strong but situational abilities
+ Strong basic units
– Low toughness
– No big hitters

Kharadron Overlords
Kharadron Overlords is one of the legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.
They are the duardin that took to the sky to save themselves from the fallout of Chaos forces invading the Mortal Realms. Believing their gods abandoned them or died, they have now only one interest: money.
They have 28 fighters of which 9 are leaders.

The Arkanaut Admiral compares to the Company Captain, but for a higher cost has more wounds, Toughness (4) and weapon profile. His ranged attack is not the top in the warband, but 1/4 damage at Strength 4 on 8″ range is still respectable. Where he actually shines is his melee attacks with 4 attacks for 3/5 damage that is one of the best in the warband.
The Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit is both the most expensive fighter of the warband and the one with the most Wounds. He has a strong ranged attack with high Strength and 6 damage on critical hit, and a similar melee attack as the Arkanaut Admiral (damage 2/4). He has access to the abilities Fight for Profit which buffs nearby fighters’ Attacks, and the Fly ability Master the Skies, which buffs his own damage against other fighter types with the Fly runemark.
The Endrinmaster with Endrinharness competes for the best melee profile in a Prospector warband. His profile is even better considering his Double ability Supercharged Endrinharness, which adds 1 to Strength and Attacks for his melee attack. This brings him all the way to 4 Attacks and Strength 6.
The Aetheric Navigator combines a melee profile similar to the Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit and the same 8″ ranged attack of the Admiral. Aetherstorm allows to do some random ranged damage anywhere in the battlefield as long as there is line of sight!
The Aether-Khemist has a mediocre melee attack but a decent ranged one with 6 attacks at 6″ range. In addition he has a good defensive buff ability, the Triple Atmospheric Isolation, which subtracts 1 from enemy Attacks characteristics within a bubble around him.
The Codewright, while on one side has two forgettable attack profiles, comes with an interesting ability that could be extremely useful in a low-count warband to force the enemy to not use abilities until the end of the round.
There are 5 different Arkanaut Company fighter types. They are all very slow with a Movement characteristic of 3″, Toughness 3 and moderately low wounds.
- The most basic version is the Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter that is the cheapest unit with a Strength 3 shooting attack (with no minimum range) and a Strength 3 melee attack.
- The Leader version, the Company Captain, is a lot like the basic version, but with more attacks at both ranged and melee range, a better damage profile for their melee attack, and few extra wounds.
- The Privateer with Skypike has a nice 2″ range attack with 3 attacks, strength 4 and an impressive damage on critical hit of 5.
- The Privateer with Light Skyhook has a range of 15″, is more expensive, and has less but more powerful attacks (2 for 2/5 damage).
- The Privateer with Aethermatic Volley Gun has more attacks (3) and less damage at a cheaper cost.
There are 6 different Grundstok Thunderers fighter types, where one is a Leader. They have the same Wounds and Move characteristics as the Arkanaut Company, but Toughness 4 and access to the ability Keep Your Distance which gives them a bonus disengage action.
- The basic version is armed with Aethershot Rifle and has a 15″ ranged attack with 2 attacks, Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. Basically the same profile as an Arkanaut Company with Skyhook but with higher Toughness and slightly less damage on critical hits.
- The Leader version, the Gunnery Sergeant has one more attack both in melee and ranged, and access to both the Triple Leader ability and the Double ability Harrying Drillbill, which prevents one enemy fighter within 20″ from making disengage actions.
- The Decksweeper has 4 attacks at Strength 4 with a 3-10″ range that is the most balanced of the group.
- The Aetheric Fumigator is one of the more fun special weapons. It has 4 Strength 5 attacks with 1/4 damage, but it has a range of 6″ with no minimum range.
- The Grundstok Mortar has a range of 6-12″ and also 3 attacks, but with a lower Strength (3) and an impressive 3/6 damage.
- The Aether-Cannon goes even higher with a damage of 5/10 all concentrated in one single attack at Strength 5 at 3-10″ range.
The Skyriggers are the flying units of the Kharadron Overlords. They are split in two groups with similar loadouts. The first ones are the Endrinriggers:
- The basic version is armed with Rapid-fire Rivet Gun and Aethermatic Saw for an 8″ ranged attack with no minimum range, 2 attacks and a damage on critical hit of 4, as well as a strong melee attack with 3 attacks, Strength 5 and 2/5 damage. It’s expensive but it can cover ground quickly and hit hard in melee.
- The Leader version, the Mizzenmaster can boost attacks with its ability like all the other Leaders, but otherwise it only has few extra wounds and one more melee attack, so it’s not one of your best picks for a Leader.
- The Aethermatic Volley Gun is similar to the Arkanaut Company one but on a flying unit.
- The Skyhook are improved versions of the Arkanaut’s weapons. These have 6-20″ range and greater damage (3/5) making them formidable weapons when you can keep your enemies at distance.
- The Drill Launcher is really similar to the Skyhook, with greater Strength (5) but lower damage (2/4).
- The Grapnel Launcher has a much weaker ranged attack, but it comes with the ability Grapnel Launcher which lets you teleport near an obstacle 20″ away.
The Skywardens also can fly and have the ability Timed Charges, which lets you damage a nearby enemy and disengage.
- The basic version is armed with Vulcaniser Pistol and Skypike and is a lot like the Endrinrigger, but it has lower Strength on its attacks, lower damage on critical hit on its ranged attacks, but also a 2″ ranged spear-type attack in melee.
- The Leader version, the Custodian, has one more melee attack and few more wounds than the basic Skywarden.
- The Aethermatic Volley Gun, the Skyhook, the Drill Launcher and the Grapnel Launcher have identical weapon profiles to the Endrinrigger version.

Abilities for the Kharadron Overlords Warband
- Ancestral Fortitude (Double, everyone): Add +1 Toughness.
- Master the Skies (Double, all fighters with the Fly keyword: Skyriggers and the Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit): Add +1 damage on normal and critical hits against other targets with the Fly runemark.
- Supercharged Endrinharness (Double, Endrinmaster with Endrinharness): Add +1 to Strength and Attack of melee actions.
- Harrying Drillbill (Double, Gunnery Sergeant): Prevent an enemy fighter within 20″ from making disengage actions.
- I think You’ll Find… (Double, Codewright): Enemy fighters cannot use abilities or reactions until the end of the battle round or another Kharadron activates, whichever comes first.
- Keep Your Distance (Triple, all Grundstok Thunderers): Make a bonus disengage action.
- Grapnel Launcher (Triple, Skyriggers with Grapnel Launcher): You can teleport this fighter to an obstacle on the battlefield 20″ away as long as it was not previously engaged.
- Fight for Profit (Triple, all Leaders): Add +1 melee attack to any friendly fighter within 3″ of this fighter. If close-by an objective or carrying a treasure, add +1 to all those attacks instead.
- Atmospheric Isolation (Triple, Aether-Khemist): Subtract 1 to the enemy attacks within range from this fighter.
- Timed Charges (Quad, Skywardens): Up to 6 damage to a close-by enemy and then perform a bonus move or disengage action.
- Aetherstorm (Quad, Aetheric Navigator): A chance to do up to 18 damage to anyone on the battlefield.
Reaction for the Kharadron Overlords Warband
Return Fire (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy attack action but before hit rolls.
- What: As long as the enemy is in range of at least one of the target weapons, he receives 1 damage for every miss or 2 damage for every 1 on the hit roll.
Battle Trait for the Kharadron Overlords Warband
A Good Deal: Once per battle round, when a friendly fighter is targeted by an attack but before the hit rolls, agree to add a wild dice to the opponent and in exchange each hit and critical hit will allocate 2 damage less (to a minimum of 1).

Pros and Cons of the Kharadron Overlords
+ Great shooting and many ranged weapons
+ Leaders can boost attacks
+ New Leaders from Sentinels of Order add tactical versatility
+ Strong, versatile flying fighters
– Not very durable in close combat
– Either very elite (high points cost for flying fighters) or very slow
– Few direct damage abilities

Lumineth Realm-lords
Lumineth Realm-lords is one of the legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.
The Lumineth are the aelves originally from Hysh, the Realm of Light, trained by the Aelven gods Tyrion and Teclis in the martial and magic arts. Once a proud nation that almost destroyed itself, they now commune with the realm spirits and are divided in different temples depending on the spirit affinity. There are currently only 2 temples available plus the Scinari (magic experts) and the Vanari (the military side).
They have 21 fighters of which 14 are leaders.

The Scinari Cathallar is a mage whose main ability, Emotional Transference, allows the potential to make lots of damage to any opponent up to 24” distant! Apart from this she has a melee-oriented weapon profile (2 attacks at Strength 4 at 1” range) not supported by her otherwise fragile constitution: 16 wounds with Toughness 3. Surprisingly she is the only “wizard” hero with no ranged attacks.
The Scinari Loreseeker has the same melee profile as the Cathallar with one more attack, but he adds a missile attack (3-7″) with impressive damage potential (2 attacks at Strength 3 for 3/6 damage).
The Scinari Calligrave has the same ranged attack of a Loreseeker but a weaker melee profile (2 attacks, Strength 3, 1/4 damage) with the same Cathallar’s fragility. His special ability, Realmscribe, is peculiar: reduces by 1 the damage received by friendly fighters within 6″ of a spot in the battlefield, but only from critical hits. Not your first choice.
While having the same fragility of the other Scinari, the Scinari Enlightener complements it with 12″ range attack for 1/3 damage but at Strength 4. Her melee attacks are also more balanced with 3 attacks for 2/4 damage. However she does not add anything else if not situationally better attack profiles.

