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Warcry Warbands for Death & Destruction: Overview

This is an article in a series where we do an overview of all Warcry Warbands for a Grand Alliance and exactly what fighter can be taken in each warband. This article is the warcry warbands for Death & Destruction.

You can find the Warcry Warband overview for Chaos here and the Warband overview for Order here.

If you are interested in the Bladeborn warbands, you can find our guide here.

We have many articles dedicated to Warcry that you can find at this link.

Death Warbands

Warband NameWarband BoxStG BoxGuide for Warband
Flesh-eater CourtsWarcry_FleshEaterCourtsGo to Guide
NighthauntNighthaunt Warcry BoxVanguard_NighthauntGo to Guide
Ossiarch BonereapersOssiarchBonereapers_Vanguard_BoxGo to Guide
Soulblight GravelordsSoulblightGravelords_Vanguard_BoxGo to Guide
Askurgan TruebladesAskurganTrueblades_BoxGo to Guide
Royal BeastflayersWarcry_RoyalBeastflayers_BoxGo to Guide
Teratic CohortWarcry_TeraticCohort_Box

Flesh-Eater Courts

Flesh-Eater Courts is one of the legacy warbands from the Death Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.

They are a cannibalistic race of ghouls and vampires living in the deluge that they are instead noble knights and peasants from ancient kingdoms fighting the evil around the Mortal Realms. This is the consequence of the curse that Nagash imposed to Ushoran, the first of the Flesh-Eater.

They have 21 fighters of which 13 are leaders.

Abhorrant Archregent

The Abhorrant Archregent is the natural leader of a Flesh-Eater Army. He shares his abilities with all other leaders, but if he uses Decree of Chivalry can extend the area of effect. As a melee combatant, he is slightly more fragile than the top Courtiers with Toughness 4 and 25 wounds instead of 36, but he is also much cheaper and has a stronger attack profile (4 attacks at Strength 4 with damage 3/5).

The Abhorrant Ghoul King shares the same abilities as the Archregent but is the only hero that adds +4 to the amount healed using the Triple Victory Feast (to a maximum of 7). With 5″ movement and 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, you can pick an easy target and kill him off to heal then a good chunk of your army.

The Varghulf Courtier has 8″ movement, an ability that costs a Double and allows to ignore the vertical distance when choosing a target, 35 wounds and an attacking profile even better than an Archregent with Strength 5, but he is also the most expensive leader in the warband.

The Abhorrant Cardinal hits slightly better than a Ghoul but the reason why you consider taking him is because of his ability that for a Double on a 3+ removes one action to an opponent within 3″.

The Abhorrant Gorewarden has a similar profile to the Ghoul King but with 2 important differences: he can move 10″ flying and his Toughness is only 3 making him the weakest hero in the warband in par with the Crypt Ghast.

The Marrowscroll Herald has 1 less attack of a Ghoul King but the 2″ reach weapon that allows to attack without being directly engaged. In addition, his ability costs a Triple but introduces an interactive mini-game with your opponent.

The Royal Decapitator does not have any extra abilities aside from the warband ones and the 2 generic for all Leaders, but compensates with a 2″ range weapon with 2 attacks at Strength 5 for 4/5 damage!

With 10″ of flying movement, the Morbheg Knights don’t care much that they are mounted and can’t go through archways and similar. They also introduce Toughness 5 that combined with the 2″ range weapons and high wounds (25 for the Champion and 20 for the Knight) guarantees extreme durability although at a considerable cost in points. The Champion of Morbheg is the leader option and has 1 attack more than the Morbheg Knight (4 at Strength 4 for 3/4 damage).

The Crypt Flayers can all fly with Movement 10″ and share the same ability: Death Scream, that for a Triple prevents enemies from using reactions while within 6″ of the screaming fighter. The leader options, the Crypt Infernal Courtier and the Crypt Infernal, are veritable killing machines, indeed the two of the most expensive fighters of the entire warband: 32 wounds (36 for the Courtier), Toughness 4 and 4 attacks at strength 4 (5 for the Courtier) for damage 2/5. The Crypt Flayer loses just 1 damage on critical (2/4) and few wounds.

The Horrors are the second option available from the Crypt Flayers/Horrors box. They share the same statistics as the Crypt Flayers but no special ability, so that now their attacking profile and the 6″ movement are all is left of this elite unit. The Crypt Haunter Courtier is the most elite leader of this group, the Crypt Haunter a slightly weaker leader option and the Crypt Horror the main elite non-flying choice.

The Cryptguard are mostly used for their reaction that allows to transfer wounds destined to kill a nearby hero to themselves instead. There are 4 profiles, with the Captains being leaders:

  • The Crypt Captain with Cursed Blade is the most balanced profile with 4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage.
  • The Crypt Captain with Cursed Halberd inverts Strength for Attacks (3 at Strength 4) and increases the weapon range to 2″.
  • The Cryptguard with Cursed Blade goes down a bit with 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage.
  • The Cryptguard with Cursed Halberd has the same attack profile than the other version, but with the 2″ weapon range that makes him the preferred choice.

The Crypt Ghouls are your basic fighters: cheap and no special abilities. Toughness 3 and 8 wounds makes them really squishy but you can field so many of them that they compensate with the numbers. The same is valid for their Leader versions, the Crypt Ghast Courtier and Crypt Ghast, making them unremarkable leaders.

Crypt Flayers with Crypt Infernal in the foreground

Abilities for the Flesh-Eater Courts Warband

  • Hungry Talons (Double, Everyone): Until the end of the battle round inflict D6 damage to any enemy fighter disengaging within 6″ of this fighter.
  • Scrabbling Hordes (Double, Crypt Ghouls and all Cryptguard and Crypt Captains): Immediately after, activate another Minion fighter (Ghoul, Captain or Guard) within 6″ that has not activated yet.
  • Winds of Shyish (Double, Abhorrant Gorewarden): If not within 3″ of enemy fighters, him and another Cryptguard or Ghoul can teleport anywhere on the battlefield outside 5″ of enemies and within 3″ of each other.
  • Noble Winged Beast (Double, Varghulf Courtier): Do not count vertical distance when attacking.
  • Speak in Tongues (Double, Abhorrant Cardinal): An enemy fighter within 3″ can perform 1 less action (to a min of 1) at his next activation.
  • Death Scream: (Triple, Crypt Infernal Courtier, Infernal and Flayer): Until the end of the battle round, enemy fighters within 6″ cannot make reactions.
  • Predator’s Pounce: (Triple, all Morbheg Knights): Can perform a bonus disengage and then a bonus move action.
  • Victory Feast: (Triple, all Leaders): After taking down an enemy can heal up to 3 points to all friendly fighters within 6″. If the Leader is an Abhorrant Ghoul King, add 4 to the amount healed.
  • King’s Entreaty (Triple, Marrowscroll Herald): A chosen enemy fighter within 3″ has to choose if to accept an infected bone or not. If he does, after each activation until the end of the battle roll a die, on a 5+ the fighter is taken down. If they don’t, they can’t use abilities anymore.
  • The Royal Hunt (Quad, Everyone): For each friendly fighter within 3″, add 1 to Attack and Damage.
  • Decree of Chivalry (Quad, all Leaders): Add 1 to the Attacks of melee actions of friendly fighters within 9″. If the the Leader is an Abhorrant Archregent, add up to 6″ to the range.

Reaction for the Flesh-Eater Courts Warband

Baffling Parlay (Everyone)

  • When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
  • What: Subtract 1 from the enemy attack characteristic to a minimum of 1.

Royal Bodyguard (all Crypt Captains and Cryptguard)

  • When: After a friendly Hero within 3″ is damaged by an attack enough points to be taken down.
  • What: Allocate that damage to the reacting fighter instead. If the latter is taken down, any remaining points are still allocated to the Hero.

Battle Trait for the Flesh-Eater Courts Warband

Form a Lance: Add 1″ to the Move characteristic of fighters that start their activation within 1″ of 2 or more friendly fighters. Add 1 to the Strength of melee attacks while they are within 1″ of 2 or more friendly fighters.

Flesh-Eater Courts previous Start Collecting: a warband in a box.

Pros and Cons of the Flesh-Eater Courts


+ Access to high movement and flying
+ Hard-hitting fighters and cheap disposable bodies
+ One of the easier/cheaper legacy warbands to build


– Not a lot of different model types
– No ranged attacks
– You could get tired of the naming of your models (they really like that crypt…)

Guide for Flesh-Eater Courts

Legions of Nagash

Legions of Nagash was one of the legacy warbands from the Death Grand Alliance. Since the publication of Tome of Champions 2021, it has been completely replaced by Soulblight Gravelords.

You can still see our original guide for Legions of Nagash.


Nighthaunt is one of the legacy warbands from the Death Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.

In his twisted sense of justice, Nagash, the Supreme Lord of Undeath, created the ghostly hordes comprising the Nighthaunt from the souls of deceased beings leaving them enough memory of their past lives to torment them for eternity and increase their hatred for the living.

They have 25 fighters of which 15 are leaders.

Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed

There are two types of Knights of Shrouds: cavalry and infantry. Both have the same weapon profile and Runemarks so what differentiates them is the movement 10″ for the one on Ethereal Steed. Their attack is good (4 attacks at Strength 4) and sits at the high end compared to the other leader options. Their special ability (Stolen Hours) allows them to heal for how much damage they inflicted making them highly survivable.

Dreadblade Harrow is another cavalry option with average attacks, movement 10″ and a special ability that allows them to tele-transport anywhere on the battlefield. While it is a powerful ability that allows you to chase runaways or secure an objective last minute, it does have some limitations.

The Guardian of Souls introduces ranged attack to an otherwise melee focussed warband. With damage 3/6 and range 3-7″ you probably want to make most use of it and keep him far from the centre of the fight. His special ability, Unholy Light, can heal all nearby fighters in a warband traditionally low on Wounds.

The Spirit Torment is the second heaviest leader in the warband with Strength 5 and damage 3/5. He is also one the most expensive and his ability, Captured Soul-energy, allows to heal friendly fighters in range as long as he kills an enemy.

Between the Leaders, the Lord Executioner is the heaviest hitter with 2 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage. But he doesn’t have anything else to add, meaning there are better and more useful leaders out there.

The Hexwraiths add extra flying movement (10″) to an already fast warband with just average attacks (4 at Strength 3 but with 2″ range) but some more than welcome high Wounds characteristic (20). The Hellwraith is the Leader of this unit increasing the critical damage by 1 point (4 total).