The Vanari Lord Regent is the appropriate leader of your cavalry charge. With 10″ Movement he can keep the pace with the other Dawnriders, and the 28 Wounds with Toughness 4 will guarantee him some survivability. His high cost is justified by a good melee profile (4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage) with the addition of a ranged magic attack (3-7″) with 3/6 damage (same profile as the other wizards like the Scinari).
The Vanari Dawriders are Lumineth’s heavy cavalry: 10” Movement and high wounds (18 or 22 for the leader) combined with medium Toughness (4) and decent attacks (4 at 2″ range for 2/4 damage) makes them a valid elite unit although on the expensive side. The Steedmaster, the leader of the unit, increases the Strength from 3 to 4. Dawnriders have access to a basic ability available to all Vanari: Shining Company, and the classic damage on charge, Lances of the Dawn.
The Vanari Auralan Sentinels are the foot archers of the Lumineth with a decent ranged attack: 2 attacks at Strength 3 at 3-15” range for 1/3 damage. They compensate their low damage output and fragility (8 Wounds on a Toughness 3) by being one of the cheapest unit in the warband. The High Sentinel has one single melee weapon profile (3 attacks at Strength 3 for damage 2/4) and has access to the Sharp-eyed Scryhawk ability that allows to pick an enemy fighter and increase the Attack characteristic of attacks performed against that model.
The Vanari Auralan Wardens are pike units that can hit from afar without being engaged thanks to their long-ranged melee weapon (3”). 3 Attacks at Strength 3 for damage 1/4, Toughness 4 and Movement 5” makes them a versatile unit. The High Warden, the leader of this unit, does not share the same pike but the same 1” range weapon of the High Sentinel. His ability is Moonfire Flask that offers some random ranged damage.
The Vanari Bladelords can throw more than a punch for a limited cost: 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage. They can further increase their damage output with their ability, Perfect Strike, that allows a bonus attack and up to 6 damage on the critical hits for that attack. Their leader, the Bladelord Seneschal, has 2 different weapon loadouts:
- The Sunmetal Dual Blades have more attacks (5) and good damage (2/4) representing the ideal choice.
- The Sunmetal Greatblade loses one attack to increase his damage output on a critical hit.

The Alarith Stonemage is the wizard leader of the Mountain Spirit side of the Lumineth. His ability costs a Quad but is really devastating: Gravitic Redirection deals D3 damage (rolled individually) to each adversary within 6” and halves their movement for the rest of the battle round. The movement debuff affects also friendly fighters in range.
The Alarith Stoneguards are the elite infantry of this warband. This is highlighted by their Wounds, Toughness (4) but reduced mobility (3” instead of 5” of all other infantry).
- The leader of the unit, the Truestone Seneschal, has good attacks (4 at Strength 4 for damage 2/4) and higher wounds (20).
- The Diamondpick Hammer is better for light armoured enemies (Strength 4 and damage 2/5).
- The Stone Mallet is perfect for the toughest opponents (Strength 5 and damage 2/4).

The Hurakan are the Lumineth attuned to the Wind spirits and the Hurakan Windmage is their representative leader wizard. 12″ of flying movement alone justify the high price, but then we also have good Wounds (22), average Toughness (3), and good ranged attack (same as the Scinari).
Where the Dawnriders represent the heavy cavalry, the Hurakan Windchargers represent the light cavalry. They are extremely mobile: 12″ (against the 10″ of the Dawnriders), have an ability that allows them to end a disengage movement anywhere (Move Like the Wind), and another that adds up to 3″ extra movement to the next movement action (Go Where the Wind Blows). Their Leader, the Windspeaker Seneschal, has 22 Wounds, same Toughness as the Windchargers and 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage at 10″ range or 4 attacks at Strength 3 and 1/3 damage in melee.

Abilities for the Lumineth Warcry Warband
- Shining Company (Double, all Vanari): Can be used only by a model within 1” of 2 or more friendly models that can also use this ability. In that case subtract 1 to the Attack characteristic of attack actions that target friendly fighters within 1” of this model.
- Mountain Stance (Double, all Alarith Stoneguard): Until the end of the battle round subtract 1 from the damage received from each hit and critical hit.
- Go Where the Wind Blow (Double, all Hurakan Windchargers): Add up to 3″ to the next Move action.
- Moonfire Flask (Double, High Warden): Pick a visible enemy fighter within 6” and roll 2 dice. For each 4-5 allocate 1 damage, for each 6 up to 6 damage.
- Realmscribe (Triple, Scinari Calligrave): Pick a point of the battlefield within 9″ from this fighter, until the end of the battle round reduce by 1 the damage on critical hits for all friendly fighters within 6″.
- Lone Agent (Double, Scinari Loreseeker): Perform a bonus move but only if there are no friendly fighters within 6″.
- Move Like the Wind (Triple, all Hurakan): No restrictions on where to end the disengage action (can be within 1″ of an enemy).
- Lances of the Dawn (Triple, all Dawnriders and the Lord Regent): At the end of the next move, allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy unit.
- Emotional Transference (Triple, Scinari Cathallar): Pick a friendly wounded fighter within 12” and an enemy fighter within 12” of that model. Roll a die for each wound allocated to the friendly fighter and for each 4+ allocate 1 damage to the enemy model.
- Sharp-eyed Scryhawk (Double, High Sentinel): Pick an enemy fighter within 20”, until the end of the battle round add 1 to the Attack characteristic of actions against that model.
- Perfect Strike (Quad, all Bladelords): Perform a bonus attack and add up to 6 to the damage of critical hits.
- Gravitic Redirection (Quad, Alarith Stonemage): Allocate D3 damage to all enemy fighters within 6” of this model. Also halve the Move characteristic of all fighters starting within 6” of the Stonemage.
Reaction for the Lumineth Realm-lords Warband
Blinding Brilliance (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy missile attack action but before hit rolls.
- What: Roll a dice for each critical hit, on a 4+ it becomes a normal hit.

Pros and Cons of Lumineth in Warcry
+ Different type of units
+ Good range in melee
– Uninteresting abilities
– Average low Toughness
Guide for Lumineth Realm-lords

Seraphon is one of the legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.
Their origin is lost in time and is older than the Mortal Realms themselves. Created by the Old Ones to fight the Chaos forces, they are a lizardmen-like race with different species of which the bulky Saurus represent the military caste and the slender Skinks the administrative and religious class.
They have 45 fighters of which 24 are leaders.

The Slann Starmaster is not a Saurus but a powerful wizard, represented by his ability, Lords of Space and Time, that allows to relocate friendly fighters. As a combatant he has a more ranged profile with 12″ range (no minimum range) for 3/6 damage at Strength 4. 32 Wounds and Toughness 4 can last a bit, but better keep him protected. He can fly, but only 4″ away.
Saurus leaders share the bonus move or action after killing an enemy (Cold-blooded Commander) and as Saurus they share Tearing Bite to add damage on melee attacks.
- Starting from the Oldblood with 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
- The Scar-Veteran is identical to the Oldblood and a Mounted movement of 7″.
- The Sunblood copies the Scar-Veteran and adds also +1 damage on critical hit (2/5).
- The Eternity Warden loses 1 Attack (3 total) and 1 Toughness but increases Strength to 5 and damage to 3/6.
If you are planning an army of pure Saurus any of them would be a valid leader.
The Saurus Astrolith Bearer deserves his own section because of his special ability Revivifying Energies that allows to heal any friendly fighter in range. It is expensive, but as support hero goes, you can’t find one more efficient.
The Saurus Guard are the elite fighters of the Scale-Cohorts. Toughness 5 makes them the most resilient fighters, and the 15 wounds can absorb all but most severe critical hits. Thanks to their 2” range weapons they can attack without being engaged and Strength 4 for 2/4 damage can do more than a dent in enemy’s armours. Their Leader version, the Saurus Guard Alpha has 1 attacks more (4) and more damage on critical hit (5). He compares to a Sunblood, with the same weapon profile but with the 2″ range weapon wins the parallel hands down.
The Saurus Warriors are some of the cheapest Saurus units, and their characteristics reflect this: 10 wounds, Movement and Toughness 4 and 2 weapon profiles.
- The Celestite Club offers more attacks (4) for less damage (1/3 on Strength 4).
- The Celestite Spear offers more range (2”) and damage (1/4) but less attacks (3).
- The Alpha is the Leader version and has 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
The Saurus Knights represent the cavalry of the Seraphon but their movement is not the highest of the warband (only 6”) placing them in the elite range with Toughness 4, high wounds and good damage output. As the Warriors, the Knights also have two weapon options:
- The Celestite Blade offers more attacks (4 at Strength 4, damage 2/3).
- The Celestite Warspear offers more range (2”, 4 attacks, Strength 4, damage 2/4).
- Their Leader version, the Alpha has the same Blade profile but more damage (2/5). He would compare to a Scar-Veteran on Cold One, and if you have the points, that is a much better profile than the Alpha.
The Aggradons are the new mounted Saurus Knights on top of a much scarier beast. They all come with 8″ Movement and Toughness 4 and decent wounds starting at 30 with the Saurus Scar-Veteran, dropping at 25 for the Alpha and 20 for the others.
- The Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon quickly rises as the most expensive leader in the warband, and veritably so with great mobility, good survivability and the best melee profile between leaders with 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/5 damage.
- The Aggradon Lancers are faster and more deadly than Saurus Knights and they split in two profiles:
- The Celestite Club has only 1″ range but 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/4 damage.
- The Celestite Spear has the great 2″ range but different damage (2/5) spiking more on critical hits.
- The Aggradon Lancers Alphas follow the same pattern but have both 1 attack more, making them a great option for a strong leader but cheaper than the Scar-Veteran.
The Kroxigor’s new miniature comes with a complete new profile. They are now slower (4″) but tougher (5 with 28 Wounds) and then split in two different profiles, both with a 2″ range weapon. The Kroxigor has only 2 attacks but at Strength 6 for 4/8 damage and he can further increase this value up to 5. The Kroxigor Warspawned has 3 attacks at Strength 5 for “only” 3/6 damage but he can more reliably bring them to 5 as long as there’s a friendly Skink with the Minion runemark wounded and engaged within 6″ (for a Double).