The Extoller of Shyish is one of the cheapest leaders. At a decent price for 15 wounds and a Toughness of 4, there are much better options considering he has no special ability apart from resurrecting fallen comrades. He is the Leader version of the Grimghast Reapers who share the same base stats with less wounds, the same 2” range and add to the fray a really useful ability, Reaped Like Corn, that allows them to hit every surrounding enemy.

The Cairn Wraith is the rightful leader of a Grimghast Reaper army, with better attacks (3 at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage and the precious 2″ range) and same abilities: Soul-marked Prey and Reaped Like Corn.

The Tomb Banshee has a ranged attack that is her strongest (2/5 damage) and can reach 10″ with no minimum value, meaning she could use it also on melee. However, her special ability Frightful Touch, that allows to treat all hits as critical hits, works only on her melee profile (4 attacks with 4 damage on critical hit) that is still a good profile is you have the Triple to use.

The Krulghast Cruciator is another ranged hero with a range of 10″ and no minimum range, meaning that he can always perform his 4 attacks at Strength 4.

The Scriptor Mortis is another recent addition, whose main role, apart being a cheapish leader with higher wounds than others (22), is to use his ability Sentenced to Eternal Torment in the latter turns for a straight up 6 damage anywhere on the battlefield.

The Dreadscythe Harridans are terrifying melee fighters able to pin in place an enemy (Harrowing Shriek). The high number of attacks (5 at Strength 3) justifies the average cost of these ladies. The Slasher Crone is their Leader that adds extra damage to her arsenal (2/4 instead of 1/3) for a price in line with the rest of the warband.

The Chainrasp, despite being the cheapest unit available in the warband is costed higher than equivalent units in the other warbands thanks to his ability to fly and a relatively high Toughness (4). With damage 1/2 and Strength 3 will be a long process to put down the tougher opponents, so they are probably best suited to grab objectives or slow down the enemy. Their Leader version, the Dreadwarden, is the cheapest option as a leader and is treated as a minion benefitting from the same ability, Chilling Horde, where every Chainrasp next to another can get an extra attack per activation. On the other hand, it is not extremely survivable with only 12 wounds and a Toughness of 4.

The Spirit Hosts are the most expensive non-fighter unit available to the Nighthaunt and for a good reason. With 28 wounds and toughness 4 it’s going to take time to pull them down. Normally they wouldn’t hit too hard, but their ability, Frightful Touch, allows every hit to be treated like a critical.

The best characteristic of the Chainghast is to be the ranged unit with the longest range in this warband with 12″ range at Strength 4. He is more elite than other fighters with 15 Wounds but pays a hefty price for this despite the lack of special abilities.

The Bladegheists Revenants compete with the Grimghast Reapers and at a similar cost they have Strength 4 instead of 3 but no extra abilities and only 1″ range.

The Glavewraith Stalker has now a similar cost as the Chainrasp but 2″ range weapon and extra damage on critical hit (1/3). While, they don’t have any special ability, it can still be used to swarm the enemy the same way as Chainrasps with their 6″ movement.

The Myrmourn Banshee is slightly more expensive than a Grimghast but adds considerable weight to the table with +1 strength (4) and more damage on a normal hit (2/4). They do not have any special ability, however, and, despite Toughness 4, with 10 wounds they are extremely vulnerable to critical hits.

The Craventhrone Guard is the classic ranged unit, with 3″-10″ range. They have only 2 attacks at Strength 4 and in melee they compare with the Chainrasps but with one attack less. Their missile attack compares to the Chainghast that is better for range and critical damage. They have no special ability, and the few abilities that buff attacks work only on melee. Overall is one of those “in-between” that don’t impress. And their Leader, the Craven Huntmaster doesn’t add much to the fray apart being one of the cheapest leaders in the warband.

Grimghast Reapers with their leader Extoller of Shyish

Abilities for the Nighthaunt Warband

  • Aura of Dread (Double, Everyone): Subtract 1 to the Strength characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of an enemy fighter.
  • Soul-marked Prey (Double, Grimghast Reaper and Cairn Wraith): Add +1 Strength to all melee attacks against the targeted wounded enemy.
  • Chilling Horde (Double, Dreadwarden and Chainrasp): +1 Attack and +1 Strength if close to another fighter with same runemark.
  • Stolen Hours (Double, both Knight of Shrods): Heal this fighter for how much damage he delivered this activation.
  • Frightful Touch (Triple, Everyone): each hit scores critical damage, in addition Tomb Banshees, Spirit Hosts and Hexwraiths add +1 to their melee attacks.
  • Harrowing Shriek (Triple, all Dreadscythe Harridans): A chance to prevent an enemy in range from moving or disengaging.
  • Phantasmal Discorporation (Triple, Dreadblade Harrow): If the unit is not within 3″ of an enemy, reposition it anywhere outside of 5″ from any enemy.
  • Unholy Light (Triple, Guardian of Souls): Heal D3 wound to all nearby friendly fighters (roll individually).
  • Sentenced to Eternal Torment (Triple, Scriptor Mortis): 6 damage to an enemy if a dice roll is lower or equal than the current round.
  • Spectral Summon (Triple, all Leaders): Set up again any fighter taken down with as many wounds left as the value of the ability.
  • Reaped Like Corn (Quad, Grimghast Reaper and Cairn Wraith): Up to 6 damage to all enemy fighters within range.
  • Captured Soul-energy (Quad, Spirit Torment): After taking down an enemy, heal up to 6 wounds to all friendly fighters nearby.

Reaction for the Nighthaunt Warband

Flickering Form (Everyone)

  • When: An enemy ends a move within 3″.
  • What: Relocate this fighter anywhere but at the same distance from the moving enemy.

Battle Trait for the Nighthaunt Warband

Wave of Terror: Add +1 to the melee Attack characteristic of fighters who moved in the same activation.

Nighthaunt Warcry old box

Pros and Cons of the Nighthaunt


+ Versatile
+ Fly is, in general, an amazing ability
+ Summoning back models is a powerful ability, tactically satisfying and thematically fitting


– Low damage (unless you can get off some abilities)
– Can struggle on some missions

Guide for Nighthaunt

Ossiarch Bonereapers

Ossiarch Bonereapers is one of the legacy warbands from the Death Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.

They are a pet project that Nagash, Supreme Lord of Undeath, initiated long before the Stormcast Eternals were reforged. He combined the best souls he could get his skeletal hands on to create a super efficient army of skeleton automatons and then release it in the Mortal Realms to collect the tithe, a tribute of bones used to create more soldiers.

They have 18 fighters of which 6 are leaders.


The Liege-Kavalos is a majestic model that rightfully should lead any cavalry based Ossiarch warband. He is the most expensive leader of this warband but also the one with most hit points (30) and damage output (4 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage). He compares with the Kavalos Hekatos and for a much higher cost in points, he adds 1 Strength, 1 damage on critical hits and 5 wounds.

The Mortisans are the commanders and bone-mages of the army and they come in different shapes. For the Demi-cohorts they add the only ranged options in the army: 2 attacks at Strength 3 for damage 3/6 and range 3-7″. The main differentiation comes from their special abilities:

  • The Boneshaper is the healer, able to remove D3 damage to all fighters in range.
  • The Soulreaper is the damage dealer, with damage to all fighters within range.
  • The Soulmason is the support guy, able to add Attacks to fighters within 6″ range. For some reason he is also Mounted, preventing him from going through doors and archways.
  • The Ossifector works paired with the Morghasts as it can increase their attack characteristic (only for one action) by half the ability’s value.

The Morghast are the elite fighters of this warband, distinguished by their main role: Archai are effective protectors while the Harbingers are messengers of destruction. They are further differentiated by the weapon load-out:

  • Spirit Halberds provide higher damage concentrated in less attacks (3 at Strength 5 for 3/5 damage)
  • Spirit Swords provide more balanced attacks (5 at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage).
  • The Harbingers have a free move ability and Toughness 4
  • The Archai cost slightly more and have Toughness 5.

The Kavalos Deathriders are the cavalry of the Ossiarch Bonereapers. All Kavalos have Movement 8” and Toughness 5 making them extremely flexible and tough. The Hekatos has 25 wounds, the normal Deathriders 20. They have different versions:

  • The Blade drops 1 in Strength and 1 in normal damage (1/4) but it’s also much cheaper.
  • The Spear loses one attack (3) but increasing the range (2”) and the damage on critical (5).
  • Their Leader version, the Kavalos Deathrider Hekatos, has access to the Unstoppable Advance ability to increase the Movement within its battle group (hammer, shield or dagger). He is also armed with a blade (damage 2/4 for 4 attacks at Strength 4).

The Mortek Guard is the basic infantry of the Ossiarch but do not under-estimate them: they can be extremely lethal especially in groups. Their main ability, Form Shield Wall, allows to increase their Toughness from 5 to 6.

  • The only one unable to use this ability is the one armed with the Soulcleaver Greatblade. He is also the only one with Toughness 4 (instead of 5) but compensates by doing more damage (2/4) on his 2 attacks at Strength 4.
  • The Spear increases its weapon range to 2” at the cost of one attack (only 2) and increased damage on critical hit (5).
  • The Blade provides a more balanced profile with 3 attacks at Strength 3, 1/4 damage but only 1” range.
  • Their Leader version, the Mortek Guard Hekatos is a valid melee fighter with 4 attacks at Strength 4 but lower damage than other leaders (1/4). He is also the cheapest leader (other than the slowest).

Necropolis Stalkers are an interesting model attack-oriented considering they have the lowest Toughness in the warband (4). However, they compensate with 28 wounds and a movement of 5″ half-way between the Mortek and the Kavalos. There are 2 different weapon loadouts for the Necropolis Stalkers:

  • The Dread Falchions reduces the number of attacks (3) for maximum damage (3/6 at Strength 5, the highest on this warband).
  • The Spirit Blades are a more conservative weapon with 5 attacks at Strength 4 (2/5 damage).

The Immortis Guard has a similar profile to the Necropolis Stalker with Falchions with 1 attack less (2), less damage on critical (3/5) and Toughness 5 that can be further increased with Form Shieldwall. He also has 2″ range that is always useful considering their base size.