Skinks priestly leader’s main ability is Tide of Serpents that can provide a way to do some extra ranged damage. There are different profiles:
- The Skink Starseer can fly 4″ and has only one melee profile with no minimum range and 12″ of maximum, 2 Attacks, Strength 4 and 3/6 damage.
- The Skink Starpriest has 2 weapon profiles, one ranged up to 7″ for 3/6 damage and one melee for 1/4 damage both at Strength 3.
- The Skink Priest has a similar profile but only 2/5 damage on the ranged attack and 1/3 on melee.
The Ripperdactyl Riders represent the shock flying squadron of the Seraphon. With a flying movement of 10” they are a constant threat to your opponents.
- The basic version has Toughness 4 ,15 wounds, 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
- The Ripperdactyl Rider Alpha is a Leader, has one more attack and same weapon profile
- The Ripperdactyl Chief is identical to the Alpha but 3 wounds more.
The Terradon Riders are the medium range flying squadron with 12″ of flying movement, good wounds but only Toughness 3. They have different variants:
- The Starstrike Javelin has 8” range and 1 Attack at Strength 3 for 1/4 damage.
- The Sunleech Bolas has 3” range but 3 Attacks.
- The Alpha with Starstrike Javelin adds one attack to the equivalent profile,
- while the Alpha with Sunleech Bolas adds also 1 Strength.
- The Terradon Chief does not have a ranged option, he has 1 more Attack (4) than the melee profile of the other models.
The Raptadons share 10″ movement, Toughness 2 and quite low Wounds making them extremely fragile, but they differentiate by the weapon profile.
- The Raptadon Hunters have a 3″-8″ ranged attack at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage and a similar melee profile but with Strength 2 and 2″ range.
- The Raptadon Hunter Alpha, apart from being a Leader and having 2 wounds more, does not add anything else.
- The Raptadon Chargers instead have a single 1″ melee profile with 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage that makes them most likely the worst option.
- The Raptadon Charger Alpha adds 1 extra attack, 2 wounds and is a Leader.
The Skinks are the cheapest of the Seraphon warband and they show it with their fragility: low wounds and Toughness. Despite this they have a good Movement (6”) and few ranged options:
- The Meteoric Javelin and Star-Buckler has a single ranged attack at 8” range, Strength 3 and damage 1/4.
- The Boltspitter and Moonstone Club has 8” range but 2 attacks at Strength 1 for 1/2 damage.
- The Moonstone Club and Star-Buckler does not have a ranged profile, but the same melee profile as the other Skinks: 3 attacks at Strength 2 for 1/3 damage.
- The Skink Alpha with Boltspitter adds 1 more attack and Strength in melee to the equivalent profile.
- The Skink Alpha with Moonstone Club is the cheapest leader of the warband and shares the same melee profile of the Alpha with Boltspitter.
The Hunting Packs are actually two different kits, both containing 3 Skink Handlers and 1 beast:
- The Skink Handler is the cheapest fighter of the Scale-Cohorts, despite so it has 1/4 damage on 2 Attacks at 2″ range allows him to be a nuisance to your opponent and to last longer than the other Skinks. On top of that he can trigger a bonus attack of one of the following beasts.
- The Salamander has 7″ range for 3/6 damage on Strength 4, Toughness 4, 16 Wounds and 6″ movement.
- The Razordon has 12″ range for 5 Attacks at Strength 3 but only 1/3 damage, Toughness 3 and same Wounds and movement of the Salamander.
- The Spawn of Chotec instead has 2 weapon profiles: a ranged one for 3″-7″ with 2 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/3 damage, and a melee one which decreases Strength (4) but adds damage (2/4).

Abilities for the Seraphon Warcry Warband
- Nimble Retreat (Double, Skink Starpriest, Skink Priest, all Skinks and Skink Handler): If engaged perform a bonus disengage action.
- Hunting Pack (Double, Skink Handler): A nearby Beast fighter can perform a bonus attack action.
- Voracious Appetite (Double, all Ripperdactyl Riders): Up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy.
- Cold-blooded Commander (Double, all Leaders): Perform a bonus move or attack action after taking down an enemy.
- Tide of Serpents (Double, Skink Starseer, Starpriest and Priest): Damage an enemy 8″ away a random number based on the ability value and the dice roll.
- Lean from On High (Double, Terradon Chief): Add 3″ to the next Move action.
- Brutal Blows (Double, Kroxigor): Only when engaged with 2 or more enemies, add up to 3 attacks to the melee action.
- Spawn of Sotek (Double, Kroxigor Warspawned): As long as a Skink (with the Minion runemark) within 6″ is engaged and wounded, add 2 to the attack characteristic of this fighter.
- Raptadon Tactics (Double, all Raptadons): Raptadon Hunters can perform a bonus move up to 6″ away. Raptadon Chargers instead add 2 to their melee attacks.
- Meteoric Barrage (Triple, all Terradon Riders except Terradon Chief): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
- Tearing Bite (Triple, all Saurus and Kroxigor): Add up to 6 to the damage of the next melee attack action for both hits and critical hits.
- Predatory Leap (Double, all Aggradons, Saurus Knights and Scar-Veteran on Cold One): Perform a bonus move of 3″ flying and then you can allocate up to 3 damage to an engaged enemy.
- Lords of Space and Time (Triple, Slann Starmaster): Remove any friendly fighter within 12″ and bring him back anywhere up to 6″ from the Starmaster.
- Wrath of the Old Ones (Quad, Everyone): Add up to 3 to the Attack and Strength of melee attack actions.
- Revivifying Energies (Quad, Saurus Astrolith Bearer): Heal up to 6 damage from all friendly fighters within range.
Reaction for the Seraphon Warband
Starborn (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
- What: Count up to 2 critical hits as hits instead.
Battle Trait for the Seraphon Warband
Choose one:
- Coalesced: Add 1 to the Triple ability when using Tearing Bite to a maximum of 6.
- Starborne: Can use the Starborn reaction against ranged attacks as well.

Pros and Cons of the Seraphon Warband
+ High mobility
+ Versatile warband
– No heavy hitters

Stormcast Eternals Sacrosanct Chamber
Stormcast Eternals form different legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. The Sacrosanct Chamber is one of those and you can play almost all miniatures with that keyword.
The Stormcast are mortal heroes taken by Sigmar just a moment before their death and reforged in almost immortal fighters. Of all chambers, the Sacrosanct represents the warrior-mystics most attuned to magic and they have first been unleashed in the Mortal Realms following the Necroquake event.
They have 24 fighters of which 15 are leaders.

The Lord-Arcanum are the commanders of the Sacrosant Chamber and as such they are also powerful wizards of their own. They have two ranged Attacks at 7″ range for 3/6 damage on Strength 4 and a decent melee profile too: 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
- The Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline in melee adds 1 to the damage on critical hit (2/5). Interestingly he does not count as Mounted and has access to Thunderous Pounce.
- The Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger is cheaper and has 1 more Strength in melee.
- The standard Lord-Arcanum has a movement of 4″ (instead of 10″).
The Lord-Exorcist is a wizard with the same ranged profile as the Lord-Arcanum while in melee he loses only 1 Attack. The difference is made by his special ability, Open Redemption Cache. While the Lord-Arcanum damages everyone including themselves, the Lord-Exorcist, in the same radius, blasts only enemies.
The Lord-Ordinator are instead the Engineers of the Sacrosanct Chamber. Their special ability, Meteoric Slam, adds +1 to Attack and Strength for a turn transforming them in powerful fighters.
- The Astral Grandhammer can therefore become a 4 Attacks at Strength 6 for 3/5 damage on a 2″ range.
- The Paired Astral Hammers becomes 5 Attacks, Strength 6 for 2/5 damage.
Do not underestimate the Knight-Incantor thinking he is your usual wizard. His ranged and melee profile is identical to the Lord-Exorcist, however he shares the same ability as the Lord-Arcanum: Shatter Spirit Flask, for up to 6 damage to anyone within 3″.
The Evocators on Celestrial Dracolines are powerful warrior-wizards that don’t actually count as Mounted and have access to Thunderous Pounce for some impact damage after movement.
- The Grandstave has 2″ range for 4 Attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage.
- The Tempest Blade and Stormstave has 1″ range, 5 Attacks at Strength 5 for 2/4 damage
- The Evocator-Prime with Grandstave is the Leader version with same weapon profile but 1 damage more on critical hit
- Same for the Evocator-Prime with Blade and Stormstave.
The Evocators on foot represent the infantry and couple really well with those mounting Dracolines. The Primes have access to Summon Celestial Lightning, same as the mounted version. And exactly as those, they have 4 different versions:
- The Tempest Blade and Stormstave and the Grandstave have similar weapon profile to the mounted ones except 1 attack less and the 4″ Movement.
- The Prime with Blade and Stormstave increases the number of attacks to 5, have same Strength (5) and a lower damage on critical hit (2/4).
- The Prime with Grandstave instead has longer range (2”), less attacks (4), same Strength and more damage on critical (2/5).
The Sequitors are the main infantry with a shield that allows them to treat critical hits received as normal hits instead (Soul-Shield Channelling):
- The Sequitors with Tempest Blade and Soulshield have Strength 4 but more attacks than their other counterparts (3).
- The Sequitors armed with Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield have Strength 5 but less attacks (2).
- Both weapon profiles have an equivalent leader, the Sequitor-Prime, who adds 1 more attack.
- The guest star is the Sequitor with Stormsmite Greatmace: he trades Toughness (“only 5”) for 3 attacks at range 2” and 3/5 damage.
- The Sequitor-Prime with Redemption Cache has access to an ability that can damage any visibile unit in a range.
The Castigators are your ranged options and they are essential to compensate the overall slowness of this warband (unless you use Dracolines). With maximum range 15” they can really make a difference: 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/4 damage are not to be underestimated, but avoid engaging them in melee. Their Leader version, the Castigator-Prime, adds 1 more melee attack.
The cheapest unit available in this warband is the Gryph-Hound, shared across all warbands. In melee they have 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage but a movement of 6” and the Darting Attack ability that provides them a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage.

Abilities for the Sacrosanct Warcry Warband
- Channelled Empowerment (Double, Everyone except Gryph-hound): Add up to 6 to the Strength of the next melee attack.
- Summon Celestial Lightning (Double, all Evocators): A chance to do up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy.
- Meteoric Slam (Double, both Lord-Ordinators): Add +1 to Attack and Strength of melee attacks of this fighter.
- Cleanse the Realms of Taint (Double, all Leaders): After taking down an enemy perform a bonus move or a bonus attack.
- Burst of Celestial Lightning (Triple, all Castigators): Add up to 3 to the damage for both hits and critical hits for the next ranged attack.
- Darting Attack (Triple, Gryph-Hounds): Make a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage action.
- Soul-shield Channelling (Triple, all Sequitors except the Sequitor with Greatmace): Until the end of the battle round count critical hits as hits instead.
- Shatter Spirit Flash (Triple, all Lord-Arcanum and the Knight-Incantor): Allocate up to 6 damage to all fighters in range (friendly and enemy).
- Thunderous Pounce (Quad, all Lord-Arcanum and Evocators on Celestial Dracoline): Up to 12 damage to an engaged enemy at the end of the next Move action.
- Open the Redemption Cache (Quad, Lord-Exorcist and Sequitor-Prime with Redemption Cache): Up to 6 damage to all visible enemies within 3”.
Reaction for the Stormcast Sacrosanct Warband
Thunderous Departure (Everyone except Gryph-hound)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action that takes down this fighter.
- What: D6 damage to the attacking fighter.
Battle Trait for all Stormcast Eternals Warbands
Scions of the Storm: After deployment choose a fighter (if on the battlefield, remove it) and you can redeploy it from the second battle round anywhere on the battlefield more than 5″ from any enemy and 3″ from any objective.

Pros and Cons of the Stormcast Sacrosanct Warband
+ Really elite warband
+ High toughness
– Low models count
– Situational abilities
Guide for Stormcast Eternals Sacrosanct Chamber

Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Auxiliary Chamber
Stormcast Eternals form different legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. The Vanguard Chamber is one of those and you can play almost all miniatures with that keyword.
The Stormcast are mortal heroes taken by Sigmar just a moment before their death and reforged in almost immortal fighters. Of all chambers, the Vanguard Auxiliary comprises the scouts and skirmishers, experts in ambush and tactical warfare.
They have 16 fighters of which 9 are leaders.

The Lord-Aquilor is one of the most expensive fighter in the warband with 38 Wounds, Toughness 5 and 10″ Movement! He has also 2 weapon profiles with an average ranged (3 Attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage at 10″ range) and a good melee (4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage). If he needs to get into place faster, his ability allows him a free Move. Alternatively he can increase the Toughness of all friendly fighters with the generic Leader ability Righteous Aura.
The Knight-Venator focusses on ranged damage for 3 Attacks at 20″ range for 2/6 damage. He is understandably only slightly cheaper than the Lord-Aquilor having same Movement (10″) but Flying (no penalties), same Toughness (5) but much less Wounds (28). His special ability, Star-fated Arrow, has a chance to do quite some damage on a huge range.
The melee version of the Angel is the Knight-Azyros. Compared to the Knight-Venator, he has the an improved melee profile (4 attacks for 2/4 damage) but no missile weapon. His ability, The Light of Sigmar, allows for some area damage.
The Knight-Zephyros is the first of our on-foot heroes, with “only” 5″ Movement, but same resilience (28 Wounds on Toughness 5). In close combat her profile is the same as all other leaders (4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) and ranged she performs like a Lord-Aquilor being an optimum alternative leader at a cheaper cost.
The Vanguard-Raptors are the elite archers and come with two different weapon profiles. In melee the ranged weapon cannot be used being replaced by a melee profile of 3 attacks, strength 4 and 1/4 damage.
- The Longstrike Crossbow is the long-range weapon and one of the most powerful, comparable to a ballista with a range of 20” and a damage of 10 on a critical (but only 1 attack). They have access to Aimed Strike, that allows to increase the damage characteristic (both for hit and critical hit) for a potential damage of 10/16 per shot.
- Their Leader version, the Raptor-Prime with Longstrike Crossbow is one of the most versatile leader in the game combining the longest-range weapon with the highest damage (4/10) with 25 wounds and Toughness 5. The drawbacks of all Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows is that they are relatively slow with their 4″ movement, quite expensive, and that single attack per action can be dooming.
- The Hurricane Crossbow has a shorter range (3-15”), less damage (2/6) but, with more attacks (3) at Strength 4, could statistically do more damage than the Longstrike version. The Attacks can be increased even further using the Rapid Fire ability.
- Its Leader version, the Raptor-Prime with Hurricane Crossbow, is probably more versatile than the other Prime.
The Vanguard-Hunter is a mix of infantry and ranged unit with the same ranged profile of the Lord-Aquilor (3 attacks at Strength 4, 10” range) and one of the best melee profiles in this warband (3 attacks, Strength 4, damage 2/4). The Hunter-Prime has one more attack (4) and few more wounds. He is also the cheapest leader in this warband, allowing to use non-leader options for the high-output damage shooters.
The Vanguard-Palladors are the cavalry of the Vanguard with 10″ Movement (mounted). While being extremely expensive, they have the same ranged ranged profile and ability of the Lord-Aquilor to do a bonus move for a Triple. In melee they differentiate from their weapon loadout:
- While the Shock Hand-axe has a more balanced profile with 4 attacks and damage 2/4,
- the Starstrike Javelin introduces 2″ range and higher damage on critical hit (2/5) at the cost of 1 attack (3).
- The Pallador-Prime with Shock Hand-axe and the Pallador-Prime with Starstrike Javelin have the equivalent weapon profiles, but with 1 more attack in melee. As melee goes, these are the best damage dealers in the warband, but they come at a significant price.
The cheapest unit available in this warband is the Gryph-Hound, shared across all warbands. In melee they have 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage but a movement of 6” and the Darting Attack ability that provides them a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage.
The Aetherwings have the same cost of a Gryph-hound, meaning it’s often the choice between these two. With Toughness 2, 8 Wounds and 3 Attacks at Strength 2 they are definitely not there to hold the ground in melee, but they can be really useful scouts. Their Warning Cry reaction (one attack against a targeted fighter within 6” of the Aetherwing can be re-rolled) it’s extremely useful to assure maximum damage from the snipers, but apart from that they cost too much for what they represent.

Abilities for the Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Warband
- Tireless Hunter (Double, Everyone): Add up to 3″ to the next move action.
- Lightning-fast Strikes (Double, Knight-Zephyros): Add up to 3 attacks to the next melee attack action.
- Ride the Winds Aetheric (Double, Lord-Aquilor and all Palladors): Perform a bonus move up to 6″ away.
- Righteous Aura (Double, all Leaders): Add 1 to the Toughness of all friendly fighters within 6” of the leader.
- Darting Attack (Triple, Gryph-Hound): You can make a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage action.
- Rapid Fire (Triple, Raptors with Hurricane Crossbow): Add 2 to the attacks of the next missile attack action.
- Star-fated Arrow (Triple, Knight-Venator): Damage an enemy within 20″ based on a dice roll up to 10 Wounds.
- Aimed Strike (Quad, Raptors with Longstrike Crossbow): Add up to +6 damage to both hit and critical hit.
- The Light of Sigmar (Quad, Knight-Azyros): Damage up to 6 Wounds to all close-by enemy fighters.
Reactions for the Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Warband
Thunderous Departure (Everyone except Gryph-hound and Aetherwing)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action that takes down this fighter.
- What: D6 damage to the attacking fighter.
Warning Cry (Aetherwing and Raptor-Prime with Longstrike Crossbow)
- When: After an enemy finishes a move within 6″.
- What: Friendly fighters targeting that enemy can re-roll one dice per attack action.
Battle Trait for all Stormcast Eternals Warbands
Scions of the Storm: After deployment choose a fighter (if on the battlefield, remove it) and you can redeploy it from the second battle round anywhere on the battlefield more than 5″ from any enemy and 3″ from any objective.

Pros and Cons of the Stormcast Eternals Vangaurd Warband
+ Ambush tactics
+ Best ranged attacks
+ Mobility options
+ High toughness
– Low model count
– Hard to manage certain situations
– Susceptible to critical hits
Guide for Stormcast Eternals Vanguard Chamber

Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber
Stormcast Eternals form different legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. The Warrior Chamber is one of those and you can play almost all miniatures from the original release of the Stormcast Eternals.
The Stormcast are mortal heroes taken by Sigmar just a moment before their death and reforged in almost immortal fighters. Of all chambers, the Warrior one represents the core of a Stormcast army. Always present in all battlefields, they are the unshakable golden wave that fights the Chaos forces.
They have 41 fighters of which 19 are leaders.

With so many leaders available the main difference is not made by their weapon profile but by their special ability. The Lord-Celestant , Warcloak’s Storm Magic, allows to do some small random damage at short range. Not remarkable.
The Lord-Castellant comes with only 2 Attacks but at 2″ range and for 3/6 damage. His special ability however can reduce by 1 the damage taken by all friendly fighters around him. The downside is that being a low-count model warband not many fighters will be within 6″.
The Lord-Veritant is a cheaper Lord-Celestant with 2 Attacks less (3) and a different ability that allows to reduce by 1 the value of abilities used around him.
The Lord-Relictor in melee is just average but his ability allows an almost reliable way to perform some damage on medium range.
The Knight-Heraldor has a similar attack to the Lord-Relictor but one Attack more (4). His ability, Battle-horn Thunderblast, is extremely limited in scope as it works only if the enemy is on a platform..
The Knight-Questor hits similar to a Lord-Celestant (4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage) but ups the Toughness to 6 (and can bring it to 7 with Staunch Defender!!) maintaining high Wounds (30). His ability however is unimpressive.
The Knight-Vexillor has a weapon profile identical to the Lord-Relictor. His ability allows to increase the Movement of all friendly fighters starting their activation around him. While strong on paper it is really situational.