From left to right: Mortisan Soulreaper, Boneshaper and Soulmason

Abilities for the Ossiarch Bonereapers Warband

  • Nadirite Weapon (Double, Everyone): Add 1 to the damage characteristic (for both hit and critical hit) for melee weapons.
  • Form Shieldwall (Double, Immortis Guar and all Mortek Guard except with Greatblade): Add 1 to the Toughness of this fighter (and anyone with same runemark nearby) until the end of the battle round.
  • Hunt and Kill (Double, Necropolis Stalkers): If the fighter is within 6” of an enemy model, can do a bonus move towards the nearest enemy.
  • Endless Duty (Double, Liege-Kavalos): After taking down an enemy you can perform a bonus Move or Attack action.
  • Refined Creations (Double, Mortisan Ossifector): Select a Morghast within 3″ and add up to 3 to their next melee attack.
  • Deathrider Charge (Triple, all Kavalos Deathriders): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
  • Unbridled Ferocity (Triple, all Morghast Harbingers): Allows a bonus move.
  • Unstoppable Advance (Triple, all Leaders): Add up to 3″ to the Movement of all fighters in the same battle group as the leader.
  • Soul-guide (Triple, Mortisan Soulmason): Add 1 to the Attack of friendly fighters within range.
  • The Boneshaper’s Art (Triple, Mortisan Boneshaper): Heal D3 to all friendly fighters in range (roll individually).
  • Blade-strike Aspect (Quad, all Necropolis Stalkers): Add 3 the Attack characteristic.
  • Soulreaper Scythe (Quad, Mortisan Soulreaper): Do up to 6 damage to all enemies within range.

Reaction for the Ossiarch Bonereapers Warband

Deathly Prowess (Everyone)

  • When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
  • What: 5 damage to the attacking fighter if all attacks miss.

Battle Trait for the Ossiarch Bonereapers Warband

Ranks Unbroken By Dissent: Add 1″ to all abilities requiring a range.

The Mortisan Tithe-Echelon was 2021 Christmas battleforce box representing the Ossiarch Bonereapers

Pros and Cons of the Ossiarch Bonereapers


+ Good toughness
+ All-round
+ Extreme versatility


– Few ranged options

Guide for Ossiarch Bonereapers

Soulblight Gravelords

Soulblight Gravelords is one of the legacy warbands from the Death Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.

They represent the vampire elite commanding all sorts of undead and they replace Legions of Nagash army and warband. However, you are not forced to use a vampire to lead your warband, skeletons are equally valuable fighters or a Necromancer could muster your horde of zombies.

They have 22 fighters of which 6 are leaders.

One of the latest Vampire Lord models

The Vampire Lord is the strongest melee leader in this warband with an average damage second only to the Vargskyr (4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/6 damage). If you are used to the vampires from Legions of Nagash, this is quite an upgrade. He is now more resistant (Toughness 5 with 25 wounds), faster (5″ still flying) and access to many interesting abilities.

The Necromancer is an important piece in the army able to activate your other fighters within his round, but now it’s probably better suited as a hero rather than a leader. Also, with Toughness 3 and 20 wounds is really fragile and needs to be well protected. His ranged attack (3-7” with good 3/6 damage) represents the only ranged option in the warband.

The Wight Kings are the commanders of the skeleton hordes with Toughness 5 and high wounds. They come in two forms:

  • The Wight King on Skeletal Steed has a spear providing 2″ range, 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage.
  • The standard Wight King has a more balanced weapon profile with just a lower Strength (4).

The Vargheists are the flying unit of this warband with a Movement of 8″. High Wounds and average Toughness (4) guarantees them some survivability. The Vargoyle is the leader of a Vargheist unit, with a good melee profile (4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage). The standard version has the same profile but less damage (1/4). Both have access to Blood-maddened Frenzy, that allows a bonus attack or move after taking down an enemy.

Blood Knights are the heavy cavalry of the warband. They come in different versions but they are all mounted and have 8″ Movement:

  • The Templar Blade provides 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
  • The Templar Lance with 2″ range loses 1 attack but increases Strength to 5.
  • Kastellan is basically a Vampire Lord on horse without the Flying runemark. Being mounted he has access to Deathly Charge (as all Blood Knights) for some damage at the end of the movement.

Vyrkos Blood-born‘s main sin is from their only and extremely situational ability that allows to climb for free. Apart from that, Vyrkos have decent attacks (4 at Strength 4 for 1/5 damage) but low survivability with Toughness 3 and 15 wounds.

The Vargskyr is an impressive model with a barely useful ability (Vampiric Agility), gifted with an impressive damage output (2 Attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage) and a 2″ range. 35 Wounds and Toughness 4 makes him tough but comparing with a Vargheist still trails behind.

The Kosargi Nightguard is another model coming from Cursed City board game, no ability to his name, but a decent profile as a heavy damager: strength 5 and 2/5 damage at 2″ range. Toughness 4 and 30 wounds make him a tough opponent. It costs less than a Vargheist, but in this case the difference in cost can be justified and they move more than a normal Zombie (4″).

The Black Knights are the lighter cavalry of this warband, compared to the Blood Knights, but they have the same movement of 8″. They do have less wounds and less Toughness (4) but they become an interesting option in a thematic skeletons-only warband. The 2″ range spear attack is similar to the foot version (3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/4 damage). Their Champion version, the Hell Knight, reduces the range to 1″, increasing the damage to 2/4. He is not a Leader, but as a Champion can perform a bonus attack action and increase his attacks for that action.

The Grave Guard are the elite undead infantry. They come with different loadouts and are essential in many warbands:

  • The Great Wight Blade hits at Strength 5 with +1 on normal damage (2/4).
  • The Wight Blade and Crypt Shield increases Toughness by 1 (4).
  • The Champion is the Seneschal, that doesn’t count as a Leader but can perform a bonus attack action and increase his attacks for that action.

The Skeletons are basic fighters with low wounds and Toughness 4. They have different weapon loadouts:

  • The Ancient Spear has 2” weapon range and +1 damage on critical really improving the longevity of this unit
  • The Ancient Blade has 1 attack more.
  • The Skeleton Champion with Mace does not count as a leader but can perform a bonus attack action and increase his attacks for that action.
  • Same as the Skeleton Champion with Halberd that adds a 2″ range weapon to the fray.

The Zombies have the same identical profile and cost as a Skeleton Warrior with Spear, but 2 Wounds more to compensate the 1″ range of the weapon. Probably the worst trade-off in history.

Blood Knights with Templar Lances. The Kastellan is in the middle.

Abilities for the Soulblight Gravelords Warband

  • Shambling Horde (Double, all Grave Guards, Skeletons and Zombies): Up to 6″ bonus move when starting in range of a visible leader.
  • Vampiric Agility (Double, Vyrkos and Vargskyr): Do not count vertical distance when climbing.
  • Blood-maddened Feeding Frenzy (Double, Vargoyle and Vargheist): After taking down an enemy you can perform a bonus Move or Attack action.
  • Beheading Strike (Double, all Wight Kings): Add up to 3 to the damage on critical hits for the next melee attack.
  • Necrotic Siphon (Double, Necromancer): Steal wounds from a friendly Minion fighter to heal back the double to the Necromancer.
  • Deathly Charge (Triple, all Blood Knights and Black Knights): Deal up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy at the end of the next movement.
  • Thirst for Blood (Triple, Vampire Lord and all Blood Knights): Heal up to 12 wounds after taking down an enemy.
  • Summon Undead Minion (Triple, all Leaders): Return a slain Minion model (Grave Guard, Skeleton or Zombie) to the table fully healed or with up to 6 wounds if they are Elite.
  • Call the Crimson Feast (Triple, Vampire Lord and all Kastellan): Add 1 to the melee Attacks to all friendly fighters within 6″ of the leader.
  • Chosen Champion (Quad, Seneschal, Hell Knight and both Skeleton Champions):  While within 6″ of a Leader, perform a bonus attack and add up to 3 to the Attack and Strength characteristics.
  • Vanhel’s Danse Macabre (Quad, Necromancer):  Perform a bonus move or attack with up to 6 fighters in range.

Reaction for the Soulblight Gravelords Warband

Unfeeling Flesh (Everyone)

  • When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
  • What: Reduce by 1 the damage received on normal hits.

Battle Trait for the Soulblight Gravelords Warband

Sanguine Glory: When using the ability Thirst for Blood if the value is 1 or 2 increase it to 3.

Radukar’s Court, part of Cursed City release

Pros and cons of Soulblight Gravelords


+ Horde army but with elite options
+ Versatile with many options
+ Ability to bring back dead comrades


– No ranged options except one leader

Guide for Soulblight Gravelords

Askurgan Trueblades

The Askurgan Trueblades represent what happens when vampires gather in an ancient monastic order to control their thirst, refusing to slay unworthy humans and transform in the beast that hides within them.

They belong to the Soulblight Gravelord Age of Sigmar army and in Warcry they have 7 profiles of which 1 is a leader.

Askurgan Exemplar

The Askurgan Exemplar is the Trueblades leader. While he is not particularly tough (4), his 3 attacks at Strength 6 for 4/6 damage are enough to scare anyone trying to get too close. In addition he has access to 4 faction abilities and 1 reaction. Where things get more interesting is that, instead of this bonus action, he could use his Triple, Magisterial Poise, to add +1 to the melee attacks of all friendly visible fighters within 8″.

The Askurgan Pariah‘s relatively low cost is justified by the lowest Toughness in the warband (3) that will make him quite susceptible to enemy attacks, despite the 18 wounds. On the other hand, when he attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage, it’s scary.

The Curseblood is the fastest unit in the warband with 6″ movement, most resistant (25 wounds with Toughness 4) and the one with most attacks (4 at Strength 5). What drags it down a bit is the fact that is a Beast, so it can’t open doors or carry treasures, but can guard pretty well an objective.

The Askurgan Ascetics share 15 wounds and Toughness 4, other than access to the warband reaction and Quad and the interesting Perfect Strike that allows them to score critical hits on a 5+. They have 2 weapon profiles:

  • The Howling Glaive increases the range to 2″ at the cost of Strength (reduced to 5) and damage (2/5).
  • The Charnel Mace is the strongest melee profile after the Exemplar: Strength 6 for 3/4 damage.

The Askurgan Acolytes have access to the warband reaction and Quad and have 2 weapon profiles:

  • The Throat-Taker has 3″ range that allows quite some distance from his prey, combined with 3 attacks at Strength 4 with critical damage 4 makes an interesting base unit choice.
  • The Bonehilt Falchion loses range and attacks (2 at 1″) but goes up in Strength (5) and damage (2/5).

Abilities for the Askurgan Trueblades Warband

  • Moment of Savagery (Double, Everyone): After taking down an enemy perform a bonus move or bonus attack.
  • Beast Familiar (Double, Askurgan Pariah): Prevent an enemy within 20″ from disengaging.
  • Terrifying Howl (Double, Curseblood): Prevent enemies close-by from performing reactions.
  • Magisterial Poise (Triple, Askurgan Exemplar): After taking down an enemy increase by 1 the melee attacks of friendly fighters within 8″.
  • Perfect Strike (Triple, Askurgan Exemplar and both Askuran Ascetics): Score critical hits on a 5+.
  • Worthy Foes (Quad, Askurgan Exemplar, all Askurgan Ascetics and Acolytes): Add 2″ Movement and 2 to the melee attack characteristic.

Reaction for the Askurgan Trueblades Warband

Lofty Disdain (Askurgan Exemplar, all Askurgan Ascetics and Acolytes)

  • When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls..
  • What: Add 1 to Toughness for that attack.

Battle Trait for the Askurgan Trueblades Warband

Worthy Draught: Heal D6 damage when a fighter from this warband takes down with a melee attack an enemy hero or fighter with 20 or more Wounds.

Full warband from the box

Pros and Cons of the Askurgan Trueblades Warband


+ Quick fighters
+ Strong attacks


– Few attacks
– Overall average Toughness
– No ranged abilities or attacks

Guide for the Askurgan Trueblades.

Royal Beastflayers

The Royal Beastflayers are deranged ghouls believing to be the best hunters at the court of powerful kings, roaming their lord’s lands to free it from the most horrible creatures, while they really despoil and threaten the natural order.

They belong to Flesh-Eater Courts army and the warband is made of 5 different fighters, of which 1 is the leader.

Royal Flaymaster

The Royal Flaymaster is the leader of this warband with an average profile for a leader but with good all-round statistics starting from the 5″ of Movement shared by most warband. 20 wounds and Toughness 4 may not make him the sturdiest hero, but an attack profile with 2″ allows him to attack from a safe distance. 3/5 damage on Strength 4 is not to be trifled with either.

The Beastflayer Baron is a cheaper (and weaker) version of the Flaymaster with only 1″ range and 2/4 damage.

The Gore-squire is a stronger Ghoul, with 12 wounds, same Toughness 4 as the Flaymaster and Baron, and a minimum damage of 2 that, despite their Strength 3, gives another value to the 4 attacks.

The Ghoul Tracker is the most basic profile of this army. You may want troves of these to use the 5″ movement and various other mobility abilities to position them on objectives, block nasty enemies, and if you have a chance use the Flaymaster’s Triple to do free damage to an enemy.

The Offal Hounds have the same attack profile of the Baron with 3 attacks at 2/4 damage, but they have 7″ movement at the cost of being a Beast with all its downsides.

Offal Hound

Abilities for the Royal Beastflayers Warband

  • Feed the Hounds (Double, everyone): Heal up to 6 wounds to every other friendly fighter close-by after taking down an enemy.
  • Sound the Hunt (Double, Beastflayer Baron): Up to 3 other fighters close-by can perform a bonus move of up to 6″.
  • Clambering Horrors (Double, Offal Hounds): Ignore vertical distance while climbing this activation.
  • Unleash the Hounds (Triple, Ghoul Gore-squire): Add up to 3″ to the Move characteristic of friendly fighters close-by.
  • Pack Tactics (Triple, Royal Flaymaster): Allocate damage to a visible enemy equal to the double of friendly fighters close to that enemy.
  • No Rest till our Quest is Done (Quad, Royal Flaymaster): Add 2 to the Strength characteristic of melee attacks of friendly fighters within 6″.

Reaction for the Royal Beastflayers Warband

Tenacious Hunters (Everyone)

  • When: an enemy within 1″ makes a disengage movement.
  • What: allocate D3 damage to that enemy.

Battle Trait for the Royal Beastflayers Warband

The Hounds Bay: When an Offal Hound kills an enemy with a melee attack, another friendly fighter can move up to 3″.

Full warband

Pros and Cons of the Royal Beastflayers Warband


+ Above average speed and mobility tricks
+ Interesting close-pack abilities


– Average Strength
– No ranged damage

Guide for the Royal Beastflayers.


The Pyregheists are the remains of those that in life protected the souls of the deceased with crematory rites, denying to the Supreme Lord of Undeath, Nagash, his due and therefore being punished for eternity to live in agony except the moment in which they condemn another soul to eternal damnation and pain.

The Pyregheists warband is made of 7 different fighters, of which 2 are leaders

Deacon of Flames with Pyrekeeper’s Tongs

The Deacon of Flame is the leader of the warband and comes with two profiles: the Pyrekeeper’s Tongs provide 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/4 damage, while the Brazier-staff allows 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage. Both weapons have 2″ range, which is important to maintain distance as the Deacons have 20 wounds and an impressive Toughness 5, which does not help against critical hits. They also have a shooting profile with 8″ range for 2 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage which is a great addition.

The Balefire Guards also have the impressive Toughness 5 but only 12 wounds which makes them extremely vulnerable to critical hits. They also have 2 weapon profiles: the Scorch Flail has 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage, which is a standard attack profile, while the Flaming Halberd has 2″ range and 3 attacks at Strength 5.

The Torchwraith goes down to Toughness 4 but he is the main source of ranged attacks with his 8″ 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 1/3 damage. With a combination of 6″ of flying movement and 8″ ranged attacks, he represents the backbone of the army, ideal in many situations.

The Flamewraith with Brazier-staff has 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 1/3 damage, while the Flamewraith with Balefire Torches have 2″ range and are 3 attacks for 1/4 damage.


Abilities for the Pyregheists Warband

  • Fan the Flames (Double, Everyone): Add 1 to the damage of hits and critical hits for the next melee attack.
  • Pyrobber’s Curse (Double, Torchwraith): Add 1 to Strength of its attacks and if any fighter is taken down, cremate it.
  • Unblinking Guardian (Double, all Balefire Guards): Add 1 to the Toughness of all Elite (Balefire Guards) or Heroes (Deacon of Flames) within 3″.
  • Light the Pyre (Triple, Everyone): After taking down an enemy, cremate it.
  • Soulblaze (Triple, Deacon of Flames): After taking down an enemy, up to 3 Pyregheists can make a bonus move or attack action.
  • Agonising Penace (Quad, Everyone): A visible enemy fighter within 6″ moves directly towards his nearest comrade jumping. At the end of the move allocate 3 damage to him and any other enemy fighter within 2″. Any one slain by this action is cremated.

Battle Trait for the Pyregheists Warband

Balefire Cremation (this is not an optional battle trait but part of the warband): When instructed to cremate a fighter, replace him with a Pyre token. At the end of the battle round, after calculating objectives control, allocate 3 damage to each enemy fighter within 1″ of a Pyre token.

Pyres of Victory: At the end of the battle round roll a dice for each friendly Pyre in game. On a 3+ obtain a wild dice.

Full warband

Pros and Cons of the Pyregheists Warband


+ Different warband with a new mechanic
+ Ranged options
+ High Toughness flying fighters


– Low Wounds overall
– Average hitters, no stand-out

Guide for the Pyregheists

Teratic Cohort

The Teratic Cohort are made by Ossiarch Bonereapers warriors and leaders who displeased Nagash, the Great Necromancer. Their punishment is to be remade in bestial form while maintaining the knowledge of who they were and keep a sparkling of hope of one day to be brought back in their original shape.

The Teratic Cohort warband is made of 5 different fighters, of which 1 is the leader.

Kavalos Centauri

The Kavalos Centauri is the Leader of the warband, and the most expensive fighter. 7″ movement makes him also the fastest, unfortunately being “mounted” has some limitations, like can’t climb or pass through archways and closed doors. Not that climbing a short platform would get away from him, thanks to his 3″ range attacks (5) at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.

The Mortek Cykloptians work similarly to the Centauri: they have the same Toughness 4, good wounds and Elite runemark but go down to 4″ movement. The main difference between the profiles is that the Mortek Cykloptian with Dread Glaive is the heavy hitter with 3 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/4 damage, while the Mortek Cykloptian with Nadirite Bident has 2″ range but 1/5 damage.

The Aviarch Harpy is a Beast with 5″ flying movement and good attacks (4 at Strength 4 for 1/4 damage) with average Toughness (4). It is more of a scouting unit, able to attack from the flanks and double down on weaker opponents or to relieve the pressure.

The Teratic Prowler is the base fighter of this warband, unfortunately a Beast as well with all relevant limitations. 4″ movement, Toughness 4 and 3 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage, makes it a decent fighter at its point cost.

Teratic Prowler

Abilities for the Teratic Cohort Warband

  • Bestial Leaps (Double, Kavalos Centauri and both Cykloptians): Perform a 3″ bonus move as if flying (or 4″ if spending a wild dice).
  • Eyes of Katakros (Double, Everyone): Once per battle round, roll up to 6 dice and for each 5+ obtain a wild dice.
  • Nadirite Strike (Double, Kavalos Centauri and both Cykloptians): Add +2 to the attacks in the next melee attack action. If two wild dice are discarded, critical hits are scored on a 5+.
  • Artery-severing Strike (Triple, Aviarch and Prowler): After damaging an enemy, for the rest of the round every time the target performs a reaction or an action (other than wait), roll up to 6 dice and for each 2+ allocate a damage point.
  • Unleashed Rage (Triple, Everyone): One critical hit from the next melee action generates an additional critical hit (or two if two wild dice are spent).
  • Savagery Unbound (Quad, Kavalos Centauri and both Cykloptians): Each fighter within this battle group (or the entire warband if two wild dice are spent) can perform a bonus move.

Reaction for the Teratic Cohort Warband

Predatory Ravage (Everyone)

  • When: After receiving a melee attack and be assigned all damage.
  • What: Make a melee attack action against the attacker with -1 to the attack and damage (both normal and critical hits) unless a wild dice is spent.

Battle Trait for the Teratic Cohort Warband

Predatory Outsiders: Before deployment you can pick a battle group that is not in reserve and can deploy it within 6″ of their deployment zone but 6″ away from enemy units.

Full warband

Pros and Cons of the Teratic Cohort Warband


+ Straight-forward warband


– Simple list-building, not many options
– Mechanics based on wild dice not rewarding
– Not a single ranged attack/ability

Guide for the Teratic Cohort

Destruction Warbands

Warband NameWarband BoxStG BoxGuide for Warband
BonesplitterzSavage Orruks BoxGo to Guide
KruleboyzWarcry_KruleboyzBoxStarterSet_HarbingerGo to Guide
Gloomspite GitzWarcry Gloomspite GitzGloomspiteGitz_Vanguard_BoxGo to Guide
IronjawzWarcry_IronjawzIronjawz Start CollectingGo to Guide
Ogor MawtribesVanguard_OgorMawtribesGo to Guide
Gorger MawpackWarcry_HunterAndHunted_Content
Kruleboyz Monsta-KillazWarcry_KruleboyzMonstaKillaz_Box


Bonesplitterz is one of the legacy warbands from the Orruk Warclans range belonging to the Destruction Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures with that keyword.