The Prosecutors are the flying light cavalry of the Stormcast and they come in different variants including 3 leader options. They can be divided in 3 groups: Prosecutors with Javelins, Prosecutors with Hammers and Prosecutor with special weapons.
- The Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield can do 2 attacks at distance (3-8”) or 3 close-by (2”) with Strength 4 and can hit pretty hard (5 damage on a critical hit).
- The Stormsurge Trident and Sigmarite Shield adds 1 to the damage on normal hit (3/5).
- Their Leader version, the Prosecutor Prime with Stormcall Javelin and Sigmarite Shield adds 1 Attack at range 2” (for a total of 4). With toughness 6 and 30 wounds is one of the hardest fighters in the game.
- The Celestial Hammers and Sigmarite Shield also have 2 ranges: 2 attacks at 3-8” or 3 at 1” for a consistent damage of 2/4.
- The Paired Celestial Hammers adds 1 attack to both profiles.
- Their Leader versions, the Prosecutor Prime with Paired Celestial Hammers and the Prosecutor Prime with Celestial Hammer and Sigmarite Shield both add 1 attack in melee going respectively to 5 and 4.
- The Grandaxe has 3 Attacks at Strength 4 for 3/6 damage.
- The Grandblade is more balanced with 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 3/5 damage.
- The Grandhammer 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 3/5 damage.
The Paladins are the elite fighters of the Warrior chamber and come in different shapes and forms. The three main categories are Decimators, Protectors and Retributors of which one can be armed with a Starsoul Mace. They can all use Earth-shattering Blow for bonus attack action with extra damage.
- The Decimators are the more balanced of the paladins with 3 attacks at 2” range for 3/6 damage.
- The Protectors enjoy the longest range (3”) but they lose 1 damage on critical (5).
- The Retributors are the cheapest, have only 1” range but more Strength (5) and the same output damage of a Protector (3/5).
- Each one of this has a Leader version: Decimator-Prime, Protector-Prime and Retributor-Prime with similar weapon profile of the base version except one more Attack and access to Leader abilities.
- The Paladin with Starsoul Mace has 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 8 damage on a critical!
The Judicators are the ranged fighters of this warband with 2 main weapon options, each reflected with a Prime, and a specialised weapon. None of them have a special ability.
- The Skybolt Bows are the longest ranged weapon up to 20” range for 2/4 damage at Strength 4.
- The Shockbolt Bow is slightly more expensive but adds 1 Strength (5) and 2 damage on critical (2/6).
- The Boltstorm Crossbow has shorter range (max 12”) but more attacks (4 instead of 3), same Strength (4) and same damage output as the bows (2/4).
- The Thunderbolt Crossbow has a different range with a minimum of 6” (instead of 3”) but a maximum of 15” for 5 attacks with same Strength and damage as the other crossbows.
- The Judicator Prime with Skybolt Bow has the same ranged profile of the base version but one attack more in melee and access to Leader abilities.
- Same for the Judicator Prime with Boltstorm Crossbow.
The Liberators are the core of the Warrior chamber. They are the cheapest but not by far, still swinging between Toughness 5 and 6 (for those with shield), high wounds and movement 4”. They have 2 weapon options each guided by a Prime, each weapon option can be carried in pairs or with a shield and each has also a special weapon available.
- The Warhammer and Sigmarite Shield have Strength 5 and hit for decent damage (2/4) at range 1”.
- The Paired Warhammers‘s number of attacks goes up to 3, same as their Leader version, the Prime with Warhammer and Sigmarite Shield.
- The Prime with Paired Warhammers goes up to 4 Attacks.
- The Grandhammer adds an extra damage to both normal and critical hit (3/5) comparing with the pair of warhammers.
- The Warblade and Sigmarite Shield loses 1 Strength (4) to increase the number of attacks (3) but same damage (2/4).
- The Paired Warblades‘ number of attacks goes up to 4, same as their Leader version, the Prime with Warblade and Sigmarite Shield.
- The Prime with Paired Warblades goes up to 5 Attacks.
- The Grandblade performs as a pair of warblades with increased damage (3/5 for 4 attacks at Strength 4).
The cheapest unit available in this warband is the Gryph-Hound, shared across all warbands. In melee they have 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage but a movement of 6” and the Darting Attack ability that provides them a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage.

Abilities for the Warrior Chamber Warband
- Furious Avengers (Double, Everyone): This fighter can do a bonus move if there’s at least another friendly fighter within 6” wounded.
- Lay Low the Tyrants (Double, all Liberators): Add +1 to Attack and Strength in melee if the target has 15 or more Wounds.
- Sigmarite Shield Bash (Double, Knight-Questor, Prosecutors and Liberators with shields): A chance to do up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy at the end of a Move action.
- Warcloak’s Storm Magic (Double, Lord-Celestant): A chance to allocate up to 12 damage to an enemy within 6″.
- Lantern of Abjuration (Double, Lord-Veritant): Reduce by 1 the value of abilities used within 9″ of this fighter.
- Staunch Defender (Double, all Leaders): Until the end of the battle round add 1 to the Toughness of all friendly fighters within 6” of the leader.
- Wings of Divine Life (Double, all Prosecutors): Add 3″ to the next Move action.
- Darting Attack (Triple, Gryph-Hounds): Make a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage.
- Battle-horn Thunderblast (Triple, Knight-Heraldor): Pick an enemy on a platform within 12″ and roll a dice for him and each other enemy fighter within 6″ of him. On a 4+ allocate 3 damage.
- Warding Lantern (Triple, Lord-Castellant): Reduce by 1 the damage inflicted to friendly fighters within 6″ of this fighter.
- Lightning Storm (Triple, Lord-Relictor): A good chance to inflict up to 6 damage to a fighter within 12″.
- Earth-shattering Blow (Quad, all Paladins): Perform a bonus attack action adding up to +3 to the damage characteristic for both hit and critical hit.
- Tempest Winds (Quad, Knight-Vexillor): Add up to +6″ to the Move of friendly fighters within 12″.
Reaction for the Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber Warband
Thunderous Departure (Everyone except Gryph-hound)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action that takes down this fighter.
- What: D6 damage to the attacking fighter.
Battle Trait for all Stormcast Eternals Warbands
Scions of the Storm: After deployment choose a fighter (if on the battlefield, remove it) and you can redeploy it from the second battle round anywhere on the battlefield more than 5″ from any enemy and 3″ from any objective.

Pros and Cons of the Warrior Chamber Warband
+ High toughness
+ Decent mobility
+ High wounds
+ Good ranged option
+ Extreme versatility
– Really low models count
– Hard to manage in certain situations
Guide for Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber

Stormcast Eternals Thunderstrike
Stormcast Eternals form different legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. The Thunderstrike is one of those and you can play almost all miniatures with that keyword.
The Stormcast are mortal heroes taken by Sigmar just a moment before their death and reforged in almost immortal fighters. The Thunderstrike are not a new chamber but rather a new breed of Stormcast armed with the newest armour, the Thunderstrike, that allows the Stormcast soul to return to Azyr after they are defeated. Since the Cursed Skies created by Be’Lakor, the First Daemon Prince, Stormcast deaths without the armour can become permanent.
They have 24 fighters of which 14 are leaders.

The Lord-Imperatant is the great leader of the new Thunderstrike divisions. As a fighter, his high cost is highly justified by his longevity (Toughness 5 and 30 Wounds), his decent attacks (melee and ranged) and his few abilities. His signature ability, Coordinated Strike, allows up to 3 other friendly fighters nearby to perform a bonus move or a bonus attack.
The Knight-Arcanum is the wizard of the warband, able to shoot up to 7″ away for 3/6 damage (at Strength 4) or to club his opponents at 2″ range for 2/4 damage. His special ability, Bolt from the Heavens, allows to hit an enemy at a good range for random damage. Normally you would consider this fighter at least as a supporting hero, but with all other choices available, it is probably a pass.
The Knight-Relictor is the priest of the warband, he has the same defence characteristic as most other leaders and similar attacks. His ability, Purifying Incense, can reduce the damage taken for friendly fighters around him.
The Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis. apart from his impressive banner, has similar characteristics to the other leaders. The difference is made by his ability to heal wounds to all friendly fighters nearby.
The Knight-Judicator is probably one of the best sniper in the Mortal Realms: 20″ range for 4/10 damage at Strength 5 (comparable to the Vanguard-Raptor with Longstrike Crossbow from the Vanguard Chamber). In melee he can also defend himself with 2/4 damage and the usual high defence will make him last longer.
The Knight-Questor‘s profile is similar to the Warrior Chamber one, apart from a lower Toughness (5) and wounds (25), remaining a good middle ground hero.
The Vindictors are the battleline of the army and core of this warband. The Vindictor-Prime is one of the cheapest Leaders available in the warband, but his lack of special abilities, despite the good attack profile with 2″ range, makes him quite forgettable. What makes the Vindictors different than the rest of the troops is their Toughness 6 and the 2″ range.
The Vanquishers are the swordmasters, able to cut down the surrounding enemies with their special ability Vanquishing the Horde. Their attack profile is already quite impressive with 4 attacks (5 for the Vanquisher-Prime, their Leader version) at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, but you need also to add Toughness 5 and high wounds.
The Vigilors represent the archers of this warband, and the only non-leader model with ranged attacks. 15″ range at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage is not bad and even in melee with 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage makes them a threat to not underestimate. The Vigilor-Prime adds 1 more ranged attack (3 instead of 2) for a valid alternative profile if you need a support hero different from the ones above. And the reason is the Vigilors’ special ability: Guiding Lightning that basically creates a beacon for other fighters to target the same enemy.
The Annihilators are the elite of this warband, surprisingly having more or less the same cost as the other fighters in the warband. They come with two profiles: one with Meteoric Hammer focussed on defence, and one with Grandhammer focussed on attack.
- The Meteoric Hammer comes with their giant shield that introduces for the first time Toughness 7!!! Only a handful of fighters in the game have Strength 6 and none 7, making them hittable only on a 5+. And their attack profile is equally good with 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/5 damage.
- Their Leader version, the Prime with Meteoric Hammer has one more attack.
- The Grandhammer instead reduces Toughness to “only” 6 but the attacks are 3 at 2″ range with Strength 6 for 3/5 damage.
- Their Leader version, the Prime with Grandhammer once again adds one attack.
The Praetors represent your bodyguards as they are able to heal back a nearby Leader. Praetors are reliable hitters, with Strength 5 and 2/5 damage. Their Leader version, the Praetor-Prime has has 4 attacks instead of 3 and same weapon profile.
The Liberator with Sigmarite Weapon and Shield and the Liberator with Sigmarite Weapon and Shield have both a balanced melee profile with 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage which is the same profile of a Vanquisher. The biggest difference being that the former has Toughness 6 and the latter “only” 5. Their leader option, the Liberator-Prime, have 1 attack and 5 Wounds more. The Liberator with Grandhammer, however, hits harder with 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/4 damage.
Gryph-hound are normally the cheapest unit in a Stormcast warband (they are available in all warbands to date), but in this case, they cost like the average troop. They have the same profile as a Vanquisher (4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) but a movement of 6” instead of 4” and the Darting Attack ability, that allows a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage.

Abilities for the Thunderstrike Stormcast Warband
- Blaze of Glory (Double, Everyone): This fighter can do a bonus attack only if they have 15 or more Wounds allocated.
- Soul-forged Guardians (Double, all Praetors): Remove up to 6 wounds from a nearby Leader, then allocate D3 damage to this fighter.
- Shock and Awe (Double, all Leaders): After taking down an enemy you can perform a bonus Move and Attack action.
- Plant the Banner of the Reforged (Double, Knight-Vexillor): Heal D3 wounds to all friendly fighters in range (roll individually).
- Bolt from the Heavens (Double, Knight-Arcanum): A chance to do up to 9 damage to an enemy within 18″.
- Lay Low the Tyrants (Double, all Liberators): Add 1 to Attack and Strength of melee attacks and if fighting a target with 25 wounds or more, count the normal hit as critical hits instead.
- Ordained Quest (Double, Knight-Questor): Either pick an enemy or an objective, can’t change it until either the enemy is dead or the objective controlled. Add 1 to melee attacks of the Knight-Questor and any Questor Soulsworn against that enemy for the rest of the battle, or count as 1 additional fighter the Knigh-Questor and any Questor Soulsworn when determining the control of the selected objective.
- Guiding Lightning (Triple, all Vigilors): After attacking an enemy with a ranged attack, everyone else has +1 attack against that enemy.
- Darting Attack (Triple, Gryph-Hounds): Make a bonus attack and then a bonus disengage.
- Vanquish the Horde (Triple, all Vanquishers): A chance to do up to 6 damage to all nearby enemies.
- Purifying Incense (Triple, Knight-Relictor): Reduce by 1 the damage taken while within 6″ of this fighter.
- Coordinated Strike (Triple, Lord-Imperatant): Up to 3 other nearby friendly fighters can perform a bonus move or bonus attack.
- Force of a Falling Star (Quad, all Annihilators): Perform a bonus move and if ending nearby an enemy unit, allocate up to 12 wounds to that enemy.
- Draw the Gaze of Sigmar (Quad, Knight-Judicator): Up to 3 damage to all enemy fighters nearby a chosen point.
Reaction for the Thunderstrike Stormcast Warband
Thunderous Departure (Everyone except Gryph-hound)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action that takes down this fighter.
- What: 6 damage to the attacking fighter.
Battle Trait for all Stormcast Eternals Warbands
Scions of the Storm: After deployment choose a fighter (if on the battlefield, remove it) and you can redeploy it from the second battle round anywhere on the battlefield more than 5″ from any enemy and 3″ from any objective.