They are wild frenzied Orruks armed with little more than bone weapons, primitive bows and the protection (or at the very least confidence on) of their warpaint.

They have 19 fighters of which 9 are leaders.

Wurrgog Prophet

The Maniak Weirdnob is an expensive leader of the Rangin’ Rukks with an excellent movement of 10″ but being Mounted he cannot climb, pass through doors, etc. He can resist quite few punches with Toughness 4 and 28 Wounds and can throw some back with his 3/6 damage ranged attack (up to 7″). His ranged attacks can be increased from 2 to 3 (Weird-Squig).

The Savage Big Boss leads Bonesplitterz in the midst of the fray. With 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage he hits as hard as a Big Stabba, but is smaller, more resistant (Toughness 4) and has access to some interesting Leader abilities.

The Wurrgog Prophet is another supporting wizard, decently priced. He has the same attacks as the Weirdnob (1 attack less in melee) but a little bit less Wounds (22) maintaining same Toughness (4). Of all area of effect available to the Rangin’ Rukks the Beast-mask Dance is one of the most interesting providing -1 Attack to all enemy fighters in range.

The Wardokk healing ability got improved as now it can heal D3 wounds to all friendly fighters within 6″ range. The rest of his profile would be identical to a Wurrgog but he loses 1 damage on critical hit on melee (1/3) and 1 in Strength (3).

The Savage Boarboys are in reality a family of two distinct mad cavalry on top of War Boars. They all share the same ability, Tusker Charge, that allows impact damage and have 10″ Movement, good wounds and Toughness 4.

  • The Boarboy Maniak hits harder and costs more, with 4 Attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage.
  • Their Leader version, the Savage Boss Maniak, is even stronger with 3/6 damage.
  • The Savage Boarboy Boss is the other Leader and does “only” 2/5 damage with the same weapon profile.
  • The Boarboy Bone Totem Bearer increases Strength (5) and introduces the ability Beast Spirit Ju-ju, that increases by 1 the Toughness of all nearby fighters.
  • The other two weapon loadouts have same Strength 3 but the Chompa has 3 Attacks and damage 1/3.
  • The Stikka instead has 3 attacks with 2″ range and extra damage on critical.

The Savage Orruk Morboys are the closest thing to elite infantry the Bonesplitterz have and come in different shapes:

  • The Morboy has Strength 4 and a 2/4 damage spread in 3 attacks.
  • The Morboy Totem Bearer has the same weapon profile of the base Morboy but 3” range. Where he really excels, however, is his ability Beast Spirit Ju-Ju, the same as the Boarboy Totem Bearer.
  • Their Leader version, the Morboy Boss, is one of the top choices for a Leader. While his Strength and Toughness of 4 may seem somewhat underwhelming for his points, where he truly shines is his damage output: 4 Attacks for 3/6 damage.

The Savage Big Stabba has the same damage output of a Savage Big Boss, costing less but having also no special ability. Despite that they have 30 Wounds (but Toughness 3) and Strength 5 for 3/6 damage being a bit of a glass cannon.

The Savage Orruks are the basic infantry and some of the cheapest models.

  • The Orruk Boss with Chompa and Bone Shield is the cheapest melee leader but not a good candidate.
  • The Chompa has 3 Attacks at 1″ range.
  • The Stikka instead has only 2 Attacks but with 2″ range with greater critical damage.

The Savage Orruk Arrowboys are the only purely ranged option available for the Bonesplitterz (and one of the few in Destruction) with a range of up to 15″. They can also increase their attacks thanks to Loadsa Arrow. Despite so they have only Strength 3 and 1/3 for damage making fishing for critical hits essential, but they are cheap, including the Savage Arrow Boss. Indeed he is the cheapest Leader in the warband with a slightly better melee profile.

Savage Orruk Morbiys with Boss and Bone Totem Bearer

Abilities for Bonesplitterz Warband

  • Charge! (Double, Everyone): Perform a bonus move towards the closest enemy in range.
  • Toof Shiv (Double, Savage Boarboy Maniak, Savage Orruk Morboy): A chance to allocate 3 damage to an engaged enemy.
  • Beast Spirit Ju-ju (Double, Savage Boarboy and Morboy Bone Totem Bearers): Increase of 1 the Toughness of nearby friendly fighters.
  • Weird Squig (Double, Maniak Weirdnob): Add 1 to the Attack characteristic of ranged attacks.
  • Waaagh! (Triple, all Leaders): Add up to 3″ to the Move characteristic of nearby friendly fighters.
  • Tusker Charge (Triple, all Boarboys, Savage Maniaks and Maniak Weirdnob): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
  • Loadsa Arrows (Triple, all Arrowboys): Add up to +3 to the Attack characteristic of the next ranged attack.
  • Ritual Dance (Triple, Wardokk): Heal D3 damage to all nearby friendly fighters (roll individually).
  • Beast-mask Dance (Triple, Wurrgog Prophet): Reduce of 1 the number of Attacks of nearby enemy fighters.
  • Rampaging Destroyer (Quad, Everyone): Add 1 to the Attacks and every time you take down a fighter perform a bonus Move action.
  • Mighty Waaagh! (Quad, Savage Big Boss): Add 3″ to the Move characteristic of nearby friendly fighters (9″).

Reaction for the Bonesplitterz Warband

Get Stuck In (Everyone)

  • When: After an enemy finishes a move within 3″.
  • What: A bonus move for another friendly fighter within 3″ that needs to end within 1″ of the enemy fighter.

Battle Trait for the Bonesplitterz Warband

Primal Belief: During initiative roll but before determining initiative, any roll of 1 can be re-rolled.

Pros and Cons of the Bonesplitterz in Warcry


+ Adaptable and easy to play
+ Good selection of models
+ Interesting area effects for buffing and debuffing
+ Access to ranged attacks


 Average powered models that don’t excel in any one area
– Losing your Bone Totems or Leaders can be utterly devastating

Guide for Bonesplitterz


Kruleboyz is one of the legacy warbands from the Orruk Warclans range belonging to the Destruction Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures with that keyword.

They are a swamp-dwelling extremely cruel and cunning breed of Orruks. Instead of brute force they favour traps and poisons, deception and ambushes. They have been rallied out of their hideouts by the awakening of Kragnos, the End of Empires.

They have 15 fighters of which 8 are leaders.

Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof

The Killabosses are the strongest combatants you can choose as Leaders for Kruleboyz warbands:

  • The Killaboss on Gnashtoof has extremely high wounds, Toughness 5 and 8″ Movement with access to the Bone-Crushing Bite Double ability, which does damage to a nearby enemy fighter based on dice rolls.
  • The Killaboss with Boss-hacka and Skareshield has higher Toughness (5) at the cost of less attacks (4 for 2/4 damage).
  • The Killaboss with Boss-hacka and Rusting Flail returns to Toughness 4 but adds an extra attack and more damage (5 for 2/5 damage).

The Murknob with Belcha-Banna has a slightly worse weapon profile than the Killabosses, as well as lower Wounds and Toughness, but it does have a unique ability that does some area damage.

The Swampcalla Shaman has the same defensive statistics as the Murknob, but it has two weapon profiles: a 3″-7″ ranged attack with the highest critical damage in the warband (3/6), and a 2″ range melee attack with low normal damage but otherwise decent statistics. His ability decreases the Attack characteristic of nearby enemy fighters but requires him to be close to the melee.

The Gutrippas are one of two categories of melee infantry fighter types for the Kruleboyz warband, and they come in two variants, each with their own Leader: 

  • The Wicked Stikka is probably the best one of the 2 because of his 2″ range weapon (for 1/4 damage at Strength 3)
  • Their Leader version, the Boss with Wicked Stikka has the same 2″ range but with Toughness 5 and only 3 attacks is definitely a more defensive Leader.
  • The Wicked Hakka instead increases the attacks to 3 for 1/3 damage but only 1″ range.
  • Their Leader version, the Boss with Mace and Sword, is similar to the other Boss but trades 1 more Attack for 1 less Toughness.

The Man-Skewer Boltboy is an elite ranged fighter type with a pretty good ranged weapon profile, and the same melee profile as a Gutrippa with Wicked Hakka on top. Having a long range option for the warband is pretty great (especially for a Destruction warband), and their ability, Aimed Shot, allows to score critical hits on a 4+. Their Leader version, the Boltboy Boss is a significantly buffed-up version of the standard Boltboy, with better weapon profiles in both melee and ranged, but you do have better options as leaders.

The Hobgrots work in synergy outside of your warband with the Hobgrot Boss, that is not a Leader, but is able to increases the melee Attack characteristic of all Hobgrots around him. The standard Hobgrot Slitta is pretty weak in combat without the use of this ability but both have also a ranged attack at 3-5″ range that can help compensate the overall fragility (Toughness 3 and low wounds).

The Stab-Grot is a tiny grot cosplaying as a Killaboss, and neither his offensive or defensive statistics are impressive. He can perform a bonus action using a Killaboss ability.

The Pot-Grot is really, really useful for its points cost as his unique Triple ability called Brewed Elixir can heal a friendly fighter nearby. For his point cost there’s no reason not to take it.

Kruleboyz Boss Crew, new box from the original Dominion content

Abilities for the Kruleboyz Warband

  • Venom-Encrusted Weapons (Double, everyone except all Hobgrots, Stab-grot and Pot-grot): Increase by 1 the damage for all attacks that activation.
  • Aimed Shot (Double, all Boltboys): If the fighter does not move, critical hits are scored on a 4+.
  • Bone-Crushing Bite (Double, Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof): A chance to do up to 18 damage to an engaged enemy.
  • You Hold ‘Em Off (Double, both Killaboss): Give a bonus move or attack action to a nearby Stab-Grot.
  • Stab ‘Em Good (Triple, Hobgrot Boss): Improve the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by Minions (Hobgrots and Stab-grot) around this fighter for one battle round.
  • Brewed Elixir (Triple, Pot-Grot): Heal a nearby fighter based on a dice roll.
  • Summon Boggy Mist (Triple, Swampcalla Shaman): Decrease the Attacks characteristic of enemy fighters nearby the Shaman.
  • Breath of the Mire-drake (Triple, Murknob with Belcha-Banna): A chance to do up to 6 damage to all enemy fighters nearby.
  • Kunnin’ Attack (Quad, all Leaders): If there are more friendly fighters with the Warrior runemark close to the fighter using this ability than enemy fighters, those friendly fighters all make a bonus move or attack action.

Reaction for the Kruleboyz Warband

Kunnin’ Trap (Everyone)

  • When: After an enemy finishes a move within 3″.
  • What: A bonus attack for another friendly fighter within 3″ that needs to target the enemy fighter that moved.

Battle Trait for the Kruleboyz Warband

Stick ‘Em Good and Quick: Once per battle round select a friendly fighter, after they allocate at least 1 damage with a melee attack, they can allocate an extra D3 damage to the same opponent.

Warcry Kruleboys box content

Pros and Cons of the Kruleboyz Warband


+ A strong Quad ability that doesn’t require a high Quad roll
+ Good access to ranged and 2″ range weapons
+ Good synergies
+ Clearly communicated playstyle that’s good for beginners


– Strong melee Leaders lack synergies with the rest of the army

Guide for Kruleboyz

Gloomspite Gitz

Gloomspite Gitz is one of the legacy warbands from the Destruction Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.

They represent the Grots and their allies, from the cave-dwelling Moonclan and their funny but unpredictable pet Squigs to the spider riders of the Spiderfang tribes. Notably their massive friends, the Troggoths, can only be used as Thralls.

They have 26 fighters of which 9 are leaders.

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig

The Loonboss is the military commander of the Moonclan Grots and as such he is an essential leader even of a Sneaky Skrap. Decent Toughness, low Wounds as all Grots (16) and ok melee attacks (4 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/4 damage at 2″ range) make him a just average leader. But considering his cost and the warband average cost, his main strength is in the price.

The spiritual leaders of the Grots are the Shamans and the Fungoid Cave-Shaman is the most representative. With Toughness 3 he is fragile, so better use his 7″ attack for 3/6 damage. His ability to do area damage is also a trap as the range is really short.

The Rabble-Rowza is a peculiar character with the cost similar to a Loonboss, same Toughness, 1 more attack but 1 less damage on critical hit, and an ability whose use is strictly for Narrative play and involves Monsters.

The bulk of a Grot army is made by the Moonclan Grots, of which there are various versions:

  • The Moonclan Boss is the only Leader from this set. He is similar to a Loonboss with 1″ weapon, less wounds and no special ability.
  • The Stabba with Stabba and Moon Shield (sword wielding version) provides 3 attacks at strength 2 for 3 damage on a critical hit that are ok for the fighter cost.
  • The Stabba with Pokin’ Spear and Moon Shield sacrifices 1 attack for more critical damage and 2″ range, particularly useful when you activate a leader ability to increase the number of attacks.
  • The Stabba with Barbed Net is useful to prevent the movement of an enemy with his ability.
  • The Shoota is the ranged version of the basic grot and one of the two ranged options in this warband barring a couple of leaders. He is unable to use most sneaky abilities on his ranged attacks as they require a melee weapon. This means that the 2 attacks at strength 3 and range 12” cannot be improved in any way.

The Sneaky Snuffler is an upgrade on the basic grot. While his attacks have the damage of a Spear and the number of a Stabba, his number of wounds double even if with Toughness 3, making him a valid fighter for his point cost.

The Fanatics represent the elite of the grot force with much higher Strength and 3″ range attacks. The Loonsmasha has 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage basically the same profile of a Boingrot Bounder but at a fraction of the cost because 6 wounds, despite Toughness 5, means they are going down really fast. The Sporesplatta increases Strength to 5 but reduces the damage to 1/4 and Toughness to 4. They are still a valid fighter with access of the perfect anti-missile reaction, Spore Cloud.

The Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig is the most expensive fighter of the Sneaky Skraps with a profile similar to the Bounder Boss (Flying Movement of 8″ and Toughness 5) but more wounds and greater Strength (5). His trademark ability, Madcap Destruction is the type of unpredictable abilities that make the Gloomspite extremely entertaining to play.

The Squigboss with Gnasha-squig works pretty well in combination with the other Squig based fighters (Squig Hoppers, Boingrot Bounderz, Cave Squigs, etc.). Fight-wise the Squigboss is a good one, with 2″ range which compensate the low Toughness (3), Strength 4 and 2/5 damage.

The Squig Hoppers represent the light cavalry of the Squig Riders, with a flying movement of 10″ and Toughness 4. As all squig riders, they have access to the Madcap Destruction ability for a bonus move with potential damage on impact. Their Leader version, the Squig Hopper Boss has 1 attack more (5) and same Strength 4 and damage 2/4 than the basic version.

The Boingrot Bounderz represent the heavy cavalry of the Squig Riders, with Toughness 5 and 20 wounds combined with 3 attacks at range 2” at Strength 4 for an all-round good profile. Their Leader version, the Bounder Boss, has the same profile and abilities of the Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig with less wounds and 1 Strength less at a much cheaper cost (almost a Stabba difference).

The Cave Squig is not any more what used to be. Its biggest advantage is Strength 4, putting it in a much better position to score at least a minimum hit, for the rest he has the same profile of a Sneaky Snuffler with Toughness 4 and a bit less wounds. The Squig Herder has the same profile as a Stabba with Stabba except lower Toughness (3) and the ability to provide a free move to any beast (read Squig) within 4” for a Triple.

The Scuttleboss is their leader of the Spiderfang tribes, with a 10″ Movement and a decent survivability (Toughness 4 and 26 Wounds) as all Spider Riders he has access to Spider Bite that can randomly damage a nearby enemy. His attacks are melee only, with 2″ range that allows to keep the distance on his 4 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage that is the same as a Bounder Boss.

The Webspinner Shaman is the religious leader of the Spiderfang but since he does not ride a spider his Movement is limited to 4″. He does have a 7″ ranged attack for decent damage (3/6 at Strength 3) but is still less than the 12″ of a Spider Rider. His special ability however allows all Spider Riders nearby to increase their Move characteristic.

Spider Riders are an interesting cavalry as they have 12″ ranged attack for a bit of damage (1/3 at Strength 3) and decent melee attacks for 1/4 damage at range 2″. They cost like an elite unit because of the 10″ Movement, plus they don’t have the Mounted trait allowing them to climb and all other shenanigans. Their Leader version, the Spider Rider Boss is weaker than the Scuttleboss but adds the ranged damage to the fray.

The Gobbapalooza are a particular set of miniatures that can be used individually as a fighter within a Gloomspite Skrap, or as an Ally in any Destruction warband. Each has its own special ability but all have a similar profile: with Movement 4″, Toughness 3, 12 Wounds, Strength 3 and 1/4 damage plus access to the reaction Spiteful Demise.

  • Boggleye can use Mesmerise, preventing an enemy to move or disengage (on a 3+).
  • Brewgit can use Loonshine Potion, increasing by 3 the attacks of a nearby friendly fighter.
  • Spiker can use Poison Brew, adding up to 6 to the Strength of a friendly fighter.
  • Scaremonger can use Bogeyman Dance, adding 3″ of Movement to a nearby friendly fighter.
  • Shroomancer can use Fungoid Cloud, subtracting up to 3 (to a minimum of 1) from the Attack characteristic of an enemy fighter. He also has 2″ range weapon.

The Snarlfang Riders have 10″ movement, average Toughness (4) and Wounds but most importantly no Mounted runemark which would restrict their movements. They have a ranged profile with 3″-12″ range 2 attacks at Strength 3 for 2/3 damage that is better than a Spider Rider or a Shoota. Then they have a melee profile with same damage, but 2″ range and 3 attacks at Strength 5. The Snarlfang Rider Gitboss is the Leader option and adds 1 more Strength in ranged attacks and 1 more damage in critical hits from melee, aside the usual Wounds increase (to 20).

The Gobbapalooza group

Abilities for the Gloomspite Gitz Warband

  • Backstabbing Mob (Double, Everyone): Add +1 Attack and Strength in melee when next to a friendly fighter.
  • Barbed Net (Double, Stabba with Barbed Net): A good chance to prevent an enemy from moving or disengaging this round.
  • Speed of the Spider God (Double, Webspinner Shaman): +1 Move for Spider Riders and Scuttleboss within range.
  • Over Here, Ya Lug! (Double, Rabble-Rowza): An enemy Monster within 6″ cannot end move actions further from the Rabble-Rowza.
  • Can’t Cath Us! (Double, all Snarlfang Riders): After performing a ranged attack, can perform a bonus move up to 6″.
  • Mycophile’s Pouch (Double, Squigboss with Gnasha-Squig): Add +1 to the melee attack of all Squig and Squig riders until they are within 6″ of the Squigboss.
  • Madcap Destruction (Triple, Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, all Squig Hoppers and Boingrots): A bonus move up to 12″ and if it ends next to an enemy, inflict up to 6 damage.
  • Spider Bite (Triple, all Spider Riders and Scuttleboss): A chance to damage an engaged enemy up to 18 damage.
  • Stab ‘Em Good (Triple, all Leaders): Add +1 attack to all friendly fighters within 6″.
  • Go Dat Way! (Triple, Squig Herder): Pick a friendly Beast model (Cave Squig) for a bonus move.
  • Magic Spore Maws (Triple, Fungoid Cave-Shaman): Up to 6 area damage to every close-by enemy.
  • Sneaky Stab (Quad, Everyone): Perform a bonus move and a bonus attack with up to 6 more damage on critical hits.
  • I’m Da Boss, Now Stab ‘Em Good! (Quad, Loonboss): Up to 6 to the Attack characteristic of all melee fighters in range.
  • Gobbapalooza specific abilities are described in their own section.

Reaction for the Gloomspite Gitz Warband

Pile On (Everyone)

  • When: After an enemy finishes a move within 3″.
  • What: A bonus move for another friendly fighter within 3″ that needs to end within 1″ of the enemy fighter.

Spore Cloud (Sporesplatta Fanatic)

  • When: During an enemy missile attack action on a close-by fighter but before hit rolls.
  • What: All friendly fighters within 3″ from the reacting one are considered in cover for the rest of the round.

Battle Trait for the Gloomspite Gitz Warband

Da Bad Moon Rises: After the initiative phase roll a dice, on a 2+ replace that value for a Double, Triple or Quad yours, or of your opponent.

The old Warcry Gloomspite Gitz box

Pros and cons of the Gloomspite Gitz Warband


+ Decent toughness on basic infantry
+ Really cheap and really elite options
+ Strength in numbers by surrounding enemies


– Average stats
– Reliant on special abilities
– Need to attack in group to be efficient

Guide for Gloomspite Gitz


Ironjawz is one of the legacy warbands from the Orruk Warclans range belonging to the Destruction Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures with that keyword.