Pros and Cons of the Warrior Chamber Warband
+ High toughness
+ High wounds
+ Good ranged option
+ Extreme versatility
– Low models count
– Hard to manage in certain situations
Guide for Stormcast Eternals Thunderstrike

Stormcast Eternals Ruination Chamber
Stormcast Eternals form different legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. The Ruination Chamber represents all Stormcast closer to completely lose their humanity and are part of the last wave of models that accompanied Age of Sigmar 4.0.
They have 9 different fighters, of which 6 are leaders.

The Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker is the most expensive fighter in the warband and also the only one mounted meaning he has some restrictions when moving through enclosed terrain (no climbing, etc.). For the rest, he has a great profile with 10″ of Movement and Toughness 5 and a dangerous melee profile: 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/6 damage.
The Knight-Azyros, in his latest iteration, with a gorgeous new model, has the same characteristics as his counterpart in the Warrior Chamber (10″ of flying movement, Toughness 5, 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage) so what really changes is the ability he has access to.
The Lord-Terminos is the heaviest-hitter and probably the recommended Leader option. With 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage, the only thing really slowing him down is the 4″ of movement, typical for the on-foot Stormcast fighters.
The Lord-Veritant is our blind-folded hero, has a melee profile similar to the Lord-Vigilant (but for only 2/4 damage) and a 3″-7″ ranged attack also for 3/7 damage. His companion, the Gryph-crow, is the cheapest fighter in the warband. With 5″ movement and 3 attacks at Strength 3, it is mostly used for reconnaissance or slow-down an enemy, and in this role, at that cost, it is perfect.
The Prosecutors all share 10″ of flying movement and, despite their shield, just Toughness 4, with a profile similar to the Warrior Chamber Prosecutor with Hammer and Shield although with extended range (3″-12″). The Prosecutor-Prime, the leader, has 1 melee attack more and more health. The Prosecutor, instead, is a great scout as 10″ movement and 12″ shooting attacks allow him to position where needed, to hold an objective or hunt a fugitive.
The Reclusians are the classic tanks: with Toughness 6 and high wounds, they will stand the hardest tests. And when is their turn, with 4 attack at Strength 4 for 3/5 damage, there will be retribution! The Reclusian-Prime, other than being the leader, increases the Strength to 5, making him a good contender as second-best leader of the faction.

Abilities for the Stormcast Ruination Chamber Warband
- Lightning-scoured Soul (Double, Everyone): This fighter obtains up to 6 Ruination dice. For each damage allocated, roll a die and on a 3+ that damage is ignored.
- Through Darkened Skies (Double, all Prosecutors): Teleport this fighter anywhere outside 5″ from enemy fighters.
- Memories of Past Glories (Double, all Reclusians): Give this fighter a Memorian token (max 1) and +1″ move and up to + 3 to the Strength of melee attacks.
- Sense Unholy Sorcery (Triple, Lord-Veritant): Enemy abilities used within 6″ of this fighter, or in the whole battlefield if there’s a friendly Gryph-crow within 6″, are reduced to value 1.
- Earn an Honourable Death (Triple, Lord-Terminos): Give this fighter a Memorian token (max 1), then all visible friendly Ruination fighters with 5 or more damage allocated can each make a bonus attack action.
- Blazing Lantern (Triple, Knight-Azyros): Enemy critical hits up to 6″ away from this fighter are normal hits.
- Deliver Judgement (Quad, Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker): Another Ruination fighter that has already activated can be activated again later this round.
Reaction for the Stormcast Ruination Chamber Warband
Ancient Aura (Everyone)
- When: An enemy fighter within 6″ uses an ability.
- What: Roll a dice, add +2 if the fighter has a Memorian token (the token is then discarded), if the final value equals or exceeds the ability value, that ability has no effect.
Pros and Cons of the Stormcast Ruination Chamber Warband
+ Hard to kill
+ Some good heavy-hitters
– Only 3 (really 2) non-hero fighter profiles
– There’s really little to do, even from a narrative perspective
Guide for Stormcast Eternals Ruination Chamber

Sylvaneth is one of the legacy warbands from the Order Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.
They are the children of Alarielle, Goddess of Life. They are grown from soulpods in the most disparate forests and represent the sylvan inhabitants of the Mortal Realms. Those forest spirits and tree creatures are not to be underestimated as they all guided by the spirit-song and work in unison.
They have 22 fighters of which 13 are leaders.

The Arch-Revenant is the most expensive unit of the warband. He doesn’t hit as hard as a Kurnoth, but has a good melee profile with 2″ range, 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage. He has a plethora of abilities as well of which Zephyrspite’s Tail Pincers allows to do 3 damage to an engaged enemy and Call to Battle that can increase the melee Attacks of units within 6″ by 1.
The Branchwraith is a spellcaster of the Forest Stalkers, and as such she has a 7″ ranged attack for 3/6 damage useful to hit from the second line while staying close to the fight. Don’t use her in melee with her Toughness of 3 but she can support the back lines with some healing.
The Branchwych could be another support character but her ability is a random chance to do some damage. She has the same ranged attack as the Branchwraith, but a 2″ melee attack that allows her to fight in melee without being engaged.
The Kurnoth Hunters are the most expensive model in the Sylvaneth Warband outside of the Arch-Revenant, but also the most versatile with different weapon loadouts:
- The Kurnoth Greatbow is the farthest ranged option available to this warband with an amazing 20” range. 2 attacks at Strength 4 (can be increased with the Leader ability as there is no range limit) performing 2/5 damage allow for some interesting tactics.
- The Kurnoth Scythe is the heavy-hitting option: 3 attacks with 2” range at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage can be decisive on many occasions.
- The Kurnoth Greatsword instead provides more attacks (4), with 1” range, same Strength but slightly less damage (2/5).
- Their Leader version, the Kurnoth Huntmaster, exists for all 3 different weapon options and adds 1 attack and access to the Leader abilities.
The Revenant Seekers represent the heavy cavalry with 10″ of flying movement, Toughness 4 and high wounds. Their attacks are proportionate with 2/4 damage at Strength 3. Their unit champion, the Soulwarden, adds 1 more attack, more wounds and overall creates the basis for a good Leader profile.
If the Revenant Seekers are the heavy cavalry, the Spiterider Lancers are the light cavalry, but with a twist: they are more expensive thanks to their 2″ range weapon and 12″ flying movement. Their unit champion, the Spiterider Scion, build up on the basic profile by adding one more attack and wounds, but in this case he is too expensive for the damage potential he offers.
The Gossamid Archers are an interesting combination as they add flying movement (10″) with missile attacks at decent range (3-10″). They don’t hit as hard as a Kurnoth (1/4 at Strength 3), but they are more mobile and cheaper. In addition, they can increase their Strength for a Double, Larval Shafts. Their Leader version, the Flitwing Scion, has a bit more wounds, one more missile attack and damage on melee.
The Spite-Revenants special ability allows to block an enemy and can be useful to disrupt your opponent plans. The profile itself of the Spite is in line with the low cost: 10 wounds, movement 4”, Toughness 3 and 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/3 damage. Their Leader version, the Shadestalker, adds more wounds (15), one attack (5) and more damage (2/4).
The Tree-Revenants have an interesting strategic ability: they can be moved anywhere on the battlefield. Despite this, they are also one of the cheapest model in the game, so they can be used in hordes to protect Kurnoth Hunters. Their profile is similar to that of the Spites, the only difference being the 3 attacks at Strength 3. Their Leader version, the Scion, has 2 different weapon loadouts:
- The Protector Glaive adds a 2″ range that is always useful on leaders, and a higher damage on critical hit (2/5).
- The Enchanted Blade has a more balanced profile, with 1″ range, but 4 attacks and 2/4 damage.
The Dryads also have an interesting horde-ability. If one “shouts” at an enemy in range, every Dryad adds +1 Attack against that enemy. They have 4 attacks at Strength 3 and can cause small damage (1/3) but in numbers and with 10 attacks (after using Enrapturing Song) per activation they can represent a problem. Their Leader version, the Branch Nymph does the same damage as the Shadestalker (2/4) but with one attack less (4).
Abilities for the Sylvaneth Warcry Warband
- Draw from the Spirit-song (Double, everyone): Heal up to 6 Wounds.
- Larval Shafts (Double, all Gossamid Archers): Add up to 3 to the Strength characteristic of the next missile attack action.
- Shrieking Terror (Double, all Spite-Revenants): A chance to block an enemy preventing move or disengage actions (on a 3+).
- Zephyrspite’s Tail Pincers (Double, Arch-Revenant): A chance to do 3 damage to an engaged enemy.
- Swarm of Spites (Double, Branchwych): A chance to do up to 6 damages to an enemy within 6″ (on a 4+).
- Enrapturing Song (Triple, Dryad and Branch Nymph): Target an enemy up to 6″ away. Add +1 to the Attacks performed by Dryads (or Branch Nymph) against that enemy.
- Walk the Spirit Path (Triple, all Tree-Revenants): Remove this fighter from the battlefield and place it anywhere on the battlefield floor, 5” from any enemy fighter.
- Blessing of the Forest (Triple, Branchwraith): Heal D3 damage to all friendly fighters within 6″ (roll individually).
- Call to Battle (Triple, Arch-Revenant): Add +1 to the melee Attacks of friendly fighters within 6″.
- Thrumming with Life (Quad, all Revenant Seekers and Spiterider Lancers): After taking down an enemy heal up to 10 wounds.
- Envoy of the Everqueen (Quad, all Leaders): Add up to +3 to the Toughness and Strength of friendly fighters within 6”.
Reaction for the Sylvaneth Warband
Vengeful Spites (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
- What: 1 damage to the attacking fighter for each hit and 2 for each critical hit.
Battle Trait for the Sylvaneth Warband
Spirit Pathways: Once per battle any fighter can use the Walk the Spirit Path without the use of any ability dice.