Of all Orruks, they are the strongest and bulkiest. Their crude armours is made of reclaimed metal scraps literally hammered in their skin. They never sit idle, always pointing towards the next bigger fight.

They have 16 fighters of which 8 are leaders.

Orruk Megaboss

The Orruk Megaboss is the baddest leader of the Ironjawz. He hits like a train, comparable to Ogors: 3 Attacks at Strength 6 for 4/8 damage. Toughness 5 and 35 Wounds also means it will be hard to take down. On the other side, Movement 3″ could mean it’s hard to reach where it counts. To compensate this, the Megaboss has an upgraded Waaagh!: the Mighty Waaagh! that adds to the movement of nearby fighters in a bigger radius.

The Orruk Warchanter is a veritable totem for the Ironjawz. His ability allows to add +1 Attack to all friendly fighters while they stay within 6″. He would be the perfect support Hero if it was not for the incredible cost of most Ironjawz that don’t allow for many fighters in each Krushamob, unless you point heavily on Ardboys.

Where the Warchanter is the buffer, the Orruk Weirdnob Shaman is the offensive wizard. His special ability, Foot of Gork, allows a complete random damage at a medium range. His best attack is also ranged, up to 7″ for Strength 3, 3/6 damage.

Gore-gruntas are the Orruk heavy cavalry, even stronger than the Bonesplitterz Boarboys. They introduce the fastest unit of the Krushamobz with 8″ Movement although they count as Mounted. They have different weapon loadouts, each with their own Boss option:

  • The Gore-hacka provides 2″ range and greater Strength (5) but less attacks (4).
  • The Pig-iron Choppa has the same damage (2/4) but more attacks (5) for less Strength (4).
  • The Boss with Gore-hacka reaches Strength 6 in the profile above.
  • Same upgrade to Strength 5 for the Boss with Pig-iron Choppa.

The Orruk Brutes are the heavy infantry, the elite fighters. They have high Toughness (5), poor Movement (3″) and good wounds and come in different shapes of which 2 are Leaders:

  • The Gore-choppa is a strong profile with 3 Attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage.
  • The pair of Brute Choppas have damage 2/4 but more Attacks (4) at Strength (4).
  • While the Jagged Gore-hacka has same damage as the pair of Choppas but higher Strength (5) for less attacks (3).
  • Their Leader version, Brute Boss with Boss Klaw and Brute Smasha brings 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 2/5 damage on the table.
  • While the other Leader, the Brute Boss with Boss Choppa has 3 Attacks at Strength 6 for 3/6 damage.

The Ardboy Big Boss has a profile of a middle-level leader, with two weapon profiles (those of the Ardboy Bosses, but slightly improved): with Strength 5, the 1″ range attack is 4 attacks for 2/4 damage and the 2″ range is 3 attacks for 2/5 damage.

The new Ardboy kit shares same Toughness 5 butthe main difference between the two profiles is that the Ardboy with Choppa has 3 attacks for 2/4 damage, the Ardboy with Stikka has 2 attacks but at 2″ range and for 2/5 damage. Both the Ardboy Boss with Choppa and the Ardboy Boss with Stikka, aside from being leaders, add an extra attack and 5 more Wounds.

The Brute Rager has a 2″ impressive Strength-6 attack, for 3/5 damage which can be quite devastating. The best trait is however the 4″ movement, which allows him to get further than his comrades, although at the cost of lower resistance with Toughness 4.

The Brute Wrekka is the exact opposite of the Rager, with 6 attacks at 3″ range for 2/2 damage. Statistically the Wrekka is almost always better than the Rager, and the 3″ range really help to slash around without fear of immediate retaliation, considering the same lower Toughness (4).

Orruk Brutes assorted

Abilities for the Ironjawz Warband

  • Charge! (Double, Everyone): Perform a bonus move towards the closest enemy in range.
  • Duff Up Da Big Thing (Double, all Orruk Brutes): Add 1 to Attack and Strength of melee attacks if the targeted enemy has a Wound characteristic of 15 or more.
  • Warchanter’s Beat (Double, Orruk Warchanter): Add 1 to the melee attacks of nearby friendly fighters (6″).
  • You Ain’t That Big (Double, Brute Rager): If the target has more than 25 Wounds or is a Hero, the next melee attack action will have +2 attacks and score critical hits on a 5+.
  • Berserk Whirlwind (Double, Brute Wrekka): Up to 3 damage allocated to each enemy within 3″.
  • Gore-grunta Charge (Triple, all Orruk Gore-Grunta): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
  • You Messin’ (Triple, all Orruk Brutes and Ardboy Big Boss): Enemy fighters with less than 14 wounds don’t count for holding an objective within 3″ of this fighter.
  • Waaagh! (Triple, all Leaders): Add up to 3″ to the Move characteristic of nearby friendly fighters.
  • Da Grab an’ Bash (Triple, Brute Boss with Klaw and Smasha): Target an engaged enemy, on a 3+ he cannot move or disengage and on a 6 perform a bonus attack against it.
  • Foot of Gork (Triple, Weidnob Shaman): A chance to allocate up to 18 damage to an enemy within range.
  • Shield Smash (Triple, all Ardboys): The target engaged fighter moves 3″ away if they were jumping and if the Ardboy is within 6″ of the Ardboy Big Boss, they receive up to 6 damage.
  • Rampaging Destroyer (Quad, Everyone): Add 1 to the Attacks and every time you take down a fighter perform a bonus Move action.
  • Mighty Waaagh! (Quad, Orruk Megaboss): Add 3″ to the Move characteristic of nearby friendly fighters (9″).

Please note that the current version of the FAQ from 26th of September 2024 has a template error linked to the Ardboy Boss with Stikka and Arboy Big Boss, so we imagine the former would have the same runemarks as a normal Ardboy, while the latter will have the Brute and Icon Bearer runemark instead of the Bulkwark (as it does not have a shield).

Reaction for the Ironjawz Warband

Get Stuck In (Everyone)

  • When: After an enemy finishes a move within 3″.
  • What: A bonus move for another friendly fighter within 3″ that needs to end within 1″ of the enemy fighter.

Battle Trait for the Ironjawz Warband

Enough Messin’: Every time an enemy fighter makes a Wait action, a friendly fighter can make a 3″ bonus move.

The content of the future IronJawz Spearhead box

Pros and Cons of the Ironjawz Warband


+ High Toughness
+ High Strength
+ High Wounds (lowest is 15)
+ Good damage Spread
+ Very deadly


– Slow movement
– Difficult climbing even the smallest of obstacles
– Very difficult to win objective based missions, as the slow movement makes it hard to get where you need to be.
– Clever opponents will use your slow movement and no ranged abilities against you

Guide for Ironjawz

Ogor Mawtribes

Ogor Mawtribes is one of the legacy warbands from the Destruction Grand Alliance. You can play almost all miniatures from that range.

The Ogors are enormous humanoids with an insatiable hunger for which only one thing is better than eating: searching for the next meal! Some of them have been afflicted by a curse whose origin is lost in time: the Everwinter, and as such they scour the Mortal Realms followed by an eternal winter that freezes everything.

They have 19 fighters of which 8 are leaders.


The Tyrant is one of the most expensive unit in this already costly warband. For a third of your total Wanderglutt (on a standard 1000-point game) you will get this massive leader armed with a 2″ Strength 6 damage 4/8 melee weapon, Toughness 5 and a respectful 42 Wounds. If the enemies are too far (he has Movement 4″) he has also an 8″ ranged attack for 2/4 damage at Strength 4. He also has access to various abilities.

As all Ogor leaders, the Icebrow Hunter is extremely expensive because of the amount of damage he can dish out (3 attacks at Strength 5 for 4/8 damage). The 2″ range would allow him to avoid immediate retaliation. To that you can add a decent ranged attack 8″ far and you have an all-round combatant. His special ability allows a Frost Sabre to perform a free attack.

The Bloodpelt Hunter compares directly with the Icebrow Hunter. Both have an 8″ range attack, although the Bloodpelt has also a minimum range of 3″ and is more deadly with Strength 6 and 3/5 damage. The melee attack profile instead is a bit weaker with the same 2″ range and Strength 5 but “only” 3/5 damage.

The Firebelly is the wizard of the warband, able to shoot fireballs up to 7″ far for 3/6 damage (Strength 3) or smash with his stave in close combat (4/8 damage on Strength 5). Apart the generic abilities, he has access also to Fire Breath that can damage everyone nearby.

The Butcher is the second cheapest leader of this warband and he can still throw a punch with 3 attacks for 3/6 damage both in melee (Strength 5) and up to 7″ away (Strength 3).

Mournfang Packs are the “light cavalry” of the Beastclaw Raiders. If you can define rhino-like beasts charging full speed (8″) towards you light… They have high wounds and good Movement (8″) but they count as Mounted. They have different versions available:

  • Their Leader version, the Skalg, has the same ranged attack as the Tyrant and a melee attack between the two troops options (3 attacks at Strength 5 for 4/8 damage).
  • The Culling Club and Ironfist option drops the damage (3/6) and adds the Ironfist ability that for a Double allows a chance of free damage.
  • The Gargant Hacker deals much more damage (4/8) with 3 attacks and at 2″ range in case you want to keep your distance from enemies.

The Ironguts are the more armoured Ogors. They have 4″ Movement and an impressive weapon profile (3 attacks at Strength 6 for 4/8 damage). Their unit leader, the Gutlord, was the most expensive Leader of Warcry, and this is shown in an attack profile not to be trifled with: 3 attacks at Strength 6 for 5/10 damage!

The basic Ogors are called Ogor Gluttons and they form the bulk of the Wanderglutts. They have less Toughness than Ironguts (4) and different loadouts:

  • The Ogor with paired Clubs has 4 attacks and same damage output of 3/6, allowing him to really threaten the enemy frontline and justify the loss of the ability Ironfist.
  • The Ogor with Ironfist compared to the one with paired Clubs loses 1 attack (3 instead of 4 at Strength 5) but is cheaper.
  • Their leader, the Crusher, is one of the heaviest hitters in the game. Compared to the Gutlord, the Crusher has less Strength (5 instead of 6) and less damage (4/8) but 1 attack more (4 in total) allowing him to do a potential higher minimum and maximum damage.
  • While technically not an Ogor, the Gnoblar is available from the same set. By far the cheapest unit in the warband and one of the lowest in the game, the Gnoblar is unimpressive with 6 wounds, Toughness 3 and Strength 2. But you need bodies…

The Leadbelchers are your ranged unit and decently good at it as you would expect from someone carrying literally a cannon.. With a range of 10” they can do 3 attacks at Strength 4 for 2/4 damage that may seem little compared to the brute strength of their cousins, but considering it’s a ranged attack it is quite powerful. Their Leader, the Thunderfist, has 1 more attack in melee and access to the same ability as his brethren, Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal that further increases Attack and Strength characteristic of their ranged attacks.