Pros and Cons of the Sylvaneth Warband
+ Decent mobility
+ Ability to heal
+ Varied abilities and strategies
– Expensive elite fighters, missing a layer in between them and the cheap infantry
– Not many offensive abilities
Hunters of Huanchi
The Hunters of Huanchi are the second non-Chaos warband released for Warcry and the first of the new season set in Ghur. While nominally belonging to the Seraphon army (lizardmen riding dinosaurs), they are their own warband with their own rules and brand new fighters.
They have 8 different fighters, of which 2 are leaders.

The Chameleon Skink Alpha is the leader of this warband and comes with 2 profiles, one ranged and one melee. The ranged profile (with Dartpipe) has an extremely weak attack (Strength 1 for 1/2 damage) but a 6″ range, the melee one (with Moonstone Club) is better, with Strength 3 and 1/3 damage, but Toughness 3 and 12 wounds would mean early death if not accurately protected.
The Chameleon Skink Hornblower shares many traits with the Alpha, including having a melee profile (with Moonstone Club) and a ranged one (with Dartpipe). Those are identical to the Alpha (the melee one has one attack less 3 instead of 4) and the same low resilience (Toughness 2 and 8 wounds).
The Chameleon Skink with Dartpipe is the ranged basic profile of the warband. Apart the 6″ range, their profile is extremely weak (2 attacks at Strength 1 for 1/2 damage). Their role is not to deal damage, but to steal the objectives from the enemy, dance around them, and occasionally pop a wound or two on them.
The Chameleon Skink with Moonstone Club is your go-to basic infantry. His profile is in line with his cost: 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage, Toughness 3, 8 Wounds and 6″ Movement. The best trait is their Hurled Bolas ability that can reduce the number of available actions to an enemy.
The Huanchi’s Claw is the debuffer of the warband. His javelins allow him also to shoot 8″, that is the longest range in the warband and with a critical hit of 4, he beats also the record for the highest damage in the warband. Damage that can be further increased with the Double Envenomed Weapons, to pump the 2 attacks at Strength 3.
The Terrawing is identical to a Chameleon Skink with Moonstone Club except for his 10″ flying movement. It is much more expensive because of its increased mobility but its best trait is that Hornblowers allow it a bonus move with impact damage.

Abilities for the Hunters of Huanchi Warband
- Agile Climbers (Double, Everyone except Terrawing): Ignore vertical distance when climbing.
- Envenomed Weapons (Double, Everyone except Terrawing): Add 1 to all damage for the next attack action.
- Hurled Bolas (Triple, Chameleon Skink Alpha and Chameleon Skink with Moonstone Club): Roll as many as 6 dice and if you score at least a 6, the target in range performs one action less this turn.
- Bellow of the Carnosaur (Triple, Huanchi’s Claw): Reduce by 1 movement and damage inflicted by the target enemy fighter.
- Call of the Hunt (Triple, all Chameleon Skink Hornblowers): Enable a Terrawing in range to perform a bonus move and inflict up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy.
- Hit and Run (Quad, Everyone except Terrawing): Perform a bonus move or disengage, then a bonus attack or move.
Reaction for the Hunters of Huanchi Warband
Slippery (Everyone except Terrawing)
- When: After being allocated damage on a melee attack.
- What: Perform a disengage action.
Battle Trait for the Hunters of Huanchi Warband
Hidden Hunters: After deployment, remove a fighter from each battle group and deploy them in a different battle group.

Pros and Cons of the Hunters of Huanchi Warband
+ Great models, something Seraphon badly needed
+ Many bodies
+ Great mobility
– Lack of synergies
– Extremely fragile
Questor Soulsworn
The Knight-Questors are those Stormcast Eternals heroes hand-picked by Sigmar for the most delicate missions where a single man can reach further than an entire army. While often working individually, at times they need to form a group to compensate each other weakness and accomplish greater feats of heroism: that’s when the Questor Soulsworn warbands are born.
The Questor Soulsworn warband is made of 7 different fighters, all have the Hero runemark and can be leader, so the warband has a special rule that allows to bypass the limit of heroes in the warband.

While the Questor-Prime would be the ideal candidate to be the leader of this warband, he doesn’t have to be. Actually he can also not be in the warband at all, as anyone else can be the leader. HIs base stats is the same across the entire warband: 4″ movement, Toughness 5 and 20 wounds. What differentiates them is the weapon profile and their abilities. He has access to Searing Light, that for a Triple does 3 damage to all visible enemies within 3″
The Soulsworn Knight-Relictor is the priest of the army with an 8″ ranged attack for 3/6 damage but also a melee profile that hurts with 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/4 damage. His main ability is the warband Quad that allows the teleport any friendly fighter within 3″ anywhere on the battlefield.
The core of the army is made of Errant-Questors who distinguish themselves from their weapon profile:
- The Grandhammer has 3 attacks at Strength 6 for 3/4 damage.
- The Grandblade increases the number of attacks to 4 at the cost of damage (2/4 at Strength 5).
- The Grandspear has 3″ range, 3 attacks, Strength 5 and 2/5 damage.
- The Grandaxe has the same profile of the Grandspear but 2″ range.
The Duellist with Twinblades is an outside on the Errant-Questor profile. They have less Strength and damage (4 for 2/3 damage) but many more attacks (5) that makes them much more efficient against low Toughness (3 or less) fighters.

Abilities for the Questor Soulsworn Warband
- Thundering Strides (Double, everyone): A friendly fighter nearby performs a bonus move action.
- With the Force of a Thunderbolt (Double, Errant-Questor with Grandhammer, Grandblade or Grandaxe): Perform a bonus attack action if finishing a move within 1″ of 2 or more enemies.
- You Won’t Even Slow Me Down (Double, everyone): Perform a bonus move or attack action after taking down an enemy.
- Searing Light (Triple, Questor-Prime): 3 damage to all visible enemy fighters close-by.
- Face Me, Cowards! (Triple, Errant-Questor Duellist): Enemy fighters close-by when they start their activation, cannot disengage or move further from the Duellist.
- Translocation (Quad, Soulsworn Knight-Relictor): Teleport a close-by friendly fighter anywhere on the battlefield 4″ away from enemy fighters.
Reaction for the Questor Soulsworn Warband
Swift Retribution (Everyone)
- When: A melee attack does enough damage to take down a fighter.
- What: Pick another fighter to perform a bonus move or attack action.
Battle Trait for the Questor Soulsworn Warband
Heroes Without Limits: Fighters from this warband can use multiple abilities in the same activation.

Pros and Cons of the Questor Soulsworn Warband
+ Strong fighters with good attacks and defence
+ Strong abilities that require coordination
+ Strong reaction
– Nothing?
Wildercorps Hunters
The Wildercorps Hunters are the veteran scouts that warn the Dawnbringer crusades of any incoming danger. They are the ears and eyes of the cities of Sigmar and rely on close comradeship and their trusted hounds to survive in the most difficult environments in the Mortal Realms.
The Wildercorps Hunters warband is made of 11 different fighters, of which 3 are the leaders.

The Wildercorps Warden is the Leader of the warband and has 3 different profiles characterised also by the use of different abilities. But the base profile is the same: 4″ movement, Toughness 3 and 20 wounds. Toughness and movement is the same across most of the warband. The Double-Bitted Axe provides the highest potential damage output against average Toughness: 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage. On the other hand, the Hunting Crossbow gives access to 2 attacks at a 3-15″ range. The Wildercorps Hunter with Grizzled Trailhound, on the other hand provides more attacks (4) at less Strength (3) but a base damage of 2/3.
The Trailblazer represent elite skirmisher, with the same base profile as the Warden but 12 wounds. They have 2 weapon loadouts, the Trailblazer with Duelling Sabre has 2 attacks at range 8″ (no minimum range) for 1/3 damage and 4 melee attacks for 2/4 damage, both with Strength 3. The Trailblazer with Twin Crossbow, has only the ranged profile but 4 attacks instead of 2.
The Arbalester is the long-range fighter, with up to 20″ distance for 4/8 damage. It comes with mobility sacrifice (only 3″ movement) but with that range, you can cover most of the field anyway.
The Wildercorps Leatherhide have two weapon profiles. The Hunting Crossbow guarantees a 15″ range (minimum 3″) and both the ranged and melee profile have 2 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage. The Troggslayer Spear instead has an interesting 2″ range (attack without being engaged), 3 attacks, Strength 4 and 2/4 damage.
The Wildercorps Scouts are the starting rank in the warband. They have even less wounds (10) and 2 profiles as well both with ranged and melee options. The Hunting Crossbow is the one with better range (3-15″) at the cost of less melee attacks (2). The Paired Hatchets have less range (8″), but more melee attacks (4). All attacks are Strength 3 for 1/3 damage.
The Trailhound is the little star of the warband. The only one without a ranged profile, provides a 6″ movement and 2 attacks for 2/3 damage. The cheapest profile in the warband comes at the cost of only 6 wounds, but you can pack a lot of these hounds in the warband.

Abilities for the Wildercorps Hunters Warband
- Death Grip (Double, Trailhound): If at least one hit in the next attack is successful, the targeted opponent forfeits an action in this battle round or receives 3 damage if they have no actions left.
- Hunting Pack (Double, all except Trailhound): Another friendly Wildercorps within 2″ can perform a bonus attack action.
- Hunter’s Eye (Double, Warden with Double-Bitted Axe, Warden with Crossbow and both Leatherhide): +1 damage on hits and critical hits of melee attacks.
- Trailblazer’s Might (Triple, all Trailblazers): Critical hits are scored with a roll of 5+.
- Kill! (Triple, Warden with Trailhound): Allocate damage points to an enemy equal to triple the amount of Trailhounds within 3″ of it.
- Regroup! (Quad, all except Trailhound): All other Wildercorps within 6″ can make a bonus move or a bonus disengage action.
Reaction for the Wildercorps Hunters Warband
Smart Step Backwards (Everyone)
- When: After being allocated damage from a melee action.
- What: Perform a bonus disengage action.
Battle Trait for the Wildercorps Hunters Warband
Point Blank Volley: Once per battle round a fighter can treat their ranged weapon as having minimum range 1″.

Pros and Cons of the Wildercorps Hunters Warband
+ Many ranged options
+ A good mix of mobility, number of activations and abilities
– Low Toughness
– Low Strength
Vulkyn Flameseekers
The Vulkyn Flameseekers are the most fervent believers in Vulcatrix, the godbeast that died in a great fight against Grimnir, Fyreslayer’s most revered god. They travel the realms in search of Magmadroth eggs to raise and train as they consider them the progeny of the Ur-Salamander.
This warband is made of 7 different fighters, of which 2 are the leaders.

The Vulkyn Runefather is the leader of this warband. He comes with two profiles. Both have 2″ range but the Drothvault Greataxe is more balanced with 4 attacks at Strength 4 and 2/4 damage, while the Mastercrafted Bokaz hits a bit harder (Strength 5 and 2/5 damage) but with less attacks (3). On top of that, both profiles have access to an 8″ ranged attack for 1/3 damage at Strength 4 that can be useful to compensate the warband overall low mobility (3″ movement). The Vulkyn Runefather is a tough opponent with 22 wounds and Toughness 5, meaning that he will be comfortable in the midst of the fray.
The Drothmaster shares the same 8″ ranged attack as the rest of the warband, but in addition his melee attack has a 3″ range and a good damage (2/4 at Strength 4). Comparing to the Runefather, his Toughness goes down to 4 (same as the rest of the warband) with 20 wounds.
The Scalebreakers are the basic infantry of the army. They don’t have specific abilities and share the same ranged attack as the rest of the warband. In melee, the Fyresteel Splitaxe provides the greatest Strength (5) for 2/4 damage, while the Bokaz has more damage on critical hit (5) at the cost of Strength (4). Both have 3 attacks at 2″ range that makes a basic unit with Toughness 4 an extremely good profile.
The Drothblood Thane hits really hard with his 5 attacks and a profile worth of a Runefather (he has only 2 wounds less and 1″ range melee profile). Toughness 5 guarantees that he is not going to suffer the shortest range in the warband (he still has the 8″ attack as all others).
The last fighter in the warband is the little Kyndledroth, with the Beast runemark. It also has the 8″ ranged profile, but in this case is a single shot at Strength 6 with higher damage (2/4). In melee, it handles itself well, with 4 attacks for 2/3 damage, Toughness 4 and 10 wounds.

Abilities for the Vulkyn Flameseekers Warband
- Blazing Impetus (Double, Everyone): After making two move actions in the same activation, can make a third one or a disengage action.
- Ignite Weapon (Double, Everyone): Consider one miss in the next attack as a critical hit instead.
- Kyndlebreath (Double, Kyndledroth): Roll up to 6 dice and for each 5+ allocate 1 damage to a visible enemy fighter within 6″ and any other enemy within 2″ of the target.
- Berserk Rampage (Triple, Drothblood Thane): Roll 6 dice and allocate to an engaged enemy fighter from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 36 damage (depending on dice roll and ability’s value).
- Creed of Flame (Triple, Drothmaster): A friendly fighter not within 6″ performs 2 bonus move actions or a bonus attack action. If it is a Kyndledroth, it performs all three actions in sequence.
- Aspect of the Scale (Quad, Everyone): Allocate up to 18 damage (depending on dice roll and ability’s value) to an enemy fighter within 3″.
Reaction for the Vulkyn Flameseekers Warband
Runic Flare (Everyone except the Kyndledroth)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
- What: Up to 2 critical hits are considered normal hits instead.
Battle Trait for the Vulkyn Flameseekers Warband
Reborn in Flame (Triple, Drothblood Thane): Resurrect a fallen Beast (Kyndledroth in this warband) with no damage allocated within 3″ of this fighter.

Pros and Cons of the Vulkyn Flameseekers Warband
+ Everyone with ranged attacks
+ High damage potential
– Little synergies and no support abilities
– Low movement
Ydrilan Riverblades
The Lumineth Realm-lords have a complex relationship with the elemental spirits and the Ydrilan temple is the one tasked to protect the River spirits. To become an Ydrilan Riverblade, one has to go through an increasingly difficult training within the waters of a gushing river and survive waterfall falls, being crashed on jagged rocks by the rapids, etc. In exchange, they learn how to fight efficiently and move as the currents.
This warband is made of 7 different fighters, of which 3 are leaders.

The Pureflood Seneschal have three different profiles but they all share 5″ Movement, Toughness 4 and 18 Wounds:
- The Master’s Blades is the most balanced loadout with 5 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/4 damage.
- The Ythara Darts transform the attack in a single 8″ range profile with 4 attacks and 2/3 damage.
- The Ydrillan Warglaive is a melee weapon with 2″ range, 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage.
The Crestdancer is the elite fighter, with same Move and Toughness of the leader but only 10 Wounds. They have two weapon profiles, both melee but with enough range to avoid direct engagement (which helps incredibly survivability):
- The Roped Sickle has 3″ range for 4 attacks at Strength 4 and 1/4 damage
- The Twin-spear has only 2″ range and 3 attacks but base damage 2/4.
The Stream-runners have lower Toughness (3) and Wounds (8) and two weapon profiles:
- The Riversteel Weapons which have 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage
- The Crestblade with 1 more attack, at the cost of less critical damage (1/2). In addition, the Crestblade is the only one that would damage every fighter within 1″ when using the warband reaction.

Abilities for the Ydrilan Riverblades Warband
- Riverblades (Double, Everyone): Add 1″ to the Move characteristic and, at the end of each action except Wait, on a 2+, deal 1 damage to an enemy fighter within 8″.
- Rapids Rising Leap (Double, all Seneschals and Crestdancers): Can move as if flying but not going more than 3″ upwards vertically.
- Whitecrest Strike (Double, all Seneschals): Add 1 to the Strength characteristic.
- Standing Wave Stance (Triple, Everyone): Add 1 to Attack and Strength of melee attacks and Toughness but this fighter cannot make, or have made, move or disengage actions in the same activation.
- Release the River (Triple, all Seneschals): Add up to 3″ to the Move characteristic of friendly fighters starting within 6″.
- Boiling Wrath (Quad, Everyone): This fighter obtains as many bonus actions (move, disengage or attack) as the fighters from his battle group that have already been taken down.
Reaction for the Ydrilan Riverblades Warband
Lethal Gyre (Everyone)
- When: During an enemy melee attack action, before the hit rolls.
- What: For each 1 rolled by the enemy, allocate 3 damage to the attacking fighter or to every fighter within 1″ if the defending fighter is a Stream-runner with Crestblades.
Battle Trait for the Ydrilan Riverblades Warband
The River Winds Its Way: When a fighter starts on the battlefield floor and within 1″ of a terrain feature, add 1″ to their Move characteristic.

Pros and Cons of the Ydrilan Riverblades Warband
+ Extreme mobility
– Little ranged capabilities
– Average defensive profiles
The Twistweald are a group of Sylvaneth infected with a parasite originated in the Gnarlwood region, as a consequence of the unnatural growth spurred by the broken and out-of-control realm-shaping engines crashed with the Seraphon temple-ship the Eye of Chotec.
This warband is made of 7 different fighters, of which 1 is the leader.

The Swarmsage is the Leader of the warband. She has a classic wizard ranged profile with 3″-7″ range, 2 attacks at Strength 4 for 3/6 damage and a more “melee” one with 3″ range but 4 attacks for 2/5 damage. This is a great offensive profile considering the Toughness 4 and 22 wounds which allow her to attack without been engaged and survive much longer than other melee oriented leaders while maintaining a good damage potential.
The Twistroot Spite-Revenant with Briarlash has the same speed and Toughness of the Swarmsage (4″ and 4) but goes down in wounds. For this reason, his 3″ melee profile is excellent to keep the distance from his quarries: 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/3 damage.
The Twistroot Warden should be the guardian of the warband, but it does not have any specific ability on that front. Instead he has 3 profiles very different from each other:
- The Guardian Halberd is the most damaging with 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/4 damage and 2″ range.
- The Spitespear increases Toughness to 5, maintains the 2″ range and presents 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, which is the most balanced profile.
- The Guardian Bow has a ranged profile for 3″-15″ range, but only 1/2 damage, while the melee profile is even weaker with 2 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/3 damage.
The Twistroot Revenant with Harvester Blade, which can be assembled with different blade options but both have the same profile, is another elite melee profile, with 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage, whose passion in life is to use the Double Flesh-Piercing Talons which allows to score critical hits on a 5+.
The Twistroot Dryad is basically the same as the Twistroot Revenant but trades 1 damage on critical hit and 2 wounds less (10) for 1″ move of movement (5″) at the same cost.

Abilities for the Twistweald Warband
- Flesh-piercing Talons (Double, Twistroot Spite-Revenant, Twistroot Revenant and Dryad): Score critical hits on a 5+ on the next melee attack action.
- Voracious Swarm (Double, Swarmsage): Roll up to 6 dice and for each 3+ allocate 1 damage to an enemy within 12″.
- Eruption of Thorns (Double, Everyone): Roll a dice for each enemy engaged, on a 4+ allocate up to 3 damage.
- Thorned Grasp (Triple, Swarmsage and Twisroot Spite-Revenant): On a roll of 2+ allocate 2 damage to an enemy within 3″. Keep rolling a dice and allocating 2 damage until the roll is equal or lower than the previous roll.
- Devour Infection (Triple, Swarmsage): Pick a friendly fighter within 12″ and roll up to 6 dice. For each 4+, allocate 1 damage and add +1 attack to the next melee attack action of that fighter.
- Twisted Song (Quad, Everyone): Heal up to 6 damage, then perform a bonus move or attack action.
Reaction for the Twistweald Warband
Mycelial Ravaging (Everyone)
- When: When targeted by a melee attack but before hit rolls.
- What: For each roll of 5+ allocate 2 damage to the attacking fighter.
Battle Trait for the Twistweald Warband
Ravaged by Corruption: At the end of a battle round you can pick one friendly fighter and allocate 1 damage to them. If they are still alive, they can allocate D3 damage to an engaged enemy.

Pros and Cons of the Twistweald Warband
+ Lots of profiles
+ Many offensive abilities
+ Many 2″/3″ melee profiles
– Feeling something feels off