The Maneaters are not leaders, don’t have any special ability, have an average ranged attack at 8″ range and a good melee attack (3/6 damage at Strength 5). They suffer from being in the middle between a Glutton and a Leadbelcher without specialising.

The Icefall Yhetee guarantees that mobility (8″ Movement) Ogors lack. He can also leap towards their closest enemy, guaranteeing all actions can be used for attacking. They are decent melee fighters with 4 attacks at Strength 4 with damage 2/5.

The Gorger is an interesting fighter: slightly higher Movement (5″), lower Toughness (3) and same Wounds (30) as most Ogors, they even share the same abilities. His melee damage (3/6) on 4 attacks it’s also average for this warband.

The Frost Sabre is a Beast and as such works well combined with the Icebrow Hunter that allows it to perform a bonus attack. Apart this, it is the second cheapest fighter in this warband with decent attacks (4 at Strength 4 for 2/5 damage) and decent Wound/Toughness ratio.

Leadbelchers in the Ogor Mawtribes Warband
Leadbelchers led by a Thunderfist

Abilities for the Ogor Mawtribes Warcry Warband

  • On the Mawpath (Double, everyone except Gnoblar, Yhetee and Frost Sabre): Add 3″ to the next Move action.
  • Bounding Leaps (Double, Icefall Yhetee and Gorger): The fighter makes a bonus move towards the closest enemy.
  • Might Makes Right (Double, Leaders): Perform a bonus move or attack after taking down an enemy.
  • Ironfist (Double, Crusher, Mournfang Rider with Culling Club and Ironfist, Ogor Glutton with Ironfist): A chance to do up to 12 damage to an engaged enemy.
  • Lead the Skal (Double, Icebrow Hunter): allow a Beast nearby to perform a bonus attack.
  • Bloodgruel (Double, Butcher): Heal up to 6 wounds.
  • Sneaky Traps (Double, Gnoblar): Impact damage to any enemy getting close to this fighter.
  • Bullcharge (Triple, Everyone except Gnoblar, Yhetee and Frost Sabre): At the end of the next move action allocate up to 6 damage to an engaged enemy fighter.
  • Bully of the First Degree (Triple, Tyrant): Damage up to 3 a close friendly fighter but allow them to perform a bonus move or action.
  • Haul ‘Em In (Triple, Bloodpelt Hunter): Perform a bonus attack action, then the target performs a bonus move action directly towards the Hunter.
  • Thunderous Blast of Hot Metal (Quad, all Leadbelchers): For the next ranged attack 3 to Attack and Strength characteristics.
  • Fire Breath (Quad, Firebelly): Damage up to 6 to all enemy fighters within range.

Reaction for the Ogor Mawtribes Warband

Quick Bite (Everyone except Gnoblar, Yhetee and Frost Sabre)

  • When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
  • What: If no critical is rolled, the attacker receives 3 damage and the defender heals back 3 wounds.

Battle Trait for the Ogor Mawtribes Warband

Devour Corpse (Everyone except Bloodpelt Hunter, Frost Sabre and Gnoblar: As an action, this fighter can choose a dead opponent fighter (each one can be selected only once per game) and roll a dice to heal that much damage points.

Ogor Mawtribes Spearhead box

Pros and Cons of the Ogor Mawtribes Warband


+ Massive damage
+ Good ranged options for a Destruction warband


– One of the lowest model count warbands
– Average Toughness

Guide for Ogor Mawtribes

Gorger Mawtribes

Since the dawn of the Age of the Beast and the appearance of strange fissures with teeth and tongues, the deformed Gorgers started to gather in more organised groups giving form to the Gorger Mawpacks.

Gorgers are cursed Ogors constantly starving and never able to satisfy their hunger, outcasts despised by the rest of the Ogor society.

This warband is made of 5 different fighters, of which 1 is the leader.


The Clawback is the leader of the Mawpack. Interestingly enough, he is the only one who is not a Beast meaning he is the only one who can open doors, carry treasures and so on. He has a profile worth of an Ogor with 35 wounds but a Toughness of 3, compensated by a Movement of 5″ higher than average. 4 attacks at Strength 5 for 3/6 damage can be extremely devastating.

The Cave Howler‘s main characteristic is his Triple ability, Agonising Roar, that prevents disengage action on a 4+ to each enemy within 6″. For the rest he has the same base profile of a Gorger (5″ movement, Toughness 3, 30 wounds) and strong attacks (5 attacks at Strength 4 and same damage as the Clawback).

The Gorger is the base profile for this warband. It has some differences compared with the same name fighter from the Ogor warband, with a strong melee profile with 4 attacks at Strength 4 and 3/5 damage.

The Gorger with Club hits less often but harder, with 3 attacks but at Strength 5 (and a damage of 6 on critical hits) that creates an interesting compromise between the standard Gorger and the next profile.

The Gorger with Great Club is your heavy hitter: only 2 hits per attack but at a 2″ range and a whooping Strength 6. Even the base damage is the highest in the warband (4/8). However, the best trait he has is the Triple ability that triggers the critical hits on rolls of 5 in addition to the 6.

Gorger with Great Club

Abilities for the Gorger Mawpack Warband

  • Bounding Leaps (Double, everyone): A bonus move action towards the closest enemy within 6″.
  • Glimmer of Consciousness (Double, everyone except the Clawback): The fighter is considered not a Beast until the next round.
  • Unnatural Force (Double, Clawback): +1 damage on hits and critical hits of melee attacks.
  • Agonising Roar (Triple, Cave Howler): Every enemy fighter within 6″ rolls a dice, on a 4+ cannot disengage for the rest of the round.
  • Maddened Blows (Triple, Gorger with Great Club): Critical hits are scored with a roll of 5+.
  • Starving Rampage (Quad, everyone): A bonus attack against each opponent within 1″ but the fighter is considered a Beast until the end of the round.

Reaction for the Gorger Mawpack Warband

Rending Bite (Everyone)

  • When: During an enemy melee attack action but before hit rolls.
  • What: If none of the attacks score a critical hit, the attacker receives 6 damage points.

Battle Trait for the Gorger Mawpack Warband

Ravenous Gorging: When a friendly fighter kills an enemy with a melee attack, they heal D3 wounds.

Full warband

Pros and Cons of the Gorger Mawpack Warband


+ High-damage units
+ Above average movement
+ Interesting narrative interpretation


– Low Toughness
– No ranged options

Guide for the Gorger Mawpack.

Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz

The Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz are experienced monster trackers specialised in snatching valuable beasts in their infancy to tame and use in battle when they reach adult age.

This warband is made of 9 different fighters, of which 1 is the leader.


The Beastnob is the warband leader and a nasty one at it! His melee profile has 4 attacks at Strength 6 for 3/6 damage, but even the ranged one can hurt with Strength 4 for 2/4 damage at 8″ range. Put that on a 25 wounds Toughness 4 fighter and you have a good profile, not super resistant but tough enough to be scary to engage. His movement, as for all the warband, also is above average with 4″.

The Bawla Boy main role is to prevent the use of reactions within 6″ of them at the cost a Triple. They have 2 profiles: the Bawla Boy with Stabba is a balanced 4 attacks for 2/3 damage, while the Bawla Boy with Flogga loses in damage (1/4 at Strength 3) but introduces a 3″ range weapon with 5 attacks that is good to hit enemies out of engaging distance.

The Gnarlwood Howla is a Beast, with all its limitations, and has access to no warband ability or reaction. Toughness 3 but 18 wounds give a bit more survivability than the rest of the warband, but its best trait is the 6″ movement. Its 5 attacks for 2/4 damage are less impressive once it is taken in consideration the Strength’s value of 3.

The Neckslicers are the majority of this warband and they come with 3 different profiles but they all start with 15 wounds and Toughness 3.

  • The Neckslicer with Beaststikka Harpoon has few attacks (2) but a good damage 2/5 on both weapon profiles, one at 3″ range and one at 8″ range.
  • The Neckslicer with Bonehakka has “only” 2″ range, same damage but increases both attacks and Strength (3 and 5 respectively) making him our favourite.
  • The Neckslicer with Smasha is the most balanced profile, with same damage as the others but 4 attacks at Strength 4. However, no special ability.

The Klutcha-grot is the cheapest profile in the warband with a surprising Toughness 4 (but only 6 wounds). His 3 attacks have only Strength 2, so he is probably better suited as a sacrificial pawn, or to activate the warband reaction. He does have decent damage for his price if he manages to hit: 2/3.

Gnarlwood Howla

Abilities for the Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz Warband

  • Krule Taunt (Double, Beastnob): An enemy within up to 6″ does 2 less damage on each hit and critical hit (to a minimum of 1) unless it targets the Beastnob.
  • Rip It Out (Double, Neckslicer with Harpoon): If the next attack action scores 1 or more hits, add up to 6 extra damage.
  • Krule Stabbin’ (Double, Everyone except the Gnarlwood Howla): Add 1 to the damage from hit and critical hits on melee attacks targeting an enemy with 5 or more wounds allocated.
  • Saw ‘Em Up (Triple, Neckslicer with Bonehakka): Roll up to 6 dice and allocate 3 damage for each consecutive number rolled to an enemy fighter within 2″.
  • Drum and Holler (Triple, both Bawla Boys): Enemy fighters within 6″ of this fighter cannot make reactions.
  • Nasty Muggin’ (Quad, Everyone except the Gnarlwood Howla): Pick 1 enemy fighter within 3″ and every Monsta-Killaz within 3″ of that enemy can perform a bonus attack action towards that fighter.

Reaction for the Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz Warband

Krule Trap (Everyone except the Gnarlwood Howla)

  • When: After an enemy ends a move within 6″.
  • What: On a 5+ the enemy cannot move anymore that round or suffer 4 damage, otherwise suffers 2 damage.

Battle Trait for the Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz Warband

‘Orrible Trap: When using the Krule Trap reaction, if the enemy fighter is a Monster, add 2 to the dice roll.

Full warband

Pros and Cons of the Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz Warband


+ Thematic dirty tricks
+ Above average movement


– Low Toughness

Guide for the Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz.

Other Great Resources